Incident date
July 22, 2022
زاوية الدهماني, Zawiyat Al Dahmani, Tarabulus, LibyaCivil casualties resulted from unknown shelling of the radio building in Zawiya al-Dahmani on July 22, 2022. @AnisAbdaljawad reported that shells fell next to the radio station, Zawiya al-Dahmani. @taqarifatnews quoted the spokesman for the Emergency and Ambulance Service, Osama Ali, who stated that the shelling next to the radio building caused casualties. No other additional
Incident date
July 22, 2022
السبعة, Al Sab’a, Tarabulus, LibyaOne civilian was injured by unknown shrapnel in Al Sab’a next to the Al-Qadi market on July 22, 2022 @tkyroogklshytk and @Bbttmm010100 tweeted that an African worker was injured by shrapnel in their foot in Al Sab’a next to the Al-Qadi market. A tweet from @tkyroogklshytk reported that a shell fell on the house of
Incident date
July 22, 2022
قرب مصحة سيول, near Seoul Clinic, Tarabulus, LibyaAn unknown shell injured a woman inside her car in the June 11 area on July 22, 2022. Two sources, @tkyroogklshytk and @taqarifatnews, reported that a shell fell on a car near the Seoul Clinic in the June 11 area, injuring a woman who was inside the car. No other information is available to Airwars at
Incident date
May 25, 2022
أبو سليم, Abo Salim, Tarabulus, LibyaA mortar shell injured at least two civilians when it hit Omdurman, the Abu Salim area of Tripoli, Libya on May 25th 2022, according to local sources. According to @KhaledDernah3, the injuries were of the “city team player”, Anwar Makhlouf, and his friend, Fathi Baira, who had minor injuries. Both were transferred to Al-Khadra Hospital
Incident date
July 18, 2021
مصرف الوحدة في منطقة الليثي, Vicinity of Al Wahda Bank, Al Laithi neighbourhood, Benghazi, LibyaThe actor Haythem al-Debrash was killed in Benghazi and his brother Muftah was among five other civilians injured by an RPG round, fired by a militiaman said to have been celebrating the wedding nearby of a comrade. Footage published by local media and dated July 18th showed a militiaman firing an RPG into the air
Incident date
February 16, 2021
سوق النملة, Vicinity of Al Namla Market, Sabha, LibyaA child was reported killed and up to 30 others including children injured when a shell landed in a square in the Mansheya area of Sabha where a group of people were celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Libyan revolution on February 16th/17th. Some of those injured remain in a critical condition. Sabha News reported
Incident date
December 4, 2020
ترهونة, Tarhuna, Marqab, LibyaOne civilian died and another was injured in an explosion of a shell from previous shelling on Tarhuna. 60:60 posted: “The death of the young man, Miftah Abu Aisha Al-Azraq, and the injury of another person, as a result of a shell exploding in their farm in the city of Tarhouna while they were doing
Incident date
June 10, 2020
وادي جارف, Wadi Jarif, Surt, LibyaA woman was killed after a mortar fell on her house in Jarif in Sirte on June 10th, 2020. She was identified by local sources as Dr. Malak Saleh Al Wafi. “Dr. Malak Saleh Al-Wafi dies after a shell landed in their house in Jarif,” said Libyan woman doctors. No further information is currently available.
Incident date
June 9, 2020
وادي جارف, Wadi Jarif, Surt, LibyaRenewed shelling on Wadi Jarif west of Sirte on June 9th, 2020 led to deaths, injuries and displacement among civilians. Tk Yahrouq Kl shy posted “Intensive and random shelling on Wadi Jarif in Serte amid reports of deaths, injuries, destruction, and mass displacement of families.” Another post encouraged people to head to Ibn Sina hospital
Incident date
June 8, 2020
مسجد وادي جارف , Jarif Valley Mosque, Surt, LibyaA civilian was killed and two other civilians were wounded in airstrikes on a mosque in the Jarif area on June 8th, 2020, according to Libyan Crimes Watch. Libyan Crimes Watch wrote that “a civilian was killed and two others were wounded as a result of a bombing by the air that we could not
Incident date
May 18, 2020
القره بوللي, Castelverde, Tarabulus, LibyaUp to four civilians were reported killed and others injured when mortars fell on Al Sab’a Buildings in Castelverde, Libya on May 18th, 2020. The Libya Observer tweeted “Three people were killed and others wounded in a rocket attack on the town of Castelverde, east of Tripoli, on Monday.” 218 News said that in a
Incident date
May 6, 2020
الكريمية, Al Keramia, Tarabulus, LibyaTwo civilians were killed and four more injured, all from the same family, by indiscriminate shelling on the Keramia area of Janzur. Tk Yahroug Kl shy said: “A family has arrived at 4:00 a.m. to the Al-Zawiya Street Hospital after a shell landed on the house in the Keramia area, which resulted in the death
Incident date
April 24, 2020
حوازة ليم, Orange farm, LibyaOne civilian was allegedly killed and another one injured by shelling on an orange farm. Tk Yahroug Kl shy said: “A shell landed on an orange farm and news of the death of one of the workers and the injury of another worker. There is no ambulance at this moment.” There is currently no further
Incident date
April 22, 2020
الدعوة الأسلامية, Al Daoua Al Islamiya, Tarabulus, LibyaA man was reportedly killed in shelling by an unknown belligerent on Al Daoua Al Islamiya on April 22nd, 2020, according to Hona Souq Al-Khmies. Al Daoua Al Islamiya presumably refers to the Al Daoua Al Islamiya institute or university in Tripoli. Currently, further information is unavailable to Airwars.
Incident date
April 19, 2020
بوابة الجبس, Jabas gate, Tarabulus, LibyaOne civilian was reportedly killed after shells by an unknown belligerent were fired on a building and a car in the Al Jabas gate area in Janzur on April 19th, 2020, according to Al Wasat. Al Wasat reported that “the National Safety Authority announced the death of a person as a result of shells falling
Incident date
April 19, 2020
ترهونة, Tarhuna, Marqab, LibyaThree brothers were allegedly killed and a fourth brother injured by a drone strike on Tarhuna. Al Wasat reported: “A medical source at Tarhuna General Hospital confirmed on Sunday, that three brothers were killed and a fourth brother was injured due to an attack by a drone aircraft on a market in Tarhuna. The source
Incident date
April 18, 2020
الرواجح, Al Rawajeh, Tarabulus, LibyaA woman was reportedly killed in shelling by an unknown belligerent on Al Rawajeh near Castelverde, Tripoli district on April 18th, 2020, according to Tk Yahrouq Ki Shy. Tk Yahrouq Ki Shy wrote on Facebook that Ahlam Ali Hamid was killed after a shell landed on her house in Al Rawajeh on April 18th. Currently,
Incident date
April 11, 2020
تينيناي, Tininai, Misrata, LibyaOne or two paramedics were allegedly killed in a GNA or Turkish drone strike near Tininai. The Libya Ambulance Services said: “The colleague Muhammad Ali Al-Houti of the rescue and emergency team of the Misrata and Misrata branch was martyred due to an airstrike that hit the ambulances. It is reported that he is considered
Incident date
March 22, 2020
اليثى, Al Leithi, Benghazi, LibyaFour civilians were allegedly injured by indiscriminate shelling on the Leithi neighbourhood of Benghazi. Hona Souq Al-Khmies said: “Random shells fell in Leithi and injured citizens.” Riwaiya Radi Al Jazwri posted: “4 civilians were injured as a result of a random projectile falling near their place of residence in Al-Leithi area and transporting them to
Incident date
January 9, 2020
الوشكة, Al-Wushka, Surt, LibyaTwo civilians, likely healthcare personnel, were reportedly killed by LNA shelling on Al-Wushka near Sirte. The Field Medicine and Support Center said that it “mourns the center’s employees: Khaled Omar Bakir (M) Hatem Ba’iyou Al Zahou (M) They are members of the Sirte field hospital affiliated to the center, who were martyred in a direct
Incident date
December 31, 2019
قصر أبو هادي, Qasr Abu Hadi, Surt, LibyaConflicting reports emerged of alleged airstrikes by an unknown belligerent on the night of December 31st, 2019 and January 1st, 2020 on Abu Hadi area near the city of Sirte. A Central Gate reporter quoted local sources, who said that three people had died and two people were wounded in airstrikes on the Abu Hadi
Incident date
December 7, 2019
قصر بن غشير, Qasr Bin Gashir, Tarabulus, LibyaA civilian died due to shrapnel from a shell fired by an unknown belligerent that fell near his home in Qasr Bin Gashir on December 7th, 2019, according to the Libyan Crime Monitoring Organization. Currently, further information is unavailable to Airwars.
Incident date
November 18, 2019
الرويسات, Al Ruwaisat, Misrata, LibyaUp to 13 civilians were reportedly injured in an LNA or foreign airstrike on Misurata. According to Al Wasat twelve people were injured. The Libya Observer reported: “13 people wounded in intense airstrikes believed to be conducted by foreign warplanes allied to warlord Haftar on locations inside residential areas in Misrata Monday night.” Al Wasat
Incident date
November 5, 2019
الرملة, Al Ramla, Tarabulus, LibyaOne civilian was allegedly killed by an airstrike in the Al Ramla area of Qasr Bin Gashir. Libya Alahrar TV reported: “Al-Swani Field Hospital of the Center for Field Medicine and Support reported that the body of Khaled Salem Al-Marghani was recovered from Al-Khuwaildi area. Al-Swani field hospital said that Khaled al-Marghani was subjected to
Incident date
October 24, 2019
مطار الكفرة, Kufra Airport, Al Kufrah, LibyaOne civilian was reported killed and one or two reported injured by an explosive remnant of war in Kufra. Al Wasat said: “Two youths were injured when a shell exploded in the airport neighborhood in the southeastern city of Kufra on Thursday evening, local sources said. The sources said that the shell was a remnant
Incident date
October 13, 2019
Unknown, LibyaOne child was reportedly killed by a possible airstrike in Libya. Sputnik said: “The day before [October 13th], there were reports that a 13-year-old boy was killed while he was at home.” The source did not provide further details.
Incident date
October 9, 2019
مصحة العافية, Vicinity of Al Alfia clinic, Tarabulus, LibyaCivilian casualties were alleged after indiscriminate artillery shelling on Qasr Bin Gashir. Tk Yahrouq Kl shy wrote: “There are civilian casualties after several indiscriminate shells landed in Qasr Bin Gashir area of Al-Majal’a neighborhood, beside 108 buildings.” Hona Souq Al-Khmies only reported heavy damage to residential buildings but did not mention civilian harm.
Incident date
September 27, 2019
مقر كتيبة النواصي, Nawasi headquarters, Tarabulus, LibyaTwo civilians were reportedly killed in an airstrike by the LNA or a foreign fighter plane on Tripoli. However, the combatant status of the victims is contested. Al Mashhad said: “A spokesman for the Ministry of Health of the GNA in Tripoli said that two civilians, one of them an employee of the Ministry of
Incident date
September 23, 2019
وادي الربيع, Wadi al Rabie, Tarabulus, LibyaTwo civilians were injured because of an air or artillery strike in Wadi al Rabie in Tajoura. The Ambulance Services Libya reported: “Miloud Rashed and Sifaoy Al Mzughi of the Tajoura rescue team were injured due to aerial bombardment in Al Habayebiyah area in Wadi al Rabie.” Tk Yahrouq Kl shy only reported indiscriminate shelling
Incident date
September 19, 2019
بوهديمة, Bouhdima, Benghazi, LibyaOne civilian was allegedly killed and twelve more injured by possible artillery shelling in Benghazi. The Libya Observer reported: “One person was killed and at least 12 others, including women and children, were injured when indiscriminate rocket shells fell on a condolences tent in Bouhdima district of Benghazi. Local sources said the shells were fired