Russian Military in Syria

A Russian combat aircraft at Khmeimim airbase in Syria being prepared for action. (Russian Ministry of Defence)

Russian Military
start date
end date
Civilian Harm Status
Belligerent Assessment
Declassified Documents

Incident Code


Incident date

August 2, 2016


الأتارب, Al Atarib, Aleppo, Syria


36.1375975, 36.8284035 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Town level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

Between 11 and 42 civilians died and dozens more were wounded in an airstrike on a popular market in Al Atarib, according to local media. Most sources blamed Russia, though there was some confusion in the reporting with the Syrian Network for Human Rights pointing to both Moscow and then the regime. Some other sources didn’t identify the culprit.

LCCSY reported that “Russian warplanes committed a massacre in Atareb city and claimed the lives of 11 civilians and injured others, some of whom were still stuck under the rubble, as they carried out a vacuum missile attack on the residential neighbourhoods.” In a later post the LCCSY spoke of 42 deadly victims, most of them “killed by Russian airstrikes on al-Atareb”.

The Shaam News Network was among many other sources attributing the event to Russia.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights initially blamed the regime, putting the death toll at ten including four children. However, in subsequent reports, it appeared to change its position and attribute the event to Russian warplanes.

There was some ambiguity in reporting by others sources, too: @syriahadath and @shahed_alep referred to a “bombardment with heavy machine guns from warplanes”, but didn’t say who the jets belonged to.

The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Kamel Ali Hayed
45 years old named by Halab News killed
Ahmed Hassan Sadiq
35 years old named by Halab News killed
Abdul Razzaq Said
Age unknown named by Halab News killed
Hussain Ahmed Yousef
45 years old named by Halab News killed
Mustafa Said,
10 years old male named by Halab News killed
Abdul Rahman Abram
10 years old male named by Halab News killed
Abdu Saleh Qasim
45 years old named by Halab News killed
Bassam Abras
40 years old named by Halab News killed
Mayada Akthar
28 years old named by Halab News killed
Shahed Akthar
8 years old female named by Halab News killed
Mustafa Hayek
10 years old named by Halab News killed


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    11 – 42
  • (4–5 children1 woman)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (28) [ collapse]

from sources (21) [ collapse]

  • An interview wit a local child and footage showing the devastation in the aftermath of the incident. (via, AMC)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Injured civilians being treated in a medical facility. (via, SN4HR)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    An injured girl on the floor in a medical facility as there are no beds to accommodate her due to the high numbers of injured civilians. (via, SN4HR)
  • Damage to the infrastructure in the aftermath of the incident. (via SOHR)
  • Damage to the infrastructure in the aftermath of the incident. (via SOHR)
  • Damage to the infrastructure in the aftermath of the incident. (via SOHR)
  • Damage to the infrastructure in the aftermath of the incident. (via SOHR)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Blood left on the floor in the market town following an alleged Russian and Syrian Regime raid. (via, SOHR)
  • Damage to the infrastructure in the aftermath of the incident. (via SOHR)
  • A damaged vehicle. (via SOHR)
  • The inside of a market shop. (via, SOHR)
  • Civilians are rescued from burning buildings. (via, Syriahr)
  • Attempting to clear the rubble in the aftermath of the alleged raid. (via, SyrianPC)
  • The market, destroyed by alleged Russian and Syrian Regime raids. (via, SLN)
  • The market, destroyed by alleged Russian and Syrian Regime raids. (via, Revolution Syria)
  • The aftermath of the incident. (via, Step)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Blood splattered in the aftermath of the incident. (via, Syrian Mirror)
  • Attempting to clear the rubble in the aftermath of the alleged raid. (via, SN4HR)
  • More images in the aftermath of the incident. (via, Baladi News)
  • More images in the aftermath of the incident. (via, Baladi News)
  • More images in the aftermath of the incident. (via, Baladi News)

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Russian Military

Russia has not reported any strikes between August 1st – 10th 2016.

Syrian Regime Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Regime
  • Syrian Regime position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    11 – 42
  • (4–5 children1 woman)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (28) [ collapse]

Incident Code


Incident date

January 16, 2016


الرقة‎, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, Syria


35.949949, 39.007363 Note: The accuracy of this location is to City level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

33 to 42 civilians including five to eight children were killed – and 35 others injured – in airstrikes on Ar Raqqah, according to multiple sources. All sources allege that Russia carried out the attacks, except for the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights who do not say who was responsible. 

