


May 5, 2017

Written by

Airwars Staff

Shihab Halep is the nom de plume of one of Airwars’ Syrian researchers, now based in Turkey. Over the past year Shihab has helped Airwars document hundreds of alleged Russian casualty events. Originally from Aleppo and now a refugee, Shihab marks the 1,000th day of Coalition airstrikes with his personal reflections on the devastating impact that airstrikes and shelling can have on civilians in Syria.

The night the University Entrance Exam results were announced in my hometown, Aleppo, my family and friends came down to our flat in Seif Al-Dawla to say congratulations and have some sweets and special drinks we use when celebrating such milestones. I was the first one in my family to go to an engineering school, so my family was very excited and happy despite the tough time we were having in Aleppo in general.

Suddenly, loud explosions were heard from afar, and our guests decided to head home to make sure their beloved families were safe. Gradually, the noises got nearer to the point we felt our flat shaking – and suddenly we were under fire [from the regime]. In the middle of the night we were forced to leave our flat with nothing on us but the clothes we were wearing, though we were lucky as we were dressed up since we were supposed to be celebrating.

Our flat was on the highway, so we decided to move towards the home of my uncle. Suddenly, mortar shells started falling around us. It’s a horrifying experience when you hear the whistle of the shell, a silence for a second or two which feels like a lifetime, and then an explosion, I looked around, my family is still alive, and the same thing keeps repeating. It was too late for us to go back to our flat, and we couldn’t march forward. There was an empty, isolated building nearby, so we decided to hide inside it as it was the best shelter.

Shihab filmed the damage to his family home, in his last moments before becoming a refugee

‘My baby nephew was crying’

My nephew, who was a couple of months old, was crying but we had to flee with nothing on us and weren’t able to provide him with any food. We stayed there until the morning and when the shelling stopped, we quickly went back home to find it partially destroyed and lots of shrapnel and holes everywhere. We tried to quickly grab a few things, mostly food for my nephew, and ran to another shelter.

By this time, helicopters started striking the neighbourhood and we doubted if we were going to make it out alive. Somehow, we did. September 2013 was the last time I saw our flat and our neighbourhood.

Though I couldn’t graduate in Aleppo, I continued studying in Turkey and did not give up on my education. Now as a researcher for Airwars, I am always reminded of my experience fleeing home, especially when I see videos and photos of children in Raqqa and other parts of Syria where civilians are forced to flee. Only the lucky ones make it. The look of those children who are not able to go to school anymore is pretty much the same one I had when I was forced to leave my neighbourhood for the final time.

The schools in Syria all look identical, so when I see schools in Raqqa province being struck and destroyed – like the one in Mansoura on March 21st – I get some flashback and remember my own school in Aleppo. These poor students could have been me or my classmates. We all had dreams and parents who love us. What’s worse, when I escaped Aleppo with my family, I knew where I was going. These civilians don’t. There have been reports that the Euphrates Dam might collapse, which imposes more pressure and adds to the struggle the civilians go through on a daily basis. Airstrikes do not differentiate between babies, elderly or extremists. Death is everywhere and poor civilians are paying a heavy price.

Those feelings are universal, being forced to leave home not knowing if you’d go back at all. I was lucky, I made it to Turkey and managed to continue studying, but civilians in Raqqa are not lucky. They are living under extremist terrorists and can’t escape, while they might die at any minute in airstrikes. Their situation is like mine, only I had an escape route. They do not.

▲ The aftermath of raids on Zee Kaar school and the Ibn Khaldoun of the city of Raqqa, May 12th 2016 (via RBSS)


May 5, 2017

Written by

Airwars Staff

A version of this article is published by Bellingcat.

Christiaan Triebert is Airwars’ volunteer geolocator, helping us to determine coordinates for civilian casualty incidents. As an award-winning researcher at Bellingcat, he focuses on a variety of topics, including post-strike analysis of attacks like that on the mosque in al-Jinah.

Note: Hundreds of official videos showing airstrikes against targets of the so-called Islamic State (ISIL) in Syria and Iraq have recently been removed from the public YouTube channel of the Coalition. In a written statement to Bellingcat, the Coalition said higher-quality versions of the videos were being uploaded to DVIDS for “greater transparency and increased availability.” However, an initial assessment appears to show that not all videos have been migrated. Coalition offficials have also given a different account to Airwars in the past as to why the videos were removed, suggesting their presence on the official YouTube channel no longer matched strategic goals. Airwars is permanently archiving all known Coalition and CENTCOM videos issued since August 2014, to ensure their continued availability.

The publicly provided locations issued by the Coalition for its airstrikes in Iraq and Syria may be off by as much as 93 kilometers, according to a new and detailed analysis of released military videos. After 1,000 days of the anti-ISIL campaign, these disparities pose question marks for monitors attempting to understand where US and allied strikes took place, and then match them to civilian casualty reports from the ground. They also makes clear that Coalition casualty assessors would be unwise to use their own published reports as a guide to where airstrikes have actually taken place,

In its Transparency Audit of the Coalition, published in December 2016, Airwars noted problems with the public reporting process. Difficult to navigate internal logs “in turn led to quite vague military reporting.” Locations, then, could only be taken as approximate. One CENTCOM senior official explained the situation in some detail:

“When the aircrew come back [from a strike mission], as you drill into a geographic location, some of those areas have towns that consist of three or four people. So typically what’s going to be in the strike log is going to be the largest city nearby. And they’ll annotate, ‘Conducted a strike near Mosul.’ In fact it’s going to be some small town that’s 23 clicks [kilometers] outside of Mosul. If they put that on the strike log, once it goes through the ‘Enterprise’ [slang for the Combined Air Operations Centre] no one knows where that is.”

Officials were keen to stress that if an incident was being investigated, “we do have the ability to go back and drill down into the detail.”

200 videos

While earlier videos were posted by CENTCOM, the first video depicting an airstrike was uploaded to the Coalition’s own official Youtube channel on April 11, 2015. Over 200 airstrike videos followed over nearly two years. By far the majority (around 68% as of April 24, 2017) of Coalition airstrikes have been conducted by the US. Airstrike videos are also disseminated through other channels, such as the ministries of defence of Coalition members, including the British, the French, the Jordanians, and the Iraqis.

Additionally, at least one US Navy air squadron had also uploaded videos separately to their own YouTube channel (since taken down.) While Bellingcat has crowdsourcing projects running for those specific MoD videos as well, they are not included in this analysis.

So far, 67 percent of the airstrikes shown in the Coalition airstrike videos have been successfully geolocated. You can access all Bellingcat data, which will be updated as soon as there are new geolocations, including from DVIDS HUB, on Silk. Bellingcat used Meedan’s Check platform to geolocate the videos, and the project is open to everyone to join By far most of the strikes shown in videos uploaded to YouTube (as of April 28, 2017) were geolocated to Iraq.

Broken down by provinces, the highest number of airstrikes were geolocated to the Iraqi governorates of Nineveh and Anbar, followed by the Syrian governorate of Aleppo, as of April 28, 2017.

Generally, the Coalition gives an indication of a geographical location by labeling the videos “near [location X]”. There are only a handful of videos that do not contain the word “near” but simply mention a location. This analysis considers “near” as being within a 10 km range of the claimed location and a label is considered “accurate” when it falls within that range. Of all geolocated videos, 68 percent were determined to be accurate. Videos outside of the 10 km range strayed up to around 93 km of the claimed location, and for one video no location approximation was given.

Many of the videos with a significant distance from the claimed location are oil-related facilities that are indeed ‘near’ Deir ez-Zor or Al-Bukamal, such as an oil separation facility at the Al-Ahmar oil field. In a desert with few or no settled areas nearby, these location claims may still be considered relatively accurate.

However, there are other incidents that appear to be less concisely located. Perhaps the most concerning incident of all the geolocated videos was a strike on an IS “concealed tactical vehicle” that was claimed to have been conducted on March 23, 2015, which was labelled as “near Al Hawl”, a town in north-eastern Syria. However, the targeted building has been successfully geolocated to a building in Jayar Ghalfas, a town in northwest Iraq.

A screenshot from a Coalition video claiming to show an airstrike on an IS ‘concealed tactical vehicle’ near Al-Hawl, a town in eastern Syria. The building was geolocated to Jayar Ghalfas, a town in northwest Iraq, as the Microsoft Bing satellite imagery (36.137411, 41.297414) on the right shows. The location is around 30 km southwest of Al-Hawl.

Though this video was labelled as being in a different country than where it actually took place, it is still relatively near Al-Hawl — around 30 km away.

When Col. Steve Warren, at the time the Coalition’s spokesperson, gave an “Ask Me Anything” on the social media and news aggregation website Reddit, this author asked him about this particular incident. Col. Warren replied that this was “an administrative error that it’s listed as Syria rather than Iraq”, explaining that Al-Hawl in Syria “was the nearest identifiable city to the strike.”

The reply by Col. Warren, the Coalition’s spokesperson on the question why it was labelled near to a town in Syria but showed a location in Iraq.

