UK MoD for September 29, 2017 – September 30, 2017
Friday 29 September – Tornados and Typhoons hit four terrorist positions south of Kirkuk, and a headquarters near Tikrit…Tornados and Typhoons flew further missions south of Kirkuk the following day [Sept 29th], when they hit a number of terrorists concealed in woodland, two entrenched positions, and a Daesh-held building. Our aircraft also used a single Paveway IV to destroy a small headquarters located in the hills to the north-east of Tikrit.
Friday 29 September – Tornados and Typhoons hit four terrorist positions south of Kirkuk, and a headquarters near Tikrit…Tornados and Typhoons flew further missions south of Kirkuk the following day [Sept 29th], when they hit a number of terrorists concealed in woodland, two entrenched positions, and a Daesh-held building. Our aircraft also used a single Paveway IV to destroy a small headquarters located in the hills to the north-east of Tikrit.