Military Reports

Military Reports

French MoD for May 8, 2019 – May 14, 2019

Report Date

May 14, 2019


The Atlantic 2 detachment completed its mission on May 6. It will be deployed again in a few weeks. Between May 8th-14th, aircraft made 19 sorties but there were no strikes.


L’opération Chammal, volet français de l’Opération Inherent Resolve (OIR), poursuit sa mission de lutte contre Daech et continue à appuyer, en Syrie, les Forces
Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS), et en Irak les Forces de Sécurité Irakiennes (FSI).

Sur le terrain, en Irak, dans le Nord-Est syrien et dans la Moyenne Vallée de l’Euphrate, la situation sécuritaire reste stable.


La France poursuit son engagement au sein du pilier appui de la coalition à travers la poursuite des opérations aériennes, et au sein du pilier « formation ».

Fin de détachement pour l’ATL2 au Levant

Le détachement de l’« Atlantique 2 », déployé depuis février dernier sur la base aérienne projetée (BAP) au Levant dans le cadre de l’opération Chammal a achevé sa mission le 6 mai dernier. Il sera de nouveau déployé dans quelques semaines.

Deux aéronefs se sont ainsi succédé sur la BAP totalisant 23 missions de reconnaissance et de surveillance et plus de 200 heures de vol.

L’Atlantique 2 a contribué au volet renseignement de l’opération. Habituellement dédié aux missions aéromaritimes, et en particulier la lutte anti-sous-marine, cet avion de patrouille maritime est parfaitement adapté aux missions ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) dont l’objectif sur ce théâtre est de détecter et d’identifier les activités des combattants de Daech. Également capable d’intervenir dans des missions de CAS (Close Air Support – appui aérien rapproché), l’aéronef peut effectuer des frappes d’opportunité grâce à sa capacité de largage de bombes guidées laser.

Nouveau mode de formation pour la TF Monsabert

Pour la première fois, en avril, des militaires de la Task Force Monsabert ont accompagné sur le terrain les forces de sécurité irakiennes lors d’une opération de plusieurs jours dans la région d’Al Zeydan, à l’ouest de Bagdad. Cette étape supplémentaire dans la mission d’advise and assist de Monsabert se traduit par l’ajout d’un nouveau A à ses actions : celui d’accompagner.

Les conseillers français ont été associés dès la phase de planification de cette opération de fouille et de sécurisation d’un village ayant abrité des partisans de Daech. Le jour de leur participation, après le « rehearsal » (répétition) de la mission au centre opérationnel avec le chef opérations de la 6e division, le convoi a rejoint le poste de commandement avancé du 4e bataillon de la 24e brigade responsable des manœuvres. L’objectif était de sécuriser cette zone rurale, puis de procéder à son ratissage, à la fouille de maisons et à des vérifications d’identité.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 8 au 14 mai inclus)

Les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la coalition.

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 19 sorties aériennes, et n’ont pas délivré de frappe.

Incident date

May 13, 2019

Incident Code



كفر نبل, Kafar Nubul , Idlib, Syria

Two missiles struck the Syrian Civil Defense Center, destroying the building and damaging several vehicles, according to local sources. The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported that “fixed-wing warplanes” believed to be Russian fired the missiles. The director of the Syrian Civil Defense forces was allegedly lightly wounded in the attack. Smart News posted a


First published
May 13, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Unknown, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
View Incident

Incident date

May 13, 2019

Incident Code



اللطامنة, Al Latmina, Idlib, Syria

One civilian was reported killed and others injured as a result of alleged Russian forces or Syrian regime artillery shelling on Ma’ardas town in Latamna on May 13th, 2019. Justice Organization reported that “The citizen Muhammad Ali Al-Jada’a was killed by Russian camp’s artillery shelling, west of the town of Ma’rades, in the city of


First published
May 13, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime, Unknown
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 10, 2019

