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French MoD for July 22, 2018 – July 23, 2018

Report Date

July 23, 2018


For July 18th – 24th, France report just two shooting missions by Task Force Wagram in the Euphrates Valley. There have been a total of 197 missions since the offensive began on Maty 1st. French aircraft carried out 29 sorties in support of ground forces but there were no strikes.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les deux dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit. La sécurisation de la poche de Dashisha est quasiment terminée mais la dépollution de la zone est toujours en cours.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

Les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent. Une opération majeure dans le désert de Djézireh s’est terminée notamment le 18 juillet.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

Depuis début juillet, la Task Force Narvik conduit une formation de lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés (C-IED) au profit de 40 soldats de l’Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS). Elle a pour objectif l’apprentissage de méthodes élémentaires de détection, de sécurisation et de destruction des engins explosifs improvisés à courte distance.

Cette formation contribue à la montée en puissance des unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes. Elle s’inscrit, avec l’ensemble des instructions réalisées, dans le pilier «formation» de la contribution française à l’opération Inherent Resolve.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 197 missions de tirs, dont 2 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 18 au 24 juillet inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1856 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des operations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 29 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 18 au 24 juillet inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8265 sorties / 1453 frappes / 2244 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

July 23, 2018


For July 18th – 24th, France report just two shooting missions by Task Force Wagram in the Euphrates Valley. There have been a total of 197 missions since the offensive began on Maty 1st. French aircraft carried out 29 sorties in support of ground forces but there were no strikes.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les deux dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit. La sécurisation de la poche de Dashisha est quasiment terminée mais la dépollution de la zone est toujours en cours.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

Les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent. Une opération majeure dans le désert de Djézireh s’est terminée notamment le 18 juillet.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

Depuis début juillet, la Task Force Narvik conduit une formation de lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés (C-IED) au profit de 40 soldats de l’Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS). Elle a pour objectif l’apprentissage de méthodes élémentaires de détection, de sécurisation et de destruction des engins explosifs improvisés à courte distance.

Cette formation contribue à la montée en puissance des unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes. Elle s’inscrit, avec l’ensemble des instructions réalisées, dans le pilier «formation» de la contribution française à l’opération Inherent Resolve.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 197 missions de tirs, dont 2 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 18 au 24 juillet inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1856 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des operations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 29 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 18 au 24 juillet inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8265 sorties / 1453 frappes / 2244 objectifs neutralisés.

UK MoD for July 18, 2018 – July 19, 2018

Report Date

July 19, 2018

Wednesday 18 July – a Reaper sealed off a cave containing stockpiled weapons in eastern Syria…RAF aircraft continued to fly daily reconnaissance missions to identify potential Daesh activity, but did not need to engage a target until Wednesday 18 July. A cave in eastern Syria was confirmed as the location of a stockpile of terrorist weaponry, so a Reaper employed a GBU-12 guided bomb to deny Daesh access. The weapon scored a direct hit on the cave entrance and it was successfully collapsed.

Report Date

July 19, 2018

Wednesday 18 July – a Reaper sealed off a cave containing stockpiled weapons in eastern Syria…RAF aircraft continued to fly daily reconnaissance missions to identify potential Daesh activity, but did not need to engage a target until Wednesday 18 July. A cave in eastern Syria was confirmed as the location of a stockpile of terrorist weaponry, so a Reaper employed a GBU-12 guided bomb to deny Daesh access. The weapon scored a direct hit on the cave entrance and it was successfully collapsed.

Netherlands MoD for July 18, 2018 – July 19, 2018

Report Date

July 19, 2018


After only one week in which the Dutch MoD reported firing weapons in Iraq, the Netherlands reports no airstrikes between July 11th-18th. Dutch F-16s did offer support to ground troops in 10 missions in Iraq and Syria, reportedly without kinetic action.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Chinook-transporthelikopters zijn uitgerukt om te helpen bij bluswerk. Dat gebeurde boven Oldebroek en de duinen bij Heemskerk. De 2 helikopters staan vanwege de aanhoudende droogte stand by om te ondersteunen bij grote natuurbranden. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 11 tot 18 juli 2018.


In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 10 missies. Dat gebeurde in de Syrische provincies Deir al Zour, Al Hasakeh en in de Iraakse provincies Al Anbar en Ninawa. Er zijn geen wapens ingezet.

Report Date

July 19, 2018


After only one week in which the Dutch MoD reported firing weapons in Iraq, the Netherlands reports no airstrikes between July 11th-18th. Dutch F-16s did offer support to ground troops in 10 missions in Iraq and Syria, reportedly without kinetic action.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 18-07-2018 | 12:00

Chinook-transporthelikopters zijn uitgerukt om te helpen bij bluswerk. Dat gebeurde boven Oldebroek en de duinen bij Heemskerk. De 2 helikopters staan vanwege de aanhoudende droogte stand by om te ondersteunen bij grote natuurbranden. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 11 tot 18 juli 2018.


In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 10 missies. Dat gebeurde in de Syrische provincies Deir al Zour, Al Hasakeh en in de Iraakse provincies Al Anbar en Ninawa. Er zijn geen wapens ingezet.

CJTF–OIR for July 15, 2018 – July 16, 2018

Report Date

July 16, 2018

Operation Roundup targets Daesh remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of Daesh in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup, which began May 1 to accelerate the defeat of Daesh in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi-Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling Daesh organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target Daesh remnants as the Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from Daesh’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between July 9 and July 15, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 16 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on July 15, 2018.

On July 15 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Rawah, two strikes destroyed two Daesh tunnels.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq or Syria on July 14, 2018.

On July 13 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh fighting position and one Daesh logistics hub.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 13, 2018.

On July 12 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed one Daesh logistics hub, one Daesh fighting position, one Daesh supply route and two Daesh-held buildings.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 12 2018.

On July 11 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 11, 2018.

On July 10 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 10, 2018.

On July 9 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed one Daesh logistics hub and two Daesh fighting positions.

On July 9 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Diyala, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh motorcycles, one Daesh-held building, one Daesh vehicle and one Daesh supply cache.

Report Date

July 16, 2018

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq
  • 11 in Syria

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (14274 – 14276)
  • 11 in Syria (15511 – 15521)

Confirmed Actions


Operation Roundup targets Daesh remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of Daesh in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup, which began May 1 to accelerate the defeat of Daesh in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi-Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling Daesh organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target Daesh remnants as the Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from Daesh’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between July 9 and July 15, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 16 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on July 15, 2018.

July 15, 2018
Iraq: 2 strikes

On July 15 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Rawah, two strikes destroyed two Daesh tunnels.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq or Syria on July 14, 2018.

July 13, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes

On July 13 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh fighting position and one Daesh logistics hub.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 13, 2018.

July 12, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes

On July 12 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed one Daesh logistics hub, one Daesh fighting position, one Daesh supply route and two Daesh-held buildings.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 12 2018.

July 11, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes

On July 11 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 11, 2018.

July 10, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On July 10 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 10, 2018.

July 9, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 9 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed one Daesh logistics hub and two Daesh fighting positions.

On July 9 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Diyala, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh motorcycles, one Daesh-held building, one Daesh vehicle and one Daesh supply cache.

