Military Reports

Military Reports

CENTCOM for October 13, 2014 – October 14, 2014

Report Date

October 14, 2014

October 14th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Monday and today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct 22 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack aircraft Monday to conduct one airstrike against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, 21 airstrikes near Kobani destroyed two ISIL staging locations and damaged another, destroyed one ISIL building and damaged two others, damaged three ISIL compounds, destroyed one ISIL truck, destroyed one ISIL armed vehicle and one other ISIL vehicle. As part of these strikes, an additional seven ISIL staging areas, two ISIL mortar positions, three ISIL occupied buildings and an ISIL artillery storage facility were struck and initial indications are that these strikes were successful.

One strike near Dayr az Zawr struck a modular oil refinery and initial indications are that this strike was successful.

These airstrikes are designed to interdict ISIL reinforcements and resupply and prevent ISIL from massing combat power on the Kurdish held portions of Kobani.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. fighter and bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, fighter aircraft from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

U.S. Central Command continues to closely monitor the situation in Kobani. Indications are that airstrikes have slowed ISIL advances. However, the security situation on the ground there remains fluid, with ISIL attempting to gain territory and Kurdish militia continuing to hold out.

In Iraq, one strike southwest of Kirkuk destroyed one ISIL armed vehicle and one ISIL vehicle. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

Report Date

October 14, 2014

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 1 in Iraq (290)
  • 22 in Syria (175 – 196)

Confirmed Actions

US, Saudi_arabia

October 14th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Monday and today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct 22 airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack aircraft Monday to conduct one airstrike against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, 21 airstrikes near Kobani destroyed two ISIL staging locations and damaged another, destroyed one ISIL building and damaged two others, damaged three ISIL compounds, destroyed one ISIL truck, destroyed one ISIL armed vehicle and one other ISIL vehicle. As part of these strikes, an additional seven ISIL staging areas, two ISIL mortar positions, three ISIL occupied buildings and an ISIL artillery storage facility were struck and initial indications are that these strikes were successful.

One strike near Dayr az Zawr struck a modular oil refinery and initial indications are that this strike was successful.

These airstrikes are designed to interdict ISIL reinforcements and resupply and prevent ISIL from massing combat power on the Kurdish held portions of Kobani.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. fighter and bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, fighter aircraft from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

U.S. Central Command continues to closely monitor the situation in Kobani. Indications are that airstrikes have slowed ISIL advances. However, the security situation on the ground there remains fluid, with ISIL attempting to gain territory and Kurdish militia continuing to hold out.

In Iraq, one strike southwest of Kirkuk destroyed one ISIL armed vehicle and one ISIL vehicle. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

CENTCOM for October 12, 2014 – October 13, 2014

Report Date

October 13, 2014

October 13th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Sunday and today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes.

In Syria, four airstrikes southwest of Kobani struck a large ISIL unit and a small ISIL unit, damaged an ISIL staging location and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun firing position.

Three airstrikes northeast of Kobani struck a small ISIL unit, damaged two ISIL buildings and destroyed an ISIL staging location and three ISIL buildings.

An airstrike northwest of Ar Raqqah struck an ISIL garrison.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, fighter aircraft from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participated in these airstrikes.

Report Date

October 13, 2014

Report Summary

  • 8 total strikes
  • 8 in Syria (167 – 174)

Confirmed Actions

US, Saudi_arabia

October 13th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Sunday and today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes.

In Syria, four airstrikes southwest of Kobani struck a large ISIL unit and a small ISIL unit, damaged an ISIL staging location and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun firing position.

Three airstrikes northeast of Kobani struck a small ISIL unit, damaged two ISIL buildings and destroyed an ISIL staging location and three ISIL buildings.

An airstrike northwest of Ar Raqqah struck an ISIL garrison.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, fighter aircraft from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participated in these airstrikes.

Netherlands MoD for October 12, 2014 – October 13, 2014

Report Date

October 13, 2014


Reports 14 missions which between them drop 10 bombs on ISIL positions in Iraq.

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 6 tot en met 12 oktober 2014.

Nederlandse F-16’s vlogen meer dan 25 missies boven Irak en bombardeerden voertuigen en posities van ISIS. De toestellen gooiden totaal 10 bommen. Hierbij werd een onbekend aantal terroristen uitgeschakeld. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 6 tot en met 12 oktober 2014.

