Incident date
February 26, 2022
вул. Бучми, 40А, Харків, 40a Buchma Street, Kharkiv, UkraineOn February 26th 2022, one elderly woman was reportedly killed when an alleged Russian forces artillery strike hit a residential nine storey building with the address of 40a Buchma Street, in Kharkiv. 20 other people were rescued and two were reportedly taken to hospital, injured. reported that there was destruction of the “bearing wall
Incident date
March 6, 2022
супермаркет «Хазар», вул. Академіка Вальтера, Supermarket "Khazar", Akademika Valtera Street, Kharkiv, UkraineFour civilians were allegedly killed and at least 15 other civilians were injured when a Russian missile shelled a supermarket on March 6th 2022, in Pyatykhatky, Kharkiv. Local source @aliev_aliev reported that the civilians were killed whilst they stood outside the supermarket. A statement from the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s office said, “it was established that
Incident date
March 28, 2022
Люботин, Liubotyn, Kharkiv, UkraineA man was killed and up to seven others, including two women, were injured in their homes by alleged Russian shelling and/or airstrikes on the town of Liubotyn on March 28, 2022. Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union reported that during a shelling of the town of Liubotyn one person was killed, seven others were injured,
Incident date
April 10, 2022
Пісочин, Pisochyn, Kharkiv, UkraineOn April 10th, 2022, two civilians were reported killed and three civilians were reported injured after an alleged Russian shelling of the Pisochyn village in Kharkiv. According to a pre-trial investigation launched under the procedural supervision of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office, two people were killed and three were injured when Russian servicemen fired on
Incident date
April 20, 2022
Kharkiv, UkraineThree civilians, including a woman, were injured in alleged Russian shellings of the city of Kharkiv on April 20, 2022. Oleg Sinegubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, posted on Telegram that a total of five civilians were injured throughout the day of April 20th – three were injured in the city of Kharkiv
Incident date
April 30, 2022
Балаклія, Balakliia, Kharkiv, UkraineHeavy shelling by Russian forces on the 30th April 2022 in Balakliia caused an injury to a civilian according to the head of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleg Sinegubov. However, no further information on the casualty can be confirmed. This assessment has reference to ACLED code UKR56859.
Incident date
March 6, 2022
Балаклія, Balakliya, Kharkiv, UkraineOn March 6th, 2022, the city centre in Balakliya was allegedly shelled, injuring three women. News sources like Suspilne published Mayor Ivan Stilbovoy’s account that “A projectile hit the residential building. This is the city center, 500 meters from the repair plant. As far as I understand, it was ‘Grady’ (Hradiv). Three women are injured.”
Incident date
February 28, 2022
Провулок 23-го Серпня, 23-ho Serpnya Lane, Kharkiv, UkraineAt least one and up to four civilians – including / or a whole family and one child – were reportedly killed when 23 August Lane, in Pavlv Pole in Kharkiv was hit on February 28th 2022 by an alleged Russian “Smerch” anti-aircraft missile system. At least 16 people were reported injured. According to Amnesty,
Incident date
March 13, 2022
Дергачі, Derhachi, Kharkiv, UkraineAt least one to two civilians, including a child, were killed and at least one civilian, a woman, was injured in an alleged Russian shelling of the suburb of Derhachi in Kharkiv. According to the Kharkiv Human Rights Group, the shelling of Derhachi occurred from 23:00 on March 13th, 2022 to the morning of March
Incident date
February 25, 2022
Харківська Державна Зооветеринарна Академія, Kharkiv State Zoological and Veterinary Academy, Kharkiv, UkraineOn February 25th 2022 one civilian, a child, was reportedly injured as a result of an alleged Russian shell which hit the “Zoovet Academy”, a veterinary academy on Akademichna Street in Mala Danylivka, Kharkiv. According to Harkiv.noyyny news site, Proliska humanitarian mission recieved a request for the evacuation of the area. This assessment has reference
Incident date
April 22, 2022
Барвінкове, Barvinkove, Kharkiv, UkraineAn elderly woman was killed by confirmed Russian airstrikes on the town of Barvinkove in Izium district around 1:15am on April 22, 2022. The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office posted on Telegram that at around 1:15am, Russian forces fired aviation weapon launchers at the town of Barvinkove in Izium district, destroying more than 10 residential buildings.
Incident date
April 26, 2022
Золочів, Zolochiv, Kharkiv, UkraineOn April 26th 2022, Russia allegedly fired artillery on the city of Zolochiv injuring three civilians. The Head of the Kharkiv Oblast Oleg Sinegubov reported on Telegram the event as part of multiple Russian attacks in the region: “Today, as a result of shelling in Kharkiv, 3 people died, 7 were injured. 3 people were
Incident date
April 16, 2022
Ocновянський, Osnovianskyi , Kharkiv, UkraineOn 16th April 2022, at 11:45 am, the Russian army allegedly launched Kalibr long-range cruise missiles at the Kharkiv region, hitting the districts of Sloboda and Osnovianskyi. Maksym Khoustov, director of the regional Department of Health, reported 18 injured. Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, confirmed that the 18 wounded were being
Incident date
March 4, 2022
вул. Героїв Праці, Heroiv Pratsi Street, Kharkiv, UkraineBetween two and five civilians were killed by alleged Russian shelling of Heroiv Pratsa street in Kharkiv at 17:00 on March 3, 2022. According to DSNS Kharkiv, on Heroiv Pratsa street, rescuers extinguished fires in buildings No. 37, 37b, 37d, 33d and 33b, rescued 10 residents, and evacuated another 25. The DSNS added that the
Incident date
March 18, 2022
Харківський регіональний інститут державного управління, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration, Kharkiv, UkraineOn the morning of Friday March 18th 2022, a missile strike by alleged Russian shelling hit an educational building and two neighboring residential buildings, killing one civilian and injuring at least 11, in the town of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine. Sources unanimously account for one civilian being killed, with ACLED Dataset reporting that it was
Incident date
April 9, 2022
Слатине, Slatyne, Kharkiv, UkraineBetween two and three people were killed and up to two others were wounded by alleged Russian shelling of the village of Slatyne in Dergachi on April 9, 2022. Vyacheslav Zadorenko, head of the community, posted on Facebook that “during the day, enemy artillery periodically shelled the settlements of Dergachiv community. At least two people
Incident date
April 24, 2022
Калинове, Kalynove, Kharkiv, UkraineA 60 year old woman was killed by alleged Russian shelling of the village of Kalynove on April 24, 2022. The head of the Zolochiv community, Viktor Kovalenko, told Suspilne News that a 60 year old woman was killed because she did not have time to run to the cellar and came under fire from
Incident date
May 10, 2022
Циркуни, Tsyrkuny, Kharkiv, UkraineOn May 10th 2022 two civilians, both women, were killed when a reported Russian mine exploded in Tsykunny in Kharkiv. Sergey Bolvinov reported on Facebook that “investigators and forensic experts of the Investigative Department, investigators of the Lipetsk Police Department, together with explosive experts, conducted an inspection under the bridge near the village of Tsykuny,
Incident date
May 11, 2022
Новий Мерчик, Noviy Merchyk, Kharkiv, UkraineOn the morning of 11th May 2022 at 10:45 am, a 26yr old civilian tractor driver from Gadyach was allegedly struck with a guided missile launched from a low-flying Russian aircraft whilst working in a field in the village of Novy Merchik. The attack caused multiple burns and leg injuries to the tractor driver and
Incident date
February 28, 2022
вул. Кільцева, 130, 130, Kil'tseva Street, Kharkiv, Kharkiv, UkraineAt least eight civilians were reported injured in alleged Russian shelling on two high-rise buildings on Kiltseva street in Kharkiv, February 28th 2022. Local sources reported the use of rocket launchers and artillery as well as airstrikes. Those injured in the incident were widely reported by local sources to have been on the upper floors
Incident date
March 10, 2022
Селекційне, Selektsiyne, Kharkiv, UkraineAn elderly woman was killed by alleged Russian cluster bomb airstrikes on the village of Selektsiyne on March 10, 2022. Suspilne Media reported that the Russian military carried out an airstrike with cluster bombs in the village of Selektsiyne that resulted in the death of a 73 year old woman. Serhii Bolvinov, Head of the
