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CENTCOM for January 26, 2015 – January 27, 2015

Report Date

January 27, 2015

TAMPA, Fla. – U.S. Central Command confirms that anti-ISIL forces now control approximately 90 percent of the city of Kobani. U.S. Central Command congratulates these courageous fighters and thanks them for their efforts.
Anti-ISIL forces have fought aggressively with resilience and fortitude. While the fight against ISIL is far from over, ISIL’s failure in Kobani has denied them one of their strategic objectives.

Report Date

January 27, 2015

TAMPA, Fla. – U.S. Central Command confirms that anti-ISIL forces now control approximately 90 percent of the city of Kobani. U.S. Central Command congratulates these courageous fighters and thanks them for their efforts.

Anti-ISIL forces have fought aggressively with resilience and fortitude. While the fight against ISIL is far from over, ISIL’s failure in Kobani has denied them one of their strategic objectives

CJTF–OIR for January 25, 2015 – January 26, 2015

Report Date

January 26, 2015

On Jan. 25, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 21 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 25, and 8 a.m., Jan. 26, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Al Qaim, an airstrike destroyed three ISIL armored vehicles.

* Near Ar Raqqah, two airstrikes destroyed six ISIL armored vehicles and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Dayr az Zawr, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.

* Near Kobani, 17 airstrikes struck 14 ISIL tactical units, a large ISIL unit, and two ISIL fighting positions, and destroyed six ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, and an ISIL staging area.


* Near Fallujah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL excavator.

* Near Haditha, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Mosul, four airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL bunkers, two ISIL vehicles, and an ISIL armored vehicle.

* Near Tal Afar, seven airstrikes struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL mortar firing positions, three ISIL VBIEDs, eight ISIL armored vehicles, an ISIL checkpoint, 15 ISIL vehicles, and three ISIL fighting positions.

Report Date

January 26, 2015

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 21 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (1134 – 1146)
  • 21 in Syria (933 – 953)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada

On Jan. 25, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 21 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 25, and 8 a.m., Jan. 26, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 25, 2015
Syria: 21 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Al Qaim, an airstrike destroyed three ISIL armored vehicles.
Near Ar Raqqah, two airstrikes destroyed six ISIL armored vehicles and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Dayr az Zawr, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.
Near Kobani, 17 airstrikes struck 14 ISIL tactical units, a large ISIL unit, and two ISIL fighting positions, and destroyed six ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, and an ISIL staging area.


Near Fallujah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL excavator.
Near Haditha, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Mosul, four airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL bunkers, two ISIL vehicles, and an ISIL armored vehicle.
Near Tal Afar, seven airstrikes struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL mortar firing positions, three ISIL VBIEDs, eight ISIL armored vehicles, an ISIL checkpoint, 15 ISIL vehicles, and three ISIL fighting positions.

UK MoD for January 25, 2015 – January 26, 2015

Report Date

January 26, 2015

25 January: a Reaper was once again on patrol over northern Iraq on Sunday, providing top cover to the peshmerga as they consolidated their latest successful offensive against ISIL. One Hellfire was used to attack an armoured personnel carrier, then a further 2 missiles were used against 2 ISIL positions near by.

Report Date

January 26, 2015

25 January: a Reaper was once again on patrol over northern Iraq on Sunday, providing top cover to the peshmerga as they consolidated their latest successful offensive against ISIL. One Hellfire was used to attack an armoured personnel carrier, then a further 2 missiles were used against 2 ISIL positions near by.

Canadian MoD for January 25, 2015 – January 26, 2015

Report Date

January 26, 2015

On 25 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted northeast of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

January 26, 2015

On 25 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted northeast of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position using precision guided munitions.

Netherlands MoD for January 25, 2015 – January 26, 2015

Report Date

January 26, 2015


Reports 14 new missions and 13 weapon releases in the past week. To date Dutch pilots “have flown over 2000 hours spread over more than 400 missions. More than 250 weapons have been deployed.”

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 19 tot en met 25 januari.

De Nederlandse F-16’s, actief in de strijd tegen ISIS, kwamen 14 keer in actie boven verschillende provincies van Irak. Ze zetten 13 keer wapens in. Sinds de start van de missie werd al meer dan 2000 uur gevlogen, verdeeld over meer dan 400 missies. Meer dan 250 keer werden wapens ingezet.

Report Date

January 26, 2015


Reports 14 new missions and 13 weapon releases in the past week. To date Dutch pilots “have flown over 2000 hours spread over more than 400 missions. More than 250 weapons have been deployed.”