More recently, the US erred in its labelling once more, when a controversial strike on a group of individuals gathered in a mosque in Al-Jinah, Syria, was initially labelled as being in the Idlib governorate. While close, the building was actually in nearby Aleppo governorate. This strike was not an official Coalition attack – and was instead the United States unilaterally targeting alleged al Qaeda fighters. The US carries out nearly all of the alliance’s anti-ISIL bombings in Syria, and military assets can be used for both campaigns.

When asked for clarification about this incident, a CENTCOM spokesperson told Bellingcat that they “don’t mean to cause any confusion. Different internal reports may have listed this differently.”

The Coalition thus seems to use a limited number of labels for their targeted location areas. The “Al Hawl, Syria” label was probably closer than their nearest other Iraqi location label, “Sinjar”, around 50 km northeast of Jayar Ghalfas.

The Coalition’s ‘region’ labels

Which region does the Coalition use to label one airstrike as “near Mosul” but the other one as “near Al Hawl”? To get a better insight in which regions are used by the Coalition, the geolocator @obretix mapped all geolocated airstrike videos, and then used a Voronoi diagram – which is a partitioning of a plane into regions based on distance to points in a specific subset of the plane. In this case, the points are thus all “near” locations mentioned by the Coalition. The geolocations are then corresponding to a region that is closer than any other point.

As the following image shows, Al-Hawl is indeed the closest location to the target struck by the Coalition (circled in red) in the number of areas the Coalition has used.

An excerpt from a Voronoi diagram of an impression of the regions used by the Coalition, based on the geolocated videos. The geolocated airstrike of March 23, 2016 that was labelled near ‘Al Hawl’ is circled in red. Map by @obretix

There are more interesting insights the maps reveals. While the Coalition does use a label for “near Kubaysah”, a city in Iraq, some strikes within the city’s perimeters were labelled as “near Hit” — a city nearby but still less accurate than using a label there was for that city.

A detailed view on the Kubaysah/Hit region on the Voronoi diagram map, showing that two videos labelled as “near Hit” were in fact closer to Kubaysah, which also has its own ‘location label’.

Another example of remarkable region labels is the use of hamlets, such as “near Washiya” and “near Sultan Abdullah” – places with only a few houses. but close to respectively Aleppo and Mosul. “Near Aleppo” is not used in any of the YouTube videos, while “near Washiya” has been twice for a target only a double dozen kilometres away from Aleppo city. Why would these small hamlets be used as a region label, while the case of Jayar Ghalfas could not get its own region label? Is this intentional? This is a question that remains unanswered.

Overall, all location claims were all within 100 km distance of the claimed location, and all of these claims were relatively accurate as to the location it referred to — unlike the Russian airstrike videos, which were in some cases massively inaccurate.

A detailed view of the area around Aleppo city in Syria. A video close to Aleppo was not tagged as “near Aleppo” but “near Washiya” (orange dot), a tiny hamlet in the northern countryside

Civilian Casualties

It is possible that civilian casualties take place in a portion of these videos. Some, such as the video of airstrikes on the University of Mosul in March 2016, may in fact show airstrikes that caused significant civilian casualties.

Perhaps the most striking example of a video showing civilian casualties came from an airstrike on September 20th-21st, 2015, targeting an IS “VBIED network” according to the Coalition at the time. The video – which showed a structure destroyed by an explosion – was deleted after questions were raised, but  was archived and re-uploaded by others, including investigative journalist Azmat Khan.

But was this really a “VBIED network”? Under the original upload, a commenter posted that the structures shown were his family’s home in Mosul.

“I will NEVER forget my innocent and dear cousins who died in this pointless airstrike. Do you really know who these people were? They were innocent and happy family members of mine.”

Days after the strike Dr Zareena Grewal, a relative living in the US wrote in the New York Times that four members of the Rezzo family had died in the strike. On April 2nd 2017 – 588 days later – the Coalition finally admitted that it indeed bombed a family home which it had confused with an ISIL headquarters.

“The case was brought to our attention by the media and we discovered the oversight, relooked [at] the case based on the information provided by the journalist and family, which confirmed the 2015 assessment,” Colonel Joe Scrocca, Director of Public Affairs for the Coalition told Airwars.

Even though the published strike video actually depicted the unseen killing of a family, it remained – wrongly captioned – on the official Coalition YouTube channel for more than a year.

It is worth mentioning that all of the targets in the Coalition’s videos appear to be ‘clean’ objects like vehicles, factories and fighting positions. It almost looks like video game, just like IS’s propaganda videos of suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (SVBIEDs). The Coalition’s videos appear only to showcase the precision and efficiency of Coalition bombs and missiles. They rarely show people, let alone victims.

UK MoD for May 4, 2017 – May 5, 2017

Report Date

May 5, 2017

Thursday 4 May – Tornados destroyed a command post west of Kirkuk, and a truck-bomb factory inside Mosul…On Thursday 4 May, a Tornado flight used a Paveway IV to destroy a command post some 15 miles west of Kirkuk. Meanwhile a second Tornado mission attacked a truck-bomb factory at the north-western edge of Mosul. Four Paveway IVs struck one large and two smaller buildings.

Report Date

May 5, 2017

Thursday 4 May – Tornados destroyed a command post west of Kirkuk, and a truck-bomb factory inside Mosul…On Thursday 4 May, a Tornado flight used a Paveway IV to destroy a command post some 15 miles west of Kirkuk. Meanwhile a second Tornado mission attacked a truck-bomb factory at the north-western edge of Mosul. Four Paveway IVs struck one large and two smaller buildings.

CJTF–OIR for May 4, 2017 – May 5, 2017

Report Date

May 5, 2017

On May 4, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 81 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed five ISIS oil storage tanks and three ISIS oil distillation tanks.

* Near Palmyra, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Raqqah, three strikes destroyed a front-end loader and an ISIS well head.

* Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two fighting positons and a vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 67 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a front-end loader.

* Near Kirkuk, one strike [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Mosul, seven strikes [1 British] engaged seven ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed nine mortar systems, nine fighting positions, two heavy machine guns, two tactical vehicles, two ISIS-held buildings, an anti-air artillery system, an artillery system, a command and control node, a VBIED, an ISIS bridge, a front-end loader, a weapons cache, a rocket system a VBIED factory; damaged 23 ISIS supply routes, three fighting positions; and suppressed six mortar teams.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

Additionally, two strikes were conducted in Syria on May 2nd that closed within the last 24 hours.

* Near Al Shadaddi, Syria, on May 3rd, on strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.

* Near Tabqah, Syria, on May 3rd, one strike destroyed a fighting position.

Report Date

May 5, 2017

Report Summary

  • 22 total strikes
  • 12 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 20 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (12569 – 12578)
  • 10 in Syria (8540 – 8549)

Confirmed Actions


On May 4, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 81 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

May 4, 2017
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed five ISIS oil storage tanks and three ISIS oil distillation tanks.
Near Palmyra, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Raqqah, three strikes destroyed a front-end loader and an ISIS well head.
Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two fighting positons and a vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 67 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a front-end loader.
Near Kirkuk, one strike [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Mosul, seven strikes [1 British] engaged seven ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed nine mortar systems, nine fighting positions, two heavy machine guns, two tactical vehicles, two ISIS-held buildings, an anti-air artillery system, an artillery system, a command and control node, a VBIED, an ISIS bridge, a front-end loader, a weapons cache, a rocket system a VBIED factory; damaged 23 ISIS supply routes, three fighting positions; and suppressed six mortar teams.
Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
May 2, 2017

Additionally, two strikes were conducted in Syria on May 2nd that closed within the last 24 hours.

May 3, 2017
Syria: 2 strikes
Near Al Shadaddi, Syria, on May 3rd, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.
Near Tabqah, Syria, on May 3rd, one strike destroyed a fighting position.

Incident date

May 4, 2017

Incident Code



الثورة‎, Tabaqah, Raqqa, Syria

Seven civilians reportedly died and dozens more were injured in alleged Coalition airstrikes on Tabaqa, according to local media. The Smart News Agency reported “that warplanes likely belonging to the international coalition launched six raids on the first [al Awwal] and third [al Thaleth] neighborhoods in the city on Thursday evening, killing seven civilians, including


First published
May 4, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

May 4, 2017

Incident Code



الرقة‎, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, Syria

Between 6 and 12 civilians died and up to 17 were wounded in a Coalition airstrikes on three locations in Raqqa, according to local media. The Coalition later confirmed to have killed four and injured seven civilians in this strike. According to Alitihad Press, “local sources in Al Raqqa confirmed that several international air strikes


First published
May 4, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
6 – 12
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident


May 4, 2017

Written by

Alex Hopkins

At 2,45pm local Iraqi time on August 8th 2014, two US F/A-18 aircraft dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a mobile artillery piece near Erbil being operated by so-called Islamic State fighters. That attack marked the beginning of a major war which would draw in twelve other partners; spread to Syria and beyond; and which would lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of soliders, militant fighters and civilians.