Netherlands MoD for July 15, 2018 – July 16, 2018

Report Date

July 16, 2018


The Netherlands reports no airstrikes between July 11th-18th. Dutch F-16s did offer support to ground troops in 10 missions in Iraq and Syria, reportedly without kinetic action.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Chinook-transporthelikopters zijn uitgerukt om te helpen bij bluswerk. Dat gebeurde boven Oldebroek en de duinen bij Heemskerk. De 2 helikopters staan vanwege de aanhoudende droogte stand by om te ondersteunen bij grote natuurbranden. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 11 tot 18 juli 2018.


In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 10 missies. Dat gebeurde in de Syrische provincies Deir al Zour, Al Hasakeh en in de Iraakse provincies Al Anbar en Ninawa. Er zijn geen wapens ingezet.

Report Date

July 16, 2018


The Netherlands reports no airstrikes between July 11th-18th. Dutch F-16s did offer support to ground troops in 10 missions in Iraq and Syria, reportedly without kinetic action.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 18-07-2018 | 12:00

Chinook-transporthelikopters zijn uitgerukt om te helpen bij bluswerk. Dat gebeurde boven Oldebroek en de duinen bij Heemskerk. De 2 helikopters staan vanwege de aanhoudende droogte stand by om te ondersteunen bij grote natuurbranden. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 11 tot 18 juli 2018.


In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 10 missies. Dat gebeurde in de Syrische provincies Deir al Zour, Al Hasakeh en in de Iraakse provincies Al Anbar en Ninawa. Er zijn geen wapens ingezet.

French MoD for July 15, 2018 – July 16, 2018

Report Date

July 16, 2018


From July 11th to 17th, France report that Task Force Wagram carried out six artillery “shooting missions” in the Euphrates Valley. In total since the start of the offensive on May 1st, it’s conducted 195 shooting missions. Aircraft conducted 24 sorties but there were no strikes.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les deux dernières emprises territoriales de Daech a marqué un temps d’arrêt durant quelques jours, afin de stabiliser les zones récemment libérées. L’objectif des forces démocratiques syriennes reste d’éviter que des éléments de Daech ne se laissent dépasser et tentent de conduire des actions sur leurs arrières. L’offensive a depuis repris.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

Pour contrer l’organisation terroriste, plusieurs opérations sont menées par les forces de sécurité irakienne en Ninive et dans le désert de l’Anbar. Elles ont permis cette semaine la destruction de plusieurs tunnels, la mise hors de combat de dizaines de terroristes et la neutralisation de nombreux engins explosifs improvisés.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

Élaboré à la demande de l’état-major de la 6e division irakienne, un stage « combat en zone urbaine » a été conduit par la Task Force Monsabert du 9 au 12 juillet. Le format retenu pour cette instruction résulte de l’analyse des retours d’expériences français et irakiens sur l’importance de la maîtrise des actes élémentaires du combat en zone urbaine. Cette formation couvre les techniques de progression, de sécurisation de bâtiment, ainsi que l’ensemble des savoir-faire caractéristiques du combat en zone urbaine.

Ce stage, qui s’inscrit dans une dynamique de long terme, devrait contribuer chaque mois à la formation de quinze soldats des bataillons commando de la 24e brigade.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 195 missions de tirs, dont 6 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 11 au 17 juillet inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1854 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des operations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 24 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 11 au 17 juillet inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8238 sorties / 1453 frappes / 2244 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

July 16, 2018


From July 11th to 17th, France report that Task Force Wagram carried out six artillery “shooting missions” in the Euphrates Valley. In total since the start of the offensive on May 1st, it’s conducted 195 shooting missions. Aircraft conducted 24 sorties but there were no strikes.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les deux dernières emprises territoriales de Daech a marqué un temps d’arrêt durant quelques jours, afin de stabiliser les zones récemment libérées. L’objectif des forces démocratiques syriennes reste d’éviter que des éléments de Daech ne se laissent dépasser et tentent de conduire des actions sur leurs arrières. L’offensive a depuis repris.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

Pour contrer l’organisation terroriste, plusieurs opérations sont menées par les forces de sécurité irakienne en Ninive et dans le désert de l’Anbar. Elles ont permis cette semaine la destruction de plusieurs tunnels, la mise hors de combat de dizaines de terroristes et la neutralisation de nombreux engins explosifs improvisés.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

Élaboré à la demande de l’état-major de la 6e division irakienne, un stage « combat en zone urbaine » a été conduit par la Task Force Monsabert du 9 au 12 juillet. Le format retenu pour cette instruction résulte de l’analyse des retours d’expériences français et irakiens sur l’importance de la maîtrise des actes élémentaires du combat en zone urbaine. Cette formation couvre les techniques de progression, de sécurisation de bâtiment, ainsi que l’ensemble des savoir-faire caractéristiques du combat en zone urbaine.

Ce stage, qui s’inscrit dans une dynamique de long terme, devrait contribuer chaque mois à la formation de quinze soldats des bataillons commando de la 24e brigade.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 195 missions de tirs, dont 6 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 11 au 17 juillet inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1854 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des operations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 24 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 11 au 17 juillet inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8238 sorties / 1453 frappes / 2244 objectifs neutralisés.

Netherlands MoD for July 11, 2018 – July 12, 2018

Report Date

July 12, 2018


Dutch F-16s are still actively conducting airstrikes in Iraq. For July 4th-11th, the Dutch MoD reported its jets attacked an ISIS logistical storage unit near Mosul. The other eight missions above Deir Ezzor and al Hasakah did not see weapons deployed.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

12 kwartiermakers bereiden in Afghanistan de komst voor van 60 special forces. Die gaan Afghaanse commando’s in Mazar-e-Sharif trainen en begeleiden. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 4 tot 11 juli 2018.

Een ruime meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer steunde vrijdag de uitbreiding van de NAVO-missie Resolute Support.


In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 9 missies. Bij 1 missie zijn wapens ingezet. Dat gebeurde in de buurt van Mosul in de provincie Ninawah in Irak. De aanval was op een logistieke opslagplaats van ISIS. De toestellen vlogen de overige missies boven de provincies Deir Al Zour en Al Hasakah in Oost-Syrië.

Report Date

July 12, 2018


Dutch F-16s are still actively conducting airstrikes in Iraq. For July 4th-11th, the Dutch MoD reported its jets attacked an ISIS logistical storage unit near Mosul. The other eight missions above Deir Ezzor and al Hasakah did not see weapons deployed.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 11-07-2018 | 12:00

12 kwartiermakers bereiden in Afghanistan de komst voor van 60 special forces. Die gaan Afghaanse commando’s in Mazar-e-Sharif trainen en begeleiden. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 4 tot 11 juli 2018.

Een ruime meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer steunde vrijdag de uitbreiding van de NAVO-missie Resolute Support.


In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 9 missies. Bij 1 missie zijn wapens ingezet. Dat gebeurde in de buurt van Mosul in de provincie Ninawah in Irak. De aanval was op een logistieke opslagplaats van ISIS. De toestellen vlogen de overige missies boven de provincies Deir Al Zour en Al Hasakah in Oost-Syrië.

CJTF–OIR for July 8, 2018 – July 9, 2018

Report Date

July 9, 2018

Operation Roundup targets Daesh remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between July 2 and July 8, Coalition military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 42 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

On July 8 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 8 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Makhmur, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building.

• Near Kisik, one strike destroyed one Daesh tunnel.

On July 7 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 7 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building.

• Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.

On July 6 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two Daesh vehicles.

On July 6 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Hawijah, one strike destroyed two Daesh fighting positions.

• Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.

On July 5 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

• Near Al Shadaddi, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh IED, one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh headquarters.

On July 5 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Basheer, one strike destroyed five Daesh caves.

On July 4 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh vehicle and one Daesh-held building.

• Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed three Daesh vehicles and one Daesh headquarters.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 4, 2018.

On July 3 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and one Daesh fighting position.

On July 3 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Habbaniyah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 2 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

Report Date

July 9, 2018

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 22 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 22 in Syria (15500 – 15521)
  • 9 in Iraq (14271 – 14279)

Confirmed Actions


Operation Roundup targets Daesh remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between July 2 and July 8, Coalition military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 42 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

July 8, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On July 8 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 8 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Makhmur, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building.
Near Kisik, one strike destroyed one Daesh tunnel.
July 7, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On July 7 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 7 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building.
Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.
July 6, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On July 6 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two Daesh vehicles.

On July 6 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Hawijah, one strike destroyed two Daesh fighting positions.
Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.
July 5, 2018
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 5 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh IED, one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh headquarters.

On July 5 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Basheer, one strike destroyed five Daesh caves.
July 4, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes

On July 4 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh vehicle and one Daesh-held building.
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed three Daesh vehicles and one Daesh headquarters.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 4, 2018.

July 3, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 3 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and one Daesh fighting position.

On July 3 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Habbaniyah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
July 2, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 2 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

French MoD for July 8, 2018 – July 9, 2018

Report Date

July 9, 2018


From July 4th-10th, France report 19 air sorties. Three planned strikes were made this week, conducted during the night of July 7th-8th. They destroyed ISIS logistical buildings in the Abu Kamal area of ​​the Euphrates Valley. Additionally, Task Force Wagram carried out six shooting missions. A total of 189 missions have been carried out since the start of the offensives against the last pockets of ISIS in the Euphrates Valley on May 1st.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les deux dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit. La résistance de Daech demeure faible avec néanmoins un grand nombre d’engins explosifs improvisés laissés sur le terrain.

Menées par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnées avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyées par la coalition, ces opérations ont permis de reprendre plus de 900 km2 de territoire à Daech depuis leur lancement le 1er mai.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation. Les zones d’effort demeurent la région de Ninive et le désert de l’Anbar.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

Un détachement d’instruction opérationnel (DIO) « artillerie » a été lancé cette semaine. Ce DIO artillerie sera chargé de participer à la montée en puissance des artilleurs irakiens. Dispensée par une dizaine d’instructeurs français, la formation s’adressera aux moniteurs irakiens de l’école d’artillerie irakienne.

La cérémonie de bienvenue de ce DIO a eu lieu le 8 juillet en présence du général Hatem, commandant l’artillerie irakienne.

La Task Force Narvik poursuit ses stages au profit de près de 200 stagiaires de l’Iraki Counter Terrorisme Service (ICTS). Ces formations couvrent l’apprentissage à la lutte contre les engins explosifs, au maniement et à l’entretien d’armements lourds, au déplacement tactique en convoi, au secourisme au combat et au tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 189 missions de tirs, dont 6 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 04 au 10 juillet inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1848 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des operations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 19 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 04 au 10 juillet inclus). Trois frappes planifiées ont été réalisées cette semaine. Menées dans la nuit du 7 au 8 juillet 2018, elles ont permis de détruire des bâtiments logistiques de Daech situés dans le secteur d’Abu Kamal, dans la vallée de l’Euphrate en Syrie.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8214 sorties / 1453 frappes / 2244 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

July 9, 2018


From July 4th-10th, France report 19 air sorties. Three planned strikes were made this week, conducted during the night of July 7th-8th. They destroyed ISIS logistical buildings in the Abu Kamal area of ​​the Euphrates Valley. Additionally, Task Force Wagram carried out six shooting missions. A total of 189 missions have been carried out since the start of the offensives against the last pockets of ISIS in the Euphrates Valley on May 1st.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les deux dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit. La résistance de Daech demeure faible avec néanmoins un grand nombre d’engins explosifs improvisés laissés sur le terrain.

Menées par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnées avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyées par la coalition, ces opérations ont permis de reprendre plus de 900 km2 de territoire à Daech depuis leur lancement le 1er mai.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation. Les zones d’effort demeurent la région de Ninive et le désert de l’Anbar.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

Un détachement d’instruction opérationnel (DIO) « artillerie » a été lancé cette semaine. Ce DIO artillerie sera chargé de participer à la montée en puissance des artilleurs irakiens. Dispensée par une dizaine d’instructeurs français, la formation s’adressera aux moniteurs irakiens de l’école d’artillerie irakienne.

La cérémonie de bienvenue de ce DIO a eu lieu le 8 juillet en présence du général Hatem, commandant l’artillerie irakienne.

La Task Force Narvik poursuit ses stages au profit de près de 200 stagiaires de l’Iraki Counter Terrorisme Service (ICTS). Ces formations couvrent l’apprentissage à la lutte contre les engins explosifs, au maniement et à l’entretien d’armements lourds, au déplacement tactique en convoi, au secourisme au combat et au tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 189 missions de tirs, dont 6 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 04 au 10 juillet inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1848 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des operations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 19 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 04 au 10 juillet inclus). Trois frappes planifiées ont été réalisées cette semaine. Menées dans la nuit du 7 au 8 juillet 2018, elles ont permis de détruire des bâtiments logistiques de Daech situés dans le secteur d’Abu Kamal, dans la vallée de l’Euphrate en Syrie.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8214 sorties / 1453 frappes / 2244 objectifs neutralisés.

UK MoD for July 7, 2018 – July 8, 2018

Report Date

July 8, 2018

Saturday 7 July – Typhoons bombed a Daesh hide in northern Iraq…On Saturday 9 [7th?] July, Typhoon FGR4s flew to northern Iraq, where a terrorist hide had been spotted, concealed in woodland on the bank of the Tigris to the north-west of Mosul. A single Paveway IV destroyed the site.

Report Date

July 8, 2018

Saturday 7 July – Typhoons bombed a Daesh hide in northern Iraq…On Saturday 9 [7th?] July, Typhoon FGR4s flew to northern Iraq, where a terrorist hide had been spotted, concealed in woodland on the bank of the Tigris to the north-west of Mosul. A single Paveway IV destroyed the site.

French MoD for July 7, 2018 – July 8, 2018

Report Date

July 8, 2018


From July 4th-10th, France report 19 air sorties. Three planned strikes were made this week, conducted during the night of July 7th-8th. They destroyed ISIS logistical buildings in the Abu Kamal area of ​​the Euphrates Valley. Additionally, Task Force Wagram carried out six shooting missions. A total of 189 missions have been carried out since the start of the offensives against the last pockets of ISIS in the Euphrates Valley on May 1st.

Report Date

July 8, 2018

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 22 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq


From July 4th-10th, France report 19 air sorties. Three planned strikes were made this week, conducted during the night of July 7th-8th. They destroyed ISIS logistical buildings in the Abu Kamal area of ​​the Euphrates Valley. Additionally, Task Force Wagram carried out six shooting missions. A total of 189 missions have been carried out since the start of the offensives against the last pockets of ISIS in the Euphrates Valley on May 1st.

Operation Roundup targets Daesh remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between July 2 and July 8, Coalition military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 42 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

July 8, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On July 8 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 8 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Makhmur, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building.
Near Kisik, one strike destroyed one Daesh tunnel.
July 7, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On July 7 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 7 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building.
Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.
July 6, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On July 6 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two Daesh vehicles.

On July 6 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Hawijah, one strike destroyed two Daesh fighting positions.
Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.
July 5, 2018
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 5 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh IED, one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh headquarters.

On July 5 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Basheer, one strike destroyed five Daesh caves.
July 4, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes

On July 4 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh vehicle and one Daesh-held building.
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed three Daesh vehicles and one Daesh headquarters.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on July 4, 2018.

July 3, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 3 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and one Daesh fighting position.

On July 3 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Habbaniyah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
July 2, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 2 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On July 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

UK MoD for July 5, 2018 – July 6, 2018

Report Date

July 6, 2018

Thursday 5 July – a Reaper struck a terrorist team planting improvised explosive devices in eastern Syria…A Royal Air Force Reaper conducted an armed reconnaissance mission over the eastern borders of Syria on Thursday 5 July. A number of vehicles were seen and, after careful surveillance, identified as a refugee convoy. However, further down the road, a Daesh team was observed burying improvised explosive devices; given the threat these could pose to innocent traffic, an immediate attack was conducted using a Hellfire missile which put an end to the terrorists’ activities.

Report Date

July 6, 2018

Thursday 5 July – a Reaper struck a terrorist team planting improvised explosive devices in eastern Syria…A Royal Air Force Reaper conducted an armed reconnaissance mission over the eastern borders of Syria on Thursday 5 July. A number of vehicles were seen and, after careful surveillance, identified as a refugee convoy. However, further down the road, a Daesh team was observed burying improvised explosive devices; given the threat these could pose to innocent traffic, an immediate attack was conducted using a Hellfire missile which put an end to the terrorists’ activities.

CJTF–OIR for July 1, 2018 – July 2, 2018

Report Date

July 2, 2018

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 25 and July 1, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 39 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on July 1, 2018.

On July 1 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Asad, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three Daesh caves.

On June 30 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle-borne IED.

On June 30 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Makhmur, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building.

• Near Al Qaim, two strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes.

On June 29 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed four Daesh IEDs.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 29, 2018.

On June 28 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two Daesh IED belts.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 28, 2018.

On June 27 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and two Daesh supply routes.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles, one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh-held building.

On June 27 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh vehicles.

• Near Jalawla’, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building and three Daesh caves.

On June 26 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh supply routes, one Daesh-held building and two Daesh vehicles.

• Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed three Daesh vehicles and one Daesh logistics hub.

On June 26 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Asad, one strike destroyed 15 Daesh caves.

• Near Al Hawijah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq or Syria on June 25, 2018.

Report Date

July 2, 2018

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq
  • 20 in Syria

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (14263 – 14271)
  • 20 in Syria (15478 – 15497)

Confirmed Actions


Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 25 and July 1, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 39 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on July 1, 2018.

July 1, 2018
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 1 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Asad, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three Daesh caves.
June 30, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes

On June 30 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle-borne IED.

On June 30 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Makhmur, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building.
Near Al Qaim, two strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes.
June 29, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes

On June 29 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed four Daesh IEDs.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 29, 2018.

June 28, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On June 28 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two Daesh IED belts.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 28, 2018.

June 27, 2018
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes

On June 27 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and two Daesh supply routes.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles, one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh-held building.

On June 27 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh vehicles.
Near Jalawla’, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building and three Daesh caves.
June 26, 2018
Syria: 8 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On June 26 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh supply routes, one Daesh-held building and two Daesh vehicles.
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed three Daesh vehicles and one Daesh logistics hub.

On June 26 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Asad, one strike destroyed 15 Daesh caves.
Near Al Hawijah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq or Syria on June 25, 2018.

French MoD for July 1, 2018 – July 2, 2018

Report Date

July 2, 2018


From June 27th to July 3rd, Task Force Wagram conducted six shooting missions against the last pockets of ISIS in the Euphrates Valley. Since the launch of the offensive on May 1st, it’s conducted 168 shooting missions. Over the last week, French aircraft carried out 21 sorties – but once again no strikes were conducted.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les deux dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit sans que Daech n’oppose de véritable résistance.

Menée par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnée avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyée par la coalition, elle a déjà permis de reprendre près de 600 km2 de territoire à Daech depuis son lancement le 1er mai.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation sur l’ensemble du territoire. Les zones d’effort prioritaires restent Bagdad, la région de Ninive et le désert de l’Anbar. Les saisies d’armes et de munitions y sont régulières.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

La Task Force Narvik poursuit ses stages au profit de l’Iraki Counter Terrorisme Service (ICTS). Près de 200 stagiaires sont actuellement formés aux techniques de lutte contre les engins explosifs, de maniement et d’entretien d’armements lourds, de déplacement tactique en convoi, de secourisme au combat et de tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 168 missions de tirs, dont 6 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 27 juin au 03 juillet inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1827 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 21 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 27 juin au 03 juillet inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8195 sorties / 1450 frappes / 2241 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

July 2, 2018


From June 27th to July 3rd, Task Force Wagram conducted six shooting missions against the last pockets of ISIS in the Euphrates Valley. Since the launch of the offensive on May 1st, it’s conducted 168 shooting missions. Over the last week, French aircraft carried out 21 sorties – but once again no strikes were conducted.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les deux dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit sans que Daech n’oppose de véritable résistance.

Menée par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnée avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyée par la coalition, elle a déjà permis de reprendre près de 600 km2 de territoire à Daech depuis son lancement le 1er mai.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation sur l’ensemble du territoire. Les zones d’effort prioritaires restent Bagdad, la région de Ninive et le désert de l’Anbar. Les saisies d’armes et de munitions y sont régulières.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

La Task Force Narvik poursuit ses stages au profit de l’Iraki Counter Terrorisme Service (ICTS). Près de 200 stagiaires sont actuellement formés aux techniques de lutte contre les engins explosifs, de maniement et d’entretien d’armements lourds, de déplacement tactique en convoi, de secourisme au combat et de tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 168 missions de tirs, dont 6 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 27 juin au 03 juillet inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1827 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 21 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 27 juin au 03 juillet inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8195 sorties / 1450 frappes / 2241 objectifs neutralisés.

CJTF–OIR for June 29, 2018 – June 30, 2018

Report Date

June 30, 2018

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 25 and July 1, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 39 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on July 1, 2018.

On July 1 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Asad, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three Daesh caves.

On June 30 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle-borne IED.

On June 30 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Makhmur, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building.

• Near Al Qaim, two strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes.

On June 29 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed four Daesh IEDs.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 29, 2018.

On June 28 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two Daesh IED belts.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 28, 2018.

On June 27 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and two Daesh supply routes.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles, one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh-held building.

On June 27 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh vehicles.

• Near Jalawla’, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building and three Daesh caves.

On June 26 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh supply routes, one Daesh-held building and two Daesh vehicles.

• Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed three Daesh vehicles and one Daesh logistics hub.

On June 26 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Asad, one strike destroyed 15 Daesh caves.

• Near Al Hawijah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq or Syria on June 25, 2018.

Report Date

June 30, 2018

Report Summary

  • 3 total strikes
  • 1 in Iraq
  • 2 in Syria

Report Summary

  • 3 total strikes
  • 0 in Iraq (14259)
  • 3 in Syria (15474 – 15476)

Confirmed Actions


Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 25 and July 1, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 39 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on July 1, 2018.

July 1, 2018
Iraq: 1 strikes

On July 1 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Asad, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three Daesh caves.
June 30, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes

On June 30 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed one Daesh vehicle-borne IED.

On June 30 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

CJTF–OIR for June 24, 2018 – June 25, 2018

Report Date

June 25, 2018

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria throughout the months of May and June.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 18 and June 24, Coalition military forces conducted 35 strikes consisting of 39 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

On June 24 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 24, 2018.

On June 23 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh supply route and one Daesh vehicle.

• Near Al Shadaddi, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and two Daesh mortar systems.

On June 23 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Basheer, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building.

On June 22 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 22, 2018.

On June 21 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, five strikes destroyed five Daesh supply routes.

• Near Palmyra, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh fighting position.

On June 21 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh tunnel.

On June 20 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and two Daesh supply routes.

On June 20 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Rutbah, one strike destroyed three Daesh caves.

On June 19 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, eight strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed three Daesh supply routes, one Daesh supply cache, two Daesh logistics hubs and one Daesh vehicle.

On June 19 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Rutbah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit.

• Near Kisik, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit.

On June 18 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed one Daesh tactical vehicle and one Daesh logistics hub.

On June 18 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

Report Date

June 25, 2018

Report Summary

  • 35 total strikes
  • 28 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 35 total strikes
  • 28 in Syria (15458 – 15485)
  • 7 in Iraq (14254 – 14260)

Confirmed Actions


Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria throughout the months of May and June.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 18 and June 24, Coalition military forces conducted 35 strikes consisting of 39 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

June 24, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On June 24 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 24, 2018.

June 23, 2018
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On June 23 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh supply route and one Daesh vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and two Daesh mortar systems.

On June 23 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Basheer, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building.
June 22, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On June 22 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 22, 2018.

June 21, 2018
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On June 21 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, five strikes destroyed five Daesh supply routes.
Near Palmyra, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh fighting position.

On June 21 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh tunnel.
June 20, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On June 20 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and two Daesh supply routes.

On June 20 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Rutbah, one strike destroyed three Daesh caves.
June 19, 2018
Syria: 8 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On June 19 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of eight engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, eight strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed three Daesh supply routes, one Daesh supply cache, two Daesh logistics hubs and one Daesh vehicle.

On June 19 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Rutbah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit.
Near Kisik, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit.
June 18, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On June 18 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed one Daesh tactical vehicle and one Daesh logistics hub.

On June 18 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

French MoD for June 24, 2018 – June 25, 2018

Report Date

June 25, 2018


France report that from June 20th to 26th, Task Force Wagram carried out 14 shooting missions in the Euphrates Valley. A total of 162 have been conducted since the start of the offensive on May 1st. Aircraft carried out 15 sorties but once again no strikes were conducted.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit.

Menée par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnée avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyée par la coalition, elle a déjà permis de reprendre plus de 300 km2 de territoire à Daech depuis son lancement le 1er mai.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation sur l’ensemble du territoire. Ces opérations permettent la saisie régulière de grandes quantités d’armes et de munitions de Daech.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

La Task Force Narvik mène actuellement cinq stages au profit de l’Iraki Counter Terrorisme Service (ICTS). Ils couvrent les domaines de formation suivants : la lutte contre les engins explosifs, le maniement et l’entretien d’armements lourds, le déplacement tactique en convoi, le secourisme au combat et le tir de précision.La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 162 missions de tirs, dont 14 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 20 au 26 juin inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1821 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 15 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 20 au 26 juin inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8174 sorties / 1450 frappes / 2241 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

June 25, 2018


France report that from June 20th to 26th, Task Force Wagram carried out 14 shooting missions in the Euphrates Valley. A total of 162 have been conducted since the start of the offensive on May 1st. Aircraft carried out 15 sorties but once again no strikes were conducted.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit.

Menée par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnée avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyée par la coalition, elle a déjà permis de reprendre plus de 300 km2 de territoire à Daech depuis son lancement le 1er mai.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation sur l’ensemble du territoire. Ces opérations permettent la saisie régulière de grandes quantités d’armes et de munitions de Daech.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

La Task Force Narvik mène actuellement cinq stages au profit de l’Iraki Counter Terrorisme Service (ICTS). Ils couvrent les domaines de formation suivants : la lutte contre les engins explosifs, le maniement et l’entretien d’armements lourds, le déplacement tactique en convoi, le secourisme au combat et le tir de précision.La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 162 missions de tirs, dont 14 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 20 au 26 juin inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1821 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 15 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 20 au 26 juin inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8174 sorties / 1450 frappes / 2241 objectifs neutralisés.

UK MoD for June 23, 2018 – June 24, 2018

Report Date

June 24, 2018

Saturday 23 June – a Reaper eliminated a Daesh mortar team spotted firing in eastern Syria…A Reaper crew, flying an armed reconnaissance patrol over eastern Syria, close to the Iraqi border, on Saturday 23 June, were tasked to investigate reports of a Daesh mortar being fired. Using the aircraft’s advanced surveillance sensor suite, they were able to identify terrorists carrying mortar ammunition into a treeline where the weapon was concealed. One Hellfire missile killed the terrorists, a second destroyed the mortar position itself.

Report Date

June 24, 2018

Saturday 23 June – a Reaper eliminated a Daesh mortar team spotted firing in eastern Syria...A Reaper crew, flying an armed reconnaissance patrol over eastern Syria, close to the Iraqi border, on Saturday 23 June, were tasked to investigate reports of a Daesh mortar being fired. Using the aircraft’s advanced surveillance sensor suite, they were able to identify terrorists carrying mortar ammunition into a treeline where the weapon was concealed. One Hellfire missile killed the terrorists, a second destroyed the mortar position itself.

UK MoD for June 21, 2018 – June 22, 2018

Report Date

June 22, 2018

Thursday 21 June – Typhoons bombed a hostile position which persisted in firing on coalition forces in southern Syria…On Thursday 21 June, coalition forces operating against Daesh in the south of Syria were fired on by hostile positions, not believed to be held by Daesh. Although the coalition forces decided to withdraw to attempt to de-escalate the situation, one particular position continued to fire on them. As an act of collective self-defence, RAF Typhoons dropped a single Paveway IV on the position, which successfully removed the threat to our coalition partners.

Report Date

June 22, 2018

Thursday 21 June – Typhoons bombed a hostile position which persisted in firing on coalition forces in southern Syria...On Thursday 21 June, coalition forces operating against Daesh in the south of Syria were fired on by hostile positions, not believed to be held by Daesh. Although the coalition forces decided to withdraw to attempt to de-escalate the situation, one particular position continued to fire on them. As an act of collective self-defence, RAF Typhoons dropped a single Paveway IV on the position, which successfully removed the threat to our coalition partners.

UK MoD for June 20, 2018 – June 21, 2018

Report Date

June 21, 2018

Wednesday 20 June – Typhoons attacked a cave containing stockpiled weapons, in western Iraq…Intelligence indicated that Daesh had a stockpile of weapons hidden inside a cave in a remote area of the western Iraqi desert; a pair of Paveway-armed Typhoon FGR4s therefore attacked on Wednesday 20 June, as part of the continuing effort to eradicate any attempts by the terrorists to resume operations within the country.

Report Date

June 21, 2018

Wednesday 20 June – Typhoons attacked a cave containing stockpiled weapons, in western Iraq...Intelligence indicated that Daesh had a stockpile of weapons hidden inside a cave in a remote area of the western Iraqi desert; a pair of Paveway-armed Typhoon FGR4s therefore attacked on Wednesday 20 June, as part of the continuing effort to eradicate any attempts by the terrorists to resume operations within the country.

UK MoD for June 18, 2018 – June 19, 2018

Report Date

June 19, 2018

Monday 18 June – Tornados destroyed an armoured truck concealed inside a building in eastern Syria…Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s, supported by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, patrolled over eastern Syria on Monday 18 June. Daesh terrorists had been observed hiding an armoured truck inside a building to the west of the border with Iraq, and the Tornado flight was duly able to destroy the building, and the vehicle therein, with a single Paveway IV guided bomb.

Report Date

June 19, 2018

Monday 18 June – Tornados destroyed an armoured truck concealed inside a building in eastern Syria...Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s, supported by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, patrolled over eastern Syria on Monday 18 June. Daesh terrorists had been observed hiding an armoured truck inside a building to the west of the border with Iraq, and the Tornado flight was duly able to destroy the building, and the vehicle therein, with a single Paveway IV guided bomb.

CJTF–OIR for June 17, 2018 – June 18, 2018

Report Date

June 18, 2018

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria throughout the months of May and June.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 11 and June 17, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 36 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

On June 17 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh fighting positions.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 17, 2018.

On June 16 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 16, 2018.

On June 15 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
• Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh vehicle and one Daesh anti-air artillery system.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 15, 2018.

On June 14 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building.
• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh fighting position.

On June 14 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Basheer, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed seven Daesh-held buildings.
• Near Rutbah one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit.

On June 13 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of seven engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed two Daesh vehicles, one Daesh supply route and damaged one Daesh vehicle.
• Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh tactical vehicle, one Daesh line of communication and one Daesh headquarters.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 13, 2018.

On June 12 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 10 engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit.
• Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh fighting positions and three Daesh lines of communication.

On June 12 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagement against Daesh targets.
• Near Basheer, one strike destroyed two Daesh tunnels and one Daesh supply cache.

On June 11 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three Daesh supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 11, 2018.

Report Date

June 18, 2018

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 23 in Syria
  • 3 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 23 in Syria (15430 – 15452)
  • 2 in Iraq (14247 – 14248)

Confirmed Actions


SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria throughout the months of May and June.

May 1, 2018

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

June 11, 2018

Between June 11 and June 17, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 36 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

June 17, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On June 17 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh fighting positions.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 17, 2018.

June 16, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes

On June 16 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 16, 2018.

June 15, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes

On June 15 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh vehicle and one Daesh anti-air artillery system.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 15, 2018.

June 14, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On June 14 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one Daesh-held building.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh fighting position.

On June 14 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Basheer, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed seven Daesh-held buildings.
Near Rutbah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit.
June 13, 2018
Syria: 7 strikes

On June 13 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of seven engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed two Daesh vehicles, one Daesh supply route and damaged one Daesh vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh tactical vehicle, one Daesh line of communication and one Daesh headquarters.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 13, 2018.

June 12, 2018
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On June 12 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 10 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit.
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed two Daesh fighting positions and three Daesh lines of communication.

On June 12 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Basheer, one strike destroyed two Daesh tunnels and one Daesh supply cache.

On June 11 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three Daesh supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 11, 2018.

French MoD for June 17, 2018 – June 18, 2018

Report Date

June 18, 2018


For June 13th – 19th, France’s Task Force Wagram reports five shooting missions in the Euphrates Valley. Since the launch of the offensive on May 1st there have been 148 missions. Over the past week, There were 22 air sorties in support of the local forces on the ground, but no strikes.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit.

Menée par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnée avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyée par la coalition, l’offensive a déjà permis de reprendre plus de 150 km2 de territoire à Daech.

Actuellement, les opérations en cours se concentrent sur la libération de la ville Dashisha.

La résistance opposée par Daech demeure relativement faible. La principale menace reste celle liée aux engins explosifs improvisés.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent à un rythme soutenu, donnant lieu à des destructions régulières de caches, de munitions et d’engins explosifs improvisés.

Un climat sécuritaire qui s’améliore en Irak

Le bon déroulement de l’ensemble des manifestations d’envergure récentes, notamment plusieurs pèlerinages et fêtes régionales ainsi que les élections, tend à montrer une amélioration notable du climat sécuritaire en Irak.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

La Task Force Narvik a débuté cette semaine cinq nouveaux stages au profit de l’Iraki Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS). Ils couvrent les domaines de formation suivants : la lutte contre les engins explosifs, le maniement et entretien d’armements lourds, le déplacement tactique en convoi, le secourisme au combat et le tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Le nombre de canons de la Task Force a été ajusté, passant dans un souci d’ajustement des moyens au besoin opérationnel de quatre à trois canons.

L’évolution de la situation du théâtre avec la reprise de plus de 98% de l’emprise territoriale initiale de Daech, couplée à l’autonomie croissante des forces de sécurité irakienne, permet cet ajustement.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 148 missions de tirs, dont 5 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 13 au 19 juin inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1807 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 22 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 13 au 19 juin inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8159 sorties / 1450 frappes / 2241 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

June 18, 2018


For June 13th – 19th, France’s Task Force Wagram reports five shooting missions in the Euphrates Valley. Since the launch of the offensive on May 1st there have been 148 missions. Over the past week, There were 22 air sorties in support of the local forces on the ground, but no strikes.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit.

Menée par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnée avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyée par la coalition, l’offensive a déjà permis de reprendre plus de 150 km2 de territoire à Daech.

Actuellement, les opérations en cours se concentrent sur la libération de la ville Dashisha.

La résistance opposée par Daech demeure relativement faible. La principale menace reste celle liée aux engins explosifs improvisés.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent à un rythme soutenu, donnant lieu à des destructions régulières de caches, de munitions et d’engins explosifs improvisés.

Un climat sécuritaire qui s’améliore en Irak

Le bon déroulement de l’ensemble des manifestations d’envergure récentes, notamment plusieurs pèlerinages et fêtes régionales ainsi que les élections, tend à montrer une amélioration notable du climat sécuritaire en Irak.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

La Task Force Narvik a débuté cette semaine cinq nouveaux stages au profit de l’Iraki Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS). Ils couvrent les domaines de formation suivants : la lutte contre les engins explosifs, le maniement et entretien d’armements lourds, le déplacement tactique en convoi, le secourisme au combat et le tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Le nombre de canons de la Task Force a été ajusté, passant dans un souci d’ajustement des moyens au besoin opérationnel de quatre à trois canons.

L’évolution de la situation du théâtre avec la reprise de plus de 98% de l’emprise territoriale initiale de Daech, couplée à l’autonomie croissante des forces de sécurité irakienne, permet cet ajustement.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 148 missions de tirs, dont 5 sur la semaine écoulée (bilan du 13 au 19 juin inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1807 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Sur la semaine écoulée, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 22 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 13 au 19 juin inclus). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8159 sorties / 1450 frappes / 2241 objectifs neutralisés.

French MoD for June 14, 2018 – June 15, 2018

Report Date

June 15, 2018


For June 6th – 12th, France report that Task Force Wagram conducted 32 shooting missions in support of the ongoing offensive in the Euphrates Valley. Additionally, 22 aerial sorties were conducted in support of local forces engaged on the ground; there were no strikes.

Point de situation des opérations




Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit.Menée par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnée avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyée par la coalition, l’offensive a déjà permis de reprendre plus de 40 km2 de territoire à Daech. La progression est néanmoins ralentie par la menace importante que font peser les engins explosifs improvisés sur les forces engagées au sol.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent afin de finir de démanteler les cellules de production d’engins explosifs improvisés et les réseaux terroristes restants.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

La Task Force Monsabert conduit actuellement quatre stages au profit des soldats de la 6e division irakienne. Ils couvrent les domaines de formation respectifs suivants : utilisation de mortiers, fouille opérationnelle, recueil de renseignements, formation au combat.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, ils ont d’ores et déjà réalisé 143 missions de tirs.

Cette semaine, 32 missions de tirs ont été réalisées (bilan du 6 au 12 juin inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1802 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Sur la semaine écoulée, 22 sorties aériennes ont été réalisées en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 6 au 12 juin inclus), essentiellement des missions de recueil de renseignements ou de reconnaissance aérienne. Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8137 sorties / 1450 frappes / 2241 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

June 15, 2018


For June 6th – 12th, France report that Task Force Wagram conducted 32 shooting missions in support of the ongoing offensive in the Euphrates Valley. Additionally, 22 aerial sorties were conducted in support of local forces engaged on the ground; there were no strikes.

Point de situation des opérations




Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

En Syrie, l’offensive contre les dernières emprises territoriales de Daech se poursuit.Menée par les forces démocratiques syriennes, coordonnée avec les forces de sécurité irakiennes et appuyée par la coalition, l’offensive a déjà permis de reprendre plus de 40 km2 de territoire à Daech. La progression est néanmoins ralentie par la menace importante que font peser les engins explosifs improvisés sur les forces engagées au sol.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent afin de finir de démanteler les cellules de production d’engins explosifs improvisés et les réseaux terroristes restants.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

La Task Force Monsabert conduit actuellement quatre stages au profit des soldats de la 6e division irakienne. Ils couvrent les domaines de formation respectifs suivants : utilisation de mortiers, fouille opérationnelle, recueil de renseignements, formation au combat.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

Les artilleurs de la Task Force Wagram demeurent engagés en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Depuis le lancement de l’offensive le 1er mai, ils ont d’ores et déjà réalisé 143 missions de tirs.

Cette semaine, 32 missions de tirs ont été réalisées (bilan du 6 au 12 juin inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1802 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Sur la semaine écoulée, 22 sorties aériennes ont été réalisées en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 6 au 12 juin inclus), essentiellement des missions de recueil de renseignements ou de reconnaissance aérienne. Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8137 sorties / 1450 frappes / 2241 objectifs neutralisés.

Netherlands MoD for June 13, 2018 – June 14, 2018

Report Date

June 14, 2018


After two weeks in which the Dutch MoD reported firing weapons in Syria, the Netherlands reports no Coalition strikes between June 6th-12th. Dutch jets did offer support during 11 missions in Deir Ezzor and Hasaka, reportedly without weapon deployment.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 11 missies. Dat gebeurde boven de provincies Deir al Zour en Al Hasakah in Oost-Syrië. Bij geen van de missies zijn wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 6 juni tot en met 12 juni 2018.

Analisten van het 306 Squadron (in oprichting) analyseerden deze week voor het eerst live beelden uit het Midden-Oosten. Op Vliegbasis Leeuwarden werden beelden van een operationele vlucht met een onbemand vliegtuig verwerkt. Van de verzamelde informatie maakt de eenheid inlichtingenrapporten.

Militaire instructeurs in Irak leren Koerdische strijders gebieden te beveiligen. Daarbij staan onder meer wapenhandelingen, medische verzorging, leiderschapstrainingen, oorlogsrecht en civiel-militaire samenwerking op het programma. De door de coalitie opgeleide instructeurs verzorgen een deel van de opleiding.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2-hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Noorse medici.

Report Date

June 14, 2018


After two weeks in which the Dutch MoD reported firing weapons in Syria, the Netherlands reports no Coalition strikes between June 6th-12th. Dutch jets did offer support during 11 missions in Deir Ezzor and Hasaka, reportedly without weapon deployment.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 13-06-2018 | 12:00

In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 11 missies. Dat gebeurde boven de provincies Deir al Zour en Al Hasakah in Oost-Syrië. Bij geen van de missies zijn wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 6 juni tot en met 12 juni 2018.

Analisten van het 306 Squadron (in oprichting) analyseerden deze week voor het eerst live beelden uit het Midden-Oosten. Op Vliegbasis Leeuwarden werden beelden van een operationele vlucht met een onbemand vliegtuig verwerkt. Van de verzamelde informatie maakt de eenheid inlichtingenrapporten.

Militaire instructeurs in Irak leren Koerdische strijders gebieden te beveiligen. Daarbij staan onder meer wapenhandelingen, medische verzorging, leiderschapstrainingen, oorlogsrecht en civiel-militaire samenwerking op het programma. De door de coalitie opgeleide instructeurs verzorgen een deel van de opleiding.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2-hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Noorse medici.

AFRICOM for June 13, 2018

Report Date

In coordination with the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), U.S. forces conducted a precision airstrike against al-Qa’ ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) approximately 50 miles southeast of Bani Walid, Libya, killing one (1) terrorist, on June 13, 2018.

AFRICOM is still assessing the results of this strike. The purpose of this operation was to disrupt AQIM and deny freedom of action.

This is the second U.S. strike against AQIM in Libya. The first on March 24, 2018, resulted in the death of Musa Abu Dawud, a high-ranking AQIM official.

No civilians were killed in this strike.

The United States will not relent in its mission to degrade, disrupt, and destroy terrorist organizations and support stability in the region.  We are committed to maintaining pressure on the terrorist network and preventing terrorists from establishing safe haven.

Report Date

Report Summary

  • 1 total strikes
  • 1 in Libya

In coordination with the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), U.S. forces conducted a precision airstrike against al-Qa’ ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) approximately 50 miles southeast of Bani Walid, Libya, killing one (1) terrorist, on June 13, 2018.

AFRICOM is still assessing the results of this strike. The purpose of this operation was to disrupt AQIM and deny freedom of action.

This is the second U.S. strike against AQIM in Libya. The first on March 24, 2018, resulted in the death of Musa Abu Dawud, a high-ranking AQIM official.

No civilians were killed in this strike.

The United States will not relent in its mission to degrade, disrupt, and destroy terrorist organizations and support stability in the region.  We are committed to maintaining pressure on the terrorist network and preventing terrorists from establishing safe haven.

UK MoD for June 12, 2018 – June 13, 2018

Report Date

June 13, 2018

Tuesday 12 June – a Reaper destroyed a terrorist mortar in eastern Syria…The following day [June 12th], a Reaper was again in action east of Al Shadadi; its crew spotted a mortar hidden in trees and destroyed it with a direct hit from a Hellfire, whilst a coalition aircraft then conducted a successful strike on the building nearby where the terrorist team, who had been operating the mortar, were seen to be hiding.

Report Date

June 13, 2018

Tuesday 12 June – a Reaper destroyed a terrorist mortar in eastern Syria…The following day [June 12th], a Reaper was again in action east of Al Shadadi; its crew spotted a mortar hidden in trees and destroyed it with a direct hit from a Hellfire, whilst a coalition aircraft then conducted a successful strike on the building nearby where the terrorist team, who had been operating the mortar, were seen to be hiding.

UK MoD for June 11, 2018 – June 12, 2018

Report Date

June 12, 2018

Monday 11 June – Typhoons attacked a Daesh-occupied cave, tunnel and bunker in northern Iraq…Intelligence had allowed the identification of a small cluster of Daesh locations hidden in the hills south of Kirkuk, in northern Iraq. A flight of Typhoons were tasked with their destruction on Monday 11 June, and they delivered a simultaneous attack with Paveway IVs against a tunnel and a cave, then a further attack to destroy a bunker dug into the hillside.

Report Date

June 12, 2018

Monday 11 June – Typhoons attacked a Daesh-occupied cave, tunnel and bunker in northern Iraq...Intelligence had allowed the identification of a small cluster of Daesh locations hidden in the hills south of Kirkuk, in northern Iraq. A flight of Typhoons were tasked with their destruction on Monday 11 June, and they delivered a simultaneous attack with Paveway IVs against a tunnel and a cave, then a further attack to destroy a bunker dug into the hillside.

CJTF–OIR for June 10, 2018 – June 11, 2018

Report Date

June 11, 2018

Operation Roundup targets Daesh remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria throughout the months of May and June.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

During the month of May, the Coalition conducted 225 strikes with 280 engagements. This demonstrates a 304% increase over the 74 strikes conducted in March, and a 123% increase over the 183 strikes recorded in April 2018.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 1 and June 10, Coalition military forces conducted 134 strikes consisting of 161 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

On June 10 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed four Daesh supply routes.

• Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes [1 British?] engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh logistics hub.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 10, 2018.

On June 9 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 16 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh fighting position, one Daesh supply route and two Daesh-held buildings.

• Near Al Shadaddi, eight strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed one Daesh fighting position, one Daesh logistics hub, one Daesh tactical vehicle and one Daesh weapon.

On June 9 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Mosul, one strike destroyed five Daesh tunnels.

On June 8 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh watercraft.

• Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh command and control centers, one Daesh supply cache and one Daesh supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 8, 2018.

On June 7 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 12 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh supply route, two Daesh-held buildings and one Daesh watercraft.

• Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes and one Daesh line of communication.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 7, 2018.

On June 6 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 11 strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh vehicles.

• Near Al Shadaddi, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh fighting position, two Daesh logistics hubs and one Daesh supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 6, 2018.

On June 5 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 13 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, seven strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit.

• Near Al Shadaddi, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle-borne IED, three Daesh fighting positions and two Daesh vehicles.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 5, 2018.

On June 4 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 20 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 15 strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh fighting positions, one Daesh tactical vehicle, six Daesh vehicles and one Daesh command and control center.

• Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh heavy machine gun.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 4, 2018.

On June 3 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes consisting of 42 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 22 strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh fighting position, one Daesh logistics hub, four Daesh vehicles and one Daesh line of communication.

• Near Al Shadaddi, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle-borne IED, one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh command and control center and 11 Daesh fighting positions.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 3, 2018.

On June 2 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh fighting postions and two Daesh command and control centers.

• Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes destroyed 15 Daesh-held buildings.

On June 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building, one Daesh bunker, and one Daesh supply cache.

On June 1 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of nine engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed one Daesh tunnel and one Daesh held-building.

• Near Al Shadaddi, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three Daesh command and control centers and five Daesh-held buildings.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 1, 2018.

Report Date

June 11, 2018

Report Summary

  • 134 total strikes
  • 132 in Syria
  • 2 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 134 total strikes
  • 132 in Syria (15402 – 15533)
  • 2 in Iraq (14244 – 14245)

Confirmed Actions


Operation Roundup targets Daesh remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners have accelerated offensive activity against Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria throughout the months of May and June.

Since the May 1 start of Operation Roundup, Syrian Democratic Forces resumed major offensive operations in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. Since then, the SDF has continued to gain ground through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

During the month of May, the Coalition conducted 225 strikes with 280 engagements. This demonstrates a 304% increase over the 74 strikes conducted in March, and a 123% increase over the 183 strikes recorded in April 2018.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. Daesh morale is sinking on the frontlines as privileged Daesh leaders increasingly abandon their own fighters on the battlefield, taking resources with them as they flee.

Over the coming weeks, Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the MERV. The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between June 1 and June 10, Coalition military forces conducted 134 strikes consisting of 161 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

June 10, 2018
Syria: 6 strikes

On June 10 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed four Daesh supply routes.
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes [1 British?] engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh logistics hub.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 10, 2018.

June 9, 2018
Syria: 14 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On June 9 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 16 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh fighting position, one Daesh supply route and two Daesh-held buildings.
Near Al Shadaddi, eight strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed one Daesh fighting position, one Daesh logistics hub, one Daesh tactical vehicle and one Daesh weapon.

On June 9 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Mosul, one strike destroyed five Daesh tunnels.
June 8, 2018
Syria: 9 strikes

On June 8 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh watercraft.
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh command and control centers, one Daesh supply cache and one Daesh supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 8, 2018.

June 7, 2018
Syria: 12 strikes

On June 7 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 12 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh supply route, two Daesh-held buildings and one Daesh watercraft.
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes destroyed two Daesh supply routes and one Daesh line of communication.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 7, 2018.

June 6, 2018
Syria: 17 strikes

On June 6 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 11 strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh vehicles.
Near Al Shadaddi, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh fighting position, two Daesh logistics hubs and one Daesh supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 6, 2018.

June 5, 2018
Syria: 12 strikes

On June 5 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 13 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, seven strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit.
Near Al Shadaddi, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle-borne IED, three Daesh fighting positions and two Daesh vehicles.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 5, 2018.

June 4, 2018
Syria: 17 strikes

On June 4 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 20 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 15 strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh fighting positions, one Daesh tactical vehicle, six Daesh vehicles and one Daesh command and control center.
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh logistics hub and one Daesh heavy machine gun.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 4, 2018.

June 3, 2018
Syria: 28 strikes

On June 3 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes consisting of 42 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 22 strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh fighting position, one Daesh logistics hub, four Daesh vehicles and one Daesh line of communication.
Near Al Shadaddi, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle-borne IED, one Daesh vehicle, one Daesh command and control center and 11 Daesh fighting positions.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 3, 2018.

June 2, 2018
Syria: 8 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On June 2 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, six strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh fighting postions and two Daesh command and control centers.
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes destroyed 15 Daesh-held buildings.

On June 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh-held building, one Daesh bunker, and one Daesh supply cache.
June 1, 2018
Syria: 9 strikes

On June 1 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of nine engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed one Daesh tunnel and one Daesh held-building.
Near Al Shadaddi, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three Daesh command and control centers and five Daesh-held buildings.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on June 1, 2018.

UK MoD for June 10, 2018 – June 11, 2018

Report Date

June 11, 2018

Sunday 10 June – a Reaper eliminated a light machine-gun position in eastern Syria…A further Reaper attack east of Al Shadadi was conducted on Sunday 10 June, when our aircraft observed a light machine-gun position being set up in an orchard; a Hellfire quickly dealt with the threat.

Report Date

June 11, 2018

Sunday 10 June – a Reaper eliminated a light machine-gun position in eastern Syria…A further Reaper attack east of Al Shadadi was conducted on Sunday 10 June, when our aircraft observed a light machine-gun position being set up in an orchard; a Hellfire quickly dealt with the threat.