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 19 tot en met 25 januari.

De Nederlandse F-16’s, actief in de strijd tegen ISIS, kwamen 14 keer in actie boven verschillende provincies van Irak. Ze zetten 13 keer wapens in. Sinds de start van de missie werd al meer dan 2000 uur gevlogen, verdeeld over meer dan 400 missies. Meer dan 250 keer werden wapens ingezet.

CJTF–OIR for January 24, 2015 – January 25, 2015

Report Date

January 25, 2015

On Jan. 24, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 15 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 19 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 24, and 8 a.m., Jan. 25, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, 13 airstrikes struck eight ISIL tactical units, two large ISIL units, and an ISIL fighting position, and destroyed 20 ISIL fighting positions and two ISIL vehicles.

* Near Idlib, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Al Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed two ISIL shipping containers and two ISIL bunkers.


* Near Bayji, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

* Near Haditha, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL weapons cache.

* Near Huwayjah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

* Near Mahkmur, four airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and three large ISIL units and destroyed two ISIL buildings and an ISIL heavy weapon.

* Near Mosul, five airstrikes [1 French, 1 Canadian] struck an ISIL tactical unit, a large ISIL unit, and an ISIL vehicle, and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL building, an ISIL mortar system, an ISIL weapons storage facility, and an ISIL structure. [see also Additional CENTCOM Report below]

* Near Ramadi, an airstrike [French] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL structure and an ISIL mortar firing position.

* Near Samarra, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL VBIED production facility.

* Near Tal Afar, five airstrikes struck two large ISIL units and two ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL buildings, an ISIL rocket system, an ISIL VBIED, four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL heavy weapon, and an ISIL armored vehicle.

Report Date

January 25, 2015

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 15 in Syria
  • 19 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 19 in Iraq (1115 – 1133)
  • 15 in Syria (918 – 932)

Confirmed Actions

US, France, Canada

On Jan. 24, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 15 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 19 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 24, and 8 a.m., Jan. 25, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 24, 2015
Syria: 15 strikes
Iraq: 19 strikes
Near Kobani, 13 airstrikes struck eight ISIL tactical units, two large ISIL units, and an ISIL fighting position, and destroyed 20 ISIL fighting positions and two ISIL vehicles.
Near Idlib, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Al Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed two ISIL shipping containers and two ISIL bunkers.


Near Bayji, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.
Near Haditha, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL weapons cache.
Near Huwayjah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.
Near Mahkmur, four airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and three large ISIL units and destroyed two ISIL buildings and an ISIL heavy weapon.
Near Mosul, five airstrikes [1 French, 1 Canadian] struck an ISIL tactical unit, a large ISIL unit, and an ISIL vehicle, and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL building, an ISIL mortar system, an ISIL weapons storage facility, and an ISIL structure. [see also Additional CENTCOM Report below]
Near Ramadi, an airstrike [French] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL structure and an ISIL mortar firing position.
Near Samarra, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL VBIED production facility.
Near Tal Afar, five airstrikes struck two large ISIL units and two ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL buildings, an ISIL rocket system, an ISIL VBIED, four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL heavy weapon, and an ISIL armored vehicle.

French MoD for January 24, 2015 – January 25, 2015

Report Date

January 25, 2015

Deux d’entre elles ont abouti sur des frappes contre des objectifs de Daech, les 24 et 25 janvier, permettant notamment la neutralisation d’une vingtaine de combattants terroristes. La première frappe a eu lieu dans la région de Mossoul, au sud-est de cette ville. La deuxième frappe a été effectuée dans la vallée de l’Euphrate, à l’est de Ramadi.

Report Date

January 25, 2015

Deux d’entre elles ont abouti sur des frappes contre des objectifs de Daech, les 24 et 25 janvier, permettant notamment la neutralisation d’une vingtaine de combattants terroristes. La première frappe a eu lieu dans la région de Mossoul, au sud-est de cette ville. La deuxième frappe a été effectuée dans la vallée de l’Euphrate, à l’est de Ramadi.

Canadian MoD for January 24, 2015 – January 25, 2015

Report Date

January 25, 2015

On 24 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted southeast of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

January 25, 2015

On 24 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted southeast of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position using precision guided munitions.

