Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident date

July 6, 2017

Incident Code



بين بلدة معدان وقرية العكيرشي, Madan - Al Akershi road, Raqqa, Syria

Four civilians were reportedly killed in an alleged Coalition airstrike as they traveled in a car between the villages of Ma’adan and Al A’keirshi, local sources reported. Al;Araby was among a number of sources which noted: “Four civilians were killed by an air strike targeting a vehicle they were traveling on Al-Akirishi-Madan road.” Three of


First published
July 6, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

July 6, 2017

Incident Code



الفردوس, Fardous, Raqqa, Syria

Four civilians from one family, including three children and their mother, were killed and two further members of the family were injured in alleged Coalition airstrikes on the Al Ferdos neighbourhood of Raqqa, according to local sources. The source also reported that Mounir al Hariri and Taher al Hariri were injured in the strikes and


First published
July 6, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
4 – 5
(3 children1 woman)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
6 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

July 6, 2017

Incident Code



مدرسة خالد بن وليد, Nr Khaled bin Waled school, Raqqa, Syria

A young civilian male was reportedly killed in artillery fire on Raqqa, according to local sources. Sources reported that he was killed in artillery fire by “YPG militias” which struck his house near Khaled bin al-Walid School. Airwars understands that only the Coalition has access to artillery therefore they must be responsible if reporting is


First published
July 6, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

July 6, 2017

Incident Code



الرقة‎, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, Syria

An elderly civilian male was reportedly killed in artillery fire on Raqqa, multiple local sources reported. Sources alleged that the SDF was responsible. However Airwars understands that only the Coalition has access to artillery, therefore must be responsible if reporting is correct. According to the Smart News Agency, “activists said that the SDF, which surrounds


First published
July 6, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
1 – 2
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

July 6, 2017

Incident Code



Raqqa, Syria

In the Amnesty and Airwars’s joint April 2019 report “War in Raqqa: Rhetoric versus Reality”, one man was reportedly killed in alleged Coalition artillery strikes in Raqqa. Although Airwars assesses single sourced incidents as “weak”, researchers have assessed this incident “fair” due to the depth of material provided by Amnesty. The report stated that “Ala


First published
July 6, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

July 6, 2017

Incident Code



الفردوس, near Raqqa, Raqqa, Syria

In an incident previously not tracked by Airwars, the Coalition later confirmed the death of one civilian near Raqqa. In its February 2019 report, the Coalition noted the following: “the Coalition engaged ISIS fighters and an unmanned aerial vehicle launch site. Regrettably, one civilian was unintentionally killed due to their proximity to the launch site


First published
July 6, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

French MoD for July 5, 2017 – July 6, 2017

Report Date

July 6, 2017


France reports on operations to liberate Mossul: In the first phase in preparation for the battle and to encircle the city, France carried out 300 airstrikes. In the second phase, with the commitment of the CAESAR and the Carrier Group, an there were an additional 300 air strikes, together with almost 1,200 artillery missions. The 600 air strikes delivered in the region therefore represent a significant part of the French effort carried out over the past three years, which in early July amounts to more than 1,300 strikes.

In the past week, June 29th – July 4th, France reports 4 airstrikes in Mosul and 4 in Raqqa, all in support of the troops on the ground.

Task Force (TF) Wagram conducted 16 artillery strikes in Mosul.

Overall total strikes carried out since September 19th 2014 is 1307 strikes.

Point de situation des opérations




En Syrie,

A Raqqah, les combats pour le contrôle de la ville se poursuivent. Daech concentre sa défense sur les zones les plus urbanisées selon une stratégie qui a déjà été observée à Mossoul : piégeage, tunnels, fortifications sont en place et rendent la progression des Forces Démocratiques Syriennes difficile et dangereuse.

Les FDS progressent néanmoins de l’Est vers l’Ouest de la ville, profitant de brèches dans le mur d’enceinte pour entrer dans la Médina. Elles poursuivent également leur manœuvre d’encerclement au Sud de la ville pour réduire les soutiens de Daech, notamment en provenance du Sud-Ouest. Les Forces pro-régime sont à une vingtaine de km au Sud de Tabqa.