The Shaam News Network reported that Russian warplanes carried out more than eight raids targeting different areas of the city of Ar Raqqa and its western countryside, causing major destruction to residential buildings and deaths of non-combatants.

Activist told SNN that the strikes targeted “a government complex, Al Darweesh crossing, the National Hospital, al Wussawat hospital, Al Mansour district, Rumaila neighborhood, Al Sa’aa district and Al Amassi.” Initial reports were of 15 civilians killed and dozens wounded.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights put the death toll higher – at 33 civilians, including five children, killed by “suspected Russian shelling“.

But the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said even more were killed – 40, including eight children, however, they did not say who the “warplanes” belonged to. According to their report “reliable sources” informed them that the planes targeted “shops, small restaurants, areas near Rasheed Park, al-Na’eim roundabout, Abbarat Darwish area, the industrial area and near the National hospital in the city.” They added that “the warplanes came out from regime forces controlled areas and that was heard via the road communication devices in the area.

The IS agency Al Ama’aq news blamed Russia, putting the number killed at 42, with 35 injured – some of whom were in a critical condition.

Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently also said that 42 people died at the hands of Russian warplanes in nine strikes, with 35 injured. They listed the locations that were bombed as:

Government complex, Al Darweesh crossing, National hospital, Al Mussawat hospital, Al Mansour district, Ramallah neighbourhood, Al Sa’aa district, Al Amassi area behind the city council, the area opposite that used to be the blood bank, the clock round about and Al dari’ya neighbourhood.


The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Family members (2)

Hussein Ali al-Ahmad
Age unknown male named by Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered killed
Rajab Ali al-Ahmad
male named by Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered

The victims were named as:

Walid Anwar al Jirro
Age unknown from Deir al-Zour, named by Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered killed
Hamad Abdullah Al-Omar
Age unknown named by Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered killed
Khaled Saleh Al-Roumi
Age unknown named by Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered killed
Ismail Khalil Al-Mohammad
Age unknown named by Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered killed
Abdul Aziz Aljadou’
Age unknown male named by Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered killed


  • Civilian infrastructure
    Healthcare facility
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    33 – 42
  • (5–8 children)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected attacker
    Russian Military

Sources (15) [ collapse]

from sources (4) [ collapse]

  • A crater in the middle of a road following an alleged Russian strike on Ar Raqqa, January 16th 2016 (via Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently)
  • A fire blazes amid destruction caused by an alleged Russian raid on Ar Raqqa, Jan 16th (via Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently)
  • Ismail Khalil Al Mohammad, killed by an alleged Russian airstrike. (via, Raqqa is being slaughtered silently)
  • The aftermath of the alleged Russian raid on Raqqa. (via, Raqqa is being slaughtered silently)

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Russian Military

In its report for military actions on January 19 2016, the Kremlin reports carrying out strikes in Raqqah governorate: “In the course of the last four days, aircraft of the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic have performed 157 combat sorties engaging 579 objects of terrorists’ infrastructure in the provinces of Aleppo, Raqqah, Latakia, Homs, Hama and Deir ez-Zor.” It adds: “Within the operation aimed at elimination of terrorists’ sources of income, the Russian aircraft have eliminated a large POL storage and oil pumping station in the Raqqah province in the course of the last four days.“


  • Civilian infrastructure
    Healthcare facility
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    33 – 42
  • (5–8 children)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected attacker
    Russian Military

Sources (15) [ collapse]

Incident Code


Incident date

August 10, 2018


أورم الكبرى, Urma Al Kubra, Aleppo, Syria


36.1475457, 36.9448239 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Town level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

In a major civilian casualty incident, up to 44 civilians, including five to 25 children, were reportedly killed in three consecutive airstrikes on the town of Urma Al Kubra. In total, sources recorded the names of 43 killed civilians.

Multiple sources reported many injured, with estimates ranging between dozens to 70, with one earlier report citing six injured.

The majority of sources attributed the strikes to Russia, yet the Assad regime was named by two sources, while five sources did not positively attribute responsibility.

