Incident date
August 10, 2016
Saakow, Middle Juba, SomaliaUS forces helped Somali commandos in an operation in southern Somalia that killed several members of al Shabaab, a Pentagon official said on August 16th. The operation took place on August 10th. Somali forces approached an al Shabaab checkpoint. The terrorists reportedly opened fire and a gun battle ensued. “US advisers accompanied the Somali-led force,
Incident date
May 31, 2016
Farwamo, near Bulogadud, Lower Juba, SomaliaUp to 16 al Shabaab fighters died in an operation reportedly carried out by Somali forces with US support, multiple sources said. The US claimed at the time that at the time that Somali forces alone were responsible for the kinetic actions. However, a FOIA response obtained in 2019 confirmed that the US had in
Incident date
May 12, 2016
Sabiid, Lower Shabelle, SomaliaA US air strike reportedly killed five people – all of them said to be al Shabaab fighters. The attack was defensive and conducted to protect African troops on the ground, an Africom spokesperson told the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. The Ugandan soldiers, part of the African Union peacekeeping force Amisom, were attacking a makeshift
Incident date
April 2, 2016
Lower Juba, SomaliaThis was the second of two strikes confirmed by the Pentagon on April 4th 2016. The attack was a “self-defence air strikes against al Shabaab fighters who posed imminent threats to US and partner nation forces in Somalia,” Department of Defense spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Michelle Baldanza told the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Earlier on April 4th,
Incident date
April 1, 2016
Buufow, Lower Shabelle, SomaliaAt least four and up to 23 al Shabaab fighters were reported killed in a US airstrike at Buufow, near Janaaale. However more than three years later, one civilian fatality was also alleged. Two US actions on April 1st and April 2nd were later said to be “self-defence air strikes against al Shabaab fighters who
Incident date
March 8, 2016
Awdheegle, Lower Shabelle, SomaliaAt least 19 alleged militants were killed in a joint operation between US and Somali forces in the village of Awdhegle. US attack helicopters supported US and Somali Special Forces who attacked an al Shabaab target in southern Somalia, the Pentagon and Somali officials said. The assault took place overnight. The soldiers flew on US
Incident date
August 29, 2015
الباب, Al-Bab, Aleppo, SyriaA six-months pregnant woman named as Ghafran Al Jabli was reported killed in an event at Al Bab along with her 10-year old nephew, Mohammad Al Waki. Syrian Martyrs reported that the deaths were caused by a Coalition strike on the outskirts of the city. However VDC described the cause of death as shooting, while
Incident date
October 5, 2013
Baraawe, Lower Shabelle, SomaliaAt least one and as many as seven al Shabaab militants were killed in a naval raid carried out by US forces in Barawe, Lower Shabelle, international media reported. There were no reports of civilian harm. It was not at first clear who was the target of the raid. Reports varied from an unnamed Chechen;
Incident date
January 12, 2013
Bulo Marer, SomaliaFrench commandos failed to a rescue a French spy held hostage by al Shabaab since 2009. Paris claimed the militants executed the captured secret service agent, known by his alias Denis Allex, during an assault by 50 Special Forces troops. However al Shabaab’s media wing said the hostage survived. Seventeen alleged militants were reportedly killed
Incident date
May 20, 2012
جعار, Ja'ar, Abyan, YemenA factory reportedly used by Al Qaeda for weapon storage to the north of Jaar was targeted in an alleged Yemeni airstrike as fighting in the city continued, sources reported, adding that up to 14 Al Qaeda militants were killed in the battle, with between nine and 13 killed by the airstrike, on May 20,
Incident date
May 15, 2012
Near Haradheere, SomaliaThe European Union (EU) launched attack helicopter and “maritime aircraft” strikes on an alleged pirate base near Haradheere. Stating that there had been no EU “boots on the ground”, reports indicated that helicopters from the EU’s Naval Force (NAVFOR) had destroyed nine speedboats, an arms dump and fuel supplies in a night-time raid. Bile Hussein,
Incident date
December 14, 2011
طرابلس, Tripoli, Tarabulus, LibyaOne man was killed in Tripoli by rebel forces after the rebels tried to confiscate his car and he refused. According to UN Report Source Page 82, the rebels had approached a member of the Tripoli brigade to try to confiscate their car, claiming it was government property, but left after negotiations without the car.
Incident date
November 16, 2011
تاورغاء, Tawergha, Misrata, LibyaOne man died after being severely beaten while being held in custody by the Independence Brigade rebels in Tawrga’a on November 16, 2011 according to UN Report Source Page 82. According to another man that was detained with him and was released, the man was beaten until he lost consciousness for nearly two days. He
Incident date
November 15, 2011
تاجوراء, Tajoura, Tarabulus, LibyaAt least one man died from injuries sustained during his detention in a rebel-controlled facility in mid-November 2011 in Tajoura according to the UN Report Source Page 82. A reported member of Gaddafi’s security agency was arrested at his father’s house on October 17, 2011 by rebels who did not have an arrest warrant and
Incident date
November 13, 2011
سرت, Sirte, Surt, LibyaBetween three and five men were killed in Sirte on November 13, 2011 when they were executed by rebels. A video posted by Echorouk Online on YouTube shows the bodied of at least three dead men and many others with weapons surrounding them.
Incident date
November 2, 2011
مصراتة, Misurata, Misrata, LibyaOne man died after being severely beaten while being held in custody by the Independence Brigade rebels in Tawrga’a on November 2, 2011 according to UN Report Source Page 82. A former Qadhafi soldier died on November 2, 2011 after being transferred to a hospital in Misrata. An initial autopsy report obtained by the victim’s
Incident date
October 25, 2011
طرابلس, Tripoli, Tarabulus, LibyaTwo men died on October 25, 2011 after being detained in rebel custody in Tripoli on October 25, 2011 according to the UN Report Source Page 81. One man, a member of Gaddafi’s security forces, was arrested by the rebels on September 11, 2011 and held in the former Internal Security Agency building in central
Incident date
October 17, 2011
بني وليد, Bani Walid, Misrata, LibyaA young man from Bani Walid was killed by Al-Zawiyah rebels on October 17, 2011 according to UN Report Source page 78. He was arrested by the Al-Zawiyah in front of his relatives and they were assured he would be released soon but shortly after, they heard gunshots and he was found in a hospital
Incident date
October 12, 2011
سرت, Sirte, Surt, LibyaOn October 12th, 2011, five dead and 44 injured were admitted to the Misurata hospital. A single source reported that the casualties were from the western Sirte front. No details were provided on the victims combatant status, It was also unclear which group had caused the injuries. Private Misurata Free reported that “the Misurata Hospital,
Incident date
October 12, 2011
سرت, Western Sirte, Surt, LibyaAt least 42 civilians were killed near the western Sirte frontline and were found on October 12, 2011 according to Elaph. According to Anis Faraj, a witness who claimed he shared a cell with those that were found dead, about 47 men were being held in a cell and they were taken to Musassim Gaddafi,
Incident date
October 9, 2011
الزاوية, Zawiya, Al Zawiyah, LibyaAt least two men died from injuries they sustained after being detained by rebel forces at Judayem detention centre and later died in Al Zawiyah Hospital on October 9, 2011 according to UN Report Source Page 81. Both men were arrested on September 17, 2011 in Al Zawiyah by rebel forces and taken to Judaism
Incident date
October 6, 2011
سرت, Sirte, Surt, LibyaAt least 17 people were killed, including one man who was a soldier in Qadhafi’s forces, in Sirte by rebel forces around October 6, 2011 according to the UN Report Source Page 78. A Tawerghan living in an IDP camp was a relative of the soldier killed and was told about his relative’s death by
Incident date
September 22, 2011
سرت, Sirte, Surt, LibyaAt lease one female civilian was injured in Sirte when she was struck by a stray bullet in her home on September 22, 2011 according to a tweet from @libyaalahrartv.
Incident date
September 21, 2011
بني وليد, Bani Walid, Misrata, LibyaAt least four people were killed by Gaddafi forces in Bani Walid on September 21, 2011 according to News.sar5t.libya and Al Jazeera. According to both sources, the four people were executed for raising the flag of independence.
Incident date
September 13, 2011
طرابلس, Tripoli, Tarabulus, LibyaAt least one man was killed in Tripoli by rebels on September 13, 2011 according to the UN Report Source Page 83.
Incident date
September 10, 2011
بنغازي, Benghazi, LibyaDozens of people (between 24 to 36) people were killed in Benghazi on September 10, 2011 when they were demonstrating their support of Bani Walid according to a Facebook posts from Ahmed Azzawi Mahmoud and Fedayeen Muammar Gaddafi in southern Tunisia
Incident date
September 2, 2011
وادي الأحمر, Wadi Al Ahmar, Surt, LibyaAt least 45 people, including men and women, were found dead in September in a mass grave in the Red Valley near Sirte after being tortured and killed by Gaddafi’s forces. One person survived and was left with the dead in the grave.
Incident date
August 28, 2011
ابوكماش, Abu Kammash, An Nuqat al Khams, LibyaAt least one man was killed by Zowara rebels after he was apprehended on August 28, 2011 in Abu Kammash according to the UN Report Source Page 80. An unarmed man was apprehended from Riqdalin and was then forced to face a wall and was then shot.
Incident date
August 26, 2011
مشفى أبو سليم, Abu Salim Hospital, Tarabulus, LibyaBetween 39 and 200 civilians died in Abu Salim hospital in Tripoli on August 26, 2011 according to multiple news sources, including Al Jazeera and BBC News. A video by Al Jazeera shows Abu Salim hospital in Tripoli full over more than 100 dead bodies in the intensive care unit after the majority of the
Incident date
August 25, 2011
باب العزيزية, Bab Al Aziziyah, Tarabulus, LibyaAt least 29 people were killed at a camp site outside the Bab Al Aziziyah compound in Tripoli on August 25, 2011 that may have housed a makeshift medical clinic and was alleged to be supervised by Gaddafi supporters. According to BBC News, two of those killed had strips of green cloth, indicating that they