En Irak,

A Mossoul, Daech perd du terrain chaque jour dans la Médina et s’acharne à défendre le dernier kilomètre carré encore tenu. Sa liberté de circulation dans la région environnante est également compromise. L’organisation terroriste essaie de se recentrer vers Tal Afar à l’Ouest, et Hawijah plus au sud de Mossoul, deux secteurs fortement défendus et encore sous son contrôle.

Daech a néanmoins la capacité de réactiver des cellules dormantes qu’elle concentre au moment opportun contre les forces de sécurité. Ceci démontre que la prudence reste de mise quant à la reprise de Mossoul même si l’optimisme des forces locales domine.


Cette bataille s’inscrit bien dans une stratégie coordonnée entre la Coalition et le pays hôte. Cette stratégie comportait une première phase de préparation de la bataille afin d’accompagner la montée des forces de sécurité vers Mossoul et d’encercler la ville pour couper tout renfort ou soutien extérieurs au profit des terroristes retranchés.

300 frappes aériennes françaises ont accompagné pendant plusieurs mois cette première étape de préparation et de renseignement (Shapping).

Dans la deuxième phase, avec l’engagement des canons CAESAR et du Groupe aéronaval, 300 autres frappes aériennes, auxquelles s’ajoutent près de 1200 missions d’artillerie, ont permis d’appuyer les forces de sécurité engagées pour la libération de la ville.

Les 600 frappes aériennes délivrées dans la région représentent donc une partie conséquente de l’effort français réalisé depuis trois ans, lequel s’élève début juillet à plus de 1 300 frappes.

Avant de débuter une éventuelle troisième phase pour Mossoul et ses habitants, de longues opérations de déminage et de sécurisation devront néanmoins être menées pour neutraliser les pièges dont Daech a saturé la ville et éliminer les cellules dormantes.


Cette semaine, les aéronefs ont réalisé 35 sorties aériennes dont 31 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), ainsi que 04 missions de recueil de renseignement. 04 frappes ont été réalisées à Mossoul et 04 autres à Raqqah, toutes en appui des troupes au sol.

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a mené de son côté 14 missions de tir dont 13 de harcèlement et 01 d’éclairement.

Le bilan global depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève 1307 frappes, 2072 objectifs et 6754 sorties.



Pour réussir ces opérations, il faut réaliser les « 12 travaux de la logistique » et être « opérationnels ensemble ».

1 200 militaires sont déployés dans le cadre de CHAMMAL sur cinq pays. 16% seulement de cet effectif contribue à soutenir le personnel comme les matériels dengagés.

La logistique en opérations recouvre douze domaines spécialisés : 07 sont principalement dédiés au profit du personnel, 05 le sont au profit des matériels.

Dans le domaine de l’acheminement, en trois ans, 24 000 passagers ont transité par voie aérienne vers le théâtre. 15 000 tonnes de matériels ont été projetées de France, la moitié par voie aérienne et l’autre par voie maritime, avec une recherche permanente d’équilibre entre la nécessaire réactivité et les coûts induits.

Dans le domaine du soutien carburant, 12 000 pleins (avitaillement) ont été réalisés au sol, 14 000 en vol (ravitaillements) au profit de l’ensemble des aéronefs français engagés.

Ces forces sont parfaitement interopérables grâce aux réseaux classifiés établis entre 700 ordinateurs reliés sur le théâtre et avec la métropole, par le biais de 50 stations satellitaires.

Report Date

July 6, 2017


France reports on operations to liberate Mossul: In the first phase in preparation for the battle and to encircle the city, France carried out 300 airstrikes. In the second phase, with the commitment of the CAESAR and the Carrier Group, an there were an additional 300 air strikes, together with almost 1,200 artillery missions. The 600 air strikes delivered in the region therefore represent a significant part of the French effort carried out over the past three years, which in early July amounts to more than 1,300 strikes.

In the past week, June 29th – July 4th, France reports 4 airstrikes in Mosul and 4 in Raqqa, all in support of the troops on the ground.

