Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident date

August 26, 2023

Incident Code



in the vicinity of Seiera, Lower Juba, Somalia

13 al-Shabaab militants were killed by declared US airstrikes in the vicinity of Seiera in Lower Jubba on August 26, 2023. AFRICOM announced that “At the request of the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted a collective self-defense airstrike against al Shabaab terrorists in the vicinity of Seiera, Somalia, approximately 45 kilometers northwest


First published
August 26, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Known belligerent
US Forces
Known target
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident

Incident date

August 20, 2023

Incident Code



Buk Akable settlement, Hiiraan, Somalia

Mepa News reported that according to local sources, US airstrikes on the Buk Akable settlement resulted in the death of three civilians, including women and children, and the injury of seven others. The source stated that Somalia government media was claiming that those killed were members of al-Shabaab and that AFRICOM has not released a


First published
August 20, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1–2 children1–2 women)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US Forces
Suspected target
View Incident

Incident date

August 15, 2023

Incident Code



in a remote area near Cali Heele, Galguduud, Somalia

Five al-Shabaab militants were reportedly killed by declared US airstrikes near Cali Heele in the Galgaduud region on August 15, 2023 AFRICOM released a statement that “At the request of the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted a collective self-defense airstrike in a remote area near Cali Heele, approximately 244 kilometers North East


First published
August 15, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Known belligerent
US Forces
Known target
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident


July 2023

Written by

Anna Zahn

On the night of October 26, 2019 the US military carried out an operation against ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi in Syria. Local journalists reported the deaths of at least five civilians in the raid. Alongside Baghdadi’s family members and ISIS operatives within the compound, three civilians were reported harmed while passing by the Baghdadi residence at the time.

Following a freedom of information lawsuit by NPR, the US military released the partially redacted 14-page  civilian harm assessment it conducted into the incident. The document highlights fresh concerns about both the pattern of US targeting which has consistently resulted in the death and injury of civilians, and the approach to assessing and responding to civilian harm claims.

Incident date

July 24, 2023

Incident Code



in the Bisig Adde settlement of Buurhakabe district, Bay, Somalia

Mepa News reported that US airstrikes on the Bisig Adde settlement of Buurhakabe district on July 24, 2023 bombarded civilian areas, resulting in the death of 5 civilians, including children, and the injury of 10 civilians. Images posted by the source show multiple injured civilians being treated. No other sources reported on this incident.


First published
July 24, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 children)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US Forces
Suspected target
View Incident


July 2023

This note is intended to accompany the data and findings following our publication of all alleged US actions in Yemen during Obama’s first term 2009-Jan 2013. These are all published as assessments available in our archive.

This is the first phase of work, with the second phase covering Obama’s second term, between 2013-17, still undergoing assessment and investigation.

Accompanying methodology notes will be made available on our website upon publication.

Dataset overview

An incident

Airwars uses an incident-based approach to document alleged US strikes in Yemen: each incident is defined as a moment in time and space where sources alleged US involvement in a drone or airstrike that led to the fatality or injury of civilians or militants.

We have also coded for damage to civilian infrastructure in cases where alleged US strikes were also reported to have caused casualties and injuries. Our definition of ‘infrastructure’ is evolving, but to date accounts for any mention of the following terms by sources: hospital, school, agriculture marketplaces, gas facility, power station, water station, religious place.

Where the exact time of an incident is unknown, deaths and injuries may be aggregated under one event until more information comes to light. Each incident is geolocated to the highest possible degree of accuracy by trained geolocation teams, though in general for this dataset the geolocation process in Yemen has been challenged by a lack of available incident related imagery.

Where locations cannot be identified, incidents will be aggregated until more information is known. All incidents are considered ‘live’ in our archive, and can be updated and changed to account for evolving information.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism: preserving the original archive Airwars made extensive use and citation of data collected on US actions in Yemen by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), who handed over their dataset and research to Airwars when their drone monitoring programme came to a close.

TBIJ’s research also includes incidents where no fatalities were recorded, and focused predominantly on English-language media. Though we have not otherwise investigated strikes without casualty allegations, these incidents have nevertheless been kept within the Airwars archive to preserve the original record, and include the following standard statement: “This incident was identified by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and has been included in Airwars’ database even though no casualties are mentioned.”