Incident date
March 29, 2022
M03, Чугуївський район, M03, Chuhuiv district, Kharkiv, UkraineTwo men were killed and five others, including a baby, were injured by a mine or unexploded ordinance on March 29, 2022 allegedly planted by Russian forces in Chuhuiv. The Kharkiv human rights group reported that two men were killed and five others, including a six month old baby, were injured when their cars hit
Incident date
April 10, 2022
Золочів, Zolochiv, Kharkiv, UkraineFour civilians, all middle-aged men, were reported injured after an alleged Russian shelling of Zolochiv, Bohodukhiv district on April 10th, 2022. According to the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s office, around 13:00 Zolochiv was shelled with artillery by Russian troops. Viktor Kovalenko, head of the community, told Suspilne TV that “since the morning, Zolochiv has been under
Incident date
April 21, 2022
Київський район, Kyyivsʹkyy district, Kharkiv, UkraineOn the afternoon of April 21st 2022, at approximately 6pm, a car with two civilians traveling north east on Akademika Proskury St in close proximity to the Manizh Naku “Khai” Sport complex was allegedly struck by Russian shelling. The projectile was reported to have struck the engine bay of the vehicle, identified by multiple sources
Incident date
April 30, 2022
Немишлянський район, Nemyshlyansky district, Kharkiv, UkraineAt approximately 3am on April 30, 2022, Russian troops allegedly shelled residential areas, industrial zone, and hospitals in the Nemishlyanksy district of Kharkiv. As a result, a man was injured in an apartment block in the district. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine posted on Telegram that as a result of the shelling, apartments in
Incident date
March 6, 2022
вул. Циліноградська, St. Tsilinogradska, Kharkiv, UkraineTwo civilians were killed and two others were injured by alleged Russian airstrikes on Tsilinogradska street in Kharkiv on May 6, 2022. The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office posted on Telegram that the Shevchenkiv District Prosecutor’s Office of Kharkiv had launched a pre-trial investigation into a Russian airstrike on a residential building on Tsilinogradska street in Kharkiv
Incident date
February 28, 2022
вул. Велика Кільцева, Velika Kiltseva Street, Kharkiv, UkraineOn February 28th 2022, an alleged Russian forces rocket and artillery hit 130 Velika Kiltseva Street in Kharkiv. As a result one civilian was reportedly killed and one to two civilians were injured. Five civilian cars were reportedly set on fire, as a result of the shelling. A report from stated the following information:
Incident date
March 17, 2022
Рынок Барабашова, Barabashovo market complex, Kharkiv, UkraineOn March 17 2022, shortly before 14:00, a missile allegedly fired by a Russia BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher system hit Barabashovo market on Akademika Pavlova Street in Kharkiv, killing one rescue worker and injuring another rescue worker and a woman. One Telegram channel with a clear pro-Russian stance source accused the Ukrainian military of intentionally
Incident date
March 27, 2022
с. Оскіл, Ізюмський район, Oskil, Izium, Kharkiv, UkraineSeven civilians including two minors were reported killed and five, including a 4-year-old child, were reported injured after alleged Russian shelling of the village of Oskil of the Izyum district in Kharkiv on March 27th, 2022. A family of four, including a seven-year-old boy, were among those killed, after a rocket “hit one of the
Incident date
April 22, 2022
Коротич, Korotych, Kharkiv, UkraineA man was killed and between five and six other civilians were injured by alleged Russian shelling of the village of Korotych the morning of April 22, 2022. The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office reported on Telegram that a pre-trial investigation had been initiated into an incident where Russian forces shelling the village of Korotych, resulting