Task Force (TF) Wagram conducted 16 artillery strikes in Mosul.

Overall total strikes carried out since September 19th 2014 is 1307 strikes.

Point de situation des opérations




En Syrie,

A Raqqah, les combats pour le contrôle de la ville se poursuivent. Daech concentre sa défense sur les zones les plus urbanisées selon une stratégie qui a déjà été observée à Mossoul : piégeage, tunnels, fortifications sont en place et rendent la progression des Forces Démocratiques Syriennes difficile et dangereuse.

Les FDS progressent néanmoins de l’Est vers l’Ouest de la ville, profitant de brèches dans le mur d’enceinte pour entrer dans la Médina. Elles poursuivent également leur manœuvre d’encerclement au Sud de la ville pour réduire les soutiens de Daech, notamment en provenance du Sud-Ouest. Les Forces pro-régime sont à une vingtaine de km au Sud de Tabqa.

En Irak,

A Mossoul, Daech perd du terrain chaque jour dans la Médina et s’acharne à défendre le dernier kilomètre carré encore tenu. Sa liberté de circulation dans la région environnante est également compromise. L’organisation terroriste essaie de se recentrer vers Tal Afar à l’Ouest, et Hawijah plus au sud de Mossoul, deux secteurs fortement défendus et encore sous son contrôle.

Daech a néanmoins la capacité de réactiver des cellules dormantes qu’elle concentre au moment opportun contre les forces de sécurité. Ceci démontre que la prudence reste de mise quant à la reprise de Mossoul même si l’optimisme des forces locales domine.


Cette bataille s’inscrit bien dans une stratégie coordonnée entre la Coalition et le pays hôte. Cette stratégie comportait une première phase de préparation de la bataille afin d’accompagner la montée des forces de sécurité vers Mossoul et d’encercler la ville pour couper tout renfort ou soutien extérieurs au profit des terroristes retranchés.

300 frappes aériennes françaises ont accompagné pendant plusieurs mois cette première étape de préparation et de renseignement (Shapping).

Dans la deuxième phase, avec l’engagement des canons CAESAR et du Groupe aéronaval, 300 autres frappes aériennes, auxquelles s’ajoutent près de 1200 missions d’artillerie, ont permis d’appuyer les forces de sécurité engagées pour la libération de la ville.

Les 600 frappes aériennes délivrées dans la région représentent donc une partie conséquente de l’effort français réalisé depuis trois ans, lequel s’élève début juillet à plus de 1 300 frappes.

Avant de débuter une éventuelle troisième phase pour Mossoul et ses habitants, de longues opérations de déminage et de sécurisation devront néanmoins être menées pour neutraliser les pièges dont Daech a saturé la ville et éliminer les cellules dormantes.


Cette semaine, les aéronefs ont réalisé 35 sorties aériennes dont 31 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), ainsi que 04 missions de recueil de renseignement. 04 frappes ont été réalisées à Mossoul et 04 autres à Raqqah, toutes en appui des troupes au sol.

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a mené de son côté 14 missions de tir dont 13 de harcèlement et 01 d’éclairement.

Le bilan global depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève 1307 frappes, 2072 objectifs et 6754 sorties.



Pour réussir ces opérations, il faut réaliser les « 12 travaux de la logistique » et être « opérationnels ensemble ».

1 200 militaires sont déployés dans le cadre de CHAMMAL sur cinq pays. 16% seulement de cet effectif contribue à soutenir le personnel comme les matériels dengagés.

La logistique en opérations recouvre douze domaines spécialisés : 07 sont principalement dédiés au profit du personnel, 05 le sont au profit des matériels.

Dans le domaine de l’acheminement, en trois ans, 24 000 passagers ont transité par voie aérienne vers le théâtre. 15 000 tonnes de matériels ont été projetées de France, la moitié par voie aérienne et l’autre par voie maritime, avec une recherche permanente d’équilibre entre la nécessaire réactivité et les coûts induits.