Estimates of the death toll and numbers wounded rose as events unfolded, with earlier reports citing six injured, with the same source, Step New Agency, later reporting as many as 70 wounded and 40 killed.

Syrian Network for Human Rights estimated at least 10 killed, including five children, and named the Al Aboud family, and Ahmed Aziza, a media reporter, as killed in the airstrikes.

Local Coordination Committees of Syria reported 41 killed, while the majority of sources estimated the death toll at approximately 20, and cited ‘dozens’ as injured. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported 41 victims, including 25 children and seven women.

According to SCD Aleppo, “A warplane believed to be Russian launched three consecutive raids on the town of Urma al-Kubra in the Greater Aleppo at exactly 6.30pm on Friday August 10th. The strikes targeted the homes of civilians in the town, leaving twenty martyrs including six children and two women and a whole family under the rubble. The number of wounded reached fifty, mostly children and women.”

SCD Aleppo went on to cite the head of the civil defence centre in the town, Hussein Badawi, who reported that there was destruction across  “nearly three neighbourhoods” in the three raids.

Shabab Orem Al Kubra posted the local council list with the names of 35 other civilians who died in the airstrikes. In addition, the source also listed an unnamed family of seven, possibly the Al Aboud family, and two children from Homs, bringing the total death toll up to 44 civilians. The girl Fatima Ibrahim Darwish was reported missing. The source reported that 70 civilians were injured.

Smart News states that “the local council issued a statement condemning the massacre, calling on the international community to stand by its responsibilities towards the Syrian people and their right to live in safety in their country.”

The head of the local council of the town, Mahmoud Al Ibrahim, told Radio Al Kul that the shelling resulted in the destruction of more than 60 houses, and triggered the displacement for more than a hundred families who feared renewed shelling.


The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Family members (7)

Adult male er of five children killed killed
Adult female Mother of five killed killed
Child male killed
Child male killed
Child female killed
Child female killed
Child female killed

Family members (3)

Child female killed

Family members (2)

Age unknown female killed

Family members (3)

Adult female killed

Family members (3)

Family members (6)

Family members (2)

Family members (2)

Family members (2)

Adult female sister of Abu Riyadh killed

Family members (2)

Child male from Al Qarasi killed

The victims were named as:

19 years old male media Reporter killed
Age unknown female killed
Age unknown female wife of Ibrahim Nayef killed
Adult male killed
Adult female from Al Qarasi killed
Adult female from Al Qarasi killed
Adult male from Aleppo killed


  • Strike status
    Contested strike
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    43 – 44
  • (5–25 children1–7 women2 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime
  • Suspected target

Sources (53) [ collapse]

from sources (46) [ collapse]