CENTCOM for January 24, 2015 – January 25, 2015

Report Date

January 25, 2015



ISIL terrorist Abu Malik was killed Jan. 24 in a coalition airstrike in the vicinity of Mosul, Iraq. Malik was an ISIL chemical weapons engineer who worked at Saddam Hussein’s Muthana chemical weapon production facility before affiliating with al Qaeda Iraq in 2005. He later joined ISIL and his past training and experience provided the terrorist group with expertise to pursue a chemical weapons capability. His death is expected to temporarily degrade and disrupt the terrorist network and diminish ISIL’s ability to potentially produce and use chemical weapons against innocent people.

Report Date

January 25, 2015



ISIL terrorist Abu Malik was killed Jan. 24 in a coalition airstrike in the vicinity of Mosul, Iraq. Malik was an ISIL chemical weapons engineer who worked at Saddam Hussein’s Muthana chemical weapon production facility before affiliating with al Qaeda Iraq in 2005. He later joined ISIL and his past training and experience provided the terrorist group with expertise to pursue a chemical weapons capability. His death is expected to temporarily degrade and disrupt the terrorist network and diminish ISIL’s ability to potentially produce and use chemical weapons against innocent people.

CJTF–OIR for January 23, 2015 – January 24, 2015

Report Date

January 24, 2015

On Jan. 23, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 13 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 23, and 8 a.m., Jan. 24, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, 12 airstrikes struck eight ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL building, and eight ISIL fighting positions.

* Near Al Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL mobile oil drilling rig.


* Near Al Qaim, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL weapons production facility.

* Near Mosul, five airstrikes struck two large ISIL units, an ISIL choke point, an ISIL culvert, and four ISIL roads, and destroyed an ISIL culvert and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Ramadi, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Tal Afar, five airstrikes struck a large ISIL unit, two ISIL tactical units, an ISIL cantonment area, and an ISIL vehicle, and destroyed an ISIL building, six ISIL vehicles, an ISIL bunker, two ISIL shipping containers, and two ISIL checkpoints.

* Near Erbil, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL shipping container, two ISIL vehicles, and three ISIL earth moving vehicles.

Report Date

January 24, 2015

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 13 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (1102 – 1114)
  • 13 in Syria (91 – 905)

Confirmed Actions


On Jan. 23, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 13 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 23, and 8 a.m., Jan. 24, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 23, 2015
Syria: 13 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Kobani, 12 airstrikes struck eight ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL building, and eight ISIL fighting positions.
Near Al Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL mobile oil drilling rig.


Near Al Qaim, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL weapons production facility.
Near Mosul, five airstrikes struck two large ISIL units, an ISIL choke point, an ISIL culvert, and four ISIL roads, and destroyed an ISIL culvert and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Ramadi, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Tal Afar, five airstrikes struck a large ISIL unit, two ISIL tactical units, an ISIL cantonment area, and an ISIL vehicle, and destroyed an ISIL building, six ISIL vehicles, an ISIL bunker, two ISIL shipping containers, and two ISIL checkpoints.
Near Erbil, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL shipping container, two ISIL vehicles, and three ISIL earth moving vehicles.

CJTF–OIR for January 22, 2015 – January 23, 2015

Report Date

January 23, 2015

On Jan. 22, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft to conduct 12 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 22, and 8 a.m., Jan. 23, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, 10 airstrikes struck six ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed 12 ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Ar Raqqah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL trailer.

* Near Al Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL mobile oil drilling rig.


* Near Al Asad*, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, a large ISIL unit, and an ISIL vehicle, and destroyed an ISIL IED and two ISIL vehicles.

* Near Mosul, eight airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck three ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed seven ISIL vehicles, two ISIL VBIEDs, an ISIL bulldozer, four ISIL buildings, an ISIL artillery system, an ISIL heavy weapon system, two ISIL armored vehicles, an ISIL shipping container, and an ISIL bunker.

* Near Sinjar, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL building.

* Near Tal Afar, an airstrike struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building and an ISIL vehicle

Report Date

January 23, 2015

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 12 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (1089 – 1101)
  • 12 in Syria (893 – 904)

Confirmed Actions

US, Canada, UK

On Jan. 22, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft to conduct 12 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 22, and 8 a.m., Jan. 23, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 22, 2015
Syria: 12 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Kobani, 10 airstrikes struck six ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed 12 ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Ar Raqqah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL trailer.
Near Al Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL mobile oil drilling rig.


Near Al Asad, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, a large ISIL unit, and an ISIL vehicle, and destroyed an ISIL IED and two ISIL vehicles.
Near Mosul, eight airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck three ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed seven ISIL vehicles, two ISIL VBIEDs, an ISIL bulldozer, four ISIL buildings, an ISIL artillery system, an ISIL heavy weapon system, two ISIL armored vehicles, an ISIL shipping container, and an ISIL bunker.
Near Sinjar, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL building.
Near Tal Afar, an airstrike struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building and an ISIL vehicle

Canadian MoD for January 22, 2015 – January 23, 2015

Report Date

January 23, 2015

On 23 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted north-west of Mosul, one CF-188 Hornet successfully struck ISIL fighting positions using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

January 23, 2015

On 23 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted north-west of Mosul, one CF-188 Hornet successfully struck ISIL fighting positions using precision guided munitions.

UK MoD for January 22, 2015 – January 23, 2015

Report Date

January 23, 2015

23 January: another Reaper flew on Friday morning to support the Iraqi army in the west of the country and observed ISIL fighters loading rockets into a truck. The vehicle was kept under close observation and then was successfully attacked with a Hellfire. A further attack was then conducted as the terrorists attempted to salvage equipment from the damaged truck.

Report Date

January 23, 2015

23 January: another Reaper flew on Friday morning to support the Iraqi army in the west of the country and observed ISIL fighters loading rockets into a truck. The vehicle was kept under close observation and then was successfully attacked with a Hellfire. A further attack was then conducted as the terrorists attempted to salvage equipment from the damaged truck.

CJTF–OIR for January 21, 2015 – January 22, 2015

Report Date

January 22, 2015

On Jan. 21, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 10 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 21 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 21, and 8 a.m., Jan. 22, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, nine airstrikes struck six ISIL tactical units and destroyed 17 ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Ar Raqqah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL weapons storage facility.


* Near Kirkuk, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Mosul, 16 airstrikes [4 Canadian] struck two large ISIL units, two ISIL tactical units, an ISIL building, and an ISIL mortar team, and destroyed six ISIL culverts, two ISIL bridges, three ISIL buildings, an ISIL artillery system, 11 ISIL vehicles, an ISIL fighting position, six ISIL staging positions, two ISIL heavy weapons, an ISIL VBIED, and four ISIL armored vehicles.

* Near Sinjar, two airstrikes [French] struck a large ISIL unit and an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL mortar position, an ISIL fighting position, and an ISIL armored vehicle.

* Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL VBIED.

Report Date

January 22, 2015

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 10 in Syria
  • 21 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 21 in Iraq (1068 – 1088)
  • 10 in Syria (883 – 892)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, France, Canada

On Jan. 21, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 10 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 21 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 21, and 8 a.m., Jan. 22, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 21, 2015
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 21 strikes
Near Kobani, nine airstrikes struck six ISIL tactical units and destroyed 17 ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Ar Raqqah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL weapons storage facility.


Near Kirkuk, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Mosul, 16 airstrikes [4 Canadian] struck two large ISIL units, two ISIL tactical units, an ISIL building, and an ISIL mortar team, and destroyed six ISIL culverts, two ISIL bridges, three ISIL buildings, an ISIL artillery system, 11 ISIL vehicles, an ISIL fighting position, six ISIL staging positions, two ISIL heavy weapons, an ISIL VBIED, and four ISIL armored vehicles.
Near Sinjar, two airstrikes [French] struck a large ISIL unit and an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL mortar position, an ISIL fighting position, and an ISIL armored vehicle.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL VBIED.

French MoD for January 21, 2015 – January 22, 2015

Report Date

January 22, 2015

Dans la nuit du 21 au 22 janvier, les avions français ont contribué à un raid de la coalition dans le nord du pays, dans la région de Sinjar. En fin de soirée, une patrouille a décollé pour un raid aérien planifié visant à détruire des positions de combat de Daech. Une dizaine d’objectifs a été détruit par les chasseurs français au moyen de bombes AASM1.

Report Date

January 22, 2015

Dans la nuit du 21 au 22 janvier, les avions français ont contribué à un raid de la coalition dans le nord du pays, dans la région de Sinjar. En fin de soirée, une patrouille a décollé pour un raid aérien planifié visant à détruire des positions de combat de Daech. Une dizaine d’objectifs a été détruit par les chasseurs français au moyen de bombes AASM1.

UK MoD for January 21, 2015 – January 22, 2015

Report Date

January 22, 2015

On Wednesday evening [January 21st], a Reaper provided further surveillance for the peshmerga, and in a series of engagements used Hellfires to attack a number terrorist vehicles and a fighting position. Elsewhere in the country, in the early hours of Thursday, 22 January, an RAF Reaper provided air support to Iraqi soldiers engaged in a firefight with terrorists, including a heavily armed ISIL pick-up truck. One Hellfire accounted for the truck, another for a fighting position.

Report Date

January 22, 2015

On Wednesday evening [January 21st], a Reaper provided further surveillance for the peshmerga, and in a series of engagements used Hellfires to attack a number terrorist vehicles and a fighting position. Elsewhere in the country, in the early hours of Thursday, 22 January, an RAF Reaper provided air support to Iraqi soldiers engaged in a firefight with terrorists, including a heavily armed ISIL pick-up truck. One Hellfire accounted for the truck, another for a fighting position.

Canadian MoD for January 21, 2015 – January 22, 2015

Report Date

January 22, 2015

On 21 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted north-east of Mosul, one CF-188 Hornet successfully struck ISIL fighting positions on three different occasions, using precision guided munitions.

On 21 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted northwest of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

January 22, 2015

On 21 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted north-east of Mosul, one CF-188 Hornet successfully struck ISIL fighting positions on three different occasions, using precision guided munitions.

On 21 January 2015, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations conducted northwest of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position using precision guided munitions.

CJTF–OIR for January 20, 2015 – January 21, 2015

Report Date

January 21, 2015

On Jan. 20, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 13 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 10 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 20, and 8 a.m., Jan. 21, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, 10 airstrikes struck seven ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed eight ISIL staging positions, 13 ISIL fighting positions, and two ISIL vehicles.

* Near Abu Kamal, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL bunker.

* Near Ar Raqqah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL weapon cache and destroyed an ISIL guard facility.


* Near Tal Afar, three airstrikes struck a large ISIL unit and two ISIL logistic routes and destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle, two ISIL vehicles, five ISIL buildings, an ISIL shipping container, three ISIL heavy weapons, an ISIL bridge, five ISIL road crossings, and an ISIL IED.

* Near Al Qaim, an airstrike destroyed two ISIL bunkers and a buried ISIL structure.

* Near Al Asad, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

* Near Bayji, an airstrike destroyed two ISIL buildings.

* Near Ramadi, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL buildings.

* Near Mosul, three airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck three ISIL tactical units and an ISIL checkpoint and destroyed an ISIL building, an ISIL heavy weapon, and two ISIL vehicles.

Report Date

January 21, 2015

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 13 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (1058 – 1067)
  • 13 in Syria (870 – 882)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada

On Jan. 20, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 13 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 10 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 20, and 8 a.m., Jan. 21, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 20, 2015
Syria: 13 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes
Near Kobani, 10 airstrikes struck seven ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed eight ISIL staging positions, 13 ISIL fighting positions, and two ISIL vehicles.
Near Abu Kamal, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL bunker.
Near Ar Raqqah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL weapon cache and destroyed an ISIL guard facility.


Near Tal Afar, three airstrikes struck a large ISIL unit and two ISIL logistic routes and destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle, two ISIL vehicles, five ISIL buildings, an ISIL shipping container, three ISIL heavy weapons, an ISIL bridge, five ISIL road crossings, and an ISIL IED.
Near Al Qaim, an airstrike destroyed two ISIL bunkers and a buried ISIL structure.
Near Al Asad, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building.
Near Bayji, an airstrike destroyed two ISIL buildings.
Near Ramadi, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL buildings.
Near Mosul, three airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck three ISIL tactical units and an ISIL checkpoint and destroyed an ISIL building, an ISIL heavy weapon, and two ISIL vehicles.

UK MoD for January 20, 2015 – January 21, 2015

Report Date

January 21, 2015

RAF aircraft have been on hand to assist the latest Kurdish offensive operation; on Tuesday [January 20th], a Reaper was able to conduct a successful precision attack with a Hellfire missile on a terrorist group.

Early on Wednesday, 21 January, a pair of Tornado GR4s also flew in support of Kurdish troops, a Brimstone missile struck a heavily-armed ISIL truck and a Paveway IV guided bomb was used to target a terrorist observation post. Initial reports indicate both attacks were a success.

Report Date

January 21, 2015

RAF aircraft have been on hand to assist the latest Kurdish offensive operation; on Tuesday [January 20th], a Reaper was able to conduct a successful precision attack with a Hellfire missile on a terrorist group.

Early on Wednesday, 21 January, a pair of Tornado GR4s also flew in support of Kurdish troops, a Brimstone missile struck a heavily-armed ISIL truck and a Paveway IV guided bomb was used to target a terrorist observation post. Initial reports indicate both attacks were a success.