Dans le domaine du soutien carburant, 12 000 pleins (avitaillement) ont été réalisés au sol, 14 000 en vol (ravitaillements) au profit de l’ensemble des aéronefs français engagés.

Ces forces sont parfaitement interopérables grâce aux réseaux classifiés établis entre 700 ordinateurs reliés sur le théâtre et avec la métropole, par le biais de 50 stations satellitaires.

CJTF–OIR for July 5, 2017 – July 6, 2017

Report Date

July 6, 2017

On July 5, Coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 93 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 33 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes destroyed five ISIS-held buildings, a command and control node and a VBIED facility.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed 34 ISIS oil barrels, eight oil stills, five construction items, five oil trucks, four front-end loaders, three oil storage tanks, an oil distillation tank and a well-head.

* Near Raqqah, 21 strikes [1 British] engaged 15 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 13 fighting positons, two vehicles, two heavy machine guns, a front-end loader, a UAV site and a sniper position.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 60 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two staging areas and a vehicle.

* Near Mosul, three [1-2 British, 1 Australian] strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed 19 fighting positions, 15 medium machine guns, three staging areas, three IEDs, an excavator, a mortar system, a rocket-propelled grenade system, and a supply cache; and damaged three fighting positions.

* Near Rawah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a staging area, a vehicle storage facility, a weapons cache, and a vehicle.

Additionally, 14 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on July 3-4 that closed within the last 24 hours.

* On July 3, near Raqqah, Syria, one strike destroyed eight ISIS fighting positions and a VBIED factory and damaged 10 fighting positions.

* On July 4, near Al Hawl, Syria, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a command and control node and a staging area.

* On July 4, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, five strikes destroyed four ISIS oil separators, four oil storage tanks, two well-heads, two oil pipe junctions, an oil still and a refinery.

* On July 4, near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed a vehicle, a VBIED and an IED.

* On July 4, near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed two mortar systems and damaged five supply routes.

Report Date

July 6, 2017

Report Summary

  • 46 total strikes
  • 41 in Syria
  • 5 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (13077 – 13084)
  • 29 in Syria (10122 – 10157)


  • +1* +2* in Iraq
  • +5* +2* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On July 5, Coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 93 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 33 engagements against ISIS targets.

July 5, 2017
Syria: 29 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes destroyed five ISIS-held buildings, a command and control node and a VBIED facility.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed 34 ISIS oil barrels, eight oil stills, five construction items, five oil trucks, four front-end loaders, three oil storage tanks, an oil distillation tank and a well-head.
Near Raqqah, 21 strikes [1 British] engaged 15 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 13 fighting positons, two vehicles, two heavy machine guns, a front-end loader, a UAV site and a sniper position.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 60 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two staging areas and a vehicle.
Near Mosul, three [1-2 British, 1 Australian] strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed 19 fighting positions, 15 medium machine guns, three staging areas, three IEDs, an excavator, a mortar system, a rocket-propelled grenade system, and a supply cache; and damaged three fighting positions.
Near Rawah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a staging area, a vehicle storage facility, a weapons cache, and a vehicle.

Additionally, 14 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on July 3-4 that closed within the last 24 hours.

July 3, 2017
Syria: 1 strikes
On July 3, near Raqqah, Syria, one strike destroyed eight ISIS fighting positions and a VBIED factory and damaged 10 fighting positions.
July 4, 2017
Syria: 11 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes
On July 4, near Al Hawl, Syria, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a command and control node and a staging area.
On July 4, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, five strikes destroyed four ISIS oil separators, four oil storage tanks, two well-heads, two oil pipe junctions, an oil still and a refinery.
On July 4, near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed a vehicle, a VBIED and an IED.
On July 4, near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed two mortar systems and damaged five supply routes.

