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AFRICOM for August 29, 2016

Report Date

At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 29, 2016

  • Seven enemy fighting positions
  • Two enemy fighting positions
  • Three enemy fighting positions
  • Two enemy fighting positions
  • One enemy fighting position
  • One Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
  • One enemy fighting position

This airstrike brings the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1, to 99.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

Report Date

Report Summary

  • 7 total strikes
  • 7 in Libya

Report Summary

  • 7 total strikes
  • 7 in Libya (93 – 99)

Confirmed Actions


At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 29, 2016
Libya: 7 strikes

August 29, 2016

Seven enemy fighting positions
Two enemy fighting positions
Three enemy fighting positions
Two enemy fighting positions
One enemy fighting position
One Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
One enemy fighting position

This airstrike brings the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1, to 99.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

CJTF–OIR for August 28, 2016 – August 29, 2016

Report Date

August 29, 2016

On Aug. 28, coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes using fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using ground-attack, attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIL wellhead.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL pump jack.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike [1 British] destroyed four ISIL rocket systems, three rocket rails, and a building.

* Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

* Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Mosul, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three tanker trucks.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged an ISIL staging area.

* Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, five strikes engaged two ISIL headquarters building and a barracks, and destroyed two rocket systems, four rocket rails, a tunnel entrance, and 11 vehicle-borne improvised explosive device factories.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position, a mortar system, two weapons caches, and damaged three tunnel entrances.

Report Date

August 29, 2016

Report Summary

  • 15 total strikes
  • 2 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 15 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (9682 – 9694)
  • 2 in Syria (5013 – 5014)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 28, coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes using fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using ground-attack, attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 28, 2016
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIL wellhead.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL pump jack.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike [1 British] destroyed four ISIL rocket systems, three rocket rails, and a building.
Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Mosul, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three tanker trucks.
Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged an ISIL staging area.
Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system.
Near Sultan Abdallah, five strikes engaged two ISIL headquarters building and a barracks, and destroyed two rocket systems, four rocket rails, a tunnel entrance, and 11 vehicle-borne improvised explosive device factories.
Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position, a mortar system, two weapons caches, and damaged three tunnel entrances.

UK MoD for August 28, 2016 – August 29, 2016

Report Date

August 29, 2016

Sunday 28 August – Typhoons struck a number of rocket-launchers in western Iraq…Sunday 28 August: A Typhoon patrol over western Iraq used a pair of Paveway IV guided bombs to destroy a dispersed group of rocket-launching rails hidden amidst trees on the northern bank of the Euphrates.

Report Date

August 29, 2016

Sunday 28 August – Typhoons struck a number of rocket-launchers in western Iraq…Sunday 28 August: A Typhoon patrol over western Iraq used a pair of Paveway IV guided bombs to destroy a dispersed group of rocket-launching rails hidden amidst trees on the northern bank of the Euphrates.

French MoD for August 28, 2016 – August 29, 2016

Report Date

August 29, 2016


France reports that 6 Rafales from 30th and 4th fighter squadrons – taking over from Mirage 2000s – were deployed in two waves on August 22nd and 27th. In less than 24 hours, they started their first air support, intelligence and combat mission over Iraq and Syria.

Chammal : déploiement des Rafale sur la base aérienne projetée en Jordanie

Mise à jour : 29/08/2016 08:17

Le 28 août 2016, six Rafale sont alignés sur le tarmac de la Base aérienne projetée (BAP) en Jordanie, dans le cadre de l’opération Chammal. Ils opèrent ainsi au plus près des combats menés contre l’organisation terroriste Daech.

Ce détachement, issu des 30e et 4e escadres de chasse, s’est déployé en deux vagues, les 22 et 27 août 2016, grâce aux ravitailleurs en vol C135FR et aux avions de transport A400M. La première projection, constituée de quatre chasseurs, a été accueillie par le colonel Jean-Luc, commandant la base aérienne projetée et par le colonel Michel Friedling, représentant le général Serge Cholley, commandant la force Chammal.

Prenant le relais des Mirage 2000 afin d’optimiser l’emploi des avions de chasse de l’armée de l’air sur les différents théâtres d’opérations, les Rafale ont été préparés au combat, en moins de 24 heures, grâce au soutien d’une base aérienne projetée entièrement mobilisée à cet effet. Les aéronefs ont aussitôt débuté leurs premières missions d’appui aérien, de renseignement et de combat dans la profondeur, au-dessus de la Syrie et de l’Irak.

Depuis 18 mois, l’armée de l’air fournit, dans la durée et au profit des opérations extérieures, une vingtaine d’avions de chasse, nombre bien supérieur au contrat opérationnel défini par le Livre Blanc 2013, tout en respectant les engagements nationaux à l’égard de la coalition internationale luttant contre Daech (opération Inherent Resolve).

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal mobilise actuellement près de 1 000 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à lutter contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech, en menant notamment des frappes aériennes contre lui.

Le dispositif complet en opérations extérieures au Levant est actuellement structuré autour de seize avions de chasse de l’armée de l’air (douze Rafale, quatre Mirage 2000D), d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 ainsi que de capacités de renseignement, de commandement, de contrôle (C2) et de ravitaillement. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et à Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

Report Date

August 29, 2016


France reports that 6 Rafales from 30th and 4th fighter squadrons – taking over from Mirage 2000s – were deployed in two waves on August 22nd and 27th. In less than 24 hours, they started their first air support, intelligence and combat mission over Iraq and Syria.

Chammal : déploiement des Rafale sur la base aérienne projetée en Jordanie

Mise à jour : 29/08/2016 08:17

Le 28 août 2016, six Rafale sont alignés sur le tarmac de la Base aérienne projetée (BAP) en Jordanie, dans le cadre de l’opération Chammal. Ils opèrent ainsi au plus près des combats menés contre l’organisation terroriste Daech.

Ce détachement, issu des 30e et 4e escadres de chasse, s’est déployé en deux vagues, les 22 et 27 août 2016, grâce aux ravitailleurs en vol C135FR et aux avions de transport A400M. La première projection, constituée de quatre chasseurs, a été accueillie par le colonel Jean-Luc, commandant la base aérienne projetée et par le colonel Michel Friedling, représentant le général Serge Cholley, commandant la force Chammal.