Canadian MoD for January 20, 2015 – January 21, 2015

Report Date

January 21, 2015

On 20 January, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations west of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

January 21, 2015

On 20 January, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations west of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position using precision guided munitions.

CJTF–OIR for January 19, 2015 – January 20, 2015

Report Date

January 20, 2015

On Jan. 19, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft to conduct 10 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 19, and 8 a.m., Jan. 20, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, nine airstrikes struck seven ISIL tactical units and destroyed four ISIL staging positions, five ISIL fighting positions, four ISIL vehicles, and an ISIL mortar system.

* Near Al Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL bunker.


* Near Al Qaim, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL armored vehicles.

* Near Al Asad, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and two ISIL supply caches.

* Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL mortar systems.

* Near Sinjar, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Kirkuk, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Ramadi, an airstrike struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL buildings and two ISIL heavy weapons.

Report Date

January 20, 2015

Report Summary

  • 19 total strikes
  • 10 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 19 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (1049 – 1057)
  • 10 in Syria (860 – 869)

Confirmed Actions


On Jan. 19, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft to conduct 10 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 19, and 8 a.m., Jan. 20, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 19, 2015
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes
Near Kobani, nine airstrikes struck seven ISIL tactical units and destroyed four ISIL staging positions, five ISIL fighting positions, four ISIL vehicles, and an ISIL mortar system.
Near Al Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL bunker.


Near Al Qaim, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL armored vehicles.
Near Al Asad, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and two ISIL supply caches.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL mortar systems.
Near Sinjar, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
Near Kirkuk, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Ramadi, an airstrike struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL buildings and two ISIL heavy weapons.

Danish MoD for January 19, 2015 – January 20, 2015

Report Date

January 20, 2015


Once again Denmark reports that its operations are focused on the Bayji and Anbar areas of Iraq, with 6 weapons dropped in 12 missions since January 12th.

20-01-2015 – kl. 14:43 – Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og de danske fly har i den forløbne periode deltaget i missioner i områderne omkring Bayiji og Al-Anbar provinsen.

De danske fly har primært fløjet missioner, der kaldes Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat direkte som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Her vil flyene patruljere over et bestemt område, hvorefter de vil kunne blive indsat af koalitionen, når der er behov for støtte.

Luftstøtten kan også her bestå af flere forskellige opgaver, afhængig af hvad der er behov for. Det kan både dreje sig om overvågningsopgaver og bombninger af mål. På nogle af CAS-missionerne har de danske F-16 fly kastet bomber i forbindelse med kamphandlinger på jorden. Målet for bomberne har været bygninger og fjendtlige styrker.

På de missioner, hvor de danske F-16 ikke har anvendt våben, har de bidraget med overvågning og indhentning af efterretninger. På sådanne overvågningsmissioner er flyene dog altid klar til at anvende våben, hvis der er behov for det.

I løbet af de seneste 12 missioner har de danske fly kastet seks bomber.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014 har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 151 missioner og anvendt 99 bomber. Alle de danske bomber er præcisionsstyrede, hvilket vil sige, at de styres mod deres mål af enten laser eller GPS.

Report Date

January 20, 2015


Once again Denmark reports that its operations are focused on the Bayji and Anbar areas of Iraq, with 6 weapons dropped in 12 missions since January 12th.

20-01-2015 – kl. 14:43 – Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og de danske fly har i den forløbne periode deltaget i missioner i områderne omkring Bayiji og Al-Anbar provinsen.

De danske fly har primært fløjet missioner, der kaldes Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat direkte som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Her vil flyene patruljere over et bestemt område, hvorefter de vil kunne blive indsat af koalitionen, når der er behov for støtte.

Luftstøtten kan også her bestå af flere forskellige opgaver, afhængig af hvad der er behov for. Det kan både dreje sig om overvågningsopgaver og bombninger af mål. På nogle af CAS-missionerne har de danske F-16 fly kastet bomber i forbindelse med kamphandlinger på jorden. Målet for bomberne har været bygninger og fjendtlige styrker.

På de missioner, hvor de danske F-16 ikke har anvendt våben, har de bidraget med overvågning og indhentning af efterretninger. På sådanne overvågningsmissioner er flyene dog altid klar til at anvende våben, hvis der er behov for det.

I løbet af de seneste 12 missioner har de danske fly kastet seks bomber.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014 har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 151 missioner og anvendt 99 bomber. Alle de danske bomber er præcisionsstyrede, hvilket vil sige, at de styres mod deres mål af enten laser eller GPS.