Incident Code



كفرنبوده, Kafr Nbouda, Hama, Syria

The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported: “Karmo al Abado, from Kafr Nbouda town in Hama governorate northwestern suburbs, was killed as fixed- wing warplanes we believe were Russian fired missiles on Mazarea Qerata area in north of Kafr Nbouda town, on May 10.” However, Bawaba Hama said that a civilian also was wounded identified


First published
May 10, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
2 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 10, 2019

Incident Code



معرة الصين, Ma’aret Al Seen, Hama, Syria

Two brothers and their mother died in an airstrike on Ma’aret Al Seen, according to local media. Local Coordination Committees of Syria attributed the three deaths to Russia. However, a report by the Syrian Network for Human Rights blamed regime warplanes. The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported “The children brothers Mohammad and Nasr al


First published
May 10, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 children1 woman)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Named victims
3 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

May 10, 2019

Incident Code



كفرزيتا, Kafar Zeita, Hama, Syria

One civilian died in an alleged Russian airstrike on Kafar Zeita, multiple local sources reported. According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, “Loay Barazi was killed as fixed- wing warplanes we believe were Russian fired missiles on Kafr Zita city in Hama governorate northern suburbs, on May 10th.”


First published
May 10, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 10, 2019

Incident Code



كفر نبل, Kafar Nubul, Idlib, Syria

Up to four civilians including a child and one or two women died and as many as 20 other civilians were wounded in shelling on Kafar Nabil, according to local media. Sources blamed surface-to-surface missiles, cluster bombs and rockets for the civilian harm and were conflicted as to whether Russia or the regime were to


First published
May 10, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian infrastructure
Healthcare facility
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
2 – 4
(1 child1–2 women1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Named victims
3 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 10, 2019

Incident Code



خان شيخون, Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib, Syria

Up to three civilians including a woman died and three others were wounded in alleged Russian or regime air or artillery strikes on Khan Sheikhoun, according to source on the ground. The Step New Agency pointed to Russia and put the death toll at one civilian. However, most other sources attributed the civilian harm to


First published
May 10, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 3
(1 woman2 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
Named victims
2 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 9, 2019

Incident Code



جوزف, Jozef, Hama, Syria

Two civilians were killed in alleged Russian airstrikes on the town of Jozef, Hama governorate, on May 9th, 2019, according to local sources. According to Al Araby, “The Edlib Media Center said that two civilians were killed at dawn today [May 9th], and others were injured, as a result of the targeting by Russian warplanes


First published
May 9, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Suspected target
View Incident

Incident date

May 8, 2019

Incident Code



حيش, Heesh, Hama, Syria

Up to three civilians, including a child, were killed in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the village of Heesh on May 8th, 2019, according to local sources. Four others were reportedly injured. The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported that three civilians, including a woman, man and the girl Hanaa Jawhar al Saeed,


First published
May 8, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
2 – 3
(1 child1 woman1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Syrian Regime, Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 8, 2019

Incident Code



الزكاة, Al Zakat, Hama, Syria

A young civilian male from the town of Latamna was killed by Russian or regime air or artillery strikes on Al Zakat in Hama on May 8th, 2019, according to local sources. @HalabTodayTV wrote that “a young man from the town of Al Latamneh was killed by artillery shelling on the village of Zakat in


First published
May 8, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 8, 2019

Incident Code



الشحيل, Al Shahil, Deir Ezzor, Syria

In a three hour operation between midnight and dawn in the al Katef neighborhood in the city of Al Shahil, at least five people were killed. Most local sources that reported on the incident claimed the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were responsible, with air support from the International Coalition. According to the Syrian Network for


First published
May 8, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Counter-Terrorism Action (Ground)
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
6 – 8
Civilians reported injured
Causes of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions, Small arms and light weapons
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Suspected target
Named victims
8 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 8, 2019

Incident Code



خان شيخون, Khan Sheikhoun, Hama, Syria

Up to four civilians, including a child, were killed and at least 11 civilians were injured in alleged Russian or Syrian regime air and artillery strikes on Khan Sheikhoun, Hama governorate, on May 8th, 2019, according to local sources. Several sources reported that a total of three civilians were killed, including the Syrian Network for


First published
May 8, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 4
(1 child1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