Prenant le relais des Mirage 2000 afin d’optimiser l’emploi des avions de chasse de l’armée de l’air sur les différents théâtres d’opérations, les Rafale ont été préparés au combat, en moins de 24 heures, grâce au soutien d’une base aérienne projetée entièrement mobilisée à cet effet. Les aéronefs ont aussitôt débuté leurs premières missions d’appui aérien, de renseignement et de combat dans la profondeur, au-dessus de la Syrie et de l’Irak.

Depuis 18 mois, l’armée de l’air fournit, dans la durée et au profit des opérations extérieures, une vingtaine d’avions de chasse, nombre bien supérieur au contrat opérationnel défini par le Livre Blanc 2013, tout en respectant les engagements nationaux à l’égard de la coalition internationale luttant contre Daech (opération Inherent Resolve).

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal mobilise actuellement près de 1 000 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à lutter contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech, en menant notamment des frappes aériennes contre lui.

Le dispositif complet en opérations extérieures au Levant est actuellement structuré autour de seize avions de chasse de l’armée de l’air (douze Rafale, quatre Mirage 2000D), d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 ainsi que de capacités de renseignement, de commandement, de contrôle (C2) et de ravitaillement. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et à Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

CJTF–OIR for August 27, 2016 – August 28, 2016

Report Date

August 28, 2016

On Aug. 27, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two ISIL pump jacks.

* Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed two ISIL pump jacks.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed five ISIL tanker trucks.

* Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed a bed down location and a vehicle.

* Near Mar’a, three strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed two fighting positions and a vehicle.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed a fighting position and an ammunitions cache.

* Near Hit, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Mosul, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device factory, and a vehicle.

* Near Qayyarah, two strikes [2 British] engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed an assembly area, a front-end loader, and denied access to terrain.

* Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL VBIED factory.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position, a vehicle, six rocket systems, seven rocket rails, and suppressed a mortar position and denied access to terrain.

Report Date

August 28, 2016

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (9674 – 9681)
  • 9 in Syria (5004 – 5012)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 27, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 27, 2016
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two ISIL pump jacks.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed two ISIL pump jacks.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed five ISIL tanker trucks.
Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed a bed down location and a vehicle.
Near Mar’a, three strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed two fighting positions and a vehicle.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed a fighting position and an ammunitions cache.
Near Hit, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Mosul, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device factory, and a vehicle.
Near Qayyarah, two strikes [2 British] engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed an assembly area, a front-end loader, and denied access to terrain.
Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL VBIED factory.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position, a vehicle, six rocket systems, seven rocket rails, and suppressed a mortar position and denied access to terrain.

UK MoD for August 27, 2016 – August 28, 2016

Report Date

August 28, 2016

Saturday 27 August – Reaper identified Daesh vehicles in northern Iraq, which were subsequently destroyed by coalition air attacks, including one by the Reaper itself…Saturday 27 August: A Reaper supported the Iraqi security forces advancing near Qayyarah. The aircraft spotted a heavy vehicle transporter being used by Daesh to move one of the mechanical excavators that are used to construct their fortified positions. Both the transporter and the excavator were destroyed by coalition fast jets, guided to the scene by the Reaper. The Reaper crew subsequently tracked an armed Daesh truck withdrawing from a nearby compound and attempted to conceal the vehicle in shed. A direct hit from a Hellfire missile destroyed the building and the truck inside.

Report Date

August 28, 2016

Saturday 27 August – Reaper identified Daesh vehicles in northern Iraq, which were subsequently destroyed by coalition air attacks, including one by the Reaper itself…Saturday 27 August: A Reaper supported the Iraqi security forces advancing near Qayyarah. The aircraft spotted a heavy vehicle transporter being used by Daesh to move one of the mechanical excavators that are used to construct their fortified positions. Both the transporter and the excavator were destroyed by coalition fast jets, guided to the scene by the Reaper. The Reaper crew subsequently tracked an armed Daesh truck withdrawing from a nearby compound and attempted to conceal the vehicle in shed. A direct hit from a Hellfire missile destroyed the building and the truck inside.

CJTF–OIR for August 26, 2016 – August 27, 2016

Report Date

August 27, 2016

On Aug. 26, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using ground-attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Manbij, five strikes engaged four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device and another vehicle.

* Near Mar’a, two strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed two fighting positions and an artillery system, and damaged another fighting position.


* Near Fallujah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and suppressed a mortar position.

* Near Mosul, one strike engaged an ISIL communications facility.

* Near Qayyarah, three strikes engaged an ISIL VBIED factory, a training camp, and a large tactical unit; destroyed two vehicles and an assembly area; and suppressed two tactical units.

* Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed three fighting positions, a vehicle, and a weapons cache.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIL safe house.

Report Date

August 27, 2016

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (9664 – 9673)
  • 7 in Syria (4997 – 5003)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 26, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using ground-attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 26, 2016
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes
Near Manbij, five strikes engaged four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device and another vehicle.
Near Mar’a, two strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed two fighting positions and an artillery system, and damaged another fighting position.


Near Fallujah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and suppressed a mortar position.
Near Mosul, one strike engaged an ISIL communications facility.
Near Qayyarah, three strikes engaged an ISIL VBIED factory, a training camp, and a large tactical unit; destroyed two vehicles and an assembly area; and suppressed two tactical units.
Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed three fighting positions, a vehicle, and a weapons cache.
Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIL safe house.

AFRICOM for August 26, 2016 – August 28, 2016

Report Date

August 28, 2016

At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 26, 2016

  • Two enemy fighting positions

August 27, 2016

  • One Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
  • One Improvised Explosive Device

August 28, 2016

  • One enemy fighting position
  • One Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
  • One enemy fighting position
  • One enemy fighting position
  • One enemy fighting position
  • One enemy fighting position
  • One enemy fighting position

This airstrike brings the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1, to 92.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

Report Date

August 28, 2016

Report Summary

  • 10 total strikes
  • 10 in Libya

Report Summary

  • 10 total strikes
  • 10 in Libya (83 – 92)

Confirmed Actions


At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 26, 2016
Libya: 1 strikes

August 26, 2016

Two enemy fighting positions
August 27, 2016
Libya: 2 strikes

August 27, 2016

One Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
One Improvised Explosive Device
August 28, 2016
Libya: 7 strikes

August 28, 2016

One enemy fighting position
One Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
One enemy fighting position
One enemy fighting position
One enemy fighting position
One enemy fighting position
One enemy fighting position

This airstrike brings the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1, to 92.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

CJTF–OIR for August 25, 2016 – August 26, 2016

Report Date

August 26, 2016

On Aug. 25, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Al Shadaddi, five strikes [1 British?] engaged five separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed five fighting positions, a tactical vehicle, and another vehicle.