Source identification

We assessed all known open source claims of US strikes in Yemen since 2009 that resulted in casualties. This includes covering all open source allegations of death or injury of ‘civilian non-combatants’ or ‘militants’.

Sources were identified by our trained team of Yemen researchers, using an incident-based method to develop a continuously evolving list of sources for monitoring and investigating allegations of US strikes. Out of more than 2,600 sources archived, 35% are Arabic language sources, and 65% are English language sources. These sources originate from Twitter (approx 40%), local and international media/NGos (approx 58%) as well as Facebook.

We included any and all information relevant to a single incident of US strikes, whether this includes mention of civilian or militant harm or not, and regardless of the affiliation of the source.

We have additionally conducted a data mapping exercise coordinating with other civil society and documentation groups in order to cross-check our database with existing and similar datasets.

All information is assessed, written up and archived within each assessment in order to allow the user of the dataset to conduct further investigation if needed.

‘Strike’ terminology

The term ‘strike’ is used throughout this document and in our analysis to mean a kinetic action; each assessment further classifies this action depending on the level of detail provided by sources relating to the incident – for example, a naval bombardment, airstrike or drone strike.

Strike status

No US strikes have been officially declared by either CENTCOM or by the CIA between 2002 and 2017.

Declared: Between 2009-Jan 2013, due to the nature of both CIA and US military involvement in Yemen, and the lack of official acknowledgment by the CIA for their involvement, in lieu of public reporting on CIA actions, Airwars graded events as ‘declared’ strikes due to either:

1. A US government official statement acknowledging responsibility – for example, Attorney General Eric Holder 2. Comments made by anonymous US government sources to major media outlets (ABC News, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles, Washington Post, Al Arabiya, Long War Journal) 3. Reference in leaked diplomatic cables regarding US involvement in specific strikes released by Wikileaks. The cables revealed that the Obama administration was instructing the Yemeni government to take credit for strikes carried out by the US military.

Likely: The likely strike classification applies to incidents in which all of the sources reported on the incident attributed the strikes to US forces. In cases where all of the sources attribute the strike to the US military, and Yemeni officials have acknowledged to the media that the strike was carried out by the US, the strike is qualified as “likely” as well.

Contested: The contested strike classification includes incidents in which attribution of the strike to the US military was not agreed upon by all sources reporting on the incident.

This category has also been used to capture incidents using a broad inclusion criteria that reflects on the likelihood of US involvement, even if it was not explicitly mentioned by the sources. This includes cases of precision strikes on a moving target during night time or drone strikes, which fit a wider likely pattern of US military engagement as well as the documented limitations of the Yemeni military to carry out these types of strikes. We have chosen this broad approach given the high level of secrecy around US actions, as well as findings from investigators and in Wikileaks around the Obama administration explicitly instructing the Yemeni government to take credit for US strikes.

Each case should be treated with caution and read closely in order to understand this designation, which is outlined clearly within each assessment.

Single source claims: only one source was found with an allegation of harm from US forces.

Incident date

July 19, 2023

Incident Code



near Hareeri Kalle, Galguduud, Somalia

Between five and 100 militants were killed and several others were injured by declared US airstrikes and Somali ground operations near Hareeri Kalle in July 19, 2023. AFRICOM released a statement that “At the request of the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted a collective self-defense airstrike in a remote area near Hareeri


First published
July 19, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Known belligerent
US Forces
Known target
Belligerents reported killed
Belligerents reported injured
View Incident


July 14, 2023

Written by

Megan Karlshoej-Pedersen

Header Image

UN Headquarters in Geneva (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

New UN Human Rights Council study emphasises importance of casualty recording for human rights

A breakthrough United Nations report outlining the importance of casualty recording for the protection and promotion of human rights has received nearly universal support at the Human Rights Council’s 53rd session.

The report, which linked casualty recording and human rights obligations directly, received widespread support at the council on July 3rd – with 19 states and observers expressing support for the findings and recommendations. Only one state, Venezuela, expressed objections.

The study will create pressure on states – many of which have previously expressed confusion and hesitancy regarding their obligations around casualty recording – to do more to monitor the civilian impact of conflict.

Setting the tone for the Council session, the report from the High Commissioner for Human Rights recommended that states: “ensure that casualty recording systems and policies are in place and report publicly on all casualties believed to have resulted from hostilities or violence and their circumstances, including for reparations and accountability”.