For 1,000 days the US-led Coalition has now bombed ISIL targets across Iraq and Syria. While the terror group has been pushed back in both countries, the civilian toll has been significant. Some of the deadliest incidents and highest numbers of casualties have been observed in recent months, as parallel operations have unfolded in the Iraqi city of Mosul, and in Raqqa governorate, where Kurdish forces backed by Coalition airstrikes continue to pummel the city and surrounding villages. 

To mark this significant milestone in the aerial campaign Airwars is publishing a series of articles written by its researchers, who between them have tracked reports of civilian deaths over 33 months. Though the Coalition has so far admitted to more than 350 civilian fatalities – and has taken steps to improve the quality of its own monitoring – this number is nearly ten times lower than Airwars’ own minimum estimate.

Majed Mohammad al Aswad, the latest of 1,400 likely Coalition victims so far named

These civilian casualties also have names. Of the more than 3,200 civilian deaths presently assessed as likely by Airwars, the names of more than 1,400 Iraqi and Syrian victims are so far known. Majid Mohammed Al Aswad (pictured), Hussein Al-Mohammed Al-Aklah and Hassan Al Abdullah Al Aswad are the latest additions – killed in a likely Coalition strike on Tal al Jayer in Syria on May 2nd.

A significant amount of information has been posted online by civilians affected by Coalition strikes, with the Airwars public database already at half a million words and growing. Yet it would take the US-led alliance nine months to admit their first civilian casualties – and international media too was slow to report on civilian deaths. Compared to coverage of Russia’s brutal aerial operations in Syria, relatively little space was devoted until recently to investigate what has been happening to the men, women and children harmed by Coalition bombs and missiles.

In Mosul, where in recent weeks reporters have proven capable interrogators of the campaign and its civilian toll, Iraqi and Coalition efforts to limit casualties have been haphazard at best, says Airwars’ Baghdad-based researcher, who has visited the front lines five times since October.

The head of the Airwars Syria team reflects on why coverage of Russian and Coalition actions has been so different – even as the civilian casualties inflicted by both parties has converged. And our Amesterdam-based researcher describes a stark contrast between the bloody daily reports tracked from the battlefield, and the sterile, casualty-free war described by most Coalition partners.

Experts also give their thoughts on 1,000 days of war. “Our goal is always for zero civilian casualties,” says Colonel Joseph Scrocca of the US-led alliance. “Coalition forces comply with the law of armed conflict and take extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner that minimizes the risk of civilian casualties.”

Yet Fadel Abdul Ghany of the Syrian Network for Human Rights is one of a number of monitors criticising the 1,000 day campaign. “By not identifying who in the Coalition forces is committing the massacres in Syria, and not offering frank and clear apologies or starting to compensate the victims, it is implied that there are no consequences to such flagrant violations. This has given the military command a green light, promoting a culture where there is no real interest in taking careful decisions or carrying out serious investigations,” Abdul Ghany argues.

The air war against ISIL is simultaneously one of the most public of campaigns, and one whose victims are still easily lost. How are we to make sense of the ongoing war after 1,000 days? We start by explaining the big numbers – from bombs dropped to civilians killed.

The big numbers

Every day since August 8th 2014, Airwars has received a daily public strike report from the US-led Coalition. This is our primary source for information on where and when the US and its allies say they are are bombing, and forms a crucial component of our extensive datasets and graphics. What does this data tell us?

Through May 2nd 2017, the Coalition had carried out a total 21,064 strikes: 12,562 in Iraq and 8,502 in Syria (these figures also now include ground artillery.) The US continues to be the most active partner, carrying out 95% of all Coalition strikes in Syria and 68% of all actions in Iraq according to the latest official data. 

The first of more than 21,000 strikes so far declared by US-led Coalition, August 8 2014

Among the allies, the British remain the second most active partner, with 1,214 airstrikes declared in Iraq and 92 in Syria. France follows with 1,206 reported total strikes. The Netherlands (which paused its campaign on June 27th 2016) is responsible for an estimated 493 strikes, while Australia has carried out an estimated 489 actions. 

The term ‘strike’, however, can be misleading. One strike report may actually include multiple targets hit by numerous aircraft from different allied nations, over some hours. Munitions data released during the war can therefore be a more reliable indicator of the significant degree to which the war has intensified.

From August 2014, the start of kinetic operations, through the end of March 2017, 76,649 munitions had reportedly been dropped on Iraq and Syria – though the real number may be much higher. 

There was a seven per cent rise in bombs and missiles dropped between 2015 and 2016. However, the first three months of 2017 saw a sharp increase in munitions released, representing a 58% rise over January–March 2016. 

However US Army strikes, some unilateral actions and helicopter attacks are still not counted in these monthly tallies, and recent figures provided to Airwars showing 5,500 munitions dropped by the Coalition on Mosul only in March were far higher than the supposed tally for all of Iraq and Syria. 

Marked intensification: January – March 2017 were each record months for munitions dropped across Iraq and Syria

$13 million per day

According to the US Department of Defense, to March 31st 2017 the war against ISIL had cost the United States $12.5 billion since August 8th 2014 – an average daily expenditure of $13 million over 967 days of operations.

So what has the bombing achieved? Latest estimates released by the Pentagon claim that over 70,000 ISIL fighters have been killed since June 2014 – a number which does not appear consistent with earlier government assessments, such as one in September 2014 which claimed that ISIL had between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters combined in Iraq and Syria. The international Coalition itself has lost seven fighters in the war. In February 2015, ISIS released a video showing a Jordanian pilot being burned to death.

Additionally,  many thousands of allied Iraqi and Syrian forces have died. According to Middle East Monitor citing Al Jazeera, 8,000 Iraqi soldiers and Federal Police  have likely been killed in the fight against ISIL.

The rampup in the Coalition-assisted campaign from 2016 onwards has seen much ISIL territory rolled back. At its peak in 2014, the terrorist group controlled more 100,000 square kilometres of Iraq and Syria containing around 11 million people. According to an April 2017 assessment by RAND, it had since lost 57% of its territory – and there had been a 73% reduction in the number of people living under its control as of early 2017.

Graph via RAND Corporation

Syria: over six million civilians displaced

The real impact of the 1,000 day war has been on those civilians on the ground still trapped in ISIL-held territory in Iraq and Syria. Airwars estimates that at least 3,294 non-combatants have died in almost 600 events assessed as having likely carried out by Coalition warplanes in Iraq and Syria.

Furthermore, Russian actions in Syria in support of the Assad regime and against ISIL have killed thousands more civilians. Due to the volume of allegations, Airwars has been unable to fully assess Russian events beyond April 2016. However from September 30th 2015 to April 30th 2016 alone – the period for which strikes have been fully vetted – it is our provisional view that between 2,210 and 2,984 civilian non-combatants are likely to have died in Russian airstrikes.

Millions of other civilians are experiencing the worst refugee crisis since World War II. From the start of the Syrian conflict in March 2011, an estimated 6.3 million people have been internally displaced inside Syria and more than five million have fled the country and have been registered as refugees, according to figures from the United Nation’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

A further 13.5 million Syrian people are in need of humanitarian protection, including basic items such as food, medicine, clean water and shelter. This figure includes five million people in hard to reach and besieged areas.

The escalation of the campaign to oust ISIL from Raqqa which began on November 6th 2016 has exacerbated the humanitarian situation there. “We are concerned for the safety and protection of an estimated 400,000 people in Raqqa who live in hard-to-reach areas under ISIL control,” says Linda Tom, Public Information Officer for OCHA Syria. “This may change, as we are getting reports of population movements in several areas including in the south-east, Shahid Azid Camp and Jib Al-Shaair Camp, but we now estimate the number of recently displaced people to be over 100,000.”

The aftermath of heavy shelling in Central and Western Mosul neighbourhoods (via Amjed Gk, Facebook)

Iraq: millions still homeless

The humanitarian situation in Iraq also continues to worsen. According to figures from the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), from January 2014 to April 2017 nearly five million Iraqis across the country had been displaced. Of these more than three million are still currently displaced, while more than 1.7 million have returned to their areas of origin.

The battle for Mosul has had a profound impact on civilians, forcing increasing numbers to flee their homes as the fighting has intensified and moved into more densely populated areas. From the official start of the Mosul campaign on October 17th 2016 to April 20th 2017, IOM estimates that more than 400,000 Iraqis had been displaced due to operations there, while only 100,000 have so far managed to return. 

“Many of those in need of urgent assistance are in close proximity to the battlefield, and some of them are still at great risk due to military operations in the western part of Mosul [under ISIL control],” said IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Thomas Lothar Weiss. 

The battle for Mosul has been described as the most bitterly fought campaign since World War Two, with comparisons being made between ISIL’s ferocious resistance and Japan’s last stand on the island of Okinawa. Yet the enemy in Iraq and Syria is like few encountered before – one which will reportedly go to any lengths, including purposefully putting civilians in the firing line, to hold on to their final strongholds.