* Near Manbij, four strikes engaged four separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed three fighting positions, four vehicles, an artillery system, and a weapons cache.


* Near Kisik, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Mosul, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a fighting position, and suppressed a tactical unit.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged an ISIL vehicle-borne improvised explosive device factory.

* Near Ramadi, three strikes destroyed an ISIL mortar position, a vehicle, and damaged a fighting position.

* Near Sinjar, one strike suppressed an ISIL rocket position.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

Report Date

August 26, 2016

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (9656 – 9663)
  • 9 in Syria (4988 – 4996)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 25, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 25, 2016
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes
Near Al Shadaddi, five strikes [1 British?] engaged five separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed five fighting positions, a tactical vehicle, and another vehicle.
Near Manbij, four strikes engaged four separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed three fighting positions, four vehicles, an artillery system, and a weapons cache.


Near Kisik, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
Near Mosul, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a fighting position, and suppressed a tactical unit.
Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged an ISIL vehicle-borne improvised explosive device factory.
Near Ramadi, three strikes destroyed an ISIL mortar position, a vehicle, and damaged a fighting position.
Near Sinjar, one strike suppressed an ISIL rocket position.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

UK MoD for August 25, 2016 – August 26, 2016

Report Date

August 26, 2016

Thursday 25 August – Tornados struck a Daesh group in eastern Syria, while Typhoons bombed a terrorist-held building in western Iraq…Typhoons, supported as is normal by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, patrolled the Euphrates valley west of Ramadi on Thursday 25 August, where they used a Paveway IV to attack a Daesh-held building on the northern river-bank. Over Syria, a pair of Tornados used two Brimstone missiles to engage a number of terrorists spotted occupying positions under trees in farmland in the east of the country.

Report Date

August 26, 2016

Thursday 25 August – Tornados struck a Daesh group in eastern Syria, while Typhoons bombed a terrorist-held building in western Iraq…Typhoons, supported as is normal by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, patrolled the Euphrates valley west of Ramadi on Thursday 25 August, where they used a Paveway IV to attack a Daesh-held building on the northern river-bank. Over Syria, a pair of Tornados used two Brimstone missiles to engage a number of terrorists spotted occupying positions under trees in farmland in the east of the country.

UK MoD for August 24, 2016 – August 25, 2016

Report Date

August 25, 2016

Wednesday 24 August – Tornados and a Reaper provided close air support to Iraqi forces near Qayyarah, conducting a total of seven attacks on Daesh extremists, including mortar and rocket teams…Iraqi security forces continue to mount offensive operations against Daesh near Qayyarah, and they were well supported on Wednesday 24 August by coalition aircraft, including an RAF Reaper and a pair of Tornado GR4s. The GR4s were primarily deployed in the reconnaissance role, but conducted two attacks with Brimstone missiles against terrorists engaged in combat with the Iraqi troops. The Reaper provided surveillance support to other coalition aircraft which delivered an air strike on a Daesh strongpoint, and carried out five attacks with its own weaponry: four Hellfire missiles accounted for two mortar teams and two groups of terrorists manoeuvring along narrow alleyways, and a GBU-12 laser guided bomb destroyed several rocket-launchers which another coalition surveillance aircraft had spotted set up outside the town.

Report Date

August 25, 2016

Wednesday 24 August – Tornados and a Reaper provided close air support to Iraqi forces near Qayyarah, conducting a total of seven attacks on Daesh extremists, including mortar and rocket teams…Iraqi security forces continue to mount offensive operations against Daesh near Qayyarah, and they were well supported on Wednesday 24 August by coalition aircraft, including an RAF Reaper and a pair of Tornado GR4s. The GR4s were primarily deployed in the reconnaissance role, but conducted two attacks with Brimstone missiles against terrorists engaged in combat with the Iraqi troops. The Reaper provided surveillance support to other coalition aircraft which delivered an air strike on a Daesh strongpoint, and carried out five attacks with its own weaponry: four Hellfire missiles accounted for two mortar teams and two groups of terrorists manoeuvring along narrow alleyways, and a GBU-12 laser guided bomb destroyed several rocket-launchers which another coalition surveillance aircraft had spotted set up outside the town.’

Deputy Commander Joint Task Force 633, Brigadier Neil Sweeney (right), take a tour of the flight line at Australia

  • Deputy Commander Joint Task Force 633, Brigadier Neil Sweeney (right), chats with Air Task Group Strike Element Line Safety Controller, Warrant Officer Adam Smith, during a tour of the flight line at Australia's main air operating base in the Middle East Region. (Aus MoD)

Danish MoD for August 24, 2016 – August 25, 2016

Report Date

August 25, 2016


In past week Denmark reports 9 missions over the Iraqi provinces of Anbar, Dahuk, Irbil and Nineveh. They dropped 10 precision bombs on targets including Deash vehicles, fighters and buildings.

Mission update nr.10

Opdatering fra de danske styrker indsat i Operation Inherent Resolve.

25-08-2016 – kl. 14:11

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando


I den forgangne uge, har operationerne som de danske F-16 har deltaget i, fundet sted over de irakiske provinser Ninawa, Al Anbar, Erbil og Dahuk. Indtil onsdag middag i denne uge er der samlet fløjet 1077 flyvetimer. Missionerne har omfattet angreb rettet mod køretøjer, mortérudstyr, tunge våben, fjender og bygninger. Desuden er der gennemført overvågning og indsamling af efterretninger.

Til og med onsdag den 24. august 2016 kl. 12 er følgende gældende:

Antal fløjne missioner i den forgangne uge: 9

Antal anvendte præcisionsbomber i den forgangne uge: 10

Antal fløjne missioner totalt: 100

Antal anvendte præcisionsbomber totalt: 154


I løbet af ugen har radaren kørt uden afbrydelser. Den danske radar har vist sig meget pålidelig i OIR missionen, og bidraget har indtil tirsdag morgen haft kontakt til 14.259 fly. I den forgangne uge har bidraget koordineret 80% af samtlige lufttankninger i OIR missionen.


DANCON har afsluttet et tre ugers uddannelsesforløb af enheder fra den irakiske hær. Idet man afventer det næste store politihold til uddannelse, har DANCON i denne uge mulighed for at gennemføre intern instruktøruddannelse.