Nederland zet 6 F-16’s in tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS. De gevechtsvliegtuigen ondersteunen grondtroepen. Het F-16-detachement telt ongeveer 250 leden. Daarnaast gaan 130 militairen naar het Midden-Oosten om de Koerdische en Iraakse strijdkrachten te trainen, zodat die zelf de strijd met ISIS kunnen aanbinden.

Report Date

October 13, 2014


Reports 14 missions which between them drop 10 bombs on ISIL positions in Iraq.

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 6 tot en met 12 oktober 2014.

Nederlandse F-16’s vlogen meer dan 25 missies boven Irak en bombardeerden voertuigen en posities van ISIS. De toestellen gooiden totaal 10 bommen. Hierbij werd een onbekend aantal terroristen uitgeschakeld. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 6 tot en met 12 oktober 2014.

Nederland zet 6 F-16’s in tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS. De gevechtsvliegtuigen ondersteunen grondtroepen. Het F-16-detachement telt ongeveer 250 leden. Daarnaast gaan 130 militairen naar het Midden-Oosten om de Koerdische en Iraakse strijdkrachten te trainen, zodat die zelf de strijd met ISIS kunnen aanbinden.

UK MoD for October 11, 2014 – October 12, 2014

Report Date

October 12, 2014

Early last week [October 11th 2014], 2 Tornado GR4s, while on an armed reconnaissance patrol, were tasked to attack an ISIL main battle tank which coalition forces had been tracking near Ramadi. Following extensive surveillance to ensure that there were no civilians nearby the tank was destroyed in a precision attack using a Brimstone missile.

Report Date

October 12, 2014

Early last week [October 11th 2014], 2 Tornado GR4s, while on an armed reconnaissance patrol, were tasked to attack an ISIL main battle tank which coalition forces had been tracking near Ramadi. Following extensive surveillance to ensure that there were no civilians nearby the tank was destroyed in a precision attack using a Brimstone missile.

CENTCOM for October 11, 2014 – October 12, 2014

Report Date

October 12, 2014

October 12th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Saturday and today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces used attack and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct five airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, an airstrike northwest of Ar Raqqah destroyed an ISIL-held armored vehicle compound.

Three airstrikes in Kobani destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL staging area.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, fighter aircraft from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike southwest of Hit destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle; another airstrike southeast of Hit destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier.

An airstrike on an ISIL checkpoint southwest of Kirkuk struck a small ISIL unit; another airstrike, south of Kirkuk, struck a small ISIL unit.

An airstrike northwest of Ramadi destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Kingdom participated in these airstrikes.

Report Date

October 12, 2014

Report Summary

  • 9 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (285 – 289)
  • 4 in Syria (163 – 166)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Saudi_arabia, UAE

October 12th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Saturday and today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces used attack and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct five airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, an airstrike northwest of Ar Raqqah destroyed an ISIL-held armored vehicle compound.

Three airstrikes in Kobani destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL staging area.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, fighter aircraft from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike southwest of Hit destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle; another airstrike southeast of Hit destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier.

An airstrike on an ISIL checkpoint southwest of Kirkuk struck a small ISIL unit; another airstrike, south of Kirkuk, struck a small ISIL unit.

An airstrike northwest of Ramadi destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Kingdom participated in these airstrikes.

CENTCOM for October 10, 2014 – October 11, 2014

Report Date

October 11, 2014

October 11th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Friday and today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces used attack and fighter aircraft Friday and today to conduct three airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq. Also in Iraq Friday and today, U.S. military forces conducted multiple airdrops to help resupply Iraqi security forces at the request of the Government of Iraq.

In Syria, four airstrikes north of Kobani struck an ISIL fighting position, damaged an ISIL command and control facility, destroyed an ISIL staging building and struck two small ISIL units.

Two airstrikes south of Kobani destroyed three ISIL trucks. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike north of Tall Afar struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle.

Two airstrikes northwest of Hit struck two small ISIL units.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of the Netherlands* participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In addition, at the request of the Iraqi government, U.S. military forces conducted multiple airdrops in Iraq in the vicinity of Bayji Friday and today to resupply Iraqi security forces operating in the area. The airdrops were conducted from multiple airbases in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. The aircraft delivered 36 container delivery system bundles containing 7,328 halal meals, 2,065 gallons of water, and 16,000 pounds of ammunition. All aircraft exited the airdrop zone safely. The airdrops were intended to support the ISF, which continues to control Bayji. Areas external to Bayji, however, are contested as ISIL continues to conduct operations in the area.