Climbing every week: 400,000 civilians have been displaced by Mosul operations since October 17th 2016. (graph courtesy of UN Migration Agency (IOM))

Different data: human sentiment

The huge number of munitions fired and forces deployed against a diminishing number of enemy fighters who are consistently losing territory, means that ISIL will most likely be defeated outright militarily. This leads to questions about whether the force used by the Coalition and local forces is productive or counterproductive in the longer term, in order to bring stability to the region.

“Because there appears to be no strategy in place which integrates the political and diplomatic challenges and how military forces support those desired political and diplomatic outcomes, then we are at high risk of essentially fighting one of these never-ending conflicts,” warns Chris Kolenda Senior Military Fellow at King’s College London. “Even if ISIS is defeated, have we just set conditions for the next insurgency – or have we even set conditions for the US and UK to no longer be relevant actors in Iraq and Syria, because we have so lost the political and diplomatic contest and neither country is welcome anymore?”

Winning the ‘hearts and minds’ of Iraq and Syria’s civilians is therefore essential, and as civilian casualties mount, the Coalition risks losing much-needed goodwill. As part of the report he co-authored, The Strategic Costs of Civilian Harm – Applying Lessons of Afghanistan to Current and Future Conflicts, Kolenda referenced research carried out by Jason Lyall into sentiments expressed by civilians following airstrikes on Afghan villages. It revealed that in areas where the Taliban had a greater local affinity than the government, that when the government or Coalition caused civilian harm the Taliban were given a boost.

Kolenda – who also sits on the advisory board of Airwars – suspects a similar situation may be playing out in Iraq and Syria with ISIL. Furthermore, he believes that this vital tracking of local sentiment is missing from the current war. “There’s a huge gap in the Coalition’s understanding of the nature of this conflict and the effects of civilian harm on our long-term aims of gathering and analysing that data,” he says.

“What we haven’t learned from these kind of wars is that people vote with their feet to the side they view as most credible and most able to protect them. Failure to gather and analyse the population sentiment data for these airstrikes shows that we just don’t understand one of the basics of this kind of war  – that people have agency.”

Destruction at Raqqa December 12th 2016 following a Russian or Coalition raid which killed 21 civilians (via Raqqa is Being Slaughtered)

A ‘just war’: Are the big numbers warranted?

As we move beyond the first 1,000 days of the air war against ISIL, these already giant numbers – the thousands of airstrikes, the munitions dropped, the billions of dollars spent – continue to rise. With the marked escalation of the Coalition campaigns in both Raqqa and Mosul there is also now a sense that we are reaching the ‘end game.’ Yet also likely to rise are those numbers detailing the profound human impact of the war – the alarming rate of civilian casualty incidents, and the ever-rising number of people forced to flee their homes as they seek refuge from the fighting.

Yet how much do the big numbers of this complex war resonate with people away from the battlefield? Moreover, is there perhaps a general view that no matter how bad the metrics, they are somehow justified?

“The prevailing view in the United States,” says Chris Kolenda, “is that ISIS is a terrorist organisation which just needs to be eliminated and it’s unfortunate that there are civilian casualties in the process. Americans tend to believe that the ISIS cancer will metastasize if left unaddressed. Most believe that ISIS causes far more damage to civilians in Iraq and Syria and that ineffectual US military efforts, due to excessive restrictions, will prolong the war and place more civilians at risk of harm.”

Ordinary Iraqis and Syrians on the ground – who have already endured 1,000 days of airstrikes in the effort to defeat Islamic State – might disagree. For too many civilians, each new day brings the ominous sound of yet another air raid, once more putting them in fear of losing their homes, their loved ones and their own lives. It is a situation which we, far away from the battlefield, can barely begin to comprehend.

Bodies are removed from the scene of a US airstrike at Fadhiliya, which killed eight members of one family on October 22nd 2016 (Picture courtesy of Fazel Hawramy)


May 4, 2017

Written by

Airwars Staff

For two years Kinda Haddad has tracked and assessed for Airwars more than a thousand alleged Coalition and Russian civilian casualty incidents in Syria. In recent months, as the battle against ISIL has intensified, reports of civilian deaths around Raqqa caused by the US-led alliance have risen steeply. Yet in contrast to the siege of Aleppo, international media coverage has largely been absent. Here Kinda offers her thoughts on why two bombed cities might be treated so differently.

Researching allegations of civilian casualties made against Coalition and Russian air strikes in Syria in real time – while listening to the radio news as I do in my daily life – has become a vivid exercise in cognitive dissonance.

Claims against Russia are, it seems, often quickly picked up and reported on extensively, and especially so at times when Moscow’s actions are at their harshest and most intense.  In the autumn and winter of 2016 for example, Russia and the regime of Bashar al Assad were doing their utmost to retake Aleppo from the rebels. The two allies put the city under a crippling siege and bombed it without any discernible consideration for the presence of civilians. Indeed, on many occasions both Russia and the regime appeared to purposefully target civilian infrastructure and medical facilities.

That brutal campaign succeeded in gaining control of eastern Aleppo in December 2016.  The cost in civilian lives was enormous, and a great proportion of those killed were women and children.  In less than four months leading up to the fall of Aleppo more than 1,000 civilians were reportedly killed by Russian strikes. In November alone, the Syrian Network for Human rights tied 358 civilian deaths to Russia. During all of 2016, the group estimates that Russian forces killed more than 3,900 civilians.

Whatever one thinks of the regime and of Russia, the fact that the plight of civilians was highlighted is what I would expect from a free media in a free society, as part of their job of ‘speaking truth to power’. And they did so in spades.

There was a considerable degree of attention paid by international media to events on the ground, with Russia’s actions in the news all day, every day. Civilians who had escaped were interviewed extensively and the misery and losses they had endured were highlighted. It was so bad I would often turn the radio off. Despite all the awful material I view daily I still find the recorded sounds of shelling and the voices of people more distressing.

The White Helmets rescue civilians from the rubble following Russian or Assad regime airstrikes on Aleppo, July 8th 2016. (via, Alsharq News)

Crippling assault

A few months on and Airwars is monitoring a very similar situation with the Coalition both in Raqqa province in Syria, and in Mosul city in Iraq – each ISIL strongholds for several years.

As with Aleppo, Mosul is under crippling assault – and like the Russians who work alongside the Syrian army, the Coalition is working alongside Iraqi government  forces, carrying out air and artillery shelling.

Despite repeated statements that the Coalition takes great care to avoid targeting civilians, events on the ground reflect a different version of events. The level of casualties has been shocking, with between 1,308 and 2,435 civilians claimed killed by the Coalition in Mosul in March 2017 alone. There remains a high level of confusion as to what degree the Coalition and Iraqi forces – and ISIL – are causing these deaths. The same happened in Aleppo, where it became very hard for people on the ground to distinguish between Russian and regime warplanes. Artillery in particular – used heavily in Mosul – is difficult to tell apart.

While the Russian campaign has shown a clear pattern of targeting civilians, the Coalition insists that it pursues a much more careful operation.  Yet the level of civilian casualties from both the Coalition and Russian operations are simply too high – and in the case of the Coalition it is not appropriate, or just, to dismiss hundreds of incidents as “mistakes.” Every day – not week – we are seeing several such “mistakes,” with no explanation from the Coalition. This gives the distinct impression that when faced with a military target,  neither side cares much as to whether civilians are present or not.

Raqqa Silence

International media was slow to report on high civilian deaths at first. However recent weeks have seen major field reports and investigations from international and regional news groups – which have helped pressure both the Coalition and Iraqi forces into reducing harm to civilians.

But across the border in Syria’s Raqqa province it’s a very different story – even though many of its cities and towns have been put under siege by the Kurdish SDF, and with Coalition air raids escalating in a way we have not seen since the beginning of the war against ISIL in Syria in September 2014. March saw the worst casualty levels yet with between 320 and 860 civilians likely killed in Coalition strikes in Syria, a sixfold increase on the previous month. Ninety per cent of these deaths were around Raqqa.

Where we used to see a handful of allegations a week we are now monitoring several cases a day. Many of these bear high death tolls. For example up to 17 people, most of them women and children, were reportedly killed as they tried to escape Al Tabaqa on April 24th 2017. Their cars were targeted and everyone in the vehicles perished.

#IntlCoalition forces committed #massacre against children and women in al Tabaqa city in #Raqqa on Apr 24 #SNHR

— Syrian Network (@snhr) April 24, 2017

And there are so many incidents like this every week. Sometimes there is very little information. But other times there is a flood of detail from local outlets and social media, including names and photos of the victims. On those days I check how the incident is being reported internationally, and invariably there is…. radio silence

Unlike the allegations made against Russia at Aleppo, claims of civilians killed by the Coalition around Raqqa seem to attract little to no international media attention. Yet the sources for allegations both against the Russians and the Coalition are often identical -activists on the ground, with access to a network of people in the various locations where civilian casualties are occuring.