Det danske C-130 har i den forgangne uge gennemført missioner i Irak og transportopgave til Tyrkiet og har i den forbindelse transporteret godt 12.000 kilo gods.

Report Date

August 25, 2016


In past week Denmark reports 9 missions over the Iraqi provinces of Anbar, Dahuk, Irbil and Nineveh. They dropped 10 precision bombs on targets including Deash vehicles, fighters and buildings.

Mission update nr.10

Opdatering fra de danske styrker indsat i Operation Inherent Resolve.

25-08-2016 – kl. 14:11

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando


I den forgangne uge, har operationerne som de danske F-16 har deltaget i, fundet sted over de irakiske provinser Ninawa, Al Anbar, Erbil og Dahuk. Indtil onsdag middag i denne uge er der samlet fløjet 1077 flyvetimer. Missionerne har omfattet angreb rettet mod køretøjer, mortérudstyr, tunge våben, fjender og bygninger. Desuden er der gennemført overvågning og indsamling af efterretninger.

Til og med onsdag den 24. august 2016 kl. 12 er følgende gældende:

Antal fløjne missioner i den forgangne uge: 9

Antal anvendte præcisionsbomber i den forgangne uge: 10

Antal fløjne missioner totalt: 100

Antal anvendte præcisionsbomber totalt: 154


I løbet af ugen har radaren kørt uden afbrydelser. Den danske radar har vist sig meget pålidelig i OIR missionen, og bidraget har indtil tirsdag morgen haft kontakt til 14.259 fly. I den forgangne uge har bidraget koordineret 80% af samtlige lufttankninger i OIR missionen.


DANCON har afsluttet et tre ugers uddannelsesforløb af enheder fra den irakiske hær. Idet man afventer det næste store politihold til uddannelse, har DANCON i denne uge mulighed for at gennemføre intern instruktøruddannelse.


Det danske C-130 har i den forgangne uge gennemført missioner i Irak og transportopgave til Tyrkiet og har i den forbindelse transporteret godt 12.000 kilo gods.

French MoD for August 24, 2016 – August 25, 2016

Report Date

August 25, 2016


From August 17th to 23rd, France reports five strikes destroying five goals. Four ground support strikes were carried out in the Mosul area of Iraa. On August 21st, there was one planned strike in Raqqa, Syria. The strike hit a Daesh center for the storage and maintenance of heavy weapons. Ten SCALP cruise missiles hit and destroyed the center.

Point sur les opérations au 25 août 2016

Mise à jour : 25/08/2016 19:22

Chammal : point de situation au Levant

En Irak, dans la vallée de l’Anbar, les forces de sécurité irakiennes mènent des opérations de sécurisation des principaux axes routiers entre la frontière syrienne – au poste-frontière d’Al Walid libéré – et la ville de Ruţbah. Dans la vallée du Tigre, elles ont repris les opérations offensives en entamant l’encerclement de la ville de Qayyarah, ville clef au sud de Mossoul.

Dans le même temps, les forces Peshmergas ont libéré un certain nombre de villages à l’ouest de la ville. Sur toutes les zones d’affrontement, les combattants de Daech multiplient les actions de harcèlement pour masquer leurs difficultés à tenir le terrain. En revanche, le groupe terroriste valorise ses lignes de défense autour de la ville de Mossoul.

En Syrie, les forces démocratiques syriennes ont libéré la ville de Manbij et chassé les derniers terroristes. Elles entament désormais les longues opérations de sécurisation et de déminage afin de permettre à la population de réinvestir la ville.


La force Chammal poursuit la campagne aérienne, ainsi que les missions de formation et de conseil.

Du 17 au 23 août 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech, en réalisant 45 sorties, dont 32 de bombardement, 7 de recueil de renseignements et 6 de ravitaillement en vol.

Elles ont permis la réalisation de 5 frappes, aboutissant à la destruction de 5 objectifs de Daech.

4 frappes d’appui au sol ont été réalisées en Irak au cours de la semaine dans la région de Mossoul.

1 frappe planifiée a été conduite en Syrie le 21 août. Le raid aérien français a frappé un centre de stockage et de maintenance d’armements lourds de Daech à Raqqah. Ce raid était composé de quatre Rafale, de quatre Mirage 2000 et d’un Atlantique 2. Une dizaine de missiles de croisière SCALP ont touché et détruit ce centre situé au cœur du territoire contrôlé par le groupe terroriste.

Report Date

August 25, 2016


From August 17th to 23rd, France reports five strikes destroying five goals. Four ground support strikes were carried out in the Mosul area of Iraa. On August 21st, there was one planned strike in Raqqa, Syria. The strike hit a Daesh center for the storage and maintenance of heavy weapons. Ten SCALP cruise missiles hit and destroyed the center.

Point sur les opérations au 25 août 2016

Mise à jour : 25/08/2016 19:22

Chammal : point de situation au Levant

En Irak, dans la vallée de l’Anbar, les forces de sécurité irakiennes mènent des opérations de sécurisation des principaux axes routiers entre la frontière syrienne – au poste-frontière d’Al Walid libéré – et la ville de Ruţbah. Dans la vallée du Tigre, elles ont repris les opérations offensives en entamant l’encerclement de la ville de Qayyarah, ville clef au sud de Mossoul.

Dans le même temps, les forces Peshmergas ont libéré un certain nombre de villages à l’ouest de la ville. Sur toutes les zones d’affrontement, les combattants de Daech multiplient les actions de harcèlement pour masquer leurs difficultés à tenir le terrain. En revanche, le groupe terroriste valorise ses lignes de défense autour de la ville de Mossoul.

En Syrie, les forces démocratiques syriennes ont libéré la ville de Manbij et chassé les derniers terroristes. Elles entament désormais les longues opérations de sécurisation et de déminage afin de permettre à la population de réinvestir la ville.


La force Chammal poursuit la campagne aérienne, ainsi que les missions de formation et de conseil.

Du 17 au 23 août 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech, en réalisant 45 sorties, dont 32 de bombardement, 7 de recueil de renseignements et 6 de ravitaillement en vol.

Elles ont permis la réalisation de 5 frappes, aboutissant à la destruction de 5 objectifs de Daech.

4 frappes d’appui au sol ont été réalisées en Irak au cours de la semaine dans la région de Mossoul.

