Military Reports

Military Reports

French MoD for June 12, 2015 – June 13, 2015

Report Date

June 13, 2015


France issues a special report on its 150th airstrike against Daesh in Iraq

‘Le 12 juin dernier, au cours d’une mission de plus de cinq heures, une patrouille de deux Mirage 2000 D en mission de reconnaissance armée a engagé trois positions de combat de Daech dans la région de Tall Afar. Il s’agissait de la 150ème frappe française.
La patrouille de chasseurs, équipée du pod de désignation laser Damoclès, a porté ses frappes entre 14h14 et 14h19, heure de Paris avec trois bombes guidées laser, deux GBU12 et une GBU49. Opérant depuis la Jordanie, les Mirage 2000D ont effectué deux ravitaillements en vol à l’aide d’un avion ravitailleur C135 de la coalition, engagé dans l’opération Inherent Resolve, dont Chammal est la contribution française.

Report Date

June 13, 2015


France issues a special report on its 150th airstrike against Daesh in Iraq

Le 12 juin dernier, au cours d’une mission de plus de cinq heures, une patrouille de deux Mirage 2000 D en mission de reconnaissance armée a engagé trois positions de combat de Daech dans la région de Tall Afar. Il s’agissait de la 150ème frappe française.

La patrouille de chasseurs, équipée du pod de désignation laser Damoclès, a porté ses frappes entre 14h14 et 14h19, heure de Paris avec trois bombes guidées laser, deux GBU12 et une GBU49. Opérant depuis la Jordanie, les Mirage 2000D ont effectué deux ravitaillements en vol à l’aide d’un avion ravitailleur C135 de la coalition, engagé dans l

UK MoD for June 12, 2015 – June 13, 2015

Report Date

June 13, 2015

The Kurdish peshmerga have liberated significant swathes of territory in northern Iraq from ISIL control, including key towns such as Rabiyah and Zumar, and rescued the Yazidi refugees who were besieged on Mount Sinjar.

A recent offensive, which RAF and other coalition aircraft supported, succeeded in driving back the terrorists to the west of Kirkuk. In this area are a number of villages from which ISIL have driven out the civilian population and the deserted villages have then been transformed into large fortified strongholds and terrorist training camps. Several of these have already been targeted by coalition aircraft and overrun by the peshmerga.

A large coordinated operation on Friday 12 June focused on a location behind the current front line, west of Kirkuk and north of Bayji. Extensive reconnaissance allowed a large number of terrorist targets to be identified inside the perimeter of the complex. Careful planning allowed a number of coalition aircraft, including RAF Tornado GR4s which dropped ten Paveway IV precision guided bombs, to conduct a coordinated air strike on these key targets and disrupt ISIL efforts to recover from the successful peshmerga offensives to the north, and Iraqi army operations around Bayji and Tikrit to the south.

Report Date

June 13, 2015

The Kurdish peshmerga have liberated significant swathes of territory in northern Iraq from ISIL control, including key towns such as Rabiyah and Zumar, and rescued the Yazidi refugees who were besieged on Mount Sinjar.

A recent offensive, which RAF and other coalition aircraft supported, succeeded in driving back the terrorists to the west of Kirkuk. In this area are a number of villages from which ISIL have driven out the civilian population and the deserted villages have then been transformed into large fortified strongholds and terrorist training camps. Several of these have already been targeted by coalition aircraft and overrun by the peshmerga.

A large coordinated operation on Friday 12 June focused on a location behind the current front line, west of Kirkuk and north of Bayji. Extensive reconnaissance allowed a large number of terrorist targets to be identified inside the perimeter of the complex. Careful planning allowed a number of coalition aircraft, including RAF Tornado GR4s which dropped ten Paveway IV precision guided bombs, to conduct a coordinated air strike on these key targets and disrupt ISIL efforts to recover from the successful peshmerga offensives to the north, and Iraqi army operations around Bayji and Tikrit to the south.

  • British military trainers with Iraqi forces in Irbil (Ministry of Defence)

CJTF–OIR for June 12, 2015 – June 13, 2015

Report Date

June 13, 2015

June 13th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 12. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted three airstrikes using attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 12 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The Coalition continues to strike Daesh terrorists in complex and congested urban terrain in Iraq and Syria,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Although urban terrain hinders force movements during conventional military operations, the vertical dimension combined with state-of-the-art technology, allows coalition air forces the ability to successfully support our partners at the tactical level.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Kobani, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL fighting position.


• Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL vehicles, two ISIL fuel tankers and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Al Huwayjah, one airstrike struck an ISIL staging area.

• Near Bayji, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Makhmur, one airstrike struck an ISIL rocket firing positon.