As in Aleppo, Coalition strikes are many times occurring right in the middle of city and town centres – Mosul, Raqqa, Al Tabaqa, al Mansoura and so many other urban locations. These are civilian villages, towns and cities occupied by ISIL. Some of the residents may be sympathetic to the terror group but most of them are not. It is not a democracy, not a choice to live under ISIL. These are places full of people who have no other option but to remain.

The Coalition is likely to win the war with a high civilian toll, just as Russia helped win at Aleppo. But in order to win the peace, a new strategy is needed with civilians at its heart. We can see in the opposition areas where Russia is operating how hated Moscow is. Inevitably, the same now appears to be happening in areas where the Coalition is operating, with local monitors routinely claiming ‘massacres’ and ‘war crimes’.

Leaving scores of civilians dead, wounded, lame and traumatised is not a wise long term strategy for winning a war that is avowedly being fought on behalf of those exact same civilians.

▲ A man carries a young girl in the aftermath of an airstrike on Al Haydariya, Aleppo, on April 26th, 2016 (via RFS news).


May 4, 2017

Written by

Airwars Staff

The stark contrast between local accounts of civilian deaths in Iraq that I analyse each day, and the sterile portrayal of the air campaign against ISIL by Coalition militaries, is often striking. As the Airwars researcher focused on Belgium and the Netherlands, bridging the gap between these two positions has become a key part of my daily work.

On a regular working day I move back and forth between military discourse about a ‘clean track record’ and ‘zero civilian casualties’ (Belgium) and ‘we are transparent enough’ (the Netherlands) on the one hand – and counting the number of dead after airstrikes on a West Mosul neighbourhood.

Belgium and the Netherlands launched their first bombs in October 2014 – and have carried out respectively about 390 and 500 airstrikes each (although the most recent numbers are lacking). In almost 1,000 days of war, they have not admitted a single civilian casualty between them.

For the United States the gap between its killing a civilian and publicly admitting the fact is now around six weeks. The Netherlands says it is still investigating one incident from December 2014 – more than two years ago – and refuses to divulge any details of a second case.

Belgium, for its part, had firmly claimed “zero civilian casualties” – until it was revealed that the country was possibly involved in a catastrophic incident in New Mosul on March 17th 2017. The Minister says he now awaits the results of Coalition investigations – but the country’s own Public Prosecutor has already decided not to investigate.

Transparency “behind closed doors”

Last month Airwars presented its civilian casualty data to the Belgian Parliament’s Defence Committee and called for more openness. Yet that same day, the Committee’s Chair claimed in an opinion article that Airwars dealt in “semi-truths” and that our “conclusions were wrong”. She suggested that YouTube and Facebook were unreliable sources for civilian casualty investigations. Instead, she argued, “an entire team of professionals at the Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC)” was best suited for this job. Moreover, she claimed “full transparency in Parliament” and deemed Belgian parliamentary control sufficient to check the actions of the military.

Yet the Belgian parliament is only informed about the country’s airstrikes in secret closed-door sessions, while the public is told nothing. And the Coalition only employs two civilian casualty assessors – with a backlog of more than 700 alleged incidents yet to be investigated. 

In fact social media can be crucial in identifying civilian casualty events: for instance in a September 2015 Mosul case that the US has recently admitted. International media ignored the event completely at the time, which was only known at first by locals posting reports on Facebook. 

Both the Netherlands and Belgium continue to lurk at the bottom of transparency tables for Coalition participants, generally still refusing to say where, when or what they bomb. Yet on the ground, affected civilians continue to be at great risk from airstrikes, and they suffer too from a lack of accountability and recognition. A closed-door parliamentary meeting does not equate to public accountability, in our view.

An Iraqi-Dutch perspective

On the occasion of 1,000 days of war, Airwars also spoke with Mahmood and Husain Al Sabari, both students and members of the Union of Iraqi Youth in the Netherlands, about their view on the war and the involvement of the Netherlands. The two Dutch-Iraqi brothers – one now living in London – said that what troubled them most were not the Dutch airstrikes or lack of transparency, but the absence of awareness about the role of Western countries in contributing to instability in the Middle East.

Mahmood thinks that launching bombs is not the way to get rid of dictators or extremist groups. “Yet the Dutch military contribution is marginal, compared to the role of the US and other countries. What is most painful for us, is the lack of knowledge among fellow Dutch youth about the Western involvement in the region. This is regarding the bombs, but more importantly in terms of the ongoing arms trade and the decision to choose sides by training certain groups. And then it seems that people do not see the link with migration, which is framed as a problem, a crisis. That is really frustrating sometimes.”

Husain agrees. “That is why we don’t really talk about this topic with peers anymore. The lack of knowledge makes it feel like we’re on a different wave-length; we really speak a different language when it comes to this.”

When asked what they think of the poor transparency records in the Netherlands, the brothers say they are not really shocked. Mahmood admits that “since six or seven years, I have come to view Western democratic principles as rather hypocritical.” Husain, for his part, said he did not really know why the Dutch are so silent about the air campaign. He suggests that it might be an attempt to keep a reputation of  “a dove of peace”. He continues: “But you know, people don’t really care. They don’t care about accountability. Maybe just a few people, like you, do.”

This 1,000 days of war highlights once again the continuing importance of accountability and the need to bridge realities. Airwars’ call for more transparency and visibility is gaining support in both the Netherlands and Belgium, and is a view shared by supportive media, NGOs and political parties.

(Belgian MoD/ Sedeyn Ritchie)

▲ A Belgian Air Component F-16 Fighting Falcon approaches a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker from the 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron before aerial refueling during a Combined Joint Task Force- Operation Inherent Resolve mission over Iraq, April 11, 2017. The F-16 has been a major component of the combat forces committed to the war on terrorism, flying thousands of sorties in support of operations in the Middle East. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Joshua A. Hoskins)


May 4, 2017

Written by

Samuel Oakford

We asked key experts who have been closely following the Coalition’s military campaign against so-called Islamic State what 1,000 days of war means to them. Here’s what they had to say.

Fadel Abdul Ghany, director of the Syrian Network for Human Rights

After 1,000 days have passed since the beginning of the international coalition forces’ raids against Daesh, I believe that the human cost has been high if we consider what was achieved in terms of destroying headquarters and undermining their manpower. We believe that it is in no way justifiable to cause this high level of casualties, not to mention the extent of the material losses.

Several days ago, we issued a report on the bombing of bridges by international coalition forces in the governorate of Deir Ez Zawr. This is a simple indicator of what we believe to be negligence, and the result of the lack of accountability. By not identifying who in the Coalition forces is committing the massacres in Syria, and not offering frank and clear apologies or starting to compensate the victims, it is implied that there are no consequences to such flagrant violations. This has given the military command a green light, promoting a culture where there is no real interest in taking careful decisions or carrying out serious investigations.

Colonel Joseph Scrocca, Coalition Director of Public Affairs

Since 2014, the global coalition of 68 international partners has supported our partner forces in Iraq and Syria with more than 21,000 strikes against ISIS fighters, equipment and resources. These strikes allowed our partner forces to liberate 50,000 square kilometers of territory and more than a million people; and are helping to ensure the peace and security of the region and all our homelands. 

Our goal is always for zero civilian casualties. Coalition forces comply with the law of armed conflict and take extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner that minimizes the risk of civilian casualties.

The Coalition takes all allegations of civilian casualties seriously and goes to great lengths to ensure transparency in our assessment and reporting processes. ISIS is the cause of massive human suffering and the greatest threat to the people of Iraq, Syria, and the world, and they must be defeated.

Belkis Wilke, Senior Iraq researcher at Human Rights Watch

For the last 1,000 days we have seen a broad coalition of states, led by the United States, supporting Iraqi, Kurdish, and non-state armed groups   in military operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. A mounting number of civilian deaths over recent months has raised concerns about the way the battle against ISIS is being fought. Iraqi, Kurdish, and other ground forces supported by the coalition have been responsible for serious violations including enforced disappearances, forced displacement, and the use of child soldiers.

The coalition should take all feasible precautions to minimize civilian loss and should thoroughly and transparently investigate reported civilian deaths, and in the case of wrongdoing, hold those responsible to account. Coalition members should investigate whether foreign military assistance contributed to laws-of-war violations and should end military assistance to units repeatedly involved in violations. They should also use their leverage with parties they support on the ground to undertake credible investigations into alleged war crimes and hold perpetrators to account.

Micah Zenko, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations

It is really an air campaign created for today’s media age: releasing daily strikes totals, routinely declaring estimates of enemy combatants and civilians killed, and posting always-flawless video clips. This data and imagery shapes perceptions of the war by feeding the insatiable demands for information. It is as if the lens through which the outside world sees the war is as important a mission as finding and striking the enemy.

Lily Hamourtziadou, Iraq Body Count

What was the coalition’s strategy, what were its objectives in embarking on another military campaign of air strikes over Iraq? Compellence, posturing and, mostly, offence seem to be the objectives, all of which contain their own political, ethical, and economic strategic goals and implications. After 1,000 days of striking, at least 49,081 civilians have been killed overall in Iraq, of which over 26,000 have been killed by Islamic State forces and 5,318 by the coalition.

If the objectives were the extermination of IS, or their retreat, surrender, or confinement, the campaign has failed; if the objectives were the protection of civilians and the provision of stability, the campaign has failed; if the objectives were the demonstration of military might and political and technological superiority, the campaign has failed; if the objectives were the control of resources, finances and regimes, the campaign has failed. If on day 1,001 and on day 1,002 and on day 1,003, and every day, more civilians die from shelling, air strikes, IEDs, suicide bombers, car bombs or executions, the campaign has failed.  No victory can come at such a human cost.

Hassan Hassan, Senior Fellow at Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy

My hometown is still under ISIS control, and has been since the summer of 2014. With some exceptions, civilians there often praise the US strikes especially if compared to Russian and regime bombings in Syria. Most complaints I hear are about the destruction of infrastructure like bridges, roads and oil facilities. Civilians in those areas had lived on a wartime economy that was functioning before ISIS took control, but the airstrikes disrupted that without providing alternatives to the people there.
There is now more fear over civilian casualties than ever before, and this is because of the stage at which the operation against ISIS has reached. In crowded western Mosul and Raqqa, more people are dying or expected to die. This is most unfortunate for the anti-ISIS fight because this should be the time to show restraint and focus more on making ISIS, and only ISIS, look bad, as its caliphate collapses. The reality is that abuses are back in Iraq and Syria, and people will soon turn their anger toward their new overlords.

James Rodehaver, coordinator, Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria

The Commission has noted repeatedly that while civilian protection should be a paramount concern for all parties to the conflict, it is often noticeably absent. All parties using air power in the Syrian armed conflict must adhere to the laws of war and core civilian protection principles of distinction and proportionality in the use of such weaponry under international humanitarian law. All means necessary should be employed to distinguish properly between civilian and military targets and to respect protected sites, particularly hospitals, medical personnel, mosques and religious objects, and schools.

The Commission has opened investigations into incidents of civilian casualties caused by all parties to the conflict, including civilian deaths and injuries resulting from air strikes. We only publish findings from our investigations once we have been able to gather evidence to meet our legal standard of proof.

Violations Documentation Centre

The Violations Documentation Centre confirms that, during almost three years, the International Coalition forces failed, in many instances, to respect the principles of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). A number of the attacks carried out against the so-called Islamic State, breached the principle of “Proportionality in Attack” of Rule 14 of customary IHL against the targets, and caused many civilian deaths most of which are elderlies and children – in addition to many injured and missing people. Additionally, the coalition forces breached on many occasions the principle of distinction between military and civilian targets and failed in estimating the collateral damage in civilian lives. The verified direct testimonies VDC collects after each attack, confirm that many of them did not prove to be of any military importance for the International coalition.

Thus, VDC reminds all conflict parties in the “International Coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham”, of the absolute requirement, under IHL, to avoid targeting civilians and that targeting civilians is a described war crime. The VDC calls for the sparing of civilians completely in accordance with the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the first and second additional protocols of 1977, and the rules of customary International Humanitarian Law.

CJTF–OIR for May 3, 2017 – May 4, 2017

Report Date

May 4, 2017

On May 3, Coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 81 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes consisting of 46 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr; six strikes destroyed five ISIS well heads, three tunnels and an ISIS oil storage tank.

*Near Palmyra, two strikes destroyed three tunnels.

*Near Raqqah, one strike destroyed a command and control node.

*Near Tabqah, 18 strikes engaged 11 ISIS tactical units; destroyed nine fighting positions, four vehicles, two tactical vehicles, a VBIED; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Kirkuk, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and damaged a fighting position.

*Near Mosul, five strikes [2 British, 1-2 Aus] engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed four rocket-propelled grenade systems, four medium machine guns, two ISIS staging areas, an artillery system, a supply cache, a VBIED, a mortar system and a fighting position.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria on May 2nd that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, May 2nd, one strike destroyed a fighting position.

*Near Al Shaddadi, Syria, May 2nd, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed four ISIS-held buildings, two mortar systems, two supply caches, a fighting position and an artillery system.

*Near Tabqah, Syria, May 2nd, one strike destroyed two fighting positions.

Report Date

May 4, 2017

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 25 in Syria
  • 6 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 6 in Iraq (12563 – 12568)
  • 28 in Syria (8508 – 8539)


  • + 4* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On May 3, Coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 81 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

May 3, 2017
Syria: 22 strikes
Iraq: 6 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes consisting of 46 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Dayr Az Zawr; six strikes destroyed five ISIS well heads, three tunnels and an ISIS oil storage tank.
Near Palmyra, two strikes destroyed three tunnels.
Near Raqqah, one strike destroyed a command and control node.
Near Tabqah, 18 strikes engaged 11 ISIS tactical units; destroyed nine fighting positions, four vehicles, two tactical vehicles, a VBIED; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Kirkuk, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and damaged a fighting position.
Near Mosul, five strikes [2 British, 1-2 Aus] engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed four rocket-propelled grenade systems, four medium machine guns, two ISIS staging areas, an artillery system, a supply cache, a VBIED, a mortar system and a fighting position.
May 2, 2017
Syria: 3 strikes

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria on May 2nd that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, May 2nd, one strike destroyed a fighting position.
Near Al Shaddadi, Syria, May 2nd, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed four ISIS-held buildings, two mortar systems, two supply caches, a fighting position and an artillery system.
Near Tabqah, Syria, May 2nd, one strike destroyed two fighting positions.

UK MoD for May 3, 2017 – May 4, 2017

Report Date

May 4, 2017

Wednesday 3 May – Tornados assisted Iraqi forces in west Mosul, striking three Daesh firing positions…

The RAF is continuing to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian causalities.

As Coalition Defence Ministers meet today in Copenhagen to discuss progress in the campaign against Daesh, the RAF has continued to provide air support over Iraq and Syria.

With Iraqi forces continuing their operations to clear Daesh from areas of western Mosul which they still occupy, two flights of Royal Air Force Tornados provided close air support on Wednesday 3 May. Direct hits were scored with Brimstone missiles on two rooftop firing positions. A third terrorist position was also struck with a Paveway IV guided bomb in an attack carefully planned to minimise the potential risk to the Iraqi troops who were very close by.

Report Date

May 4, 2017

Wednesday 3 May – Tornados assisted Iraqi forces in west Mosul, striking three Daesh firing positions…

The RAF is continuing to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian causalities.

As Coalition Defence Ministers meet today in Copenhagen to discuss progress in the campaign against Daesh, the RAF has continued to provide air support over Iraq and Syria.

With Iraqi forces continuing their operations to clear Daesh from areas of western Mosul which they still occupy, two flights of Royal Air Force Tornados provided close air support on Wednesday 3 May. Direct hits were scored with Brimstone missiles on two rooftop firing positions. A third terrorist position was also struck with a Paveway IV guided bomb in an attack carefully planned to minimise the potential risk to the Iraqi troops who were very close by.

Australian MoD for May 3, 2017 – May 4, 2017

Report Date

May 4, 2017

On 03 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh fighting position and a Daesh heavy weapon site with precision guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

May 4, 2017

On 03 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh fighting position and a Daesh heavy weapon site with precision guided munitions over several hours of support.

French MoD for May 3, 2017 – May 4, 2017

Report Date

May 4, 2017


France reports first refueling overnight over Syria for the E3F.

Chammal : premier ravitaillement en vol de nuit au-dessus de la Syrie pour l’E3F

Ajoutez aux favoris


Mise à jour : 04/05/2017

Dans le cadre de l’opération Chammal, les armées ont déployé un avion de détection et de commandement aéroportés au début du mois de mars. Les aviateurs du détachement ont été accueillis au Qatar par le contingent permanent de militaires français déployés sur place, dont certains sont insérés au cœur du centre de commandement aérien de l’opération, appelé CAOC.

Chammal : premier ravitaillement en vol de nuit au-dessus de la Syrie pour l’E3F

Cet E-3F, nom de code OTAN « AWACS » pour Airborne Warning And Control System, est déployé dans cette opération extérieure pour la huitième fois. L’avion français offre, avec les AWACS américains et britanniques, une capacité précieuse sur un théâtre d’opérations au volet aérien particulièrement développé.

Acquis par la France en même temps que les modèles britanniques, les quatre E-3F ont été livrés en 1990 et 1991 et sont mis en œuvre par le 36ème Escadron de détection et de commandement aéroportés (EDCA). Les quatre aéronefs viennent d’achever la rénovation complète de la « partie mission », notamment les stations électroniques des nombreux opérateurs qui œuvrent à l’intérieur.

Parmi ses missions, la détection y détient une part importante. Réalisée grâce à son radar embarqué mais également au travers des communications radio ou en recoupant les différentes informations issues de ses nombreux capteurs, l’E-3F permet aux contrôleurs et aux opérateurs d’identifier les aéronefs, les navires et les mobiles évoluant dans leur zone de responsabilité.

Une fois la détection et l’identification réalisées, l’ensemble des plots est classifié par catégorie (ami, présumé ami, neutre, inconnu, suspect, hostile…) ce qui permet d’établir la situation tactique de théâtre sur des centaines de kilomètres autour de l’aéronef.

Cette situation tactique est alors transmise vers les structures de décisions, notamment le CAOC (Combined Air Operations Center), tout en coordonnant les activités des aéronefs amis sur zone telles que les transferts des chasseurs vers les zones d’appui ou de ravitaillement en vol.

Pour assurer ces missions en permanence, les AWACS se relaient constamment sur des zones bien définies. Une mission peut ainsi débuter en milieu de nuit après un transit de deux heures. L’AWACS travaille sur un orbite dédié qui lui permet de coordonner les moyens aériens tout en fournissant la meilleure détection possible sur les zones d’attention et notamment sur les aéronefs évoluant en très basse altitude.

« La possibilité d’avoir un radar aérien en haute altitude, déporté au-dessus d’un théâtre permet en effet de combler le manque de visibilité des radars sols et de surface ; il offre au centre de commandement de l’opération un instantané de la situation tactique », témoigne le chef du détachement.

La mission s’étend parfois jusqu’en fin de matinée, grâce à un ravitaillement en vol nocturne, effectué pour la première fois au-dessus du territoire syrien lors de ce présent détachement.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal est la participation française à l’opération Inherent Resolve (OIR) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 200 militaires. A la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation» au profit d’unités irakiennes de sécurité et un pilier « appui » consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daech.

Report Date

May 4, 2017


France reports first refueling overnight over Syria for the E3F.

Chammal : premier ravitaillement en vol de nuit au-dessus de la Syrie pour l’E3F

Ajoutez aux favoris


Mise à jour : 04/05/2017

Dans le cadre de l’opération Chammal, les armées ont déployé un avion de détection et de commandement aéroportés au début du mois de mars. Les aviateurs du détachement ont été accueillis au Qatar par le contingent permanent de militaires français déployés sur place, dont certains sont insérés au cœur du centre de commandement aérien de l’opération, appelé CAOC.

Chammal : premier ravitaillement en vol de nuit au-dessus de la Syrie pour l’E3F

Cet E-3F, nom de code OTAN « AWACS » pour Airborne Warning And Control System, est déployé dans cette opération extérieure pour la huitième fois. L’avion français offre, avec les AWACS américains et britanniques, une capacité précieuse sur un théâtre d’opérations au volet aérien particulièrement développé.

Acquis par la France en même temps que les modèles britanniques, les quatre E-3F ont été livrés en 1990 et 1991 et sont mis en œuvre par le 36ème Escadron de détection et de commandement aéroportés (EDCA). Les quatre aéronefs viennent d’achever la rénovation complète de la « partie mission », notamment les stations électroniques des nombreux opérateurs qui œuvrent à l’intérieur.

Parmi ses missions, la détection y détient une part importante. Réalisée grâce à son radar embarqué mais également au travers des communications radio ou en recoupant les différentes informations issues de ses nombreux capteurs, l’E-3F permet aux contrôleurs et aux opérateurs d’identifier les aéronefs, les navires et les mobiles évoluant dans leur zone de responsabilité.

Une fois la détection et l’identification réalisées, l’ensemble des plots est classifié par catégorie (ami, présumé ami, neutre, inconnu, suspect, hostile…) ce qui permet d’établir la situation tactique de théâtre sur des centaines de kilomètres autour de l’aéronef.

Cette situation tactique est alors transmise vers les structures de décisions, notamment le CAOC (Combined Air Operations Center), tout en coordonnant les activités des aéronefs amis sur zone telles que les transferts des chasseurs vers les zones d’appui ou de ravitaillement en vol.

Pour assurer ces missions en permanence, les AWACS se relaient constamment sur des zones bien définies. Une mission peut ainsi débuter en milieu de nuit après un transit de deux heures. L’AWACS travaille sur un orbite dédié qui lui permet de coordonner les moyens aériens tout en fournissant la meilleure détection possible sur les zones d’attention et notamment sur les aéronefs évoluant en très basse altitude.

« La possibilité d’avoir un radar aérien en haute altitude, déporté au-dessus d’un théâtre permet en effet de combler le manque de visibilité des radars sols et de surface ; il offre au centre de commandement de l’opération un instantané de la situation tactique », témoigne le chef du détachement.

La mission s’étend parfois jusqu’en fin de matinée, grâce à un ravitaillement en vol nocturne, effectué pour la première fois au-dessus du territoire syrien lors de ce présent détachement.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal est la participation française à l’opération Inherent Resolve (OIR) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 200 militaires. A la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation» au profit d’unités irakiennes de sécurité et un pilier « appui » consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daech.

French MoD for May 3, 2017 – May 4, 2017

Report Date

May 4, 2017


In the last week, France reports carrying out 40 sorties, and three strikes were in Iraq and Syria, in support of the operations in Mosul and Tabqah, as well as in the Anbar valley.



En Syrie les Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS) poursuivent leurs avancées contre Daech. Dans la région de Raqqah elles ont procédé cette semaine à la sécurisation des gains territoriaux réalisés la semaine précédente au Nord de la ville, en neutralisant plusieurs poches de résistances encore occupées par les combattants terroristes. Plus à l’Ouest les FDS continuent d’étendre leurs zones contrôlées, resserrant progressivement celles tenues par Daech sur la ville de Tabqah et son barrage.

En Irak, Daech cherche toujours à entretenir une atmosphère d’insécurité dans l’Anbar et dans la vallée du Tigre afin de détourner l’effort militaire irakien de Mossoul.

Dans la région de Mossoul, la situation a peu évolué cette semaine à l’exception d’une avancée dans le sud-ouest de la ville. Avec une météo peu favorable aux opérations, les Forces de Sécurité Irakiennes (FSI) ont marqué une pause opérationnelle pour régénérer leur potentiel, tout en maintenant la pression sur le quartier de la Médina.

Au nord-ouest, sur les abords de la ville, la 9e division est toujours engagée dans des actions de sécurisation de sa zone de contrôle centrée autour de Badush, et qui fait toujours l’objet de tentative d’infiltrations de groupes terroristes.

Plus au sud, dans la ville de Mossoul, l’ICTS et les FEDPOL ont maintenu leur position dans et autour de la médina en repoussant plusieurs tentatives de sorties des combattants de Daech.


Appui feu – TF Wagram

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir en appui de la 9e division irakienne engagée dans la région de Badush.

Les 29 missions d’éclairement et d’interdiction réalisées en appui des unités irakiennes ont contribué à la sûreté du dispositif de contrôle de zone irakien face à des actions de harcèlement menées par des groupes de Daech cherchant à s’infiltrer.

Appui aérien au Levant

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 40 sorties aériennes dont 30 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol (CAS), 2 de commandement et de contrôle aérien, 5 de ravitaillement, et 3 de recueil de renseignements.

3 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak et en Syrie, en appui des opérations en cours à Mossoul et Tabqah, ainsi que dans la vallée de l’Anbar.

Report Date

May 4, 2017


In the last week, France reports carrying out 40 sorties, and three strikes were in Iraq and Syria, in support of the operations in Mosul and Tabqah, as well as in the Anbar valley.



En Syrie les Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS) poursuivent leurs avancées contre Daech. Dans la région de Raqqah elles ont procédé cette semaine à la sécurisation des gains territoriaux réalisés la semaine précédente au Nord de la ville, en neutralisant plusieurs poches de résistances encore occupées par les combattants terroristes. Plus à l’Ouest les FDS continuent d’étendre leurs zones contrôlées, resserrant progressivement celles tenues par Daech sur la ville de Tabqah et son barrage.

En Irak, Daech cherche toujours à entretenir une atmosphère d’insécurité dans l’Anbar et dans la vallée du Tigre afin de détourner l’effort militaire irakien de Mossoul.

Dans la région de Mossoul, la situation a peu évolué cette semaine à l’exception d’une avancée dans le sud-ouest de la ville. Avec une météo peu favorable aux opérations, les Forces de Sécurité Irakiennes (FSI) ont marqué une pause opérationnelle pour régénérer leur potentiel, tout en maintenant la pression sur le quartier de la Médina.

Au nord-ouest, sur les abords de la ville, la 9e division est toujours engagée dans des actions de sécurisation de sa zone de contrôle centrée autour de Badush, et qui fait toujours l’objet de tentative d’infiltrations de groupes terroristes.

Plus au sud, dans la ville de Mossoul, l’ICTS et les FEDPOL ont maintenu leur position dans et autour de la médina en repoussant plusieurs tentatives de sorties des combattants de Daech.


Appui feu – TF Wagram

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir en appui de la 9e division irakienne engagée dans la région de Badush.