1 frappe planifiée a été conduite en Syrie le 21 août. Le raid aérien français a frappé un centre de stockage et de maintenance d’armements lourds de Daech à Raqqah. Ce raid était composé de quatre Rafale, de quatre Mirage 2000 et d’un Atlantique 2. Une dizaine de missiles de croisière SCALP ont touché et détruit ce centre situé au cœur du territoire contrôlé par le groupe terroriste.

CJTF–OIR for August 24, 2016 – August 25, 2016

Report Date

August 25, 2016

On Aug. 24, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes using bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using fighter and aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed a fighting position, a tactical vehicle, and a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck two ISIL pump jacks.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes struck three ISIL wellheads.

* Near Manbij, seven strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed a fighting position, a vehicle, a command and control node, three mortar systems and damaged a mortar system.


* Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed four rocket systems and four rocket rails.

Report Date

August 25, 2016

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 13 in Syria
  • 1 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 1 in Iraq (9655)
  • 13 in Syria (4975 – 4987)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 24, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes using bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using fighter and aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 24, 2016
Syria: 13 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed a fighting position, a tactical vehicle, and a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck two ISIL pump jacks.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes struck three ISIL wellheads.
Near Manbij, seven strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed a fighting position, a vehicle, a command and control node, three mortar systems and damaged a mortar system.


Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed four rocket systems and four rocket rails.

AFRICOM for August 24, 2016

Report Date

At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 24, 2016

  • Four enemy fighting positions
  • Four enemy fighting positions
  • Three enemy fighting positions
  • One Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device

These airstrikes bring the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1, to 82.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

Report Date

Report Summary

  • 4 total strikes
  • 4 in Libya

Report Summary

  • 4 total strikes
  • 4 in Libya (79 – 82)

Confirmed Actions


At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 24, 2016
Libya: 4 strikes

August 24, 2016

Four enemy fighting positions
Four enemy fighting positions
Three enemy fighting positions
One Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device

These airstrikes bring the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1, to 82.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

CJTF–OIR for August 23, 2016 – August 24, 2016

Report Date

August 24, 2016

On Aug. 23, coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes using bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted four strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery, fighter aircraft, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Al Shadadi, 10 strikes struck 10 separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed six fighting positions, a tactical vehicle, three vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices, four mortar positions, an anti-air artillery system and an armored personnel carrier.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck an ISIL improvised weapons assembly area.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed two ISIL oil tanker trucks, two cranes, three bulldozers, and damaged another bulldozer.

* Near Manbij, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle.


* Near Hit, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a fighting position, and damaged another fighting position.

* Near Ramadi, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a fighting position, and a mortar system.

* Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

Report Date

August 24, 2016

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 17 in Syria
  • 4 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq (9651 – 9654)
  • 17 in Syria (4958 – 4974)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 23, coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes using bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted four strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery, fighter aircraft, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 23, 2016
Syria: 17 strikes
Iraq: 4 strikes
Near Al Shadadi, 10 strikes struck 10 separate ISIL tactical units, and destroyed six fighting positions, a tactical vehicle, three vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices, four mortar positions, an anti-air artillery system and an armored personnel carrier.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck an ISIL improvised weapons assembly area.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed two ISIL oil tanker trucks, two cranes, three bulldozers, and damaged another bulldozer.
Near Manbij, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle.


Near Hit, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a fighting position, and damaged another fighting position.
Near Ramadi, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a fighting position, and a mortar system.
Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

CJTF–OIR for August 23, 2016 – August 24, 2016

Report Date

August 24, 2016

Statement on Possible Civilian Casualties near Ar Raqqah, Syria

TAMPA, Fla. – A strike yesterday on an ISIL weapons facility near Ar Raqqah, Syria, may have resulted in civilian casualties, according to U.S. Central Command’s own post-strike assessment.

CENTCOM’s internal assessment of possible civilian casualties in this incident has been deemed credible. The incident will be reviewed, next, at the joint task force level at which point officials will decide whether an investigation is needed.

Reports indicate that what appeared to be a non-military vehicle drove into the target area after the weapon was released from the aircraft. The vehicle’s occupants may have perished as a result of the strike.

CENTCOM has extensive processes and techniques in place to avoid or minimize civilian casualties. Every report of civilian casualties, from either internal or external sources, is scrutinized regarding possible casualties and collateral damage. Assessments that are determined to be credible are reviewed as to whether the actions comply with the principles of the Law of Armed Conflict.

Report Date

August 24, 2016

Statement on Possible Civilian Casualties near Ar Raqqah, Syria

TAMPA, Fla. – A strike yesterday on an ISIL weapons facility near Ar Raqqah, Syria, may have resulted in civilian casualties, according to U.S. Central Command’s own post-strike assessment.

CENTCOM’s internal assessment of possible civilian casualties in this incident has been deemed credible. The incident will be reviewed, next, at the joint task force level at which point officials will decide whether an investigation is needed.

Reports indicate that what appeared to be a non-military vehicle drove into the target area after the weapon was released from the aircraft. The vehicle’s occupants may have perished as a result of the strike.

CENTCOM has extensive processes and techniques in place to avoid or minimize civilian casualties. Every report of civilian casualties, from either internal or external sources, is scrutinized regarding possible casualties and collateral damage. Assessments that are determined to be credible are reviewed as to whether the actions comply with the principles of the Law of Armed Conflict.

AFRICOM for August 23, 2016

Report Date

At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 23, 2016

  • One enemy fighting position

This airstrike brings the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lighting, which began Aug. 1, to 78.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

Report Date

Report Summary

  • 1 total strikes
  • 1 in Libya

Report Summary

  • 1 total strikes
  • 1 in Libya (78)

Confirmed Actions


At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 23, 2016
Libya: 1 strikes

August 23, 2016

One enemy fighting position

This airstrike brings the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lighting, which began Aug. 1, to 78.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

CJTF–OIR for August 22, 2016 – August 23, 2016

Report Date

August 23, 2016

On Aug. 22, coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes using bomber and attack aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, one strike struck an ISIL wellhead.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL workover rig, a pump jack, and an oil tanker truck.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes struck an ISIL wellhead and a staging area.

* Near Manbij, four strikes struck four ISIL tactical units, and destroyed a fighting position.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL repeater tower.

* Near Haditha, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a fighting position, and damaged a tunnel entrance.

* Near Kisik, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle and a tunnel entrance.