Australian MoD for July 5, 2017 – July 6, 2017

Report Date

July 6, 2017

On 05 Jul, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck eight Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

July 6, 2017

On 05 Jul, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck eight Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

UK MoD for July 5, 2017 – July 6, 2017

Report Date

July 6, 2017

Wednesday 5 July – Typhoons hit seven Daesh strongpoints in Mosul, Tornados eliminated a sniper team in Raqqa…Typhoons continued to support the Iraqi troops in west Mosul on Wednesday 5 July. Exceptionally careful coordination was needed given the very short distances between the Iraqi forces and the Daesh positions, but the two Typhoons were able to destroy seven strongpoints, including two with medium machine-guns, each struck by a Paveway IV. Tornados kept watch over the latest SDF advances in Raqqa, and used a Paveway IV to deal with a sniper team.

Report Date

July 6, 2017

Wednesday 5 July – Typhoons hit seven Daesh strongpoints in Mosul, Tornados eliminated a sniper team in Raqqa…Typhoons continued to support the Iraqi troops in west Mosul on Wednesday 5 July. Exceptionally careful coordination was needed given the very short distances between the Iraqi forces and the Daesh positions, but the two Typhoons were able to destroy seven strongpoints, including two with medium machine-guns, each struck by a Paveway IV. Tornados kept watch over the latest SDF advances in Raqqa, and used a Paveway IV to deal with a sniper team.

Belgian MoD for July 5, 2017 – July 6, 2017

Report Date

July 6, 2017


Belgium report that The Council of Ministers has decided that the Air Component will remain in Jordan for six months. Until December 31, 2017, Belgium’s F-16 hunting aircraft will fight against IS in the context of the Desert Falcon operation. However, the number of F-16s will be reduced by a third.


Afghanistan is nog steeds een belangrijk operatieterrein voor de Landcomponent. Aan de operatie Resolute Support nemen daar een zestigtal Belgische militairen deel. Ook in Irak is de Landcomponent aanwezig, met operatie Valiant Phoenix. In Bagdad en Erbil helpt een gemengd Belgisch detachement om Iraakse militairen te vormen en Iraakse trainers op te leiden.

Eveneens in Irak zet de Medische Component een Special Operations Surgical Team (SOST) in. Dat gespecialiseerd chirurgisch team is dicht bij het front actief. Zo kunnen ze gewonden snel en doeltreffend verzorgen wanneer een ziekenhuis te ver is.

De ministerraad heeft intussen beslist dat de Luchtcomponent zes maanden langer in Jordanië blijft. Nog tot 31 december 2017 zullen onze F-16-jachtvliegtuigen er tegen IS strijden in het kader van de operatie Desert Falcon. Het aantal F-16’s werd echter met een derde verminderd. Er blijven nu dus nog vier toestellen ter plekke.

Report Date

July 6, 2017


Belgium report that The Council of Ministers has decided that the Air Component will remain in Jordan for six months. Until December 31, 2017, Belgium’s F-16 hunting aircraft will fight against IS in the context of the Desert Falcon operation. However, the number of F-16s will be reduced by a third.


Afghanistan is nog steeds een belangrijk operatieterrein voor de Landcomponent. Aan de operatie Resolute Support nemen daar een zestigtal Belgische militairen deel. Ook in Irak is de Landcomponent aanwezig, met operatie Valiant Phoenix. In Bagdad en Erbil helpt een gemengd Belgisch detachement om Iraakse militairen te vormen en Iraakse trainers op te leiden.

Eveneens in Irak zet de Medische Component een Special Operations Surgical Team (SOST) in. Dat gespecialiseerd chirurgisch team is dicht bij het front actief. Zo kunnen ze gewonden snel en doeltreffend verzorgen wanneer een ziekenhuis te ver is.

De ministerraad heeft intussen beslist dat de Luchtcomponent zes maanden langer in Jordanië blijft. Nog tot 31 december 2017 zullen onze F-16-jachtvliegtuigen er tegen IS strijden in het kader van de operatie Desert Falcon. Het aantal F-16’s werd echter met een derde verminderd. Er blijven nu dus nog vier toestellen ter plekke.’

#Chammal : 8 frappes et 16 missions d

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



حرير حاتم, Hareer Hatem, Al Hassakah, Syria

Up to eight civilians, including women and children, were reportedly killed following alleged Coalition airstrikes which struck a house in the village of Hareer Hatem, north of Markada in the Al Hasaka governorate, according to local sources. A single source – Jisr TV – said the morning strike had injured three children. All sources blamed


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1–2 women)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



الرقة‎, Ar Raqqah: multiple locations, Raqqa, Syria

Five civilians were killed and 14 more were injured, including women and children, in alleged Coalition air and/or artillery strikes on the Old Raqqa, Al Nahda and al Yarmouk neighbourhoods of Raqqa, local sources reported. According to Smart News, “One of the sources said that warplanes likely to be the coalition, bombed neighborhoods of the


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
5 – 6
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



دلحة وكسرة محمد الآغا, Dahla and Kasrat Muhammed al Agha, Raqqa, Syria

Sharqiya Voice reported that a “number” of civilians were injured following ‘SDF artillery fire’ – which would most likely have been a Coalition action – on the villages of Dahla and Kasrat Muhammed al Agha in Raqqa. Other sources – Newsjorf and Baladi – reported that the victims had been wounded as a result of


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



شارع المنصور, Al Mansour Street, Raqqa, Syria

An elderly civilian male was killed in an alleged Coalition bombardment, local sources reported. There are no other details at this time. In April 2019 the Coalition announced that it had classed this allegation of civilian harm as non-credible, noting: “After review of all available strike records it was determined that more likely than not


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



البوحمد, Al Bouhamad, Raqqa, Syria

Three civilian males, described as “youths” were reportedly killed – and more than 20 people were wounded – in alleged Coalition airstrikes in Al Bouhamad village, local sources reported. Aleqirshi Alfuratiya reported that the deaths occurred as a result of strikes that were targeting an ISIL vehicle which was traveling on “Downtown Middle Street” to


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(0–3 children0–3 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
3 named
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



السخنة/ كدير, al-Sokhna/Kadir, Homs, Syria

According to local media, a family of three – a married couple and their child – was killed by Russian or Assad-waged airstrikes in Homs, though the exact location is unclear among the sources. Several sources reported the death of the three civilians, a man, a woman and their child, and many identified them by name.


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child1 woman1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Named victims
3 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



عقيبرات, Akeirbat, Hama, Syria

Alleged Russian airstrikes killed one child and wounded several others as the ISIS-held city of Akeirbat, Hama, was hit from the skies, local media reported. Smart News Agency was the only source reporting about the civilian harm caused by the airstrikes. The media reported; “a child was killed and others were injured in an air strike


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



منزل الواوي في مراط, Wawi house, Mrat, Deir Ezzor, Syria

One girl was killed and several other civilians were wounded following an alleged Russian airstrike in Wawi house, Mrat, Deir Ezzor, local media reported. In this incident, the “al-Wawi home” in Al Saba’a district was reportedly hit, causing the death of one named girl and a number of civilians were left wounded. Mrat was reportedly struck


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



مراط, Mrat, Deir Ezzor, Syria

Up to three civilians, including one or two children, were killed and several were wounded following airstrikes launched by either Russia or the Syrian regime in Mrat, Deir Ezzor, local media reported. Step News Agency reported that the Russian airforce  launched surface-to-surface missiles in multiple locations in Deir Ezzor, including Mrat. According to Free Deir


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
2 – 3
(1–2 children)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Named victims
4 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

July 5, 2017

Incident Code



Raqqa, Syria

In the Amnesty and Airwars’ joint April 2019 report “War in Raqqa: Rhetoric versus Reality”, 11 civilians were reportedly killed in alleged Coalition airstrikes in Raqqa. Although Airwars assesses single sourced incidents as “weak”, researchers have assessed this incident “fair” due to the depth of material provided by Amnesty. The report by Amnesty/Airwars stated that


First published
July 5, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(4 children1 woman2 men)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
7 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for July 4, 2017 – July 5, 2017

Report Date

July 5, 2017

On July 4, Coalition military forces conducted 37 strikes consisting of 107 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 11 oil storage tanks, nine oil trucks, six oil stills, six oil separator tanks and a command and control node.

