Airwars monthly assessment: July 2018
Overall, more than 3,700 civilians have been alleged killed in international military actions in Syria so far this year.

Airwars six monthly assessment: January-June 2018
Reported civilian deaths from Russian actions were up by a third in Syria during the first six months of 2018. While claims against the Coalition were sharply down, several hundred civilians were still likely killed by the US-led alliance.

Airwars monthly assessment: May 2018
Coalition-attributed civilian casualties in Syria were up during May, while those blamed on Russia were sharply down.

Airwars monthly assessment: April 2018
Civilian fatalities from international military actions in both Iraq and Syria were at record low levels during April.

Refusal by The Netherlands Defence Ministry to identify specific civilian harm events impedes natural justice, and runs counter to actions by other Coalition allies
Our third briefing paper for Dutch MPs was issued after the Netherlands conceded civilian harm in Iraq in up to three incidents between 2014 and 2016 – but refused to say where or when. The paper noted that without more detail, affected Iraqis would never know that Dutch aircraft were responsible for their loved ones being

Death in the City – High levels of civilian harm in modern urban warfare resulting from significant explosive weapons use
In response to requests for written submissions to an inquiry by the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Explosive Threats, this Airwars paper examined recent civilian harm reporting from Mosul, Raqqa, Aleppo and Ghouta – arguing that intensity of bombardment and population desnity were the primary drivers of negative outcomes for non combatants, rather than

Airwars monthly assessment: March 2018
More than 1,200 civilians were alleged killed by Russian actions in Syria during March – setting a grim new record

Airwars monthly assessment: February 2018
Significant civilian casualties continued from reported Russian strikes in Syria’s eastern Ghouta; and from Turkish actions in Afrin

Airwars monthly assessment: January 2018
Turkish and Russian military actions in Syria led to significant civilian casualties – while claims against the Coalition remained at a low level

Airwars annual assessment 2017: civilians paid a high price for major Coalition gains
Civilian deaths from Coalition actions were up by more than 200% in 2017, as the war against ISIS pushed deep into cities

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria – November 2017
With ISIS mostly defeated, Airwars tracked a major fall in reported Coalition civilian casualties in November. Russia remains a problem.

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria – October 2017
Civilians paid a heavy price in the final days of battle for Raqqa – with thousands of Coalition munitions raining down on the city.

Renewed Netherlands mission against ISIS risks the lowest levels of public transparency and accountability among allies in a very different war
Airwars was invited to address a committee of Dutch MPs at The Hague on November 29th, to discuss issues relating to the expected resumption of Netherlands airstrikes against ISIS from January 1st 2018. Our short report made clear that the war has become far more destructive in recent months; that civilian harm had worsened; and

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria – September 2017
As strikes targeting ISIS in Iraq wind down, an air-backed race against Islamic State in Syria has put civilians in extreme danger.

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria – August 2017
Despite a significant fall in reported Coalition casualty events in Iraq, the fierce battle for control of Raqqa meant August was the third deadliest month for non-combatants.

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: July 2017
Coalition munition use – and civilian deaths – each drop by one third at Raqqa, as SDF campaign to capture city slows

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: June 2017
Almost five times more Coalition than Russian civilian casualty allegations were tracked by Airwars during June

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: May 2017
Hundreds of civilians are now being killed monthly in Coalition airstrikes in both Iraq and Syria, credible reports indicate

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: April 2017
Civilians are at increased risk of harm from US airstrikes under President Trump, months of data indicate

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: March 2017
More civilians were likely killed by the Coalition in March than any other month of the war against ISIL – with a record number of bombs and missiles also released

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: February 2017
Alleged Coalition civilian casualty events continue at record levels – again outpacing Russia’s reported actions in Syria

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: January 2017
January 2017 saw highest-ever reported civilian fatalities from Coalition airstrikes – outdoing Russia’s actions in Syria

Analysis: Coalition civilian casualty reports Jan-Feb 2017
Recent improvements in civilian casualty reporting remain in place, despite transition from Obama to Trump

Annual assessment 2016: Civilians paid heavy price in Coalition and Russian airstrikes
Likely non-combatant deaths from Coalition actions in Iraq and Syria rose by 70 percent compared to 2015. And thousands of civilians died in likely Russian airstrikes throughout 2016.

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: November 2016
Record numbers of civilian fatalities were reported in November 2016 from both Coalition and Russian airstrikes

Limited Accountability: A transparency audit of the Coalition air war against so-called Islamic State
A detailed assessment of transparency and accountability issues among the 13-member alliance. The audit – commissioned by UK defence think tank the Remote Control Project – worked with four sample militaries (the US, UK, Canada and Denmark) to build a detailed understanding of how militaries track and assess civilian casualty assessments. It also gauges transparency

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: October 2016
Significant rise in civilian casualties reported from Coalition, Russian and Turkish airstrikes in Iraq and Syria for October 2016.

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: September 2016
Alleged Russian civilian casualty events were back to levels last seen in January, as Coalition geared for Mosul assault

Reported civilian casualties from Russian airstrikes in Syria: January 2016
Between January 1st and 31st 2016, a total of 177 reported civilian casualty incidents in Syria allegedly involving Russian aircraft have been tracked by our researchers. These allege between them an overall total of between 1,006 and 1,410 non-combatant deaths. Each event is individually recorded in our new 50,000-word public database for January 2016. Claims

International airstrikes and civilian casualty claims in Iraq and Syria: August 2016
August saw the second anniversary of the war against so-called Islamic State, with the terrorist group losing significant ground on multiple fronts. The Coalition campaign to liberate Manbij in Aleppo concluded with Daesh being driven out of the northern Syrian town. This led to a steep drop in Coalition airstrikes and reported civilian casualty events,