معرتماتر, Ma'aratmatar, Idlib, Syria

Two civilians, including a child, were killed in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Ma’aratmatar on May 7th, 2019, according to local sources. At least one other woman and child were injured. Several sources, among which the Syrian Human Rights Committee and Shaam News Network, reported that two people were killed in the town


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Syrian Regime, Russian Military
Suspected target
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



عابدين, Abdin, Idlib, Syria

At least one civilian was killed in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Abdin village in Idlib governorate on May 7th, 2019, according to local sources. Baladi News reported that two civilians were killed in airstrikes on the village of Abdin, Idlib countryside. Zaiton Mag reported one killed civilian by a helicopter strike. All


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 2
(1 man)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Syrian Regime, Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



البارة, Al Bara, Idlib, Syria

A civilian was killed and others were injured in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the town of Al Bara in rural Idlib on May 7th, 2019, according to local sources. Jorf News wrote that “a civilian was killed and others were wounded by airstrikes on the town of Al Bara in the southern


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



كفرموس, Kafar Mous, Idlib, Syria

Local sources reported that a helicopter bombed the village of Kfar Mous in Jabal Shahshabo with an “explosive barrel” in the evening. The Syrian Civil Defense forces reported that a man was killed and another man, two women and two children were wounded. The Local Coordination Committees of Syria reported “the martyrdom of a man


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



معرة حرمة, Ma’aret Harma, Idlib, Syria

Alleged Russian “airliners and helicopters” carried out missile strikes, also described as rocket attacks, on the outskirts of the village Ma’ra Haramah. Local sources reported that the strikes struck residential areas in the village, killing a civilian and causing extensive damage to civilian homes. Several other civilians were reported wounded. No other details are known


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



مرج الزهور, Marj Al Zuhour, Idlib, Syria

Up to four civilians were reported killed and eight others including two children were reported injured as Russian forces or Syrian regime targeted with airstrikes or artillery Marj Al Zohur in Idlib on May 7th, 2019, according to local reports. Two of those killed were workers with a humanitarian organisation for food support. The Local


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(4 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
Named victims
11 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



رأس العين, Ras Al A’in, Idlib, Syria

Local sources reported that airstrikes struck a popular market in Ras al Ein village east of the city of Abu-Thabet in Idlib. According to Step News, shelling was carried out by “Russian airliners and helicopters”. The Syrian Network for Human Rights blamed the Syrian regime instead. The sources said that the market was attacked with


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
3 – 7
(2–4 children1–2 women)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Syrian Regime, Russian Military
Suspected target
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



الزكاة, Al Zakat, Hama, Syria

A woman named Sabah Al Hamidi was alleged killed by artillery shelling in the village of Zakat, north of Hama. Smart News and Step News blamed Russia, while the Syrian Network for Human Rights blamed the Syrian regime SY 24, Syria TV, and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also said that the regime was


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 woman)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Syrian Regime, Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



كفرزيتا, Kafar Zeita, Hama, Syria

A civilian and his pregnant wife were killed in alleged Russian airstrikes on Kafar Zeita, Hama governorate, on May 7th, 2019, according to local media. Several sources reported the death of two civilians, named as Zaid Mahmoud Al Rajou and his wife Laila Al Rajou. According to the Syrian Press Centre, Laila was five months


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 woman1 man)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
2 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



كفرزيتا, Kafar Zeita, Hama, Syria

One civilian died of his injuries four days after alleged Russian or Syrian regime artillery strikes on Kafar Zeita, Hama governorate, on May 7th, 2019, according to local sources. Smart News reported that Russian artillery fire on the town of Kafar Zeita, north of Hama, wounded a number of civilians. Step News Agency wrote: “A


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Syrian Regime, Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 7, 2019

Incident Code



كنصفرة, Kansafra, Idlib, Syria

One woman was killed and two others, including a child, were injured in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Kansafra on May 7th, according to local media. Several schools were reportedly targeted @HalabToday reported that “one woman was killed and others were injured, including children, when an explosive barrel was detonated on the town


First published
May 7, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 woman)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for April 21, 2019 – May 7, 2019

Report Date

May 7, 2019

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary April 21 – May 04, 2019

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to target and pursue the enduring defeat of Daesh.

CJTF-OIR and partner forces have liberated nearly 110,000 square kilometers (42,471 square miles) from Daesh; as a result, 7.7 million people no longer live under Daesh oppression.

CJTF-OIR remains committed to the enduring defeat of Daesh to improve conditions for peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from Daesh’s terrorist threat.

Strike Summary

Between April 21 – May 4, 2019, CJTF-OIR conducted 10 strikes consisting of 40 engagements against Daesh targets in Iraq, there were no strikes conducted in Syria.

In Iraq, CJTF-OIR conducted 10 strikes consisting of 40 engagements, engaged four Daesh tactical units, and destroyed three tunnels, two buildings, two weapons caches, two supply routes, and one cargo container.

Between April 21 – May 4, 2019, CJTF-OIR detected 18 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.

A strike, as defined in the Coalition release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on ‘Z’ or Greenwich Mean Time.

Report Date

May 7, 2019

Report Summary

  • 10 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq

Confirmed Actions


CJTF-OIR Strike Summary April 21 - May 04, 2019

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to target and pursue the enduring defeat of Daesh.

CJTF-OIR and partner forces have liberated nearly 110,000 square kilometers (42,471 square miles) from Daesh; as a result, 7.7 million people no longer live under Daesh oppression.

CJTF-OIR remains committed to the enduring defeat of Daesh to improve conditions for peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from Daesh's terrorist threat.

Strike Summary

Between April 21 - May 4, 2019, CJTF-OIR conducted 10 strikes consisting of 40 engagements against Daesh targets in Iraq, there were no strikes conducted in Syria.

April 21, 2019 – May 7, 2019
Iraq: 10 strikes
In Iraq, CJTF-OIR conducted 10 strikes consisting of 40 engagements, engaged four Daesh tactical units, and destroyed three tunnels, two buildings, two weapons caches, two supply routes, and one cargo container.

Between April 21 - May 4, 2019, CJTF-OIR detected 18 strikes from other actors that crossed the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors in the area to observe the same precautions.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.

A strike, as defined in the Coalition release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on 'Z' or Greenwich Mean Time.

French MoD for May 1, 2019 – May 7, 2019

Report Date

May 7, 2019


France report no airstrikes May 1st - 7th. On April 29th, dissolution ceremony of TF Wagram took place. In 2.5 years, 1,100 artillery men led more than 2,500 fire missions in campaign that took them from south of Mosul to border of Iraq/Syria. Full detachment to leave by mid-May.

La situation sécuritaire au Levant reste stable.

L’opération Chammal, volet français de l’Opération Inherent Resolve (OIR), poursuit sa mission de lutte contre Daech et continue à appuyer, en Syrie, les Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS), et en Irak les Forces de Sécurité Irakiennes (FSI).
En Syrie, les opérations de sécurisation de la Moyenne Vallée de l’Euphrate par les FDS se poursuivent.
En Irak, les FSI poursuivent également leurs efforts de sécurisation du territoire, en particulier dans la région de Mossoul.

La France poursuit son engagement au sein du pilier appui de la coalition à travers la poursuite des opérations aériennes.

La cérémonie de dissolution de la Task Force (TF) Wagram s’est déroulée le 29 avril 2019, sur la base aérienne d’Al Assad en Irak. Elle marque la fin de l’action des artilleurs français de la TF Wagram, engagés depuis l’automne 2016 au sein de l’opération Chammal, sans signifier la fin de la lutte contre cette organisation terroriste qui cherche à se reconstruire dans la semi-clandestinité. En deux ans et demi, les 1 100 artilleurs engagés au sein de la TF Wagram ont mené plus de 2 500 missions de feux dans une campagne qui les ont emmenés du sud de Mossoul jusqu’à la frontière de l’Irak et de la Syrie. Le détachement complet devrait être rentré pour la mi-mai.

Stages de perfectionnement au profit des forces spéciales irakiennes.

Il y a deux semaines, un détachement composé de huit instructeurs français de la Task Force Narvik renforcés de deux instructeurs espagnols a encadré le 3e stage REFIT de l’année, réalisée au profit du bataillon de forces spéciales de NAJAF. Leur rôle a été d’évaluer et de guider les instructeurs de l’académie et ceux du bataillon ainsi que de conseiller les 250 soldats participants.
Il s’agit ici de nouveaux types de formations, mises en place depuis 2018 par l’académie de l’ICTS (Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service) au profit de ses bataillons opérationnels, auxquelles contribuent les instructeurs de la Task Force Narvik.
Ces stages de perfectionnement baptisés « REFIT » ont pour objectif de permettre à des unités expérimentées de disposer d’une phase de remise à niveau, permettant d’évaluer leur maîtrise des savoir-faire fondamentaux et de les compléter en acquérant de nouvelles techniques et tactiques tirées des récents retours d’expérience de la lutte contre Daech.
Les stages, longs de quatre semaines, sont organisés en trois séquences. Après une semaine de rappels théorique, deux semaines sont dédiées au perfectionnement dans le domaine du tir, de la contre-IED, du sauvetage au combat, et du combat en zone urbaine.
Un nouveau stage est d’ores et déjà en cours au profit du bataillon de Kerbala.


Premiers Joint Fire Observers irakiens formés et entraînés en conditions réelles.

Fin avril 2019, quatre lieutenants irakiens du cours Joint Fire Observer (JFO) ont participé à un exercice interarmes sur le camp de Besmayah mêlant des tirs réels de l’artillerie et des tirs simulés à partir d’hélicoptères.
Cet entraînement organisé par les formateurs du pilier artillerie de la Task Force (TF) Monsabert avait pour but de mettre en pratique dans des conditions proches de la réalité les savoir-faire acquis au long de leurs huit semaines de formation.
Pour faire travailler les jeunes observateurs, hélicoptères et canons de l’armée irakienne ont participé à l’exercice réalisant ainsi le premier exercice interarmes canons-hélicoptères avec des moyens exclusivement irakiens.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 1er au 7 mai inclus)

Les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis, et projetés depuis le groupe aéronaval poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la coalition.
Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 21 sorties aériennes.

Incident date

May 6, 2019

Incident Code



مشفى نبض الحياة - حاس, Nabd Al Hayat hospital - Hass, Idlib, Syria

One civilian was reported killed and another injured in an alleged Russian airstrike on Nabd Al-Hayat hospital in Hass, on May 6th, 2019. Jamal Al Farhat named Abdullah Khaled Al-Farhat as the victim. Airwars Syria Researcher spoke to a witness to this incident, Abu Abdallah who preferred to use a pseudonym and who was a


First published
May 6, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Healthcare facility
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
2 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

May 6, 2019

Incident Code



كفرزيتا, Kafar Zeita, Hama, Syria

Local sources reported that alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes struck northern Kafar Zeita in the night of May 6th to May 7th, 2019. Four civilians were reported killed, including two women and two children of the same family. A man and three children were reported wounded. SyriaTV wrote that “the city of Kafar Zeita


First published
May 6, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Healthcare facility
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 children2 women)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
Named victims
4 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

May 6, 2019

Incident Code



أم نير,, Um Neir, Idlib, Syria

One civilian died in alleged Russian airstrikes on Um Neir, Idlib governorate, on May 6th, according to local media. Hmaid al Mohammad was killed as fixed-wing warplanes believed to be Russian fired a missile on Um Neir village in Idlib, according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights. An unknown number of civilians were also


First published
May 6, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Suspected target
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

May 6, 2019

Incident Code



صهيان, Sahiyan, Idlib, Syria

Up to four women and a child were killed in alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the village of Sahyan, Idlib governorate, on May 6th, 2010, according to local sources. Four other civilians were injured. @ShahbaPress reported that four women and a child were killed and an unknown number of others were injured when


First published
May 6, 2019
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 5
(1 child4 women)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
View Incident