Report Date

October 11, 2014

Report Summary

  • 9 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (282 – 284)
  • 6 in Syria (157 – 162)

Confirmed Actions

US, Netherlands

October 11th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Friday and today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces used attack and fighter aircraft Friday and today to conduct three airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq. Also in Iraq Friday and today, U.S. military forces conducted multiple airdrops to help resupply Iraqi security forces at the request of the Government of Iraq.

In Syria, four airstrikes north of Kobani struck an ISIL fighting position, damaged an ISIL command and control facility, destroyed an ISIL staging building and struck two small ISIL units.

Two airstrikes south of Kobani destroyed three ISIL trucks. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike north of Tall Afar struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle.

Two airstrikes northwest of Hit struck two small ISIL units.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of the Netherlands participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In addition, at the request of the Iraqi government, U.S. military forces conducted multiple airdrops in Iraq in the vicinity of Bayji Friday and today to resupply Iraqi security forces operating in the area. The airdrops were conducted from multiple airbases in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. The aircraft delivered 36 container delivery system bundles containing 7,328 halal meals, 2,065 gallons of water, and 16,000 pounds of ammunition. All aircraft exited the airdrop zone safely. The airdrops were intended to support the ISF, which continues to control Bayji. Areas external to Bayji, however, are contested as ISIL continues to conduct operations in the area.

CENTCOM for October 9, 2014 – October 10, 2014

Report Date

October 10, 2014

October 9th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria today using bomber aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack aircraft today to conduct two airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, six airstrikes south of Kobani destroyed two ISIL-held buildings, one ISIL tank, one ISIL heavy machine gun, and damaged an ISIL fighting position. These strikes also struck one large and two small ISIL units.

Three airstrikes north of Kobani struck two small ISIL units and destroyed two ISIL-held buildings. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike south of Sinjar destroyed an ISIL bunker and ammunition cache, and a small ISIL unit.

Another airstrike, south of Sinjar Mountain, destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle and a small ISIL unit.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

Report Date

October 10, 2014

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (279 – 281)
  • 18 in Syria (139 – 156)

Confirmed Actions


October 9th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria today using bomber aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack aircraft today to conduct two airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, six airstrikes south of Kobani destroyed two ISIL-held buildings, one ISIL tank, one ISIL heavy machine gun, and damaged an ISIL fighting position. These strikes also struck one large and two small ISIL units.

Three airstrikes north of Kobani struck two small ISIL units and destroyed two ISIL-held buildings. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike south of Sinjar destroyed an ISIL bunker and ammunition cache, and a small ISIL unit.

Another airstrike, south of Sinjar Mountain, destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle and a small ISIL unit.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

CENTCOM for October 9, 2014 – October 10, 2014

Report Date

October 10, 2014

October 10th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Thursday and today using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used fighter aircraft today to conduct one airstrike Thursday against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, two airstrikes southeast of Kobani destroyed two ISIL training facilities, while four strikes south of Kobani destroyed two ISIL vehicles, struck two small ISIL units and damaged an ISIL tank.

One airstrike northeast of Kobani destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

An airstrike east of Dayr az Zawr destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle staging facility.

One airstrike northeast of Al Hasakah struck a small ISIL unit.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aircraft participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, one airstrike northwest of Baghdad struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

Report Date

October 10, 2014

October 10th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Thursday and today using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used fighter aircraft today to conduct one airstrike Thursday against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, two airstrikes southeast of Kobani destroyed two ISIL training facilities, while four strikes south of Kobani destroyed two ISIL vehicles, struck two small ISIL units and damaged an ISIL tank.

One airstrike northeast of Kobani destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

An airstrike east of Dayr az Zawr destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle staging facility.

One airstrike northeast of Al Hasakah struck a small ISIL unit.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aircraft participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, one airstrike northwest of Baghdad struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

CENTCOM for October 8, 2014 – October 9, 2014

Report Date

October 9, 2014

October 9th 2014 – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack and fighter aircraft today to conduct three airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, eight strikes near Kobani destroyed five ISIL armed vehicles, an ISIL supply depot, an ISIL command and control compound, an ISIL logistics compound, and eight ISIL occupied barracks, plus damaged another.