* Near Qayyarah, four strikes struck an ISIL training camp, destroyed two rocket rails, a fighting position, two mortar positions, a tunnel entrance, two assembly areas, an anti-air artillery system, six repeater tower generators, a communications tower, suppressed a rocket firing position, two mortar firing positions and denied access to terrain.

* Near Ramadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

Report Date

August 23, 2016

Report Summary

  • 16 total strikes
  • 8 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 16 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (9643 – 9650)
  • 8 in Syria (4950 – 4957)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 22, coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes using bomber and attack aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 22, 2016
Syria: 8 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike struck an ISIL wellhead.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL workover rig, a pump jack, and an oil tanker truck.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes struck an ISIL wellhead and a staging area.
Near Manbij, four strikes struck four ISIL tactical units, and destroyed a fighting position.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL repeater tower.
Near Haditha, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a fighting position, and damaged a tunnel entrance.
Near Kisik, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle and a tunnel entrance.
Near Qayyarah, four strikes struck an ISIL training camp, destroyed two rocket rails, a fighting position, two mortar positions, a tunnel entrance, two assembly areas, an anti-air artillery system, six repeater tower generators, a communications tower, suppressed a rocket firing position, two mortar firing positions and denied access to terrain.
Near Ramadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

UK MoD for August 22, 2016 – August 23, 2016

Report Date

August 23, 2016

Monday 22 August – Typhoons attacked terrorists hiding in a cave in northern Iraq, as well as their transport vehicle…On Monday 22 August, two Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s operated over northern Iraq. A group of Daesh extremists had been located, sheltering in a cave amongst hills on the southern bank of the Tigris, overlooking the river, some miles to the north-west of Mosul. The Typhoons used one Paveway IV guided bomb to attack the cave entrance, and a second to destroy the terrorists’ vehicle, parked on a nearby track.

Report Date

August 23, 2016

Monday 22 August – Typhoons attacked terrorists hiding in a cave in northern Iraq, as well as their transport vehicle…On Monday 22 August, two Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s operated over northern Iraq. A group of Daesh extremists had been located, sheltering in a cave amongst hills on the southern bank of the Tigris, overlooking the river, some miles to the north-west of Mosul. The Typhoons used one Paveway IV guided bomb to attack the cave entrance, and a second to destroy the terrorists’ vehicle, parked on a nearby track.

AFRICOM for August 22, 2016

Report Date

At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 22, 2016

  • One Daesh supply truck
  • Nine enemy fighting positions
  • One enemy fighting position

These airstrikes bring the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1, to 77.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

Report Date

Report Summary

  • 3 total strikes
  • 3 in Libya

Report Summary

  • 3 total strikes
  • 3 in Libya (75 – 77)

Confirmed Actions


At the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, U.S. Africa Command conducted precision air strikes against Daesh targets in Sirte, Libya. As a result, the following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

August 22, 2016
Libya: 3 strikes

August 22, 2016

One Daesh supply truck
Nine enemy fighting positions
One enemy fighting position

These airstrikes bring the total number of airstrikes in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1, to 77.

The U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

These actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies.

CJTF–OIR for August 21, 2016 – August 22, 2016

Report Date

August 22, 2016

On Aug. 21st, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes using ground-attack, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and bomber, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike [1 French] struck an ISIL weapons facility.

* Near Ayn Isa, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike struck seven ISIL wellheads and a crude oil collection point.

* Near Manbij, six strikes struck five separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed a fighting position, one tactical vehicle, and an anti-air artillery system.

* Near Tamakh, one strike destroyed an ISIL tank.


* Near Bashir, one strike destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

* Near Haditha, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Mosul, two strikes [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed three vehicles and a mortar position.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a mortar system, a vehicle, five assembly areas, a supply cache, a front-end loader and denied access to terrain.

* Near Ramadi, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, a vehicle, a boat and damaged a fighting position.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL security headquarters.

Report Date

August 22, 2016

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 10 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (9635 – 9642)
  • 10 in Syria (4940 – 4949)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, France

On Aug. 21st, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes using ground-attack, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and bomber, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 21, 2016
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike [1 French] struck an ISIL weapons facility.
Near Ayn Isa, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike struck seven ISIL wellheads and a crude oil collection point.
Near Manbij, six strikes struck five separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed a fighting position, one tactical vehicle, and an anti-air artillery system.
Near Tamakh, one strike destroyed an ISIL tank.


Near Bashir, one strike destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.
Near Haditha, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Mosul, two strikes [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed three vehicles and a mortar position.
Near Qayyarah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed a mortar system, a vehicle, five assembly areas, a supply cache, a front-end loader and denied access to terrain.
Near Ramadi, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, a vehicle, a boat and damaged a fighting position.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL security headquarters.

UK MoD for August 21, 2016 – August 22, 2016

Report Date

August 22, 2016

Sunday 21 August – Tornados struck a terrorist group and a tank in northern Iraq, whilst Typhoons bombed an armed truck in western Iraq…On Sunday 21 August, a Typhoon flight bombed an armed truck a few miles to the north-west of Ramadi, on the northern bank of the Euphrates, while Tornados were active once more over northern Iraq; a Paveway IV attack struck a terrorist position to the south-west of Kirkuk, and a Brimstone missile was used to destroy a T-62 tank operated by Daesh to the north of Mosul.

Report Date

August 22, 2016

Sunday 21 August – Tornados struck a terrorist group and a tank in northern Iraq, whilst Typhoons bombed an armed truck in western Iraq…On Sunday 21 August, a Typhoon flight bombed an armed truck a few miles to the north-west of Ramadi, on the northern bank of the Euphrates, while Tornados were active once more over northern Iraq; a Paveway IV attack struck a terrorist position to the south-west of Kirkuk, and a Brimstone missile was used to destroy a T-62 tank operated by Daesh to the north of Mosul.

French MoD for August 21, 2016 – August 22, 2016

Report Date

August 22, 2016


France conducted one planned strike in Raqqa, Syria on 21 August. The French air strike hit a Daesh center for the storage and maintenance of heavy weapons. Ten SCALP cruise missiles hit and destroyed the center.

1 frappe planifiée a été conduite en Syrie le 21 août. Le raid aérien français a frappé un centre de stockage et de maintenance d’armements lourds de Daech à Raqqah. Ce raid était composé de quatre Rafale, de quatre Mirage 2000 et d’un Atlantique 2. Une dizaine de missiles de croisière SCALP ont touché et détruit ce centre situé au cœur du territoire contrôlé par le groupe terroriste.