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Bodies are retrieved from the rubble following August 10th airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra (via SN4HR)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Four children killed in the August 10th airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra (via Hamza.alshaheed)
  • August 10th air strikes on the town of Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    A child from the Aboud family, all of whom were killed in the August 10th airstrikes on Urma Al-Kubra (via Kafar Zita)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    A child from the Aboud family, all of whom were killed in the August 10th airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra (via Kafar Zita).
  • The aftermath of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via SCDaleppo)
  • A child is pulled from the rubble following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via SCDaleppo)
  • A child pulled from the rubble following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via SCDaleppo)
  • The rescue mission following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via SCDaleppo)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    A child is pulled from the rubble following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via SCDaleppo)
  • Children killed in the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Latamina.alhadth)
  • Ahmed Aziza, a media worker killed in the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via SN4HR)
  • A UNICEF backpack in the rubble following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • An elderly man walks through the rubble following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • A man retrieves blankets from the rubble following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • The aftermath of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • A man participates in clean up efforts following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • The aftermath of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • The aftermath of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • The aftermath of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • The aftermath of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • A woman sits in the rubble following the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • The aftermath of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • The aftermath of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • Locals respond to the fatal consequences of the August 10th airstrikes on Urma al-Kubra (via Step News)
  • Translation: "Urma Al Kubra, in the western countryside of Aleppo, after being targeted by Russian aircraft !!! Terror without borders" (via @aboalhodaalhoms).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    A child killed in the August 10th airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra (@Omar_Madaniah).
  • Translation: "A video of the moment when a surviving child was brought out in the town of Urma Al Kubra in the western countryside of Aleppo today after being bombed by Assad's planes" (via @Omar_Madaniah).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Translation: "The great Orom terrorists who were targeted today by vicious Russian criminal aviation ... You will not see or hear them in the malicious global media channels" (via @RevolutionSyria).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Children killed in the August 10th, 2018, airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra (via @RevolutionSyria).
  • Translation: "Do not be afraid, baby, do not cry do not panic, there is still hope in this life, saving a child from the rubble of his destroyed home in the large town of Urma after being targeted by three Russian air strikes" (via @SyriaCivilDefe).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Translation: "Four children at once, Assad killed them today in the countryside of Aleppo in the great town of Urma ... Oh God, you have Assad and his aides and everyone who supported him even with one word" (via @Omar_Madaniah).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Children killed in the August 10th, 2018, airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra (via @Omar_Madaniah).
  • Translation: "Media activist Ahmed Aziza was killed due to the targeting of Russian warplanes in the town of Urma Al Kubra in the western countryside of Aleppo" (via @Anas_Alhaje).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Translation: "20 martyrs, a preliminary outcome of the victims of the Great Urma massacre, just before the shelling of the town's warplanes …" (via @Mohmaud_Anaus).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Cut off hand of a victim after alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via @Mohmaud_Anaus).
  • Ahmed Aziza was killed in alleged Russian and/or Syrian regime airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2020 (via VDC).
  • Rubble after alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the town of Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via Mohammad Fasih Jamily on Facebook).
  • Men recovering the body of a victim after alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via Mohammad Fasih Jamily on Facebook).
  • Aftermath of alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the town of Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via Mohammad Fasih Jamily on Facebook).
  • Civilians in the aftermath of alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the town of Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via Mohammad Fasih Jamily on Facebook).
  • The body of a victim after alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via Mohammad Fasih Jamily on Facebook).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Men recovering the body of a victim after alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the town of Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via Mohammad Fasih Jamily on Facebook).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    The bodies of victims, including children, after alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the town of Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via Ibraheim.alhmad on Facebook).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    The bodies of victims, including children, after alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the town of Urma Al Kubra on August 10th, 2018 (via Ibraheim.alhmad on Facebook).
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Man in the hospital crying over the body of woman after alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrikes on the town of Urma Al Curb on August 10th, 2018 (via Yaseen.blkhi on Facebook).

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Russian Military

Russia has not reported any strikes in August 2018.

Syrian Regime Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Regime
  • Syrian Regime position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Strike status
    Contested strike
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    43 – 44
  • (5–25 children1–7 women2 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime
  • Suspected target

Sources (53) [ collapse]

Incident Code


Incident date

September 29, 2017


ارمناز, Armanaz, Idlib, Syria


36.084046, 36.5034 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Town level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

Between 15 and 40 civilians were killed in two separate air raids using thermobaric rockets targeting a residential neighbourhood in Armanaz according to local media. Sources all blamed either Russian or Syrian regime raids for the attack.

Most sources alleged the second airstrike was aimed at Civil Defence teams and other civilians trying to remove victims of the first strike from underneath the rubble, which would explain the extraordinarily high death toll.

More than 30 houses were totally destroyed.

12 rockets vacuum missiles were used, according to Syrian Civil Defence.

Some sources reported that dozens of others were wounded, however the highest count is Smart News who reported 75 were injured.

ZamanAlwasl reported the a Sukhoi 24 plane belonging to the regime carried -out a second strike as the White Helmets and ambulance teams attended the scene.