Les 29 missions d’éclairement et d’interdiction réalisées en appui des unités irakiennes ont contribué à la sûreté du dispositif de contrôle de zone irakien face à des actions de harcèlement menées par des groupes de Daech cherchant à s’infiltrer.

Appui aérien au Levant

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 40 sorties aériennes dont 30 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol (CAS), 2 de commandement et de contrôle aérien, 5 de ravitaillement, et 3 de recueil de renseignements.

3 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak et en Syrie, en appui des opérations en cours à Mossoul et Tabqah, ainsi que dans la vallée de l’Anbar.

Incident date

May 3, 2017

Incident Code



شعيب الذكر, Sho'aib Al Zakir, Raqqa, Syria

Two local sources reported that Coalition airstrikes allegedly took place in Shoai’b Al-Zake on the outskirts of Dabsi Afnan, injuring several civilians. The village lies roughly 30km west of Tabaqa, and lies on the main road connecting the city and Aleppo. No civilian deaths have been reported and no further information is available at this


First published
May 3, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

May 3, 2017

Incident Code



الثورة‎, Tabaqah, Raqqa, Syria

According to the Smart News Agency, “aircraft likely belonging to the Coalition launched raids on the modern neighborhoods in the city of Tabaqa, parts of which are still controlled by IS, killing 12 civilians including three women and a child, and five members of the organization. The source added that more than 27 civilians and


First published
May 3, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child3 women)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

May 3, 2017

Incident Code



الرقة‎, al Thakanna, Raqqa, Syria

One civilian was killed alongside three ISIL fighters and five others were wounded in an airstrike on the city of Raqqa, according to a local source. Smart News Agency reported that the civilian was arrested by ISIL’s religious police, known as the Hesba, on charges of “smoking” and was in a car driven by the


First published
May 3, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

May 3, 2017

Incident Code



هنيدة, Hunaida, Raqqa, Syria

According to the Smart News Agency, likely Coalition warplanes “targeted a a mosque in the town of Hunaida (36 west of the city of Raqqa), killing two civilians and wounding a third seriously.” The Syrian Network for Human Rights said that the Hamada al Elaywi mosque was destroyed in the afternoon Coalition raid. Other sources


First published
May 3, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

May 3, 2017

Incident Code



الثورة‎, Tabaqah, Raqqa, Syria

At least six civilians were reportedly killed and nine others wounded in alleged Coalition airstrikes on the Syrian city of Al Tabaqa, 55km west of Raqqa. Nearly every source alleged that the US-led Coalition was responsible, with the Syrian Popular Movement saying the Coalition was “likely” the culprit. A later report from the Syrian Press


First published
May 3, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
6 – 12
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

May 3, 2017

Incident Code



زرزور, Zarzour, Idlib, Syria

Up to three civilians were left wounded following an alleged Russian airstrike in al-Wafa’a Camp, near Zarzur, Idlib, local media reported. RFS Media Office reported that “three civilians were seriously wounded today [May 3rd], following an air strike carried out by a Russian UAV, targeting “Al-Wafa’a Camp” near the village of Zarzur in the countryside


First published
May 3, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

May 3, 2017

Incident Code



دركوش, Darkoush, Idlib, Syria

One girl was killed and up to 24 other civilians were wounded following an incident in a camp for displaced people in Darkoush, Idlib, that was possibly caused by a Russian drone, local media reported. Several sources reported the death of a nine-year-old girl while the number of wounded varied between five and 24. Moreover,


First published
May 3, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Unknown
View Incident

Incident date

May 3, 2017

Incident Code



سوحا, Doha, Hama, Syria

In this single-source event, an alleged Russian air raid killed one woman and wounded another three civilians as it struck the village of Soha, eastern Hama, the Smart News Agency reported. A local source told Smart News that “the warplanes launched missile attacks on the outskirts of the village of Suha in the peaceful area


First published
May 3, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 woman)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for May 2, 2017 – May 3, 2017

Report Date

May 3, 2017

On May 2, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 53 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two ISIS oil tanks.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed two ISIS oil separation tanks and an ISIS well head.

* Near Palmyra, one strike destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed 12 fighting positions, an ISIS supply route, and a tactical vehicle; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 39 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Mosul, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed two fighting positions, two artillery systems, a heavy machine gun, a medium machine gun, and an ISIS staging area; and suppressed nine mortar teams.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Iraq on May 1st that closed within the last 24 hours.

* Near Mosul, May 1st, three strikes destroyed three VBIEDs and three ISIS fuel tankers, and suppressed three mortar teams.’

#Chammal : 3 frappes et 29 missions d

Report Date

May 3, 2017

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 11 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq (12559 – 12562)
  • 7 in Syria (8496 – 8507)


  • +3 * + 2 ** in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On May 2, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 53 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

May 2, 2017
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two ISIS oil tanks.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed two ISIS oil separation tanks and an ISIS well head.
Near Palmyra, one strike destroyed a fighting position.
Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed 12 fighting positions, an ISIS supply route, and a tactical vehicle; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 39 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Mosul, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed two fighting positions, two artillery systems, a heavy machine gun, a medium machine gun, and an ISIS staging area; and suppressed nine mortar teams.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Iraq on May 1st that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Mosul, May 1st, three strikes destroyed three VBIEDs and three ISIS fuel tankers, and suppressed three mortar teams.’

#Chammal : 3 frappes et 29 missions d

Incident date

May 2, 2017

Incident Code



تل الجاير, Tall al-Jayer, Al Hassakah, Syria

Five named civilians died in an alleged ‘Coalition’ airstrike on al Dashisha market in Tal al Jayer town east of al Shadadi on the Syrian/Iraqi border, according to local sources. JisiT V, which pointed towards the Coalition, reported that a commercial shop was hit. No Coalition strike was publicly reported in the area that day


First published
May 2, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(3 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
5 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

May 2, 2017

Incident Code



معرة النعمان, Ma'arat Al-Nu'man, Idlib, Syria

A remnant from a cluster bomb, allegedly Russian, killed one man and wounded another civilian when it exploded in Maarat al-Nu’man, Idlib, local media reported. All known sources agreed that the incident was triggered by a cluster bomb remnant from a previous Russian bombardment. Step News reported that the civilian harm was caused “after the


First published
May 2, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
0 – 1
(0–1 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for May 1, 2017 – May 2, 2017

Report Date

May 2, 2017

On May 1, Coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal; five strikes destroyed three ISIS oil pumps, three ISIS well heads, and a fighting position.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr; three strikes destroyed 12 ISIS fuel tankers, an ISIS well head, and an ISIS oil pump.

* Near Raqqah; one strike destroyed a fighting position and suppressed a mortar team.

* Near Tabqah; four strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Mosul; two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two mortar systems, a front-end loader, an artillery system, a fighting position, a VBIED factory, and a medium machine gun.

Additionally, one strike was conducted in Iraq on April 30 that closed within the last 24 hours.

* Near Mosul, on April 30, one strike destroyed an ISIS weapons factory.

Report Date

May 2, 2017

Report Summary

  • 1 total strikes
  • 1 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 15 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (12554 – 12558)
  • 13 in Syria (8483 – 8495)


  • + 3* in Iraq

Confirmed Actions


On May 1, Coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal; five strikes destroyed three ISIS oil pumps, three ISIS well heads, and a fighting position.

Near Dayr Az Zawr; three strikes destroyed 12 ISIS fuel tankers, an ISIS well head, and an ISIS oil pump.

Near Raqqah; one strike destroyed a fighting position and suppressed a mortar team.

Near Tabqah; four strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Mosul; two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two mortar systems, a front-end loader, an artillery system, a fighting position, a VBIED factory, and a medium machine gun.

Additionally, one strike was conducted in Iraq on April 30 that closed within the last 24 hours.

May 1, 2017
Iraq: 1 strikes
Near Mosul, on April 30, one strike destroyed an ISIS weapons factory.

Incident date

May 1, 2017

Incident Code



البحرة, Al Bahra desert, Deir Ezzor, Syria

Sharqiya Voice reported that “Abu Al Zabir al Maghribi, responsible for buying weapons from the locals in what is called al Furat State, was killed along with seven other people after they were targeted by the International Coalition in a raid on Al Bahra desert in eastern Deir Ezzor countryside.” No further details are currently


First published
May 1, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
0 – 7
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

May 1, 2017

Incident Code



الثورة‎, Tabaqah, Raqqa, Syria

In a previously unknown allegation, the Coalition denied involvement in an incident that they said was reported on social media. In their July 2017 civilian casualty report, the Coalition wrote: “May 1, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.”


First published
May 1, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

May 1, 2017

Incident Code



الرقة‎, Al Rumaila and Al Idkhar, Raqqa, Syria

Smart reported that “according to local sources, warplanes likely belonging to the International Alliance targeted the neighborhood of Rumaila, killing four civilians and wounding others and destroying a car belonging to ISIL.” Al Araby also blamed the Coalition and put the death toll at four, though appeared to be citing from Smart. No additional details


First published
May 1, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident