Airwars assessment
Step Agency and Smart News reported that one civilian was killed in air raids on the village of Al Sheikh Mustafa, Idlib, on May 26th.
Step News agency attributed the attack to Russia, initially reporting that “several people were injured” in the “Russian raids” that “coincided with a rocket attack”. In a later post, Step News stated that “a civilian was killed by an explosive barrage”.
Smart News claimed it was an air strike by “regime helicopters” that killed one civilian and wounded others.
Without naming any casualties, Edlib Media Center documented the air raids in photos, depicting “smoke escalating after the helicopter system dropped explosive barrels on the town.”
The local time of the incident is unknown.
Sources (9) [ collapse]
from sources (6) [ collapse]
May 26th airstrikes on Al Sheikh Mustafa (via Edlib Media Center)
May 26th airstrikes on Al Sheikh Mustafa (via Edlib Media Center)
May 26th airstrikes on Al Sheikh Mustafa (via Edlib Media Center)
May 26th airstrikes on Al Sheikh Mustafa (via Edlib Media Center)