• Near Mosul, three airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck two ISIL mortar firing positions, destroying two ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Sinjar, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying three ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL structure.

• Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes [1 French] struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL sniper positon, destroying three ISIL heavy machine guns and three ISIL structures.

Report Date

June 13, 2015

Report Summary

  • 15 total strikes
  • 3 in Syria
  • 12 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 15 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (2789 – 2800)
  • 3 in Syria (1762 – 1764)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada, France

June 13th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 12. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted three airstrikes using attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 12 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The Coalition continues to strike Daesh terrorists in complex and congested urban terrain in Iraq and Syria,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Although urban terrain hinders force movements during conventional military operations, the vertical dimension combined with state-of-the-art technology, allows coalition air forces the ability to successfully support our partners at the tactical level.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 13, 2015
Syria: 3 strikes
Iraq: 12 strikes
Near Kobani, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL fighting position.


Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL vehicles, two ISIL fuel tankers and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Al Huwayjah, one airstrike struck an ISIL staging area.
Near Bayji, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions.
Near Makhmur, one airstrike struck an ISIL rocket firing positon.
Near Mosul, three airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck two ISIL mortar firing positions, destroying two ISIL fighting positions.
Near Sinjar, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying three ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL structure.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes [1 French] struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL sniper positon, destroying three ISIL heavy machine guns and three ISIL structures.

CJTF–OIR for June 11, 2015 – June 12, 2015

Report Date

June 12, 2015

June 12th 2015 – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 10. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 airstrikes using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.
“Airstrikes today continue to attack Daesh support zones as well as Daesh tactical units engaging friendly forces,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “Attacking support zones impacts Daesh morale and their ability to sustain the fight in forward tactical battle areas.”
The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:
* Near Ar Raqqah, four airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying three ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL rocket system.
* Near Dayr Az Zawr, four airstrikes struck four ISIL crude oil collection points.
* Near Kobani, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar firing position.
* Near Kirkuk, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL motorcycle.
* Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL checkpoint and an ISIL staging area.
* Near Ramadi, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL excavator, an ISIL tank and an ISIL artillery piece.
* Near Tal Afar, four airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck four ISIL tactical units and an ISIL rocket, destroying five ISIL structures, two ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL mortar firing position and an ISIL rocket propelled grenade.
* Near Walweed, [sic – believed to be Al Waleed] two airstrikes (possibly one British) destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.

Report Date

June 12, 2015

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 10 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (2776 – 2788)
  • 10 in Syria (1752 – 1761)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada

June 12th 2015 – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 10. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 airstrikes using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

June 12, 2015
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes

“Airstrikes today continue to attack Daesh support zones as well as Daesh tactical units engaging friendly forces,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “Attacking support zones impacts Daesh morale and their ability to sustain the fight in forward tactical battle areas.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


Near Ar Raqqah, four airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying three ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL rocket system.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, four airstrikes struck four ISIL crude oil collection points.
Near Kobani, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar firing position.


Near Kirkuk, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL motorcycle.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL checkpoint and an ISIL staging area.
Near Ramadi, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL excavator, an ISIL tank and an ISIL artillery piece.
Near Tal Afar, four airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck four ISIL tactical units and an ISIL rocket, destroying five ISIL structures, two ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL mortar firing position and an ISIL rocket propelled grenade.
Near Walweed, [sic – believed to be Al Waleed] two airstrikes (possibly one British) destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.

Canadian MoD for June 11, 2015 – June 12, 2015

Report Date

June 12, 2015

On 11 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position northwest of Tal Afar using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

June 12, 2015

On 11 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position northwest of Tal Afar using precision guided munitions.

UK MoD for June 11, 2015 – June 12, 2015

Report Date

June 12, 2015

On Thursday 11 June, two Tornado GR4s provided close air support to advancing peshmerga near Sinjar who had come under fire from an ISIL sniper team located in an isolated building; this was demolished by a direct hit from a Paveway.

The GR4s then flew south to assist the Iraqi army near Ar Rutbah, where they used a Brimstone missile to destroy a terrorist armoured personnel carrier.

Report Date

June 12, 2015

On Thursday 11 June, two Tornado GR4s provided close air support to advancing peshmerga near Sinjar who had come under fire from an ISIL sniper team located in an isolated building; this was demolished by a direct hit from a Paveway.

The GR4s then flew south to assist the Iraqi army near Ar Rutbah, where they used a Brimstone missile to destroy a terrorist armoured personnel carrier.

French MoD for June 11, 2015 – June 12, 2015

Report Date

June 12, 2015


Reports 15 new sorties and 8 strikes against ground targets in the vicinity of Mosul, Sinjar, Tal Afar and Baiji.