The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Family members (2)

Mostafa Hamzeh Shoeib
Adult male killed
Daughter of Mostafa Shoeib
Adult female killed

Family members (4)

-From Desoki family 1
Child male killed
From Desoki family 2
Child male killed
From Desoki family 3
Child male killed
From Desoki family 4
Adult female killed

Family members (2)

Nihad Elian
Adult male killed
Montaser Elian
Adult male killed

Family members (2)

Mayada Jamous
Adult female killed
Abo Omer Jamous
Adult male killed

Family members (2)

Tasneem Abdullah Younes
Adult female killed
Son of Tasneem Abdullah Younes
Child male killed

The victims were named as:

Mohammad Salim Abd Rabo
Adult male killed
Asad Naesan
Adult male killed
Hasan Asho
Adult male killed
Yaser Daw
Adult male killed
-Mohammad Yehya
Adult male killed
Khadijeh Jafa
Adult female killed
Taha Mostafa Affas
Adult male killed
Amani Shoeib
Adult female killed
Zakia Bashar Naesan
Adult female killed
Khadijeh Hosain Beri
Adult female killed
Loay Faqous
Adult male killed
Mohammad Mhaikel
Adult male killed
Dibo Danoun
Adult male killed
Mohammad Abo Yaeroub
Adult male killed
Riham Raboue
Adult female killed
Rayan Mohammad Shoeaib
Child female killed
Bashar al-Naesan
Adult male killed
Wife of Maher Disoki
Adult female killed
Nour Alath
Age unknown


  • Strike type
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    15 – 40
  • (7 children6–8 women)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (38) [ collapse]

from sources (9) [ collapse]

  • Picture of villagers burying the dead in the two airstrikes on Armanaz on September 29th (via Twitter: 7UFCmSxd0IUBffH)
  • Photo of Civil Defense Teams working tirelessly to remove victims from under the rubble after the two airstrikes on Armanaz on September 29th (via Syrian Network for Human Rights)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Picture of a baby girl, allegedly wounded by the two airstrikes on Armanaz on September 29th (via Syrian Network for Human Rights)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Graphic images of wounded civilians following the Sept 29th strikes on Armanaz.
  • Aftermath of the strikes
  • Aftermath of the strikes
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Graphic footage of civilians following alleged regime strikes on Armanaz, Sept 29th 2017
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    Translation: "Watch : Rescued children from the rubble of the Russian raids on the town of Armanaz in rural Idlib"
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    More victims of the strikes.

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Syrian Regime Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Regime
  • Syrian Regime position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Strike type
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    15 – 40
  • (7 children6–8 women)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (38) [ collapse]

Incident Code


Incident date

November 16, 2016


باتبو, Batbo, Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria


36.13447, 36.73979 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Town level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

In what sources referred to as “a terrible massacre”, 22 named civilians, including children, died in an an airstrike on Batbo, Aleppo, according to local media. The majority of sources blamed Russia, however, a small number mentioned the regime – 24Aleppo, for example, alleged both parties culprit. 

According to Qasioun, “at least 38” civilians were injured and taken to the local hospital following the raids. The source said residential areas in Batbo were struck with space rockets by Russian fighter jets – resulting in significant loss of life and injury.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported four children and seven women killed within the toll which they put at 23 – the source alleged Russia alone was responsible. However there is contradiction in reporting from the source as a later report alleged “at least 10 victims died in government warplanes (allies) missiles” also on November 16th.

A subsequent report from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said “more than 40 people were killed and more than 40 injured” in the airstrikes. The source added, “damage was caused to a building in the town, while an attempt to retrieve missing persons continues under the rubble of the destroyed building”.

@AleppoAMC did not name a culprit, but it did cite the use of “airstrikes by rockets and cluster bombs”. The tweet said 20 people died and “more than 50” incurred injuries.

The death toll was put “at least 19” by SOHR including seven women and three children. The report noted that the death toll was expected to rise due to civilians being critically wounded. Micro News added that many civilians were trapped underneath the rubble.

The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Family members (3)

Ali Hasan Dibou
Age unknown male killed
Mustafa Ali Hasan Dibou
Child male killed
Ali Mustafa Dibou
Age unknown killed

Family members (5)

Abdul Hakim Ahmad Jaqla
Age unknown male killed
Wedad Walid Jaqla
Child female killed
Lamya Walid Jaqla
Child female killed
Ahmad Jaqla
Age unknown male killed
Walid Jaqla
Age unknown killed

Family members (2)

Hasan al Sawwas
Age unknown male killed
Mother of Hasan al Sawwas
Adult female killed

Family members (2)

Sabah Mahmoud Ekil
Age unknown killed
Warda Mahmoud Ekil
Child female killed

The victims were named as:

Dalal, wife of Omar Bakkour Ekil
Adult female killed
Ahmad Mustafa al Sakkar
Age unknown male killed
Fatim Mohammad Abdul Wahhab
Adult female killed
Ilham al Kad’
Adult female killed
Hajar Hmaid
Adult female killed
Ali Mustafa Ali Hasan
Age unknown killed
Huthayfa Ibrahim
Age unknown killed
Ahmad al Sawwas
Age unknown male killed
Unidentified man
Adult male an IDP from Kafr Zita, northern Hama killed
Um Meizar
Adult female an IDP from Kafr Zita, northern Hama killed


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    22 – 40
  • (4–7 children7–8 women8 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (29) [ collapse]

from sources (15) [ collapse]

  • Footage of the rescue mission in Batbo following alleged Russian attacks, November 16th (via Syrian Civil Defense)
  • A reporter reveals the material destruction in the town of Batbo after alleged Russian airstrikes, November 16th (via SNN)
  • The aftermath of suspected Russian strikes on Batbo, November 16th (via Ahmad Shlar)
  • Rescue teams search beneath destroyed builidings in Aleppo, the impact of suspected Russian airstrikes, November 16th (via 24Aleppo)
  • The destruction across the town of Batbo following suspected Russian strikes, November 16th (via Step)
  • Locals and the White Helmet rescue team look under a building for civilians caught the alleged Russian strikes on Batbo, November 16th (via Eldorar)
  • Two men sat among the rubble in Batbo after Russian airstrikes allegedly hit the town, November 16th (via Eldorar)
  • The White Helmets pursue a rescue mission in Batbo after suspected Russian airstrikes inflicted civilian harm, November 16th (via Eldorar)
  • A civilian covered in dust under the rubble in Batbo - the impact of alleged Russian warplane shelling, November 16th (via @Kayvan_soh)
  • Destruction in Batbo after a reportedly large massacre of civilians in alleged Russian airstrikes, November 16th (via @ShahbaPress)
  • Photographs of The White Helmet rescue team in Batbo, November 16th (via @barq_news)
  • Material destruction across the town of Batbo after Russian aircraft allegedly hit the town, November 16th (via @islammemo_cc)
  • The streets of Batbo after suspected Russian airstrikes, November 16th (via Step News)
  • Ali Dibou was killed in alleged Russian strikes on Batbo, November 16th (via Ahmad Shahada)
  • The son of Ali Dibou died with his father in suspected Russian strikes on Batbo, November 16th (via Ahmad Shahada)

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Russian Military

Russia has not reported any specific strikes between November 1st – 30th 2016.

On 6 January 2017, Russia, however, reported: “Since November 8, 2016, the aircraft carrier group of the Northern Fleet consisting of the heavy aircraft carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, the heavy nuclear missile cruiser Pyotr Velikiy, the large ASW ship Severomorsk, as well as auxiliary vessels of the Black Sea Fleet, has been fulfilling counterterrorist missions on the territory of Syria”, adding that ”in the course of two months of their participation in the combat actions, naval aviation pilots have carried out 420 combat sorties, 117 of them were night ones”.

Additionally, Russia reported that its air forces have carried out strikes in Aleppo during November and December 2016.

Syrian Regime Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Regime
  • Syrian Regime position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    22 – 40
  • (4–7 children7–8 women8 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (29) [ collapse]

Incident Code


Incident date

June 12, 2016


إدلب, Idlib, Syria


35.93062, 36.63393 Note: The accuracy of this location is to City level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

Between 17 and 40 civilians died including up to 18 children – and up to 100 others were wounded – in airstrikes on one of the largest vegetable markets in Idlib, according to multiple local sources – though reports were conflicted as to whether this major casualty incident was the work of Russia or the Syrian regime.

According to the Shaam News Network: “Activists said Russian warplanes targeted a popular vegetable market in Al Furun street near the educational complex in the city of Idlib with several missiles that caused large fires. There were reports of a massacre against unarmed civilians, with body parts scattered across the market”.

It put the initial death toll at 30, with dozens more wounded, adding that most of the bodies were “charred”.

Another report by SNN said that victims were “burnt in cars” and that shops selling fuel were among the buildings bombed “during the rush hour when civilians were making their purchases from the market”.