If implemented, such measures would create a global best practice around casualty monitoring. There is currently little transparency about how states record casualties from their own actions, and state militaries often face accusations of undercounting the civilian impact of their actions.

In the United Kingdom, for example, the Ministry of Defence refuses to publicly disclose details on its own mechanism for casualty recording in the war against ISIS. Airwars is challenging this position in a tribunal later this year.

The importance of casualty recording 

The High Commissioner’s report emphasised; “Casualty recording is an important and effective means of delivering on a range of fundamental human rights”. The report further notes: “In addition to disciplinary and accountability measures, such information can be used to foster compliance with international law, including by changing practices and behaviour and enhancing training to this end.”

The US delegation reflected on casualty recording in Ukraine, acknowledging that: “we still do not know the full picture. For that reason, we must advance efforts to create a comprehensive casualty recording system that accounts for all casualties, both civilian and military.”

The delegation went on to emphasise that the US is keen to “aid the international community in developing a casualty reporting mechanism at the international level to contribute to equal access to justice for all”

The support for casualty recording is particularly significant in the context of other successes for civilian protections at the UN last week. In a statement welcoming the report on casualty recording, 56 states of the ‘Group of Friends of R2P’ emphasised the connection between casualty recording and atrocity prevention.

A week earlier, a resolution was adopted at the General Assembly creating an independent institution to examine the fate of all people who are missing in Syria. Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011, an estimated 130,000 people have gone missing or been forcibly disappeared.

The moves at the UN follow other international assertions on the importance of casualty recording. The Explosive Weapons Declarations, signed by nearly 90 states in November last year, urges states to “record and track civilian casualties, and [ensure] the use of all practicable measures to ensure appropriate data collection.” The US’ Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response Action Plan (CHMRAP), which is widely seen as one of the most ambitious and detailed national policies on this topic, highlights that “developing standardized reporting procedures for operational data to inform civilian harm assessments …will improve DoD’s ability to mitigate and respond to civilian harm.”

The work of independent civil society organisations

Airwars has been collaborating with civil society organisations, particularly Every Casualty Counts and other partners in the Casualty Recorder’s Network, to present evidence for the Human Rights Council report over the last year.

Last year, Every Casualty also released a hard hitting report outlining the requirements for casualty recording across legal regimes. It found that “international humanitarian and human rights law contain extensive requirements regarding states’ duties to account for the dead and missing in armed conflict and other situations of gross human rights violations… these duties are universally binding on all states.”

The work of these organisations was emphasised throughout the report. On the work of Airwars, the report highlighted our work with the US military and Government in particular, highlighting that: “more than 70 per cent of United States internal inquiries into civilian casualties caused by air strikes in the Syrian Arab Republic and Iraq since 2014 have been based on casualty recording submitted by Airwars.”

The report also drew attention to the advocacy work of organisations like Airwars, writing: “…following years of advocacy and engagement based in part on [Airwars’] findings on casualties in Iraq, Libya, Somalia, the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen, the United States Department of Defense issued the Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response Action Plan in August 2022.”

We welcome the findings of the report on casualty recording and the widespread support it received at the Human Rights Council last week. It brings clarity to the requirements on states and reaffirms, at an international level, the importance of accurately recording and reporting on casualties in warfare.

▲ UN Headquarters in Geneva (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

Incident date

July 12, 2023

Incident Code



Weelmarow Village, Lower Juba, Somalia reported that a joint operation by US Commandos, Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and the Security Forces in Jubaland resulted in the death of 17 al-Shabaab militants in Weelmarow Village in Lower Juba. The source added that the majority of the al-Shabaab militants were Kenyan and Ethiopian natives. No other sources reported on the incident.


First published
July 12, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Airstrike, Ground operation
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Causes of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions, Small arms and light weapons
Suspected belligerent
US Forces
Suspected target
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident

Incident date

July 8, 2023

Incident Code



near Afmadow, Lower Juba, Somalia

Between 10 and 40 militants were killed by declared US airstrikes near Afmadow in Lower Juba on July 8, 2023. AFRICOM announced on July 9, 2023 that “At the request of the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted three collective self-defense airstrikes overnight in a remote area near Afmadow, approximately 105 kilometers north


First published
July 8, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Known belligerent
US Forces
Known target
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident


July 3, 2023

Written by

Anna Zahn and Clarie Alspektor

Header Image

DoD photo by Air Force Staff Sgt. Julian Kemper

Civil society demands transparency over latest US military civilian harm investigation

On June 29th 2023, Airwars joined 20 human rights, humanitarian and civilian protection organisations in sending a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin calling for greater commitments to transparency and due process over its on-going investigation into the May 3rd strike in Syria that killed Lutfi Hassan Masto.

Within hours of the US strike local sources reported that Masto was a civilian, not the ‘senior Al-Qaeda leader’ the US military claimed him to be.

▲ DoD photo by Air Force Staff Sgt. Julian Kemper


June 2023


On May 3rd, 2023, the US military announced that it had targeted a ‘senior Al-Qaeda leader’ in a strike in Syria. That same day, the White Helmets shared images from the scene where they were the first responders to the strike. They reported that a civilian had died: Lutfi Hassan Masto, a 60-year old farmer killed alongside his sheep.

More than a month later, CNN revealed that the US military had decided to open an inquiry into the incident – known as an ‘AR15-6’ – after doubts grew about the identity of the victim. A US official admitted “we are no longer confident we killed a senior AQ official.”

AR15-6s are the US military’s most detailed review of civilian harm allegations. The same procedure was initiated after a strike killed ten civilians in Kabul, Afghanistan on August 29th, 2021, when the US incorrectly identified aid worker Zemari Ahmedi as an Islamic State militant.

Earlier this year The New York Times published 66 partially redacted pages of that AR15-6, declassified by the Pentagon after a successful Freedom of Information Act request.

This is the latest document released by the NYT, adding to more than a thousand civilian harm assessments released relating to the US-led Coalition campaign in Iraq and Syria during the war against ISIS. While most of these assessments were shorter-form investigations intended to be more adaptable to high tempo situations, more than a dozen were full AR15-6s – each one dozens of pages long.

Over the past year, Airwars researchers have been coding and reviewing this tranche of declassified civilian harm assessments. With new funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, we are now working in partnership with researchers at the Universities of Auckland, Minnesota, Newcastle and Ottawa to produce a comprehensive set of resources analysing this material due to be published over the next year.

In advance of that analysis, we are releasing a selection of excerpts of civilian harm cases chosen by our researchers, which place the decisions made in the Kabul strike in the context of a pattern of decision-making, and which can also inform understandings of the May 3rd strike on Lutfi Masto.

“An unknown heavy object”

Concerns with the quality of the surveillance feed have been observed by Airwars researchers throughout our analysis of the declassified Pentagon documents as having contributed to civilian harm incidents.

In the case of the Kabul strike, officials note in the AR15-6 that the surveillance feed “obscured the [ID] of civilians” and that the “trees and courtyard overhang limited visibility angles”.

In other cases, reviews of higher quality imaging prompted only by civilian harm allegations have also revealed that weapons originally perceived to be held by ISIS militants were in fact never there to begin with.

On November 12, 2015, one civilian – a child – was unintentionally killed in Ramadi, Iraq, after initially being perceived as “an unknown heavy object” during targeting.

The report admitted that when the video footage was reviewed on a 62” high definition TV, it was clear that the “person dragging a heavy object, was actually moving with a person of possible smaller stature”.

In the incident below, at least seven civilians were killed in Raqqa, Syria, on December 7th 2016 after Coalition forces incorrectly assessed the individuals were carrying weapons and wearing tactical vests. The civilian harm assessment revealed that this was despite the fact that the Coalition observed the building for six hours before it was struck.

“Driving at a high rate of speed”

Understanding how targets are selected is a common challenge for third parties reviewing the consequences of military actions. In both the AR15-6 and throughout many of the documents covering the US-led campaign in Iraq and Syria against ISIS, behavioural patterns were referred to as justifications for target selection: in many  harm incidents, the analysis of these patterns has proven deadly for civilians.

On May 11th 2017, declassified documents reveal that the speed at which a vehicle was driving was the reason for the strike. CENTCOM admitted to killing two civilians in the incident in August 2017. The declassified document, released more than three years later, shows that those killed were quickly identified as children by officials reviewing the post-strike observation footage.

The Kabul strike against Ahmadi’s vehicle similarly used the observation of driving habits and techniques to ascertain militant status, even though the reasoning for certain actions during driving could also be explained by a wide range of unobserved factors. In Ahmadi’s case, these factors included the need to visit different areas of his city in order to carry out errands.

During an interview conducted as part of the AR15-6, an official stated that the way that the driver also “carefully” and “gingerly” loaded up the car were all factors in the decision to strike. The New York Times later revealed that those actions were typical of  Ahmadi’s usual day at work, where he collected water to assist in humanitarian aid distribution.

“Unexpected collateral damage”

In Kabul, the AR15-6 notes a service member saying that “the explosions were massive” after the strike. Originally thought to be corroborating evidence for the supposed munitions held in the vehicle, military officials later noted that it is more likely that the secondary explosion was caused by a propane or gas tank.

From a strike that killed at least 70 civilians in Hawija that prompted a major investigation and policy reforms in the Netherlands, to a series of strikes on fuel trucks in Iraq that barely made headlines – secondary explosions appear throughout civilian harm assessments as a likely cause of death and injury.

In 2016, the US-led Coalition fired aerial rockets as warning shots over the civilian drivers of fuel trucks in Syria. However, the civilian casualty assessments reveal that these warning shots were rarely effective: some of the drivers simply swerved sharply to avoid the rocket fire or, in other cases, they left their vehicles, waited and then returned after a short time, presumably thinking that the immediate danger had passed.

The significant secondary explosions resulting from strikes on fuel trucks in many of these cases led to the deaths of the civilian drivers.

Other cases of secondary explosions occurred in more densely populated battlegrounds. On January 21st 2017, at least 15 civilians were killed when a strike caused “unexpected collateral damage” in a densely populated neighbourhood in Mosul, Iraq.

Four children were reported killed in the strike. An excerpt from an interview with one of the survivors, conducted by The LA Times, is included in the declassified assessment: “Why would they make a mistake like this? They have all the technology. This is not a small mistake”.

The assessment report is brief, reflective of the shorter form civilian harm assessments conducted throughout the war against ISIS. It does not recommend any further action, such as the opening of the more in depth AR15-6.

In total, Airwars has tracked at least 8,198 civilian deaths resulting from the actions of the US-led Coalition. The US-led Coalition has admitted to 1,437 casualties, with many of those incidents originating as Airwars referrals rather than proactive reviews by the United States military. To date, there remain 37 open cases of civilian harm allegations yet to be resolved.

The excerpts above and the forthcoming analysis reveal much about how the US military navigates the information environment: how it reads militant status within the behaviours of civilians, how secondary explosions are seen as unfortunate but unpredictable – even in the most densely populated areas – and how blurred surveillance footage can lead to children being mistaken for objects.

The US has begun a process of ostensibly reviewing these assumptions, with its new Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response Action Plan underway. Separately the Dutch Ministry of Defense has taken the unprecedented step of releasing a database of all weapon deployments by Dutch F-16s during their involvement in the Coalition campaign in Iraq and Syria. Other members of the Coalition have been less forthcoming. Later this year, Airwars is taking the UK Ministry of Defence to a tribunal to push for the release of their own civilian harm assessment in the single incident in which they admitted to having killed a civilian in eight years of intense campaign.

In the absence of full transparency and accountability for the civilians killed by the US-led Coalition, lessons cannot be appropriately learned for future operations. This failure to reckon with these past actions will continue to have devastating outcomes for civilians, as it has done for the victims of the Kabul strike in 2021, and likely too for Lutfi Masto and his family in Syria last month.

On June 29th, Airwars joined 20 other civilian protection and human rights organizations in calling on the US military to carry out an investigation into the incident in Syria that is robust, transparent, and accountable, with the hopes that this investigation will set a precedent for all future civilian harm allegations.

Authors: Anna Bailey-Morley, Stephen Pine, Alice Smith, and Anna Zahn

Volunteers who are supporting this project include: Anna Bailey-Morley, Stephen Pine, Alice Smith, Nasim Hassani, Arturo Gutierrez de Velasco, Reine Radwan, Nitish Vaidyanathan, and Austin Graff



Incident date

June 22, 2023

Incident Code



الكور, Al-Kour, Shabwa, Yemen

Three Al Qaeda members were killed by alleged US drone strikes on the Al-Kour area in Shabwa on June 22, 2023. 26sep News reported that American strikes on the Al-Kour area in Shabwa resulted in the death of three Al Qaeda members. There are no additional details about those who were killed available. All of


First published
June 22, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Drone Strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Suspected belligerent
US Forces
Suspected target
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident

Incident date

June 16, 2023

Incident Code

USSOM391 KS002


Salagle, Middle Juba, Somalia

Two civilian women were killed and two children were injured by alleged Kenyan or United Arab Emirates or US airstrikes on Salagle in Middle Jubba on June 16, 2023. The Horn Observer reported that two civilians, a mother and her child, were killed and two other children sustained injuries from airstrikes on Salagle. A tweet


First published
June 16, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Drone Strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 women)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US Forces, United Arab Emirates Military, Kenyan Military Forces
View Incident

Incident date

June 16, 2023

Incident Code

USSOM390 KS001


Saakow, Middle Juba, Somalia

A civilian was injured by alleged Kenyan or United Arab Emirates or US airstrike on Saakow in Middle Jubba on June 16/17, 2023. Horn Observer reported that a civilian was injured by airstrikes in Saakow, possibly carried out by Kenya, the United Arab Emirates, or the US. Hormuud, Somalia’s largest telecom provider, also announced that


First published
June 16, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Drone Strike
Power Station
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Kenyan Military Forces, United Arab Emirates Military, US Forces
View Incident

Incident date

June 16, 2023

Incident Code



14 km from Jamame district, Lower Juba, Somalia

43 al-Shabaab militants were killed by alleged US airstrikes near Jamaane District in Lower Jubba on June 16, 2023. Garowe Online reported that airstrike carried out by the US struck a location where al-Shabaab militants were holding a meeting in Jamaane District in Lower Jubba, killing “several” militants. @SONNALIVE specified that the airstrikes occurred around


First published
June 16, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Suspected belligerent
US Forces
Suspected target
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident

Incident date

June 15, 2023

Incident Code



المصينعة, Al Musinaa, Shabwa, Yemen

An Al Qaeda leader was killed and four soldiers in the Shabwa Defense Forces were injured by alleged US drone strikes in Al Musinaa in Shabwa governorate on June 15, 2023. A tweet from @aboalfatl2019 reported that “leader” Abu Muhammad al-Shalwani al-Awlaki was killed by American drones in Shaab Madhab in the Musinaa area. @egl3000


First published
June 15, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Drone Strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Suspected belligerent
US Forces
Suspected target
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
Belligerents reported killed
Belligerents reported injured
View Incident

Incident date

June 1, 2023

Incident Code



in the vicinity of Wayanta, Lower Juba, Somalia

Three al-Shabaab fighters were allegedly killed by declared US airstrikes in the vicinity of Wayanta, Somalia on June 1. There have been no reports of civilian harm at this time. AFRICOM released a statement that “at the request of the Federal Government of Somalia and in support of the Somali National Army engagements against al


First published
June 1, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Known belligerent
US Forces
Known target
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident


May 2023

Written by

Airwars Staff

Annual report 2022

Airwars annual report for May 2022-May 2023.

The report outlines key highlights from the organisation’s research, investigations and advocacy departments over the time period, as well as strategic objectives and basic financial details.

It includes a foreword by Airwars’ director Emily Tripp, who took over at the beginning of the time period, and is designed to provide an overview of the how the different parts of the organisation overlap to achieve shared goals.

Annual report 2022

Incident date

May 26, 2023

Incident Code



Vicinity of ATMIS forward operating base, Bulo Marer, 75 miles south-west of Mogadishu, South-eastern Somalia, Somalia

On the 26th of May, 2023, U.S. forces conducted an airstrike against Al-Shabaab fighters in the vicinity of an ATMIS (African Union Transition Mission in Somalia) forward operating base in Bulo Marer, 75 miles southwest of Mogadishu, Somalia. To date, there have been no reports of civilian harm with regard to the airstrike, while a


First published
May 26, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Known belligerent
US Forces
Known target
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident

Incident date

May 20, 2023

Incident Code



Jilib, Middle Juba, Somalia

One senior al-Shabaab militant was injured by declared US AFRICOM airstrikes on Jilib, Somalia on May 20, 2023. Somali National News Agency’s Twitter account @SONNALIVE first announced that “In a joint operation with international allies, the armed forces launched an airstrike on #Jilib city, the headquarters of #AlShabab terrorists. The enemy suffered losses in terms


First published
May 20, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Known belligerent
US Forces
Known target
Belligerents reported injured
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Incident date

May 3, 2023

Incident Code



قورقانيا, Qurqaniya, Idlib, Syria

A 60 year old male civilian was killed by a declared US drone strike on the outskirts of Qurqaniya just before noon on May 3, 2023. At the time of the strike, US Central Command released a statement that they had targeted a senior Al Qaeda leader without any additional details. On May 2, 2024,


First published
May 3, 2023
Last updated
December 20, 2024
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Drone Strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US Forces
Known target
Al Qaeda
Named victims
1 named
Exact location (other)
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Incident date

March 3, 2023

Incident Code



Turdho village, Lower Juba, Somalia

13 al-Shabaab militants were killed during operations allegedly carried out by the Somali National Army Danab Special Forces with the aid of the US Africa Command and the Jubbaland State Forces in Turdho village of Lower Jubba on March 3, 2022. Garowe Online reported that an operation carried out by the Danab Special Forces with the


First published
March 3, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Ground operation
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Causes of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions, Small arms and light weapons
Suspected belligerents
Somali Military Forces, US Forces
Suspected target
Belligerents reported killed
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Incident date

February 28, 2023

Incident Code



مرخة, Markha, Shabwa, Yemen

On February 28th 2023, a drone strike reportedly hit the Al-Alia district of Aqaba Amqwah targeting the Shabwa Defense Forces, on the border between Shabwa and Al-Bayda governorates.  Sources report that the drone strike was either a US drone or a Houthi attack. According to most sources, one member of the Fifth Brigade in the


First published
February 28, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Drone Strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US Forces, Houthi Forces
Belligerents reported injured
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CENTCOM for February 1, 2023 – February 28, 2023

Report Date

February 28, 2023

March 3, 2023

Release Number 20230303-01


TAMPA, Fla. – During the month of February 2023, U.S. Central Command, along with coalition and other partners, conducted a total of 48 D-ISIS operations, resulting in 22 ISIS operatives killed and 25 detained. These operations showcase our enduring commitment to the lasting defeat of ISIS and the continued need for targeted military efforts to prevent ISIS members from conducting attacks and regaining a foothold. Without continued counterterrorism pressure, ISIS efforts to recruit and reconstitute would regain momentum, and the group would reconstitute its ability to plot attacks against the region, our allies, and American interests abroad. We remain focused on building local partner forces’ capabilities to prevent ISIS resurgence.

The following is a breakdown of D-ISIS operations for February 2023 by country:

In Iraq
In Syria
33 partnered operations
15 partnered operations
0 US-only operations
2 US-only operations
17 ISIS operatives killed
5 ISIS operatives killed
14 ISIS operatives detained
11 ISIS operatives detained
In Iraq, CENTCOM troops advise, assist, and enable Iraqi Security Forces, including the Kurdish Peshmerga, who lead our shared fight against ISIS in Iraq.

In Syria, CENTCOM relies heavily on local forces, including the Syrian Democratic Forces, to put pressure on ISIS in Syria.

These operations were conducted under the authority of the CENTCOM commander who retains authority for operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria and under the command of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve.

Four U.S. troops and one working dog were injured in these operations. All four troops and the working dog are recovering from their injuries. No U.S. troops were killed in these operations.

“We are focused on ensuring the enduring defeat of ISIS,” said Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, CENTCOM commander. “We continue to work with our partners to take the fight to ISIS in both countries.”

“We commend the competence, professionalism, and dedication of our Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces partners,” Kurilla continued. “The fight against ISIS continues. While we have significantly degraded the group’s capability, it retains the ability to direct, inspire, organize, and lead attacks in the region and abroad. Further, the group’s vile ideology remains uncontained and unconstrained.”

In the first week of each month, CENTCOM will publish an accounting of operations against ISIS from the previous month.

Incident date

February 27, 2023

Incident Code



قرب مدرسه الفتح بمنطقة الحصون بمديريه الوادي, near Al fateh School, Al-Hosen region, Wadi Abeda district, Ma'rib, Yemen

On February 27th 2023, a reported US drone strike hit a house near Al-Fateh School, in the Al-Hosen region of Wadi Abeda district in Marib, Yemen. According to local sources, two to three people were killed and up to one person was seriously injured.  It was widely reported that the men killed and injured were


First published
February 27, 2023
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Drone Strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Suspected belligerent
US Forces
Suspected target
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
Belligerents reported killed
Belligerents reported injured
View Incident