CJTF–OIR for January 18, 2015 – January 19, 2015

Report Date

January 19, 2015

On Jan. 18, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 15 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 11 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 18, and 8 a.m., Jan. 19, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck two large ISIL units and eight ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL staging positions, and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Aleppo, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Al Hasakah, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL artillery system.


* Near Bayji, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL buildings.

* Near Ar Rutbah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.

* Near Taji, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Fallujah, an airstrike struck a large ISIL unit.

* Near Ramadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and a large ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

* Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and a large ISIL unit and destroyed two ISL buildings and an ISIL artillery system.

* Near Baghdad, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

Report Date

January 19, 2015

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 15 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 11 in Iraq (1038 – 1048)
  • 15 in Syria (85 – 845)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada

On Jan. 18, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 15 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 11 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 18, and 8 a.m., Jan. 19, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 18, 2015
Syria: 15 strikes
Iraq: 11 strikes
Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck two large ISIL units and eight ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL staging positions, and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Aleppo, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Al Hasakah, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL artillery system.


Near Bayji, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL buildings.
Near Ar Rutbah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.
Near Taji, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Fallujah, an airstrike struck a large ISIL unit.
Near Ramadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and a large ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and a large ISIL unit and destroyed two ISL buildings and an ISIL artillery system.
Near Baghdad, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

UK MoD for January 18, 2015 – January 19, 2015

Report Date

January 19, 2015

Reapers continued to provide support to the Iraqi army on Sunday 18 January – in the afternoon a Hellfire was used to strike a heavy machine-gun position that threatened Iraqi soldiers nearby, then during the night a further 3 missiles were used to target a large terrorist group as they began an attack on an Iraqi position.

Tornado GR4s were also active in the early hours of Monday morning [January 19th], flying armed reconnaissance in western Iraq, close to the Syrian border. An armoured personnel carrier was identified near Al Qaim and hit by a Brimstone missile. Continuing their patrol to the north east, the GR4s caught another group of ISIL vehicles attacked with a Paveway IV bomb.

Report Date

January 19, 2015

Reapers continued to provide support to the Iraqi army on Sunday 18 January – in the afternoon a Hellfire was used to strike a heavy machine-gun position that threatened Iraqi soldiers nearby, then during the night a further 3 missiles were used to target a large terrorist group as they began an attack on an Iraqi position.

Tornado GR4s were also active in the early hours of Monday morning [January 19th], flying armed reconnaissance in western Iraq, close to the Syrian border. An armoured personnel carrier was identified near Al Qaim and hit by a Brimstone missile. Continuing their patrol to the north east, the GR4s caught another group of ISIL vehicles attacked with a Paveway IV bomb.

Canadian MoD for January 18, 2015 – January 19, 2015

Report Date

January 19, 2015

On January 18, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations northwest of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position by using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

January 19, 2015

On January 18, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations northwest of Mosul, CF-188 Hornets successfully struck an ISIL fighting position by using precision guided munitions.

Netherlands MoD for January 18, 2015 – January 19, 2015

Report Date

January 19, 2015


Reports that 7 bombs were dropped uring 20 new missions against “ISIS fighters, positions, vehicles and buildings.”

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 12 tot en met 18 januari 2015.
Nederlandse F-16’s gooiden in 20 vluchten 7 bommen op doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS. Ze troffen daarmee strijders, posities, voertuigen en gebouwen.
Nederlandse trainers begonnen in Erbil en Bagdad met voorbereidingen en proeftrainingen voor Iraakse en Koerdische commando’s en infanteristen.

Report Date

January 19, 2015


Reports that 7 bombs were dropped uring 20 new missions against “ISIS fighters, positions, vehicles and buildings.”

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 12 tot en met 18 januari 2015.


Nederlandse F-16’s gooiden in 20 vluchten 7 bommen op doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS. Ze troffen daarmee strijders, posities, voertuigen en gebouwen.

Nederlandse trainers begonnen in Erbil en Bagdad met voorbereidingen en proeftrainingen voor Iraakse en Koerdische commando

CJTF–OIR for January 17, 2015 – January 18, 2015

Report Date

January 18, 2015

On Jan. 17, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 15 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 17, and 8 a.m., Jan. 18, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck two ISIL fighting positions and five ISIL tactical units and destroyed five ISIL staging positions and six ISIL fighting positions.

* Near Ar Raqqah, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Al Hasakah, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL checkpoints, an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL structures, an ISIL bunker, an ISIL shipping container, and an ISIL artillery system.


* Near Bayji, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL sniper position and an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Al Asad, five airstrikes struck five ISIL tactical units and destroyed four ISIL buildings.

* Near Sinjar, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy weapon position and an ISIL building.

* Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle and an ISIL building.

Report Date

January 18, 2015

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 15 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (1029 – 1037)
  • 15 in Syria (830 – 844)

Confirmed Actions


On Jan. 17, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 15 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 17, and 8 a.m., Jan. 18, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 17, 2015
Syria: 15 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes
Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck two ISIL fighting positions and five ISIL tactical units and destroyed five ISIL staging positions and six ISIL fighting positions.
Near Ar Raqqah, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Al Hasakah, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL checkpoints, an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL structures, an ISIL bunker, an ISIL shipping container, and an ISIL artillery system.


Near Bayji, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL sniper position and an ISIL fighting position.
Near Al Asad, five airstrikes struck five ISIL tactical units and destroyed four ISIL buildings.
Near Sinjar, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy weapon position and an ISIL building.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle and an ISIL building.
  • The CJTF-OIR report for Jan 17th-18th 2015, which was not publicly released.

CJTF–OIR for January 16, 2015 – January 17, 2015

Report Date

January 17, 2015

On Jan. 16, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 13 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 16 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 16, and 8 a.m., Jan. 17, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck an ISIL tank, three ISIL fighting positions, and four ISIL tactical units, and destroyed an ISIL tank and eight ISIL fighting positions.

* Near Abu Kamal, an airstrike struck an ISIL vehicle and destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

* Near Dawr az Zawr, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.


* Near Hit, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

* Near Al Qaim, two airstrikes struck an ISIL checkpoint and destroyed an ISIL excavator.

* Near Bayji, two airstrikes [British] struck a large ISIL unit and an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed five ISIL buildings.

* Near Taji, five airstrikes struck five ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL buildings.

* Near Al Asad, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Sinjar, two airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL fighting position and destroyed two ISIL buildings.

* Near Mosul, two airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL fighting position and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

Report Date

January 17, 2015

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 13 in Syria
  • 16 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 16 in Iraq (1013 – 1028)
  • 13 in Syria (817 – 829)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada

On Jan. 16, U.S. and Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 13 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and Coalition military forces conducted 16 airstrikes in Iraq, using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists. All strikes took place between 8 a.m., Jan. 16, and 8 a.m., Jan. 17, local time. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


January 16, 2015
Syria: 13 strikes
Iraq: 16 strikes
Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck an ISIL tank, three ISIL fighting positions, and four ISIL tactical units, and destroyed an ISIL tank and eight ISIL fighting positions.
Near Abu Kamal, an airstrike struck an ISIL vehicle and destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.
Near Dawr az Zawr, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.


Near Hit, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL vehicles.
Near Al Qaim, two airstrikes struck an ISIL checkpoint and destroyed an ISIL excavator.
Near Bayji, two airstrikes [British] struck a large ISIL unit and an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed five ISIL buildings.
Near Taji, five airstrikes struck five ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL buildings.
Near Al Asad, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Sinjar, two airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL fighting position and destroyed two ISIL buildings.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL fighting position and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

UK MoD for January 16, 2015 – January 17, 2015

Report Date

January 17, 2015

Friday [January 16th] saw another Tornado patrol supporting the Iraqi army in its operations near Bayji. Three positions were identified and were struck simultaneously with Paveways. A fourth Paveway was used shortly afterwards against a further ISIL position near by.

That evening, an RAF Reaper, operating elsewhere in Iraq, identified another group of terrorists who had just attacked an Iraqi unit and conducted 2 successful attacks with Hellfire missiles.

Report Date

January 17, 2015

Friday [January 16th] saw another Tornado patrol supporting the Iraqi army in its operations near Bayji. Three positions were identified and were struck simultaneously with Paveways. A fourth Paveway was used shortly afterwards against a further ISIL position near by.

That evening, an RAF Reaper, operating elsewhere in Iraq, identified another group of terrorists who had just attacked an Iraqi unit and conducted 2 successful attacks with Hellfire missiles.

Canadian MoD for January 16, 2015 – January 17, 2015

Report Date

January 17, 2015

On January 16, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations, CF-188 Hornets conducted an airstrike northeast of Mosul and another in the vicinity of Sinjar where ISIL fighting positions were successfully struck by using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

January 17, 2015

On January 16, while taking part in coalition missions in support of Iraqi security forces ground operations, CF-188 Hornets conducted an airstrike northeast of Mosul and another in the vicinity of Sinjar where ISIL fighting positions were successfully struck by using precision guided munitions.