A very graphic SNN video showed the charred remains of bodies and distressing footage of members of the White Helmets removing victims – with their entrails hanging out – from the scene.

A later SNN report put the death toll as high as 40, while many other reports form other news outlets said that the death count was likely to continue to rise.

However, other sources blamed the regime: The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, put the death toll at 34 (nine children, three women and 22 men).

According to LCCSY, regime “warplanes targeted a vegetables market in the city with two missiles, killing more than 34 civilians and injuring 50 others”.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported the death of 33 non-combatants in a regime strike, of which 11 were children and one a woman.

Souriat – who was among other sources that didn’t identify the warplanes responsible for the event – put the number of wounded as high as 100, adding that 35 civilians died, most of them “burned to death”.

Siryahora tweeted that “18 children were burnt [suggesting they were killed] in a Russian strike” on the market. The tweet included a graphic image of members of the White Helmets holding a charred child victim in the air.

The local time of the incident is unknown.


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    17 – 40
  • (5–18 children1–3 women22 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (62) [ collapse]

from sources (2) [ collapse]

  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    A very graphic video of charred bodies removed from the rubble (Youtube by SNN)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    "Video shows the destruction caused by several airstrikes by warplanes on areas in Idlib city, one of the airstrikes targeted a popular market area, which killed 34 persons they are 9 children, 3 cictizen women and 22 man" (Facebook Video by SOHR)

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Russian Military

Russia has not reported any strikes between June 1st – 31st 2016.

Syrian Regime Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Regime
  • Syrian Regime position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    17 – 40
  • (5–18 children1–3 women22 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (62) [ collapse]

Incident Code


Incident date

October 11, 2017


القورية, Qouriya, Deir Ezzor, Syria


34.96, 40.55 Note: The accuracy of this location is to City level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

At least 20 and as many as 40 civilians, including women and children, were killed and “dozens” were left wounded following alleged Russian or Assad-waged airstrikes on the border crossing between the towns of al-Qouriya and al-Tayana, multiple local media reported.

Referred to as a “massacre”, several sources reported a death toll between 30 and 40 along with the dozens of wounded, who also counted women and children.

The lowest number of victims was reported by @AJA_Syria and Step News Agency who reported about at least 20 fatalities. The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SN4HR) initially reported 16 fatalities, but later added that at least 21 had been killed.

Other sources, such as Al Qouriya United Media Centre, said that the strikes had killed more than 40 civilians.

Baladi News cited a journalist from Deir al-Zour 24 who reported that “the number of martyrs of the massacre of the Qouriya crossing yesterday (October 11th, 2017)  increased to about 40 civilian martyrs and dozens of others were injured,”.

A total of 19 victims were identified by name by several sources, hereof at least one child, two women and five confirmed adult men.

All sources who identified a culprit pointed to Russia, though there was some confused reporting from the Syrian Network for Human Rights. In its initial report, the Network blamed “Syrian-Russian warplanes”, but in a subsequent report appeared to change its position, pointing solely to Russia.


The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Family members (3)

Age unknown male killed
Age unknown male killed
Age unknown male killed

Family members (3)

Age unknown male killed
Age unknown male killed
Age unknown male killed

The victims were named as:

Age unknown male also known as Abu Ahmad killed
Age unknown male killed
Age unknown female killed
Child male killed
Age unknown male killed
Age unknown male killed
Age unknown female killed
Age unknown male killed
Age unknown male killed
Adult male killed
Saifi al-Khalid Shuwaikh Abu Majid
Adult male killed
Adult male Died on November 2nd due to wounds he sustained in this incident killed


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    20 – 40
  • (1 child2 women5 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected attacker
    Russian Military

Sources (29) [ collapse]

from sources (6) [ collapse]

  • The moment the alleged Russian airstrikes hit al-Qouriya on October 11th, 2017 (via Al Qouriya United Media Centre)
  • Jassem al Jiwar, also known as Abu Ahmad, was reportedly among the victims following the alleged Russian airstrikes that hit al- Qouriya on October 11th, 2017 (via Al Qouriya United Media Centre)
  • Khalil al-Ali al-Sayer was reportedly among the victims following the alleged Russian airstrikes that hit al- Qouriya on October 11th, 2017 (via Abuheba.karaani)
  • Younis Al-Abd al-Rahman Al Housh was reportedly among the victims following the alleged Russian airstrikes that hit al- Qouriya on October 11th, 2017 (via Sons of Euphrates)
  • Saifi al-Khalid Shuwaikh Abu Majid was reportedly among the victims following alleged Russian airstrikes that hit al- Qouriya on October 11th, 2017 (via Ramadan Karim Hamadi)
  • Abdel Aziz Hamoud al-Kalib reportedly died two weeks after the incident in al-Qouriya on October 11th, 2017, due to the serious wounds he inflicted that day (via Euphrates Post)

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Russian Military

Russia has not reported any strikes between October 1st - 31st 2017.


  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    20 – 40
  • (1 child2 women5 men)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Suspected attacker
    Russian Military

Sources (29) [ collapse]

Incident Code


Incident date

November 6, 2016


الدانا, Al Dana, Idlib, Syria


36.218763, 36.768638 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Town level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

Between five and forty civilians, including at least one woman, one child and one adult male, were killed and up to forty were wounded in airstrikes launched against Al Dana town in Idlib.

Most sources only reported preliminary counts of casualties and many expected that the number was higher due to many civilians still stuck under the rubble. Most allegations reported that twelve or thirteen people had been killed, however Alsouria put the death toll much higher at forty.

According to the Local Coordination Committee Syria, the area struck included civilian neighborhoods, a popular market, and a school.

Images and videos posted by various news sources show the aftermath of the airstrikes, which caused buildings to crumble to the ground and covered surrounding areas and people with a layer of dust.

There was not a consensus over who was responsible for the airstrikes. Most national sources, including Local Coordination Committee of Syria, Alsouria News and Syrian Network for Human Rights identified Syrian regime planes as responsible for the attacks. However, a few sources, including Erem News and Jisirtv, blamed Russia for the airstrikes.

The local time of the incident is unknown.

The victims were named as:

Ammar Al-Bakour
Adult male a journalist, Zaman Al Wasl newspaper described Ammar as “One of the most important and active newspaper correspondents” in Syria. He left his wife and child behind in Turkey a year before to return to Syria to cover the war, director of the media office at the Idlib Health Directorate of the Ministry of Interim Government, born in 1980 in Al Mowzara town killed
Ahmed Barbour
Age unknown male an Orient TV correspondent injured
Unnamed woman
50 years old female had her foot amputated injured

Geolocation notes

Reports of the incident mention the town of Al Dana(الدانا), for which the generic coordinates are: 36.218763, 36.768638. Due to limited satellite imagery and information available to Airwars, we were unable to verify the location further.


  • Civilian infrastructure
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    5 – 40
  • (1 child1 woman1 man)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (33) [ collapse]

from sources (14) [ collapse]

  • The aftermath of an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via LCCSY)
  • The aftermath of an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via LCCSY)
  • Journalist Ammar Bakor, killed in an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via LCCSY)
  • Journalist Ammar Bakor, killed in an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via SN4HR)
  • Journalist Ammar Bakor, killed in an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via Enabbaladi)
  • Journalist Ammar Bakor, killed in an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via Sln)
  • The aftermath of an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via Alsouria)
  • This media contains graphic content. Click to unblur.

    The bodies of civilian casualties are bundled into the back of a truck in the aftermath of an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via Baladi news)
  • The exact moments after an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via Ayyam Newspaper)
  • News bulletin reporting on an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via Jisirtv)
  • The aftermath of an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via @Om_Yusf_)
  • The aftermath of an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via @Om_Yusf_)
  • The exact moment an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via @Om_Yusf_)
  • The aftermath of an alleged Russian and Syrian regime raid on Al Dana which struck a school and some residential housing, 6th November 2016. (via @Om_Yusf_)

Russian Military Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Russian Military
  • Russian Military position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Russian Military

Russia has not reported any strikes between November 1st – 30th 2016.

Syrian Regime Assessment:

  • Suspected belligerent
    Syrian Regime
  • Syrian Regime position on incident
    Not yet assessed


  • Civilian infrastructure
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
    5 – 40
  • (1 child1 woman1 man)
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
  • Suspected attackers
    Russian Military, Syrian Regime

Sources (33) [ collapse]