* Near Raqqah, 27 strikes engaged 19 ISIS tactical units; and destroyed 17 fighting positions, three tactical vehicles, a vehicle, two heavy machine guns, a mortar system, a weapons cache, a command and control node, a VBIED facility, and a VBIED.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 72 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Mosul, three strikes [1 Australian] engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 33 fighting positions, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, and a front-end loader; damaged five fighting positions and a command and control node; and suppressed a mortar team.

Additionally, 13 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on July 3 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On July 3, near Raqqah, Syria, 12 strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; and destroyed 10 fighting positions, a VBIED, an anti-air artillery system, and a UAS launch site; damaged 25 fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

* On July 3, near Mosul, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed eight fighting positions, four weapons caches, three heavy machine guns, a rocket-propelled grenade system, and a barrier wall; damaged five ISIS supply routes; and suppressed a sniper team.

Report Date

July 5, 2017

Report Summary

  • 50 total strikes
  • 45 in Syria
  • 5 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 37 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq (13071 – 13076)
  • 33 in Syria (10077 – 10121)


  • +2* in Iraq
  • +12* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, Australia

On July 4, Coalition military forces conducted 37 strikes consisting of 107 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets.

July 4, 2017
Syria: 33 strikes
Iraq: 4 strikes
Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 11 oil storage tanks, nine oil trucks, six oil stills, six oil separator tanks and a command and control node.
Near Raqqah, 27 strikes engaged 19 ISIS tactical units; and destroyed 17 fighting positions, three tactical vehicles, a vehicle, two heavy machine guns, a mortar system, a weapons cache, a command and control node, a VBIED facility, and a VBIED.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 72 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Mosul, three strikes [1 Australian] engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 33 fighting positions, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, and a front-end loader; damaged five fighting positions and a command and control node; and suppressed a mortar team.

Additionally, 13 strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on July 3 that closed within the last 24 hours.

July 3, 2017
Syria: 12 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes
On July 3, near Raqqah, Syria, 12 strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; and destroyed 10 fighting positions, a VBIED, an anti-air artillery system, and a UAS launch site; damaged 25 fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.
On July 3, near Mosul, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed eight fighting positions, four weapons caches, three heavy machine guns, a rocket-propelled grenade system, and a barrier wall; damaged five ISIS supply routes; and suppressed a sniper team.

Australian MoD for July 4, 2017 – July 5, 2017

Report Date

July 5, 2017

On 04 Jul, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck fourteen Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

July 5, 2017

On 04 Jul, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck fourteen Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

CJTF–OIR for July 4, 2017 – July 5, 2017

Report Date

July 5, 2017

SDF Breaches Old City of Raqqah

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Overcoming heavy ISIS resistance the Syrian Democratic Forces breached the Old City of Raqqah, July 3.

Coalition forces supported the SDF advance into the most heavily fortified portion of Raqqah by opening two small gaps in the Rafiqah Wall that surrounds the Old City.

ISIS fighters were using the historic wall as a fighting position and planted mines and improvised explosive devices at several of the breaks in the wall. SDF fighters would have been channeled through these locations and were extremely vulnerable as they were targeted with vehicle-borne IEDs and indirect fire as well as direct fire from heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and snipers as they tried to breach the Old City.

Conducting targeted strikes on two small portions of the wall allowed Coalition and partner forces to breach the Old City at a locations of their choosing, denied ISIS the ability to use pre-positioned mines, IED and VBIEDs, protected SDF and civilian lives, and preserved the integrity of the greatest portion of the wall. The portions targeted were 25-meter sections and will help preserve the remainder of the overall 2,500-meter wall.

“Unlike ISIS who deliberately destroyed the ruins of Palmyra and the Al-Nuri mosque and uses sites such as the Rafiqa Wall, hospitals, schools and mosques as weapons storage facilities and fighting positions, Coalition forces are making a great effort to protect civilians and preserve these sites for future generations,” said Coalition Spokesman, Col. Ryan Dillon.

“The most humane way to save the people of Raqqah is to swiftly and decisively defeat ISIS, who have terrorized the people of Raqqah for more than three years. Only this way, can the people of Raqqah be saved and city return to peace.”

Report Date

July 5, 2017

SDF Breaches Old City of Raqqah

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Overcoming heavy ISIS resistance the Syrian Democratic Forces breached the Old City of Raqqah, July 3.

Coalition forces supported the SDF advance into the most heavily fortified portion of Raqqah by opening two small gaps in the Rafiqah Wall that surrounds the Old City.

ISIS fighters were using the historic wall as a fighting position and planted mines and improvised explosive devices at several of the breaks in the wall. SDF fighters would have been channeled through these locations and were extremely vulnerable as they were targeted with vehicle-borne IEDs and indirect fire as well as direct fire from heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and snipers as they tried to breach the Old City.

Conducting targeted strikes on two small portions of the wall allowed Coalition and partner forces to breach the Old City at a locations of their choosing, denied ISIS the ability to use pre-positioned mines, IED and VBIEDs, protected SDF and civilian lives, and preserved the integrity of the greatest portion of the wall. The portions targeted were 25-meter sections and will help preserve the remainder of the overall 2,500-meter wall.

“Unlike ISIS who deliberately destroyed the ruins of Palmyra and the Al-Nuri mosque and uses sites such as the Rafiqa Wall, hospitals, schools and mosques as weapons storage facilities and fighting positions, Coalition forces are making a great effort to protect civilians and preserve these sites for future generations,” said Coalition Spokesman, Col. Ryan Dillon.

“The most humane way to save the people of Raqqah is to swiftly and decisively defeat ISIS, who have terrorized the people of Raqqah for more than three years. Only this way, can the people of Raqqah be saved and city return to peace.”

Incident date

July 4, 2017

Incident Code



تل الجاير, Tall al-Jayer, Al Hassakah, Syria

At least 11 people and as many as 15, including three children and two women, were killed in alleged Coalition airstrikes on the village of Tall al-Jayer, local sources reported. Several described the deaths as a “massacre”. Two unidentified people were also reported killed not including the named civilians listed below. All nine sources reporting the incident


First published
July 4, 2017
Last updated
March 24, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
11 – 15
(3 children3 women2 men)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Suspected target
Named victims
9 named, 3 families identified
View Incident

Incident date

July 4, 2017

Incident Code



رطلة, Ratlah, Raqqa, Syria

A woman was reportedly killed during the SDF’s invasion of Ratla, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently reported. However no further details were given. In February 2019, the Coalition assessed this event to be non-credible. Their report noted: “After review of all available strike records it was determined that more likely than not civilian casualties did


First published
July 4, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 woman)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

July 4, 2017

Incident Code



الرقة‎, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, Syria

A civilian male was killed in alleged Coalition airstrikes on Raqqa, local sources reported. Both sources who reported the death alleged that the Coalition was responsible. No further details are presently known.


First published
July 4, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

July 4, 2017

Incident Code



ابوحامضة, Abu Hamda, Al Hassakah, Syria

Seven civilians were killed as a result of alleged Coalition airstrikes on the village of Abu Hamda in Al Hasaka, local sources reported. Al Hasaka Center Media reported that the airstrikes targeted the house of Ahmad al Alawi and that those killed were internally displaced refugees from the villages of Al Dhib and al Thaweebah.


First published
July 4, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

July 4, 2017

Incident Code



الرقة‎, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, Syria

A civilian male identified as killed in alleged Coalition airstrikes on Raqqa, Ahmed al Shibli reported. It is possible that Mr al Zaher may have been killed or injured in an earlier incident on June 28th where brothers with the same surname were killed, but that his name was not identified until now. No further


First published
July 4, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

July 4, 2017

Incident Code



الرقة‎, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, Syria

A civilian male was killed ‘along with his entire family’ in alleged Coalition airstrikes, local sources reported. The two sources reporting the incident, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently and Hasaka111, both alleged that the Coalition was responsible. In what may be the same or a separate event, Sharqiyas reported that “3 civilians were killed and


First published
July 4, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child1 woman1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident