Incident date
February 10, 2021
جبل غارا, Mount Gara, Duhok, IraqThirteen Turkish nationals being held captive by the PKK in a location close to village Siyane in the Gare/Gara region in northern Iraq were killed – either during an alleged Turkish airstrike, or executed by the PKK, according to conflicting Kurdish and Turkish sources. There was however broad agreement that some of those killed were
Incident date
December 16, 2011
طرابلس, Tripoli, Tarabulus, LibyaOne civilian was killed and three others were injured in Tripoli on December 16, 2011 when their car was ambushed and attacked by nine people armed with Kalashnikov rifles. According to the UN Report Source Page 82, a survivor of the attack said that he was in a car with four friends when their car
Incident date
November 7, 2020
غريبة الشرقية, Ghariba al-Sharqiya, Deir Ezzor, SyriaOne person was reported killed in an alleged US-led Coalition and QSD/SDF joint security operation/landing in Ghariba al-Sharqiya in Deir Ezzor, Syria on November 7th, 2020. Some of the local sources which reported the incident said the person killed was an internally displaced person (IDP), and others described him as an ISIS member. For example,
Incident date
November 7, 2020
العليا, Al Alia, Al Hassakah, SyriaA woman was reportedly killed by Turkish soldiers stationed in a military point near Al Alia, Hasaka governorate, on November 7th, 2020, according to Step News Agency. Step News Agency reported that on “Saturday morning, a woman was killed by the Turkish army stationed in a point located in the vicinity of Al Alia silos
Incident date
November 6, 2020
غندرشي, Gandarshe, Lower Shabelle, SomaliaA CIA paramilitary officer was killed in Somalia as a result of a joint ground raid with Somali special forces, it was later reported. Four elite Somali Danab troops also died during the event. Sources close to Al Shabaab first reported on the incident. Somali Memo said: “Reports from Gandarshe area say that a suicide
Incident date
October 16, 2020
المجيد أو المجبل, Al Majid or Al Majbal, Deir Ezzor, SyriaA possible civilian male was killed in an alleged US-led Coalition airdrop operation in the village of Al Majbal or Al Majid, Deir Ezzor governorate, on October 16th, 2020. While some local sources reported that the man was a civilian, others wrote the man was suspected of being affiliated with ISIS or a previous member
Incident date
May 17, 2020
دير غصن, Deir Ghosn, Al Hassakah, SyriaAccording to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), a civilian was killed when allegedly Turkish forces opened fire on farmers in Deir Ghosn in Hasaka, Syria on May 17th, 2020. SANA said that “local sources told SANA’s reporter in Hasaka that at Sunday afternoon, Turkish occupation forces opened fire at farmers working in their fields
Incident date
May 17, 2020
الزر, Al Zir, Deir Ezzor, SyriaA civilian was killed by a sniper on the rooftop of his house in Al Zer as he was watching Coalition forces entering the village of Al Shouhaibl, Deir Ezzor governorate, on May 17th 2020, according to local sources. Euphrates Eye wrote that “Muhammad Khleif Al Hamra was killed when he was watching the Coalition
Incident date
May 16, 2020
بالقرب من مسجد أبو بكر الصديق ,البصيره, Vicinity of Abu Bakr Al Siddiq mosuqe, Al Basira , Deir Ezzor, SyriaThe homes of civilians were reportedly raided and bombed by alleged Coalition forces in a possible joint action with the Syrian Democratic Forces in the city of Al Basira, Deir Ezzor governorate, on May 16th, 2020, leading to the death of five possible civilians. Sources additionally reported that two to three men likely linked to
Incident date
February 12, 2020
خربة عمو, Road between Khirbet Amo and the Allaya neighborhood on the outskirts of Al Qamishli, Al Hassakah, SyriaOne man was killed and three civilians were wounded in clashes between American troops and Syrian regime forces near the village of Khirbet Ammo, Al Hasaka governorate, on February 12th, 2020, according to local sources. It remains unclear if the killed man was a civilian or a member of an armed group. Sana reported that “American
Incident date
February 10, 2020
كفر عروق, Kafr Arouq, Idlib, SyriaA child was reported killed and up to seven other civilians injured when allegedly Russian forces and Syrian regime forces targeted with airstrikes Kafr Arouq in Idlib, Syria on February 10th, 2020 according to local sources. Initial reports from local sources said at least one person was dead and three wounded from the air strike.
Incident date
February 10, 2020
الاتارب, Al Atareb, Aleppo, SyriaFrom multiple incidents in the same day, three civilians including a child were reported killed and more than 25 others, including a woman and a child, were injured in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Al Atarib in Aleppo, Syria on February 10th 2020, via local sources. A Facebook post from Anastracey identified two
Incident date
January 29, 2020
سراقب, Saraqeb, Idlib, SyriaTwo civilians were reported killed and another injured in alleged Russian forces or Syrian regime forces airstrikes on a market in Saraqib city center, or on displaced people in the outskirts of Saraqib on January 29th, 2020 according to local sources. On January 29th, 2020, Edlib Media Center reported “A martyr and several wounded people,
Incident date
January 25, 2020
البرقوم, Al Barqoum, Aleppo, SyriaAt least one woman was wounded in an alleged Russian air or artillery strike on Al Barqoum, according to sources on the ground. The Step News Agency reported: “the village of Al-Barqum, Khulsa, Barnah and the vicinity of Al-Kamari village, and the Khan Toman area were subjected to air strikes from the Russian warplanes, which
Incident date
January 16, 2020
Wanlaweyn, Lower Shabelle, SomaliaSomali officials reported the death of a senior al Shabaab commander during a gun battle at Wanlaweyn. It was not clear whether US forces had also participated in the raid. According to the Horn Observer, “The special forces known as DANAB raided the house of Mohamed Osman Hussein Buluush, a mlitant bomb expert in the
Incident date
January 7, 2020
Lafta Anole neighborhood, Lower Juba, SomaliaA Somali special forces military action backed by “international partners” killed 35 al Shabaab fighters in the vicinity of Lafta Anole neighborhood in Lower Juba, according to local and international media reports. Xinhua carried the most detailed report: “Hassan Mohamad Aden, commander of the Danab Forces in Jubbaland State, said a joint operation was conducted
Incident date
January 5, 2020
سراقب, Saraqib, Idlib, SyriaBetween one and three civilians, including a woman, were reported as killed and up to seven others, including two children and a woman, were wounded by Russian or regime forces in Saraqib on January 5th, 2020. Alarby News and the Idlib Civil Defense Media Center reported that seven civilians, including two children, were wounded in
Incident date
January 2, 2020
الجراف/حدة, Al Jarf/Hadda, Sana'a, YemenA US drone strike reportedly targeted Abdul Reza Shahlai, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Qods Force commander in Sana’a, overnight from January 2nd-3rd 2020. While initial reports suggested that Shahlai had been killed in the strike, official sources later indicated that he had survived. There was some indication that another Iranian soldier was killed, however.
Incident date
January 1, 2020
تل أبيض, Tal Abyad, Raqqa, SyriaOne civilian, named as Ammar Alhaji, was reportedly shot dead by members of the al Majd Brigade of the Syrian National Army. According to Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, the man was “shot dead while he was trying to prevent fighters of Turkish-backed Al-Majd Legion from stealing his car.”. Euphrates Post reported that the victim was
Incident date
December 1, 2019
العزيزية, Al Aziziya, Al Hassakah, SyriaOne civilian was reported executed by YPG in Hai Al Aziziya in Hasakah on December 1st 2019, according to local sources. It was reported that Abdulwahed Khalil Al Kalash was shot dead when he tried to prevent YPG from demolishing his house that they deemed illegal and without a license. Minbar Al Hasakah said that
Incident date
November 21, 2019
قرب قرية الحمدانية, near Al Hamdaniya village, Al Hassakah, SyriaOne civilian was injured with YPG fires as they tried to disperse a demonstration near al Hamdaniya village in Hasaka, Syria on November 21st, 2019, according to local sources.
Incident date
November 18, 2019
معراتة, Maabatli, Aleppo, SyriaA 23-year-old woman and a member of the Difa Al Civil (Civil Defense) were killed by alleged Turkey-backed militants in the city of Afrin, Aleppo governorate, on November 18th, 2019, according to Hawar News Agency. Hawar News Agency stated that Nircis Dawoudi and Ali Al Shaqur had just received their salaries when they were blocked
Incident date
November 17, 2019
مركز شرطة الباب, Al Bab Police Station, Aleppo, SyriaAt least one man was killed and “many” wounded in alleged Turkish fire in the city of Al Bab, Aleppo governorate, on November 17th, 2019, according to Hawar News Agency. The men were reportedly taking part in a demonstration against the Turkish invasion of the city. Hawar News Agency wrote that civilians were attacked with
Incident date
November 3, 2019
Jilib or between Jilib and Xaramka, Middle Juba, SomaliaA senior al Shabaab communications official was reported killed, either in an air or ground operation. The official was named by all sources as Ibrahim Abu Hamza, reportedly a head of communications for the terror group. However there was conflicted reporting about both how he died – and at whose hands. According to Mareeg News,
Incident date
November 2, 2019
عين الهوى, Aniq Al Hawa, Al Hassakah, SyriaFour civilians were reportedly executed, allegedly by Turkey-backed militants in Aniq Al Hawa village in Ras Al Ayn, Syria, on November 2nd, 2019 according to local sources. The sources reported that Turkey-backed militants disguised in Syrian regime forces clothing executed the four civilians.
Incident date
October 31, 2019
كفر لوسين, Kafr Loseen, Idlib, SyriaOne civilian was reported killed after he was shot allegedly by the Turkish forces near Kafr Loseen village, while he was trying to cross the borders with his brother to Turkey, on October 31st, 2019, according to local sources. According to SMART agency, the victim was identified as Ahmed Kassem Khattab and the incident happened
Incident date
October 28, 2019
El Erîde, Raqqa, SyriaTwo civilians were reported executed allegedly by Turkey forces and/or Turkey-backed militants in El Eride, Ain Issa in Raqqa governorate on October 28th 2019, according to local sources. ANHA and Politika identified the two victims as Mehmûd Zahêr (60 years old) and Berho Elo (65 years old). @Karl_hakon tweeted: “Turkish military and their mercenaries continue
Incident date
October 28, 2019
Dibiş, Kilis, TurkeyThree Kurdish civilians were reported killed after being executed allegedly by Turkish forces opposite to Dibis village in vicinity to Zirgan, in Ras Al Ain on the Turkish side of the border, on October 28th, 2019 according to local sources.
Incident date
October 26, 2019
أبو هيا, Abu Haya, Raqqa, SyriaA civilian aged 80 was reported injured after being shot allegedly by Turkey-back militants in Abu Haya, Tal Abyad in Raqqa Governorate on October 26th, 2019 according to local sources. The civilian was identified as Jesus Khelil who according to ANF News, was shot in front of his house. Other sources said the civilian was
Incident date
October 25, 2019
كفيفة, Kfayfeh, Raqqa, SyriaOne civilian was killed in alleged SDF/PYD/PKK/YPG shooting in the village of Kfayfeh, Raqqa governorate, according to multiple local sources. One source reported wounded as well. According to Justice Organization, “Syrian Kurdish Democratic Forces infiltrated the village and threw bombs on civilian houses at night”. Other sources, such as Suriye.u.a.d, blamed the YPG, PKK and/or