Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident date

January 1, 2017

Incident Code



سرمدا, Sarmada, Idlib, Syria

Targeted air or drone strikes – most likely unilateral US actions – reportedly killed two high ranking militants along with a number of fighters. However sources also claimed there were civilian casualties. There were two reported evening attacks. In the first, a car was destroyed on the Sarmada-Bab al Hawa road, killing four people inside.


First published
January 1, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
2 named
View Incident

Incident date

January 1, 2017

Incident Code

TS037 RS1814


تادف, Tadef, Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria

Between one and 11 civilians were reported killed in alleged air and artillery shelling on Tedef. Sources are conflicted as to who was to blame. According to Syrianewsdesk however, “the shelling on Tadef killed eight people, including five civilians and others belonging to the organisation (Turkish armed forces)”. Between six and ten civilians were wounded in


First published
January 1, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 11
(5 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Turkish Military, Syrian Regime, Russian Military
Named victims
5 named
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for December 31, 2016 – January 1, 2017

Report Date

January 1, 2017

On Dec. 31, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using fighter, fighter-attack, and bomber aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Hit, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) facility and destroyed two ISIL buildings.
* Near Kisik, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL fighting position.
* Near Mosul, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL heavy machine guns, six ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL command and control node, seven ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL weapons cache, an ISIL trench, and an ISIL VBIED.
* Near Ramadi, four strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL VBIED facility, five ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL heavy machine guns, and denied ISIL access to terrain.
* Near Sinjar, three strikes destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed two ISIL heavy machine gun positions.
* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed three ISIL weapons caches, an ISIL command and control node, and six ISIL fighting positions.
* Near Tal Afar, 11 strikes destroyed nine ISIL bunkers, five ISIL-used culverts, and four ISIL-used bridges.

Report Date

January 1, 2017

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 24 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 24 in Iraq (6139 – 6152)
  • 0 in Syria (3161 – 3162)


  • +1 in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, France

On Dec. 31, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using fighter, fighter-attack, and bomber aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


December 31, 2016
Iraq: 24 strikes
Near Hit, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) facility and destroyed two ISIL buildings.
Near Kisik, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL fighting position.
Near Mosul, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL heavy machine guns, six ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL command and control node, seven ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL weapons cache, an ISIL trench, and an ISIL VBIED.
Near Ramadi, four strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL VBIED facility, five ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL heavy machine guns, and denied ISIL access to terrain.
Near Sinjar, three strikes destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed two ISIL heavy machine gun positions.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed three ISIL weapons caches, an ISIL command and control node, and six ISIL fighting positions.
Near Tal Afar, 11 strikes destroyed nine ISIL bunkers, five ISIL-used culverts, and four ISIL-used bridges.

French MoD for December 31, 2016 – January 1, 2017

Report Date

January 1, 2017


Reports a strike near Raqqah

Dans la nuit du 31 décembre 2015 au 01 janvier 2016, les Mirage 2000 déployés sur la Base aérienne projetée (BAP) en Jordanie ont effectué une frappe sur les zones contrôlées par Daech en Syrie.

La frappe visait des installations de l’industrie pétrolière située en Syrie dans la région de Raqqah. Réalisée en coordination avec la coalition, elle a été menée sur la base des renseignements collectés ces dernières semaines lors des vols de reconnaissance. L’objectif recherché par la destruction de ce type d’installation est d’affaiblir les capacités de financement de Daech en perturbant l’exploitation des ressources pétrolières dans les zones sous son contrôle.

Les appareils engagés dans cette mission (2Mirage 2000 D) ont débuté leur mission à 22h00, heure française. Les deux objectifs ciblés ont été détruits. Ce raid n’a pas nécessité de ravitaillement en vol.

Report Date

January 1, 2017


Reports a strike near Raqqah

Dans la nuit du 31 décembre 2015 au 01 janvier 2016, les Mirage 2000 déployés sur la Base aérienne projetée (BAP) en Jordanie ont effectué une frappe sur les zones contrôlées par Daech en Syrie.

La frappe visait des installations de l’industrie pétrolière située en Syrie dans la région de Raqqah. Réalisée en coordination avec la coalition, elle a été menée sur la base des renseignements collectés ces dernières semaines lors des vols de reconnaissance. L’objectif recherché par la destruction de ce type d’installation est d’affaiblir les capacités de financement de Daech en perturbant l’exploitation des ressources pétrolières dans les zones sous son contrôle.