La force Chammal poursuit ses missions de renseignement et de reconnaissance armées en étroite collaboration avec les autres pays de la coalition. L’activité aérienne hebdomadaire s’est traduite par 15 sorties aériennes et 8 frappes contre des objectifs au sol. Au cours de ces sorties, 9 objectifs ont été neutralisés dans les secteurs de Mossoul, Sinjar, Tall Afar et Baiji.

Un avion E-3F, déployé au Qatar depuis le 15 mars 2015, a participé aux opérations aériennes jusqu’au 10 juin, date à laquelle il a été désengagé.

En parallèle, au sol, les militaires français dédiés au volet formation de l’opération Chammal poursuivent leur mission au profit de 300 militaires de l’ICTS, ainsi que de la 6e division irakienne pour des formations en contre-IED.

Report Date

June 12, 2015


Reports 15 new sorties and 8 strikes against ground targets in the vicinity of Mosul, Sinjar, Tal Afar and Baiji.

La force Chammal poursuit ses missions de renseignement et de reconnaissance armées en étroite collaboration avec les autres pays de la coalition. L’activité aérienne hebdomadaire s’est traduite par 15 sorties aériennes et 8 frappes contre des objectifs au sol. Au cours de ces sorties, 9 objectifs ont été neutralisés dans les secteurs de Mossoul, Sinjar, Tall Afar et Baiji.

Un avion E-3F, déployé au Qatar depuis le 15 mars 2015, a participé aux opérations aériennes jusqu’au 10 juin, date à laquelle il a été désengagé.

En parallèle, au sol, les militaires français dédiés au volet formation de l’opération Chammal poursuivent leur mission au profit de 300 militaires de l’ICTS, ainsi que de la 6e division irakienne pour des formations en contre-IED.

Incident date

June 11, 2015

Incident Code



الموحسن, Al Muhassan, Deir Ezzor, Syria

A lawyer and muezzin of the village mosque,  died in an alleged Coalition strike which damaged the building according to reports. The victim’s two brothers Juma’a and Saleh had also previously been killed during clashes with regime forces.  


First published
June 11, 2015
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

June 11, 2015

Incident Code



سلوك, Slouk, Raqqa, Syria

Two or three alleged Coalition incidents were clustered together in most news reports: the killing of a family of five at Slouk; the death of a child near Ma’adan; and up to 15 further civilian deaths in other airstrikes in the vicinity. According to SOHR, “international coalition aircraft last night carried out several strikes in


First published
June 11, 2015
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
6 – 20
(1 child2 women)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

June 11, 2015

Incident Code



سلوك, Suluk, Raqqa, Syria

Up to nine civilians were killed by US aircraft at Slouk in Raqaa’s suburbs. Al Hal quoted Abu Ibrahim Al Raquaou of the group Raqaa is Being Slaughtered Silently as saying that as part of an operation to clear Slouk of Daesh militants, Coalition planes had “targeted IS machinery near the Slouk Front and its


First published
June 11, 2015
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
5 – 9
(3–5 children2 women2 men)
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
9 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for June 10, 2015 – June 11, 2015

Report Date

June 11, 2015

June 11th 2015 – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 10. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 16 airstrikes using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition aircrew professionalism continues to be the catalyst for successful strike operations within the complex battlespace of Syria and Iraq where the combatant/civilian distinction is blurred,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Aircrews, as well as our Strike Approval Authorities, employ tactical patience, methodical procedures, proportionality and process integrity as they execute their actions in accordance with the Law of Armed Conflict.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

* Near Ar Raqqah, seven airstrikes struck six ISIL tactical units, destroying seven ISIL improvised rocket assisted munitions, two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL resupply points, two ISIL VBIEDs, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL VBIED warehouse.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, four airstrikes struck four ISIL crude oil collection points.

* Near Kobani, four airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL building and an ISIL mortar firing position.


* Near Al Qaim, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL excavator.

* Near Bayji, four airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck four ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL vehicles and three ISIL structures.

* Near Haditha, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL mortar firing position.

* Near Mosul, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage and an ISIL heavy machine gun, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Sinjar, one airstrike struck an ISIL large tactical unit, destroying three ISIL structures, two ISIL rocket propelled grenades, an ISIL bunker, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL tunnel system.

* Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL mortar firing positions, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

Report Date

June 11, 2015

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 16 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (2763 – 2775)
  • 16 in Syria (1736 – 1751)

Confirmed Actions

US, Canada, UK

June 11th 2015 – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 10. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 16 airstrikes using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition aircrew professionalism continues to be the catalyst for successful strike operations within the complex battlespace of Syria and Iraq where the combatant/civilian distinction is blurred,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Aircrews, as well as our Strike Approval Authorities, employ tactical patience, methodical procedures, proportionality and process integrity as they execute their actions in accordance with the Law of Armed Conflict.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 11, 2015
Syria: 16 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Ar Raqqah, seven airstrikes struck six ISIL tactical units, destroying seven ISIL improvised rocket assisted munitions, two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL resupply points, two ISIL VBIEDs, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL VBIED warehouse.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, four airstrikes struck four ISIL crude oil collection points.
Near Kobani, four airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL building and an ISIL mortar firing position.


Near Al Qaim, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL excavator.
Near Bayji, four airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck four ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL vehicles and three ISIL structures.
Near Haditha, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL mortar firing position.
Near Mosul, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage and an ISIL heavy machine gun, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Sinjar, one airstrike struck an ISIL large tactical unit, destroying three ISIL structures, two ISIL rocket propelled grenades, an ISIL bunker, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL tunnel system.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL mortar firing positions, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

Canadian MoD for June 10, 2015 – June 11, 2015

Report Date

June 11, 2015

On 10 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position in the vicinity of Bayji using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

June 11, 2015

On 10 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position in the vicinity of Bayji using precision guided munitions.

UK MoD for June 10, 2015 – June 11, 2015

Report Date

June 11, 2015

On Wednesday 10 June, an RAF Reaper remotely piloted aircraft patrolling near Iraq’s border with Syria destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Report Date

June 11, 2015

On Wednesday 10 June, an RAF Reaper remotely piloted aircraft patrolling near Iraq’s border with Syria destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Incident date

June 10, 2015

Incident Code



عربيد, A'rbeed, Raqqa, Syria

A reported Coalition strike near the ISIL-occupied village of A’rbeed was said by the Syrian Network for Human Rights to have killed three civilians in a farmhouse – a 43 year old man and his two wives. Two other sites described Coalition strikes in the vicinity, though did not refer to civilian deaths. In February


First published
June 10, 2015
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 women1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
3 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for June 9, 2015 – June 10, 2015

Report Date

June 10, 2015

June 10th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 9. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five airstrikes using bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 16 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) are airborne continuously over the operations area, providing rapid, flexible and lethal fires to our partners engaged in the fight against Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Having armed aircraft airborne and ready to strike in synchronization with ground force maneuver or Daesh observed activities on a nonlinear battlefield, is a key component of the Campaign’s successes to date.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike [Canadian] struck an ISIL staging area.

• Near Ar Raqqah, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL armored vehicle.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike struck an ISIL crude oil collection point.


• Near Baghdadi, one airstrike struck an ISIL resupply vehicle.

• Near Bayji, five airstrikes struck four ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL vehicles, an ISIL building and an ISIL VBIED.

• Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL building.

• Near Makhmur, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar system, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar system, destroying an ISIL building, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Sinjar, one airstrike truck an ISIL large tactical unit, an ISIL mortar firing position and an ISIL building, destroying five ISIL buildings, an ISIL VBIED, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an an ISIL rocket propelled grenade cache.

• Near Tal Afar, four airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL rocket firing position, destroying three ISIL buildings, an ISIL rocket and an ISIL tunnel system.

Report Date

June 10, 2015

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 5 in Syria
  • 16 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 16 in Iraq (2747 – 2762)
  • 5 in Syria (1731 – 1735)

Confirmed Actions

US, Canada

June 10th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 9. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five airstrikes using bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 16 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

June 10, 2015
Syria: 5 strikes
Iraq: 16 strikes

“Coalition Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) are airborne continuously over the operations area, providing rapid, flexible and lethal fires to our partners engaged in the fight against Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Having armed aircraft airborne and ready to strike in synchronization with ground force maneuver or Daesh observed activities on a nonlinear battlefield, is a key component of the Campaign’s successes to date.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike [Canadian] struck an ISIL staging area.
Near Ar Raqqah, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL armored vehicle.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike struck an ISIL crude oil collection point.


Near Baghdadi, one airstrike struck an ISIL resupply vehicle.
Near Bayji, five airstrikes struck four ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL vehicles, an ISIL building and an ISIL VBIED.
Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL building.
Near Makhmur, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar system, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar system, destroying an ISIL building, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Sinjar, one airstrike truck an ISIL large tactical unit, an ISIL mortar firing position and an ISIL building, destroying five ISIL buildings, an ISIL VBIED, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an an ISIL rocket propelled grenade cache.
Near Tal Afar, four airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL rocket firing position, destroying three ISIL buildings, an ISIL rocket and an ISIL tunnel system.

Canadian MoD for June 9, 2015 – June 10, 2015

Report Date

June 10, 2015

On 9 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS compound near Al Hasakah, Syria, using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

June 10, 2015

On 9 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS compound near Al Hasakah, Syria, using precision guided munitions.

Danish MoD for June 9, 2015 – June 10, 2015

Report Date

June 10, 2015


Reports 10 new missions which drop 6 bombs – c 2 strikes

De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering 2. juni fløjet 10 missioner og anvendt 6 bomber.

09-06-2015 – kl. 15:10

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og de danske fly har i den forløbne periode primært deltaget i missioner i Salah al Din, Al Anbar og Ninawa provinserne. Målene for bomberne har været bygningsværker og fjendtlige våbensystemer.

De danske fly har fløjet Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat direkte som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Her vil flyene patruljere over et bestemt område, hvorefter de vil kunne blive indsat af koalitionen, når der er behov for støtte. Luftstøtten vil variere afhængig af, hvad der er behov for. Det kan både dreje sig om overvågningsopgaver og bombninger af mål.

De danske fly har også gennemført Air Interdiction-missioner. Her gennemføres et specifikt angreb mod et på forhånd defineret mål, hvor flyene flyver direkte til målet, anvender bomber og flyver retur. I denne uge har målene for bomberne været bygningsværker.

På de missioner, hvor de danske F-16 ikke har anvendt våben, har de bidraget med overvågning og indhentning af efterretninger. På sådanne overvågningsmissioner er flyene dog altid klar til at anvende våben, hvis der er behov for det.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014, har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 375 missioner og anvendt 328 bomber. Alle de danske bomber er præcisionsstyrede, hvilket vil sige, at de styres mod deres mål ved hjælp af enten laser eller GPS.

Report Date

June 10, 2015


Reports 10 new missions which drop 6 bombs – c 2 strikes

De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering 2. juni fløjet 10 missioner og anvendt 6 bomber.

09-06-2015 – kl. 15:10

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og de danske fly har i den forløbne periode primært deltaget i missioner i Salah al Din, Al Anbar og Ninawa provinserne. Målene for bomberne har været bygningsværker og fjendtlige våbensystemer.

De danske fly har fløjet Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat direkte som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Her vil flyene patruljere over et bestemt område, hvorefter de vil kunne blive indsat af koalitionen, når der er behov for støtte. Luftstøtten vil variere afhængig af, hvad der er behov for. Det kan både dreje sig om overvågningsopgaver og bombninger af mål.

De danske fly har også gennemført Air Interdiction-missioner. Her gennemføres et specifikt angreb mod et på forhånd defineret mål, hvor flyene flyver direkte til målet, anvender bomber og flyver retur. I denne uge har målene for bomberne været bygningsværker.

På de missioner, hvor de danske F-16 ikke har anvendt våben, har de bidraget med overvågning og indhentning af efterretninger. På sådanne overvågningsmissioner er flyene dog altid klar til at anvende våben, hvis der er behov for det.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014, har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 375 missioner og anvendt 328 bomber. Alle de danske bomber er præcisionsstyrede, hvilket vil sige, at de styres mod deres mål ved hjælp af enten laser eller GPS.

Netherlands MoD for June 9, 2015 – June 10, 2015

Report Date

June 10, 2015


12 new missions bombing “several targets of terror“

Nederlandse F-16’s vlogen 12 missies boven Irak. Ze bombardeerden meerdere doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS.

Report Date

June 10, 2015


12 new missions bombing “several targets of terror“

Nederlandse F-16’s vlogen 12 missies boven Irak. Ze bombardeerden meerdere doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS.

CJTF–OIR for June 8, 2015 – June 9, 2015

Report Date

June 9, 2015

June 9th 2015 – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 8. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes using bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists.“The Coalition employs a detailed process involving technical and tactical means to verify the results of each airstrike executed,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “This allows the Coalition, with relative certainty, to provide post-strike analysis of the impact and effect each strike is having on Daesh terrorists and their capabilities.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL fighting positions.

* Near Kobani, six airstrikes struck four ISIL tactical units, destroying three resupply boats, an ISIL excavator, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL vehicle.


* Near Bayji, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL structures.

* Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck two ISIL heavy machine guns.

* Near Makhmur, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Mosul, four airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying two ISIL buildings, two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL mortar system.

* Near Tal Afar, four airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying five ISIL buildings, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL rocket system and an ISIL rocket propelled grenade.

Report Date

June 9, 2015

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria
  • 14 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 14 in Iraq (2733 – 2746)
  • 9 in Syria (1722 – 1738)

Confirmed Actions


June 9th 2015 – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 8. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes using bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists.“The Coalition employs a detailed process involving technical and tactical means to verify the results of each airstrike executed,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “This allows the Coalition, with relative certainty, to provide post-strike analysis of the impact and effect each strike is having on Daesh terrorists and their capabilities.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 9, 2015
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 14 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL fighting positions.
Near Kobani, six airstrikes struck four ISIL tactical units, destroying three resupply boats, an ISIL excavator, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL vehicle.


Near Bayji, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL structures.
Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck two ISIL heavy machine guns.
Near Makhmur, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Mosul, four airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying two ISIL buildings, two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL mortar system.
Near Tal Afar, four airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying five ISIL buildings, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL rocket system and an ISIL rocket propelled grenade.

CJTF–OIR for June 7, 2015 – June 8, 2015

Report Date

June 8, 2015

June 8th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 7. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven airstrikes using bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“We have conducted nearly 1,900 dynamic airstrikes during the campaign in Iraq, enabled by coalition Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) located in our Combined Joint Operations Centers, which have resulted in the destruction of approximately 70 VBIEDS, 800 vehicles (technical and tactical), 650 buildings/facilities, 600 fighting positions and 60 boats in the possession of Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “These JTACs have access to fused intelligence, operational situational awareness tools, direct communications with coalition aircraft, and real-time surveillance and reconnaissance assets, which has allowed them to be a highly effective component of the strike process and its effectiveness on the battlefield.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Dayr Az Zawr, two airstrikes struck two ISIL crude oil collection points.

• Near Kobani, five airstrikes struck one large and two small ISIL tactical units, destroying seven ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL IED facility.


• Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL tanker and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Bayji, three airstrikes [1 British] destroyed two ISIL staging positions and seven ISIL vehicles.

• Near Hit, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL checkpoint.

• Near Makhmur, one airstrike struck two ISIL mortar firing positions.

• Near Mosul, three airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL staging area, destroying two ISIL vehicles.

• Near Sinjar, two airstrikes [1 British] struck an ISIL mortar system, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL rocket propelled grenade and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL tunnel entrance.

Report Date

June 8, 2015

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 14 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 14 in Iraq (2719 – 2732)
  • 7 in Syria (1715 – 1721)

Confirmed Actions

US, Canada, UK

June 8th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 7. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven airstrikes using bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

June 8, 2015
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 14 strikes

“We have conducted nearly 1,900 dynamic airstrikes during the campaign in Iraq, enabled by coalition Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) located in our Combined Joint Operations Centers, which have resulted in the destruction of approximately 70 VBIEDS, 800 vehicles (technical and tactical), 650 buildings/facilities, 600 fighting positions and 60 boats in the possession of Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “These JTACs have access to fused intelligence, operational situational awareness tools, direct communications with coalition aircraft, and real-time surveillance and reconnaissance assets, which has allowed them to be a highly effective component of the strike process and its effectiveness on the battlefield.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


Near Dayr Az Zawr, two airstrikes struck two ISIL crude oil collection points.
Near Kobani, five airstrikes struck one large and two small ISIL tactical units, destroying seven ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL IED facility.


Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL tanker and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Bayji, three airstrikes [1 British] destroyed two ISIL staging positions and seven ISIL vehicles.
Near Hit, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL checkpoint.
Near Makhmur, one airstrike struck two ISIL mortar firing positions.
Near Mosul, three airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL staging area, destroying two ISIL vehicles.
Near Sinjar, two airstrikes [1 British] struck an ISIL mortar system, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL rocket propelled grenade and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL tunnel entrance.

UK MoD for June 7, 2015 – June 8, 2015

Report Date

June 8, 2015

On Sunday 7 June, another Reaper engaged on surveillance duties tracked an ISIL truck moving at high speed on a road close to the border with Syria; a Hellfire missile scored a direct hit on the vehicle.

That night, an RAF Tornado GR4 patrol provided support to both the Kurdish peshmerga in north of the country, and to the Iraqi army further south. Near Sinjar, peshmerga came into contact with an ISIL team armed with rocket-propelled grenades, who were fortified inside a building. In a carefully planned attack to avoid any risk to the Kurdish forces very close to the target, the Tornados successfully destroyed the building with a single Paveway IV guided bomb.

The two Tornados then flew south to the area around Bayji, where a group of terrorists had been observed gathering in a large building, preparing an attack on an Iraqi army unit. A strike with two Paveways demolished the building.

Report Date

June 8, 2015

On Sunday 7 June, another Reaper engaged on surveillance duties tracked an ISIL truck moving at high speed on a road close to the border with Syria; a Hellfire missile scored a direct hit on the vehicle.

That night, an RAF Tornado GR4 patrol provided support to both the Kurdish peshmerga in north of the country, and to the Iraqi army further south. Near Sinjar, peshmerga came into contact with an ISIL team armed with rocket-propelled grenades, who were fortified inside a building. In a carefully planned attack to avoid any risk to the Kurdish forces very close to the target, the Tornados successfully destroyed the building with a single Paveway IV guided bomb.

The two Tornados then flew south to the area around Bayji, where a group of terrorists had been observed gathering in a large building, preparing an attack on an Iraqi army unit. A strike with two Paveways demolished the building.

Canadian MoD for June 7, 2015 – June 8, 2015

Report Date

June 8, 2015

On 7 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS staging area in the vicinity of Mosul using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

June 8, 2015

On 7 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS staging area in the vicinity of Mosul using precision guided munitions.

Incident date

June 7, 2015

Incident Code



دالي حسن, Dali Hasan, Aleppo, Syria

The Syrian Network for Human Rights posted a video which it said showed “the destruction caused by an international Coalition air strike on a house in Dali Hasan killing seven civilians from one family, including 5 children and a woman.” In February 2019, the Coalition accepted responsibility for the event, noting: “Coalition aircraft engaged ISIS fighters


First published
June 7, 2015
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(6 children1 woman1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
8 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for June 6, 2015 – June 7, 2015

Report Date

June 7, 2015

June 7th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq between 8 a.m., June 6, and 8 a.m., June 7, local time. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 airstrikes using bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 11 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition is keeping the pressure on Daesh throughout Iraq and Syria,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “The steady, continuous pressure being applied by ground forces and coalition airstrikes is degrading Daesh and clearly inhibiting their operational freedom, span of control, military capacity and fighter morale.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


* Near Al Hasakah, two airstrikes struck one large and one small ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL fighting positions and a vehicle.

* Near Aleppo, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL ant-aircraft artillery piece and an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Ar Raqqah, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL fighting positons, an ISIL rocket system, an ISIL motorcycle and an ISIL weapon transportation vehicle.

* Near Kobani, five airstrikes struck four ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL vehicles and two ISIL mortar systems.


* Near Al Qaim, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Bayji, two airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL bridge, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Makhmur, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL mortar position and an ISIL rocket position, destroying three ISIL heavy machine guns and an ISIL building.

* Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL heavy machine gun, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL vehicle.

Report Date

June 7, 2015

Report Summary

  • 22 total strikes
  • 11 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 22 total strikes
  • 11 in Iraq (2708 – 2718)
  • 11 in Syria (1704 – 1714)

Confirmed Actions

US, Canada

June 7th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq between 8 a.m., June 6, and 8 a.m., June 7, local time. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 airstrikes using bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 11 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition is keeping the pressure on Daesh throughout Iraq and Syria,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “The steady, continuous pressure being applied by ground forces and coalition airstrikes is degrading Daesh and clearly inhibiting their operational freedom, span of control, military capacity and fighter morale.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 7, 2015
Syria: 11 strikes
Iraq: 11 strikes
Near Al Hasakah, two airstrikes struck one large and one small ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL fighting positions and a vehicle.
Near Aleppo, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL ant-aircraft artillery piece and an ISIL fighting position.
Near Ar Raqqah, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL fighting positons, an ISIL rocket system, an ISIL motorcycle and an ISIL weapon transportation vehicle.
Near Kobani, five airstrikes struck four ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL vehicles and two ISIL mortar systems.


Near Al Qaim, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Bayji, two airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL bridge, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Makhmur, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL mortar position and an ISIL rocket position, destroying three ISIL heavy machine guns and an ISIL building.
Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL heavy machine gun, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL vehicle.

Canadian MoD for June 6, 2015 – June 7, 2015

Report Date

June 7, 2015

On 6 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position north of Bayji using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

June 7, 2015

On 6 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position north of Bayji using precision guided munitions.

CJTF–OIR for June 5, 2015 – June 6, 2015

Report Date

June 6, 2015

June 6th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq between 8 a.m., June 5, and 8 a.m., June 6, local time. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven airstrikes using bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The Coalition targeting process minimizes collateral damage and maximizes precise effects on Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Air crews are making smart decisions and applying tactical patience every day.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Al Hasakah, four airstrikes struck two large and two small ISIL tactical units, destroying six ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL armored vehicle and an ISIL armored personnel carrier.

• Near Kobani, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL anti-tank weapons and ISIL IED manufacturing material.


• Near Baghdadi, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL motorcycle.

• Near Bayji, three airstrikes destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL VBIED and an ISIL armored vehicle.

• Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike struck an ISIL large tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL VBIED.

• Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

• Near Makhmur, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.

• Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL mortar position, destroying an ISIL weapons cache.

• Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL staging area, destroying three ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL IED.

• Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL sniper position, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

Report Date

June 6, 2015

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 14 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 14 in Iraq (2694 – 2707)
  • 7 in Syria (1697 – 1703)

Confirmed Actions


June 6th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq between 8 a.m., June 5, and 8 a.m., June 6, local time. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven airstrikes using bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The Coalition targeting process minimizes collateral damage and maximizes precise effects on Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Air crews are making smart decisions and applying tactical patience every day.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 6, 2015
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 14 strikes
Near Al Hasakah, four airstrikes struck two large and two small ISIL tactical units, destroying six ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL armored vehicle and an ISIL armored personnel carrier.
Near Kobani, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL anti-tank weapons and ISIL IED manufacturing material.


Near Baghdadi, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL motorcycle.
Near Bayji, three airstrikes destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL VBIED and an ISIL armored vehicle.
Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike struck an ISIL large tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL VBIED.
Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Makhmur, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL mortar position, destroying an ISIL weapons cache.
Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL staging area, destroying three ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL IED.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL sniper position, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

UK MoD for June 5, 2015 – June 6, 2015

Report Date

June 6, 2015

On Friday 5 June a Reaper remotely piloted aircraft provided overwatch to Iraqi troops in Anbar province. Patrolling over a known ISIL compound, the Reaper’s operators observed a group of terrorists unloading supplies from a vehicle, and conducted a successful attack with a GBU-12 guided bomb.

Report Date

June 6, 2015

On Friday 5 June a Reaper remotely piloted aircraft provided overwatch to Iraqi troops in Anbar province. Patrolling over a known ISIL compound, the Reaper’s operators observed a group of terrorists unloading supplies from a vehicle, and conducted a successful attack with a GBU-12 guided bomb.

  • Dutch MPs visit an Air Task Force facility in the Middle East, June 5 2015 (Dutch MoD)

CJTF–OIR for June 4, 2015 – June 5, 2015

Report Date

June 5, 2015

June 5th 2015 – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq between 8 a.m., June 4, and 8 a.m., June 5, local time. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted four airstrikes using bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 15 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition is committed to degrading and defeating Daesh by, with, and through our regional partners,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


  • Near Al Hasakah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL vehicle, destroying two ISIL trucks.
  • Near Dayr Az Zawr, two airstrikes struck an ISIL modular oil refinery and an ISIL crude oil collection point.


  • Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying four ISIL structures and an ISIL vehicle.
  • Near Bayji, five airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL excavator and an ISIL fighting position.
  • Near Fallujah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL crossing point.
  • Near Makhmur, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
  • Near Mosul, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL building, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.
  • Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL vehicle.
  • Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL building and two ISIL fighting positions, destroying an ISIL heavy machine gun.

Report Date

June 5, 2015

Report Summary

  • 4 total strikes
  • 2 in Syria
  • 2 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 19 total strikes
  • 15 in Iraq (2679 – 2693)
  • 4 in Syria (1693 – 1696)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada

June 5th 2015 – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq between 8 a.m., June 4, and 8 a.m., June 5, local time. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted four airstrikes using bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 15 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

June 5, 2015
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

“The coalition is committed to degrading and defeating Daesh by, with, and through our regional partners,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


Near Al Hasakah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL vehicle, destroying two ISIL trucks. Near Dayr Az Zawr, two airstrikes struck an ISIL modular oil refinery and an ISIL crude oil collection point.


Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying four ISIL structures and an ISIL vehicle. Near Bayji, five airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL excavator and an ISIL fighting position. Near Fallujah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL crossing point. Near Makhmur, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle. Near Mosul, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL building, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle. Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL vehicle. Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL building and two ISIL fighting positions, destroying an ISIL heavy machine gun.

UK MoD for June 4, 2015 – June 5, 2015

Report Date

June 5, 2015

The following day [Thursday June 4th 2015], a further Tornado mission employed Paveways to destroy a building from which terrorists were firing on advancing peshmerga soldiers, and then an ISIL supply warehouse north of Mosul.

In western Iraq, a Reaper destroyed a vehicle and trailer transporting ammunition.

In the early hours of Friday 5 June, Tornados provided further support to the Iraqi army in Anbar province, attacking an ISIL weapons cache and a mortar position.

Report Date

June 5, 2015

The following day [Thursday June 4th 2015], a further Tornado mission employed Paveways to destroy a building from which terrorists were firing on advancing peshmerga soldiers, and then an ISIL supply warehouse north of Mosul.

In western Iraq, a Reaper destroyed a vehicle and trailer transporting ammunition.

In the early hours of Friday 5 June, Tornados provided further support to the Iraqi army in Anbar province, attacking an ISIL weapons cache and a mortar position.

Canadian MoD for June 4, 2015 – June 5, 2015

Report Date

June 5, 2015

On 4 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position northwest of Tal Afar using precision guided munitions.

On 4 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position in the vicinity of Sinjar using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

June 5, 2015

On 4 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position northwest of Tal Afar using precision guided munitions.

On 4 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position in the vicinity of Sinjar using precision guided munitions.