Report Date

August 22, 2016


France conducted one planned strike in Raqqa, Syria on 21 August. The French air strike hit a Daesh center for the storage and maintenance of heavy weapons. Ten SCALP cruise missiles hit and destroyed the center.

1 frappe planifiée a été conduite en Syrie le 21 août. Le raid aérien français a frappé un centre de stockage et de maintenance d’armements lourds de Daech à Raqqah. Ce raid était composé de quatre Rafale, de quatre Mirage 2000 et d’un Atlantique 2. Une dizaine de missiles de croisière SCALP ont touché et détruit ce centre situé au cœur du territoire contrôlé par le groupe terroriste.

  • ailors cunduct low power turn test of an F/A-18F Super /hornet assigned to the Fighting Swordmen of Strike Fiighter Squadron of (VFA) 32 in the hangar bay of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (US Navy)

CJTF–OIR for August 20, 2016 – August 21, 2016

Report Date

August 21, 2016

On Aug. 20th, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes using bomber, ground-attack, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, one strike struck three ISIL wellheads and a crude oil collection point.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes struck three ISIL wellheads and three crude oil collection points and destroyed a pump jack.

* Near Manbij, nine strikes struck eight separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions, a vehicle, an artillery system, a supply cache, and a rocket launcher.

* Near Mar’a, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and five improvised explosive devices and damaged two fighting positions.

* Near Tamakh, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle and a tactical vehicle.


* Near Bashir, one strike suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Hit, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Mosul, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed a fighting position and a vehicle.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike [1 British] destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two rocket rails, two rocket systems, and two vehicle-borne improvised explosive device storage facilities and denied access to terrain.

* Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

* Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed an ISIL vehicle checkpoint and a vehicle and suppressed two mortar positions.

Report Date

August 21, 2016

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 15 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (9627 – 9634)
  • 15 in Syria (4925 – 4939)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 20th, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes using bomber, ground-attack, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 20, 2016
Syria: 15 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike struck three ISIL wellheads and a crude oil collection point.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes struck three ISIL wellheads and three crude oil collection points and destroyed a pump jack.
Near Manbij, nine strikes struck eight separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions, a vehicle, an artillery system, a supply cache, and a rocket launcher.
Near Mar’a, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and five improvised explosive devices and damaged two fighting positions.
Near Tamakh, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle and a tactical vehicle.


Near Bashir, one strike suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Hit, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Mosul, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed a fighting position and a vehicle.
Near Qayyarah, one strike [1 British] destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two rocket rails, two rocket systems, and two vehicle-borne improvised explosive device storage facilities and denied access to terrain.
Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed two ISIL vehicles.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed an ISIL vehicle checkpoint and a vehicle and suppressed two mortar positions.

CJTF–OIR for August 20, 2016 – August 21, 2016

Report Date

August 21, 2016

Operations continue in Manbij

SOUTHWEST ASIA – The Syrian Arab Coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces continue operations in Manbij City in the ongoing effort to clear the liberated city of Da’esh fighters, identify and remove improvised explosive devices, and establish a defensive posture capable of thwarting a Da’esh counter-attack.

The continued clearance is part of a broader effort to prepare defendable positions for long-term security in Manbij City.

The full extent and complexity of the improvised explosive devices and booby traps in Manbij City is slowly emerging and still presents a threat to civilians. These devices were left behind by Da’esh fighters to maim civilians and slow operations. To protect the local population, the Manbij Military Council Commander, Gen. Abu Amjad, has publicly warned citizens of these dangers.

The population is receiving a variety of assistance throughout the area. The SAC established dedicated medical facilities and continues to work with Coalition partners to ensure the availability of humanitarian assistance. The Kurdish Regional Government increased the capacity of the Fishkapour crossing to allow the movement of non-government officials to deliver humanitarian assistance for internally displaced persons.

The Coalition-supported Syrian moderate opposition efforts in Manbij City and al Rai continue to weaken Da’esh’s threat to Turkey, Europe, and United States.

Report Date

August 21, 2016

Operations continue in Manbij

SOUTHWEST ASIA – The Syrian Arab Coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces continue operations in Manbij City in the ongoing effort to clear the liberated city of Da’esh fighters, identify and remove improvised explosive devices, and establish a defensive posture capable of thwarting a Da’esh counter-attack.

The continued clearance is part of a broader effort to prepare defendable positions for long-term security in Manbij City.

The full extent and complexity of the improvised explosive devices and booby traps in Manbij City is slowly emerging and still presents a threat to civilians. These devices were left behind by Da’esh fighters to maim civilians and slow operations. To protect the local population, the Manbij Military Council Commander, Gen. Abu Amjad, has publicly warned citizens of these dangers.

The population is receiving a variety of assistance throughout the area. The SAC established dedicated medical facilities and continues to work with Coalition partners to ensure the availability of humanitarian assistance. The Kurdish Regional Government increased the capacity of the Fishkapour crossing to allow the movement of non-government officials to deliver humanitarian assistance for internally displaced persons.

The Coalition-supported Syrian moderate opposition efforts in Manbij City and al Rai continue to weaken Da’esh’s threat to Turkey, Europe, and United States.

UK MoD for August 20, 2016 – August 21, 2016

Report Date

August 21, 2016

Saturday 20 August – a Reaper destroyed another terrorist mortar team near Qayyarah…Another Reaper patrolled over Qayyarah on Saturday 20 August, again hunting for a reported mortar team. The target was tracked down and successfully prosecuted using a Hellfire.

Report Date

August 21, 2016

Saturday 20 August – a Reaper destroyed another terrorist mortar team near Qayyarah…Another Reaper patrolled over Qayyarah on Saturday 20 August, again hunting for a reported mortar team. The target was tracked down and successfully prosecuted using a Hellfire.

French MoD for August 20, 2016 – August 21, 2016

Report Date

August 21, 2016


France reports that on August 21st, they conducted a strike – with with ten SCALP cruise missiles – on a Daesh center for storage and maintenance of heavy weapons in Raqqa, Syria. The add that this action comes after an intense week of strikes by French aircraft, and that these strikes have destroyed many combat positions, weapons caches and sites for manufacturing explosives and heavy weapons.

OPERATION CHAMMAL : Nouveau raid aérien français au coeur du dispositif de Daech à Raqqah en Syrie

Mise à jour : 22/08/2016 10:14

Le 21 août 2016, un raid aérien français a frappé un centre de stockage et de maintenance d’armements lourds de Daech à Raqqah, en Syrie.

Ce raid était composé de quatre Rafale, de quatre Mirage 2000 et d’un Atlantique 2. Une dizaine de missiles de croisière SCALP ont touché et détruit ce centre situé au cœur du territoire contrôlé par le groupe terroriste.

Cette action intervient après une intense semaine de frappes des aéronefs français, dans le cadre de la coalition internationale, en soutien aux opérations terrestres des forces irakiennes et kurdes près de Mossoul en Irak. Ces frappes ont détruit de nombreux postes de combat, des caches d’armes, des sites de fabrication d’engins explosifs et d’armements lourds. Elles contribuent au travail de préparation des batailles pour les reprises de Mossoul en Irak et de Raqqah en Syrie.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal mobilise actuellement 1000 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un soutien aérien en Irak et en Syrie dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech, en frappant l’organisation terroriste avec ses moyens aériens. Le dispositif complet est actuellement structuré autour de quatorze avions de chasse de l’armée de l’Air (six Rafale, huit Mirage 2000 D et N) d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 ainsi que de capacités de renseignement, de commandement, de contrôle (C2) et de ravitaillement. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

Report Date

August 21, 2016


France reports that on August 21st, they conducted a strike – with with ten SCALP cruise missiles – on a Daesh center for storage and maintenance of heavy weapons in Raqqa, Syria. The add that this action comes after an intense week of strikes by French aircraft, and that these strikes have destroyed many combat positions, weapons caches and sites for manufacturing explosives and heavy weapons.

OPERATION CHAMMAL : Nouveau raid aérien français au coeur du dispositif de Daech à Raqqah en Syrie

Mise à jour : 22/08/2016 10:14

Le 21 août 2016, un raid aérien français a frappé un centre de stockage et de maintenance d’armements lourds de Daech à Raqqah, en Syrie.

Ce raid était composé de quatre Rafale, de quatre Mirage 2000 et d’un Atlantique 2. Une dizaine de missiles de croisière SCALP ont touché et détruit ce centre situé au cœur du territoire contrôlé par le groupe terroriste.

Cette action intervient après une intense semaine de frappes des aéronefs français, dans le cadre de la coalition internationale, en soutien aux opérations terrestres des forces irakiennes et kurdes près de Mossoul en Irak. Ces frappes ont détruit de nombreux postes de combat, des caches d’armes, des sites de fabrication d’engins explosifs et d’armements lourds. Elles contribuent au travail de préparation des batailles pour les reprises de Mossoul en Irak et de Raqqah en Syrie.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal mobilise actuellement 1000 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un soutien aérien en Irak et en Syrie dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech, en frappant l’organisation terroriste avec ses moyens aériens. Le dispositif complet est actuellement structuré autour de quatorze avions de chasse de l’armée de l’Air (six Rafale, huit Mirage 2000 D et N) d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 ainsi que de capacités de renseignement, de commandement, de contrôle (C2) et de ravitaillement. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

CJTF–OIR for August 19, 2016 – August 20, 2016

Report Date

August 20, 2016

On Aug. 19, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes using bomber, ground-attack, attack, and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed an ISIL oil workover rig and five ISIL oil tankers.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL oil crane and an ISIL oil tanker.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed two ISIL pump jacks.

* Near Manbij, six strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Mar’a, nine strikes struck five separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device, seven ISIL IEDs, and two ISIL mortar systems.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed two ISIL mortar firing positions.

* Near Mosul, two strikes struck an ISIL beddown location and destroyed 39 ISIL oil tanker trucks and two ISIL vehicles.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike [1 British] destroyed two ISIL mortar systems, five ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL bulldozer, two ISIL rocket rails, an ISIL rocket system and suppressed an ISIL mortar firing position and an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Ramadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed and ISIL mortar system.

* Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL assembly area.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

Report Date

August 20, 2016

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 19 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (9618 – 9626)
  • 19 in Syria (4906 – 4924)

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 19, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes using bomber, ground-attack, attack, and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


August 19, 2016
Syria: 19 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed an ISIL oil workover rig and five ISIL oil tankers.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL oil crane and an ISIL oil tanker.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed two ISIL pump jacks.
Near Manbij, six strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Mar’a, nine strikes struck five separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device, seven ISIL IEDs, and two ISIL mortar systems.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed two ISIL mortar firing positions.
Near Mosul, two strikes struck an ISIL beddown location and destroyed 39 ISIL oil tanker trucks and two ISIL vehicles.
Near Qayyarah, one strike [1 British] destroyed two ISIL mortar systems, five ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL bulldozer, two ISIL rocket rails, an ISIL rocket system and suppressed an ISIL mortar firing position and an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Ramadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed and ISIL mortar system.
Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL assembly area.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

UK MoD for August 19, 2016 – August 20, 2016

Report Date

August 20, 2016

Friday 19 August – Tornados and a Reaper accounted for a number of rocket-launchers and mortars near Qayyarah in northern Iraq…The following day [19 August], a Reaper and a pair of Tornados worked together near Qayyarah against a number of terrorist rocket and mortar teams. The Reaper observed a mortar firing from a compound at Iraqi forces, and responded with a successful Hellfire missile attack. The Reaper then provided support to the Tornados as they used a pair of Paveway IVs against a widely dispersed group of rocket-launchers. The Tornados also used a Brimstone missile to destroy a second mortar team, and another Paveway IV to strike an additional set of rocket rails.

Report Date

August 20, 2016

Friday 19 August – Tornados and a Reaper accounted for a number of rocket-launchers and mortars near Qayyarah in northern Iraq…The following day [19 August], a Reaper and a pair of Tornados worked together near Qayyarah against a number of terrorist rocket and mortar teams. The Reaper observed a mortar firing from a compound at Iraqi forces, and responded with a successful Hellfire missile attack. The Reaper then provided support to the Tornados as they used a pair of Paveway IVs against a widely dispersed group of rocket-launchers. The Tornados also used a Brimstone missile to destroy a second mortar team, and another Paveway IV to strike an additional set of rocket rails.

  • A 480th Fighter Squadron "Warhawks" F-16C flies alongside after refuelling from a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport air-to-air refuelling aircraft in the skies over the Middle East Region. (Aus MoD)