Les appareils engagés dans cette mission (2Mirage 2000 D) ont débuté leur mission à 22h00, heure française. Les deux objectifs ciblés ont été détruits. Ce raid n’a pas nécessité de ravitaillement en vol.

  • The Dutch capacity building team in Irbil - welcoming in the New Year - don shades to help preserve their anonymity (Dutch MoD)

Incident date

December 31, 2016

Incident Code



الأتارب, Al Atarib, Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria

One source reported that 109 civilians were killed by Russian or Syrian regime warplanes in Al Atarib, Aleppo. One other source reported that there was shelling due to Syrian regime warplanes which wounded civilians and destroyed building. There are no other sources at this time.


First published
December 31, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
0 – 109
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
View Incident

Incident date

December 31, 2016

Incident Code



الباب, Al Bab, Aleppo, Syria

Between six and 11 civilians were killed in alleged Turkish airstrikes on Al Bab, Syria. LCCSY wrote: “11 martyrs in Aleppo most killed in Al-Bab city due to Turkish bombardment.” Al Bab Al Hadath reported that all 11 people were killed in Al Bab: “11 killed and 28 wounded, the majority are children and women,


First published
December 31, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
6 – 11
(3 children2 women)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
Named victims
5 named
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for December 30, 2016 – December 31, 2016

Report Date

December 31, 2016

On Dec. 30, Coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes using attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, rotary, and remotely piloted aircraft as well as rocket artillery against ISIL targets.


* Near Ar Raqqah, 17 strikes engaged 14 ISIL tactical units; destroyed 12 fighting positions, three oil storage tanks, a VBIED, and an oil well head; damaged two supply routes; and suppressed a tactical unit.

* Near At Tanf, four strikes destroyed two VBIEDs.


* Near Al Huwayjah, one strike destroyed an ISIL-held building.

* Near Haditha, one strike damaged a fighting position.

* Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British] engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed five fighting positions, three mortar systems, three ISIL-held buildings, a vehicle, a crane, a weapons factory, a VBIED, and a mortar position; damaged 12 supply routes; and suppressed four mortar positions.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed an ISIL weapons storage facility.

Report Date

December 31, 2016

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 21 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (10765 – 10771)
  • 21 in Syria (6276 – 6296)

Confirmed Actions


On Dec. 30, Coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes using attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, rotary, and remotely piloted aircraft as well as rocket artillery against ISIL targets.


December 30, 2016
Syria: 21 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, 17 strikes engaged 14 ISIL tactical units; destroyed 12 fighting positions, three oil storage tanks, a VBIED, and an oil well head; damaged two supply routes; and suppressed a tactical unit.
Near At Tanf, four strikes destroyed two VBIEDs.


Near Al Huwayjah, one strike destroyed an ISIL-held building.
Near Haditha, one strike damaged a fighting position.
Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British] engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed five fighting positions, three mortar systems, three ISIL-held buildings, a vehicle, a crane, a weapons factory, a VBIED, and a mortar position; damaged 12 supply routes; and suppressed four mortar positions.
Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed an ISIL weapons storage facility.

UK MoD for December 30, 2016 – December 31, 2016

Report Date

December 31, 2016

Friday 30 December – A Reaper engaged two groups of terrorists engaged in combat with Iraqi forces inside Mosul…A Reaper continued patrols over eastern Mosul on Friday 30 December. It provided targeting assistance to coalition air attacks on a Daesh-held compound and a group of extremists, and used its Hellfire missiles to intervene with great precision in two actions where Iraqi troops were engaged in close combat with terrorist fighters.

Report Date

December 31, 2016

Friday 30 December – A Reaper engaged two groups of terrorists engaged in combat with Iraqi forces inside Mosul…A Reaper continued patrols over eastern Mosul on Friday 30 December. It provided targeting assistance to coalition air attacks on a Daesh-held compound and a group of extremists, and used its Hellfire missiles to intervene with great precision in two actions where Iraqi troops were engaged in close combat with terrorist fighters.

Incident date

December 30, 2016

Incident Code



دبسي عفنان, Debsi Afnan, Raqqa, Syria

At least five civilians were killed and as many as 22 injured after Coalition aircraft allegedly bombed Debsi Afnan, a town 70km west of Raqqa city. Raialyaom News reported that “seven were killed including 3 children and 22 wounded including women and children with some in critical condition, due to coalition warplane strikes in Debsi


First published
December 30, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
5 – 7
(1 child1 woman)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

December 30, 2016

Incident Code



تادف, Tedef, Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria

Between nine and 12 civilians – the majority from one family – were killed and up to 24 were wounded in alleged Russian airstrikes on Tefef, Aleppo, according to source son the ground. Graphic images published showed four child victims. According to one source nine civilians came from the same family. Dawaalhaq reported: “in support


First published
December 30, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
9 – 12
(4 children)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Named victims
9 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

December 30, 2016

Incident Code



الباب, Al Bab, Aleppo, Syria

Around six or seven civilians were killed in alleged Turkish airstrikes on Al Bab, Syria, according to LCCSY. It reported that “24 people were killed in Aleppo, the majority by Turkish airstrikes in Al Bab city, Russian warplanes in Tadif and a car bomb in Soran.” Turkey Post and Deutsche Welle only said there were


First published
December 30, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
6 – 7
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for December 29, 2016 – December 30, 2016

Report Date

December 30, 2016

On Dec. 29, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, rotary, and remotely piloted aircraft as well as rocket artillery against ISIL targets.


. Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three oil well heads and a oil tanker truck.
. Near Al Shadaddi, one strike suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.
. Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units; destroyed a command and control node, a weapons cache, and a fighting position.
. Near Manbij, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
. Near Palmyra, three strikes [1 British] destroyed three ISIL-held artillery systems, a crane, a heavy machine gun, and a tank.


. Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL-held building.
. Near Al Qaim, three strikes destroyed a VBIED facility, an IED factory, and an ISIL-held building.
. Near Mosul four strikes [3-4 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed 11 ISIL-held buildings, five supply caches, three tactical vehicles, two mortar systems, two fighting positions, two VBIEDs, a tunnel, an observation post, a research lab, a command and control node, an up-armored VBIED, two barges, and two artillery pieces; suppressed five mortar teams; and damaged 20 supply routes and two repeater towers.

Report Date

December 30, 2016

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 10 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (10757 – 10764)
  • 10 in Syria (6266 – 6275)

Confirmed Actions


On Dec. 29, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, rotary, and remotely piloted aircraft as well as rocket artillery against ISIL targets.

December 29, 2016
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes


Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three oil well heads and a oil tanker truck.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units; destroyed a command and control node, a weapons cache, and a fighting position.
Near Manbij, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Palmyra, three strikes [1 British] destroyed three ISIL-held artillery systems, a crane, a heavy machine gun, and a tank.


Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL-held building.
Near Al Qaim, three strikes destroyed a VBIED facility, an IED factory, and an ISIL-held building.
Near Mosul four strikes [3-4 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed 11 ISIL-held buildings, five supply caches, three tactical vehicles, two mortar systems, two fighting positions, two VBIEDs, a tunnel, an observation post, a research lab, a command and control node, an up-armored VBIED, two barges, and two artillery pieces; suppressed five mortar teams; and damaged 20 supply routes and two repeater towers.

CENTCOM for December 29, 2016 – December 30, 2016

Report Date

December 30, 2016

SOUTHWEST ASIA — Today, with Coalition air and artillery support, the Iraqi Security Forces announced that several elements of the Iraqi Army, Federal Police and Counter Terrorism Service initiated a simultaneous advance along three axes in Mosul to defeat ISIL.

On the north axis, units of the 16th Division of the Iraqi Army advanced south to clear additional neighborhoods as they take new ground. On the east axis, Counter Terrorism Service units pushed west and south along two fronts. On the south axis, units of the Federal Police began clearing neighborhoods to the North.

The Iraqi multi-axis advance opens two new fronts within the city and increases pressure on ISIL’s dwindling ability to generate forces, move fighters or resupply. Since the start of the Mosul operation on Oct. 17, the Coalition has struck ISIL with more than 7,650 munitions in support of the Iraqi Security Forces. Additionally, at the request of the government of Iraq, the Coalition re-struck Mosul Bridges #4 and #5 Tuesday, and disabled Bridge #1 Monday, the last bridge crossing the Tigris River inside Mosul. The strikes were conducted to reduce enemy freedom of movement, and to further disrupt ISIL’s ability to reinforce, resupply, or use vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices in East Mosul.

Coalition forces provide operational advice and assistance to Iraqi units along with intelligence, logistics, artillery and air support to the Iraqi Security Forces in a partnership to defeat ISIL in Iraq. Support is being provided in response to requests by the government of Iraq and in a deliberate and consultative manner to avoid unnecessary casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure.

Report Date

December 30, 2016

SOUTHWEST ASIA — Today, with Coalition air and artillery support, the Iraqi Security Forces announced that several elements of the Iraqi Army, Federal Police and Counter Terrorism Service initiated a simultaneous advance along three axes in Mosul to defeat ISIL.

On the north axis, units of the 16th Division of the Iraqi Army advanced south to clear additional neighborhoods as they take new ground. On the east axis, Counter Terrorism Service units pushed west and south along two fronts. On the south axis, units of the Federal Police began clearing neighborhoods to the North.

The Iraqi multi-axis advance opens two new fronts within the city and increases pressure on ISIL’s dwindling ability to generate forces, move fighters or resupply. Since the start of the Mosul operation on Oct. 17, the Coalition has struck ISIL with more than 7,650 munitions in support of the Iraqi Security Forces. Additionally, at the request of the government of Iraq, the Coalition re-struck Mosul Bridges #4 and #5 Tuesday, and disabled Bridge #1 Monday, the last bridge crossing the Tigris River inside Mosul. The strikes were conducted to reduce enemy freedom of movement, and to further disrupt ISIL’s ability to reinforce, resupply, or use vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices in East Mosul.

Coalition forces provide operational advice and assistance to Iraqi units along with intelligence, logistics, artillery and air support to the Iraqi Security Forces in a partnership to defeat ISIL in Iraq. Support is being provided in response to requests by the government of Iraq and in a deliberate and consultative manner to avoid unnecessary casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure.

CENTCOM for December 29, 2016 – December 30, 2016

Report Date

December 30, 2016

SOUTHWEST ASIA- During operations to liberate Mosul on Dec. 29, a Coalition air strike struck a van carrying ISIL fighters observed firing a SPG9/RPG recoilless rifle before loading the weapon in the van and driving off. The van was struck in what was later determined to be a hospital compound parking lot resulting in possible civilian casualties.

CJTF-OIR takes all allegations of civilian casualties seriously and this incident will be fully investigated and the findings released in a timely and transparent manner.

CJTF-OIR releases monthly reports covering our tracking and investigation of allegations of civilian casualties. Coalition forces comply with the Law of Armed Conflict, work diligently to be precise in our airstrikes, and take all feasible precautions during the planning and execution of airstrikes to reduce the risk of harm to civilians.

Report Date

December 30, 2016

SOUTHWEST ASIA- During operations to liberate Mosul on Dec. 29, a Coalition air strike struck a van carrying ISIL fighters observed firing a SPG9/RPG recoilless rifle before loading the weapon in the van and driving off. The van was struck in what was later determined to be a hospital compound parking lot resulting in possible civilian casualties.

CJTF-OIR takes all allegations of civilian casualties seriously and this incident will be fully investigated and the findings released in a timely and transparent manner.

CJTF-OIR releases monthly reports covering our tracking and investigation of allegations of civilian casualties. Coalition forces comply with the Law of Armed Conflict, work diligently to be precise in our airstrikes, and take all feasible precautions during the planning and execution of airstrikes to reduce the risk of harm to civilians.

French MoD for December 29, 2016 – December 30, 2016

Report Date

December 30, 2016


Au Levant, Daech continue d’être sous la pression des forces locales appuyées par la coalition mais l’organisation terroriste conserve combativité dans ses modes d’action et résilience dans le soutien logistique de ses combattants. En Irak, les mauvaises conditions météorologiques ont contraint les forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) à baisser le tempo de leurs opérations de reconquête. En particulier, dans la région de Mossoul où elles ne pouvaient plus bénéficier d’un appui permanent de la coalition. Daech a mis cette période à profit pour harceler les forces irakiennes sur la ligne de front et mener des actions à fort retentissement médiatique dans la profondeur. Dans le but de contraindre les FSI à desserrer l’étau autour de Mossoul, l’organisation a mené plusieurs attaques dans la vallée de l’Anbar dans le secteur des trois frontières. En Syrie, l’organisation terroriste est également sous la pression des forces locales face à laquelle elle oppose une vive résistance à l’approche de ses zones sanctuaires. Elle a multiplié les attaques et les tirs indirects pour la défense de la ville d’Al-Bab, à proximité de la frontière turque, empêchant toute progression des unités engagées au sol. En revanche, les forces démocratiques syriennes ont poursuivi leur progression dans la région de Raqqah en s’emparant de zones le long du Tigre en direction de la ville de Tabqah. Les mauvaises conditions météorologiques ont encore perturbé les opérations au sol cette semaine. Les FSI ont tiré profit de cette prolongation de la pause opérationnelle pour sécuriser les quartiers conquis récemment. Daech a poursuivi ses actions de harcèlement sur la ligne de front (snipers, tirs de mortier,…) et mené des actions sur les arrières. Le 22 décembre, l’organisation terroriste ainsi a perpétré un attentat dans le quartier de Gogjali contre un marché populaire.


Malgré des conditions météorologiques dégradées, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech et appuyé les FSI dès que possible. Depuis le 21 décembre, ils ont réalisé 58 sorties dont 48 de reconnaissances armées, 5 de recueil de renseignement par l’Atlantique 2 et les Rafale et 5 de ravitaillement par le C135 FR. Au total, 6 frappes ont été menées par les Rafale contre Daech et ont détruit 6 objectifs. Les frappes réalisées se sont concentrées dans la région de Mossoul en Irak. Elles visaient à appuyer les forces de sécurité irakiennes engagées dans la reprise de la ville. En particulier, plusieurs frappes ont neutralisé des snipers et des groupes de combattant de Daech qui harcelaient les forces de l’ICTS.

Report Date

December 30, 2016


Au Levant, Daech continue d’être sous la pression des forces locales appuyées par la coalition mais l’organisation terroriste conserve combativité dans ses modes d’action et résilience dans le soutien logistique de ses combattants. En Irak, les mauvaises conditions météorologiques ont contraint les forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) à baisser le tempo de leurs opérations de reconquête. En particulier, dans la région de Mossoul où elles ne pouvaient plus bénéficier d’un appui permanent de la coalition. Daech a mis cette période à profit pour harceler les forces irakiennes sur la ligne de front et mener des actions à fort retentissement médiatique dans la profondeur. Dans le but de contraindre les FSI à desserrer l’étau autour de Mossoul, l’organisation a mené plusieurs attaques dans la vallée de l’Anbar dans le secteur des trois frontières. En Syrie, l’organisation terroriste est également sous la pression des forces locales face à laquelle elle oppose une vive résistance à l’approche de ses zones sanctuaires. Elle a multiplié les attaques et les tirs indirects pour la défense de la ville d’Al-Bab, à proximité de la frontière turque, empêchant toute progression des unités engagées au sol. En revanche, les forces démocratiques syriennes ont poursuivi leur progression dans la région de Raqqah en s’emparant de zones le long du Tigre en direction de la ville de Tabqah. Les mauvaises conditions météorologiques ont encore perturbé les opérations au sol cette semaine. Les FSI ont tiré profit de cette prolongation de la pause opérationnelle pour sécuriser les quartiers conquis récemment. Daech a poursuivi ses actions de harcèlement sur la ligne de front (snipers, tirs de mortier,…) et mené des actions sur les arrières. Le 22 décembre, l’organisation terroriste ainsi a perpétré un attentat dans le quartier de Gogjali contre un marché populaire.


Malgré des conditions météorologiques dégradées, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech et appuyé les FSI dès que possible. Depuis le 21 décembre, ils ont réalisé 58 sorties dont 48 de reconnaissances armées, 5 de recueil de renseignement par l’Atlantique 2 et les Rafale et 5 de ravitaillement par le C135 FR. Au total, 6 frappes ont été menées par les Rafale contre Daech et ont détruit 6 objectifs. Les frappes réalisées se sont concentrées dans la région de Mossoul en Irak. Elles visaient à appuyer les forces de sécurité irakiennes engagées dans la reprise de la ville. En particulier, plusieurs frappes ont neutralisé des snipers et des groupes de combattant de Daech qui harcelaient les forces de l’ICTS.

UK MoD for December 29, 2016 – December 30, 2016

Report Date

December 30, 2016

Thursday 29 December – Tornados and a Reaper struck five Daesh targets in Mosul, with the Tornados also destroying an artillery weapons north of Palmyra in Syria…The major focus for Royal Air Force operations against the Daesh terrorist network has continued to provide support to the Iraqi offensive to liberate Mosul. Two Tornado GR4s and a Reaper patrolled over the city on Thursday 29 December. The Reaper used its advanced sensors for the vital task of scanning for any sign of civilians who might be placed at risk by the fighting. It also provided surveillance assistance to five coalition air attacks that struck two communications towers, a mortar, a transport vehicle and a recoilless anti-tank gun, as well as conducting three successful attacks using its own Hellfire missiles against a mortar team firing from a treeline and two groups of terrorist fighters located in south-east Mosul. The Tornados meanwhile used a Brimstone missile to destroy a cart laden with weapons in a street in eastern Mosul, and Paveway IV guided bombs against an artillery position hidden amongst trees in parkland in northern Mosul. The GR4s were then tasked to fly west into Syria to deal with a terrorist artillery piece, mounted on a trailer, which had been identified a couple miles north of Palmyra. The weapon was destroyed by a direct hit from a Brimstone.

Report Date

December 30, 2016

Thursday 29 December – Tornados and a Reaper struck five Daesh targets in Mosul, with the Tornados also destroying an artillery weapons north of Palmyra in Syria…The major focus for Royal Air Force operations against the Daesh terrorist network has continued to provide support to the Iraqi offensive to liberate Mosul. Two Tornado GR4s and a Reaper patrolled over the city on Thursday 29 December. The Reaper used its advanced sensors for the vital task of scanning for any sign of civilians who might be placed at risk by the fighting. It also provided surveillance assistance to five coalition air attacks that struck two communications towers, a mortar, a transport vehicle and a recoilless anti-tank gun, as well as conducting three successful attacks using its own Hellfire missiles against a mortar team firing from a treeline and two groups of terrorist fighters located in south-east Mosul. The Tornados meanwhile used a Brimstone missile to destroy a cart laden with weapons in a street in eastern Mosul, and Paveway IV guided bombs against an artillery position hidden amongst trees in parkland in northern Mosul. The GR4s were then tasked to fly west into Syria to deal with a terrorist artillery piece, mounted on a trailer, which had been identified a couple miles north of Palmyra. The weapon was destroyed by a direct hit from a Brimstone.

Incident date

December 29, 2016

Incident Code



حرستا, Harasta, Damascus, Syria

Three civilians were killed – including a man and a woman and a child – and many more were wounded, in alleged air and artillery strikes on Harasta. All sources blamed the Syrian regime for the raids, except LCCSY who blamed Russian warplanes.  According to sources, the artillery and air bombardment targeted a school and residential


First published
December 29, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 3
(1 child1 woman1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Named victims
3 named
View Incident

Incident date

December 29, 2016

Incident Code



دوما, Douma, Damascus, Syria

As many as 15 civilians were killed – including six children, two women and four adult males – and dozens were wounded, in alleged air and artillery strikes on Douma. Sources were conflicted as to who was to blame. Some sources attributed blame to Russian warplanes, while others blamed the Syrian regime. Reportedly, the raids struck


First published
December 29, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
12 – 15
(6 children2 women4 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Named victims
12 named
View Incident

Incident date

December 29, 2016

Incident Code



جسر الشغور, Jisr Al Shoghour, Idlib, Syria

One adult male was killed, and two or more were injured, in alleged Russian airstrikes which struck the residential neighbourhood of Jisr Al Shoghour. All sources attributed blame to Russian aviation, which it is reported to have carried out four raids on the vicinity. According to one source the attack consisted of three cluster bombs raids,


First published
December 29, 2016
Last updated
January 10, 2023
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Named victims
3 named
View Incident

Incident date

December 29, 2016

Incident Code



عربين, Arbeen, Damascus, Syria

As many as four civilians were killed – including three children and one woman reportedly from the same family – and up to 19 were wounded in an airstrike on a primary school in Arbeen, local media said. Three belligerents were reportedly sighted, meaning there is confusion among sources as to who is responsible. Two


First published
December 29, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 children1 woman1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Named victims
4 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for December 28, 2016 – December 29, 2016

Report Date

December 29, 2016

On Dec. 28, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft as well as rocket artillery against ISIL targets.


. Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an oil well head.

. Near Ar Raqqah, six strikes engaged five ISIL tactical units; destroyed a fighting position, a heavy machine gun, a mortar system, and a vehicle; and disabled a bridge.

. Near Palmyra, one strike destroyed an ISIL-held tank.


. Near Mosul, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed seven front-end loaders, four command and control nodes, two land bridges, a VBIED factory, a vehicle, and a steam roller; and damaged 24 supply routes.

Report Date

December 29, 2016

Report Summary

  • 11 total strikes
  • 8 in Syria
  • 3 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 11 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (10754 – 10756)
  • 8 in Syria (6258 – 6265)

Confirmed Actions


On Dec. 28, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft as well as rocket artillery against ISIL targets.

December 28, 2016
Syria: 8 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes


Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an oil well head.
Near Ar Raqqah, six strikes engaged five ISIL tactical units; destroyed a fighting position, a heavy machine gun, a mortar system, and a vehicle; and disabled a bridge.
Near Palmyra, one strike destroyed an ISIL-held tank.


Near Mosul, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed seven front-end loaders, four command and control nodes, two land bridges, a VBIED factory, a vehicle, and a steam roller; and damaged 24 supply routes.

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



الباب, Al Bab, Aleppo, Syria

Between four and five civilians were reported killed in an alleged Turkish artillery shelling on Al Bab, Syria. LCCSY reported: “By the end of the day, 16 people were killed in Aleppo, majority are by landmines by ISIS and Turkish artillery shelling in Al-Bab city.” Smart News only mentioned Turkish airstrikes in the area in


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
4 – 5
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
View Incident

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



زملكا, Zamalaka, Damascus, Syria

As many as two civilians were killed – including an unidentified adult male – and more than 20 were injured in airstrikes on the residential neighbourhood of Zamalaka, according to local media. Sources remain unclear as to who was to blame for the airstrikes. Some sources, including LCCSY, have reported Russian warplanes were to blame for


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 2
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



سرحا, Sarha, Hama, Syria

An unspecified number of civilians were wounded in alleged Russian airstrikes on Sarha, according to sources on the ground, There was no mention of civilian deaths. @abomohammad441, @HalabNewsN and LCCSY all pointed to Russia as the culprit.    


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



عقيربات, Okayrabat, Hama, Syria

Some civilians were wounded in alleged Russian raids which struck Okayrabat, Hama. All sources have attributed blame to Russia. There are no mentions of civilian deaths.  Reports suggested the use of machine guns and rockets.  There are no other details at this time.


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



الحسينية, Husseineya, Damascus, Syria

Dozens of civilians were wounded – some critically – in an alleged airstrike on Husseineya. Sources are conflicted as to who was responsible for the raid, with some blaming the Syrian regime for the raid, and others attributing blame to Russia.  One report stated that helicopters with carrying explosive barrel bombs were launched in the villages


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
View Incident

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



الباب, Al Bab, Aleppo, Syria

Al Bab Al Hadath reported that Qadro Al-Jadeed and his family were killed in a Turkish airstrike “a few days ago” on December 31st. There is currently no more information available.


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
2 – 4
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



عين الخضرا, Ain Al-Khadra, Damascus, Syria

Dozens of civilians were allegedly critically wounded in an airstrike  on Ain Al-Khadra. Sources are conflicted as to who was to blame. LCCSY blames Russian warplanes for the raids. The other three sources all blamed the Syrian regime, however, they are Syrian regime propagandist sources. There are no other details at this time.


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
View Incident

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



عين الفيجة, Ain Fijeh, Damascus, Syria

One or two civilians were killed, and a minimum of 10 were wounded, in raids on Ain Fijeh. Sources were conflicted as to who was to blame the raids, with most blaming the Syrian regime, and some attributing blame to Russia. Only two sources mentioned the death of a civilian in Ain Fijeh. One source –


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 2
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
View Incident

Incident date

December 28, 2016

Incident Code



بسيمة, Basima, Damascus, Syria

One civilian was killed and “dozens” more were wounded – including a member of the Syrian Civil Defence – in air and artillery strikes on Basima, local media reported. All sources blamed the Syrian regime for the alleged raids, except LCCSY and Syrian Press Center who attributed them to Russian warplanes. Only one source – Skynewsarabia- reported


First published
December 28, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
0 – 1
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
View Incident