One strike southwest of Ar Raqqah destroyed four ISIL armed vehicles and damaged two more.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. U.S. Central Command continues to monitor the situation in Kobani closely. Indications are that Kurdish militia there continue to control most of the city and are holding out against ISIL.

In Iraq, one airstrike northwest of Ramadi destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

One airstrike in Mosul destroyed four ISIL vehicles and damaged two others while another airstrike south of Kirkuk destroyed two ISIL fighting positions. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. attack and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

Report Date

October 9, 2014

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (276 – 278)
  • 14 in Syria (125 – 138)

Confirmed Actions

US, Australia, Jordan

October 9th 2014 – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria today using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack and fighter aircraft today to conduct three airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, eight strikes near Kobani destroyed five ISIL armed vehicles, an ISIL supply depot, an ISIL command and control compound, an ISIL logistics compound, and eight ISIL occupied barracks, plus damaged another.

One strike southwest of Ar Raqqah destroyed four ISIL armed vehicles and damaged two more.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. U.S. Central Command continues to monitor the situation in Kobani closely. Indications are that Kurdish militia there continue to control most of the city and are holding out against ISIL.

In Iraq, one airstrike northwest of Ramadi destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

One airstrike in Mosul destroyed four ISIL vehicles and damaged two others while another airstrike south of Kirkuk destroyed two ISIL fighting positions. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. attack and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

CENTCOM for October 8, 2014 – October 9, 2014

Report Date

October 9, 2014

October 10th 2014 – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Wednesday and today using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct five airstrikes.

In Syria, five strikes south of Kobani damaged an ISIL training camp, destroyed an ISIL support building and destroyed two ISIL vehicles. These strikes also struck one small ISIL unit and one large ISIL unit.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

Report Date

October 9, 2014

October 10th 2014 – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Wednesday and today using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct five airstrikes.

In Syria, five strikes south of Kobani damaged an ISIL training camp, destroyed an ISIL support building and destroyed two ISIL vehicles. These strikes also struck one small ISIL unit and one large ISIL unit.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

Australian MoD for October 8, 2014 – October 9, 2014

Report Date

October 9, 2014


Australia became the 6th member ofthe international coalition to bomb in Iraq

October 9th 2014 – Overnight the Australian Air Task Group operating in the Middle East attacked its first target in Iraq.

Two bombs were dropped from an F/A-18F Super Hornet on to an ISIL facility.

All aircraft exited the target area safely and returned to base.

No further details of this mission are available at this time. Further information will be provided when Defence conducts its next Operation OKRA update briefing.

Report Date

October 9, 2014


Australia became the 6th member ofthe international coalition to bomb in Iraq

October 9th 2014 – Overnight the Australian Air Task Group operating in the Middle East attacked its first target in Iraq.

Two bombs were dropped from an F/A-18F Super Hornet on to an ISIL facility.

All aircraft exited the target area safely and returned to base.

No further details of this mission are available at this time. Further information will be provided when Defence conducts its next Operation OKRA update briefing.

UK MoD for October 8, 2014 – October 9, 2014

Report Date

October 9, 2014

8 October 2014 – Tornado GR4 aircraft completed another round of air strikes in Iraq overnight. The Royal Air Force aircraft flew further missions to assist the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIL.

Report Date

October 9, 2014

8 October 2014 – Tornado GR4 aircraft completed another round of air strikes in Iraq overnight. The Royal Air Force aircraft flew further missions to assist the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIL.

CENTCOM for October 7, 2014 – October 8, 2014

Report Date

October 8, 2014

October 8th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Tuesday and today, using bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces used fighter and remotely piloted aircraft Tuesday and today to conduct five airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, four airstrikes south of Kobani destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier, destroyed three ISIL armed vehicles and damaged a fourth, and destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

A fifth airstrike, southwest of Kobani, destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle; a sixth airstrike, at the southern edge of Kobani, destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

Two airstrikes northwest of Ar Raqqah successfully struck an active ISIL training camp and associated ISIL fighters.

An airstrike northwest of Dayr az Zawr destroyed an ISIL tank.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Arab Emirates aircraft participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike east of Fallujah destroyed an ISIL checkpoint and an ISIL armed vehicle.

An airstrike in western Ramadi [British?]destroyed three ISIL-held buildings and damaged two more, destroyed two ISIL anti-aircraft artillery pieces, and destroyed an ISIL unit.

An airstrike northwest of Ramadi destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

An airstrike northeast of Sinjar Mountain destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle; another airstrike northeast of Sinjar against an ISIL vehicle was unsuccessful. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Netherlands aircraft participated in these airstrikes.

Editor’s note: The Kingdom of the Netherlands conducted their first airstrike yesterday in Iraq. Consistent with the Kingdom’s desire to announce their participation themselves, the Kingdom announced that airstrike yesterday morning. The Kingdom of the Netherlands also participated in today’s airstrikes*.

Report Date

October 8, 2014

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (271 – 275)
  • 9 in Syria (116 – 124)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Netherlands, UAE

October 8th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Tuesday and today, using bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces used fighter and remotely piloted aircraft Tuesday and today to conduct five airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, four airstrikes south of Kobani destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier, destroyed three ISIL armed vehicles and damaged a fourth, and destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

A fifth airstrike, southwest of Kobani, destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle; a sixth airstrike, at the southern edge of Kobani, destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

Two airstrikes northwest of Ar Raqqah successfully struck an active ISIL training camp and associated ISIL fighters.

An airstrike northwest of Dayr az Zawr destroyed an ISIL tank.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Arab Emirates aircraft participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike east of Fallujah destroyed an ISIL checkpoint and an ISIL armed vehicle.

An airstrike in western Ramadi [British?]destroyed three ISIL-held buildings and damaged two more, destroyed two ISIL anti-aircraft artillery pieces, and destroyed an ISIL unit.

An airstrike northwest of Ramadi destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

An airstrike northeast of Sinjar Mountain destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle; another airstrike northeast of Sinjar against an ISIL vehicle was unsuccessful. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Netherlands aircraft participated in these airstrikes.

Editor’s note: The Kingdom of the Netherlands conducted their first airstrike yesterday in Iraq. Consistent with the Kingdom’s desire to announce their participation themselves, the Kingdom announced that airstrike yesterday morning. The Kingdom of the Netherlands also participated in today’s airstrikes.

UK MoD for October 7, 2014 – October 8, 2014

Report Date

October 8, 2014

October 8th 2014 – Last night, 2 Tornado GR4s were tasked to support the Iraqi Army. Brimstone missiles and Paveway IV guided bombs were used to conduct a successful precision attack on ISIL terrorists who were firing on Iraqi troops from a stronghold near Ramadi.

Last night’s air strike was the latest in a series of strikes as part of the international coalition’s operations to support the democratic Iraqi government in the fight against ISIL.

Report Date

October 8, 2014

October 8th 2014 – Last night, 2 Tornado GR4s were tasked to support the Iraqi Army. Brimstone missiles and Paveway IV guided bombs were used to conduct a successful precision attack on ISIL terrorists who were firing on Iraqi troops from a stronghold near Ramadi.

Last night’s air strike was the latest in a series of strikes as part of the international coalition’s operations to support the democratic Iraqi government in the fight against ISIL.

French MoD for October 7, 2014 – October 8, 2014

Report Date

October 8, 2014


Reports that two days after arriving in the Persian Gulf to reinforce the aerial device Chammal engaged in the operation, two Rafale fighter squadrons 2/30 “Normandie-Niemen” and 1/7 “Provence” conducted a patrol armed reconnaissance in the western regions of Baghdad and Mosul Tuesday, October 7.

Opération Chammal : Première mission de reconnaissance armée pour les Rafale arrivés en renfort

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Mise à jour : 08/10/2014 18:46

Deux jours après leur arrivée dans le Golfe arabo-persique pour renforcer le dispositif aérien engagé dans l’opération Chammal, deux avions Rafale des escadrons de chasse 2/30 « Normandie-Niemen » et 1/7 « Provence » ont mené une patrouille de reconnaissance armée dans les régions ouest de Bagdad et de Mossoul le mardi 7 octobre.

Cette mission d’environ 7h30 a nécessité quatre ravitaillements en vol depuis un KC10 de l’US Air Forces. Elle a notamment permis aux équipages d’effectuer un vol d’accoutumance aux procédures aéronautiques utilisées sur le théâtre irakien, en relation avec nos alliés.

Plus tôt dans la journée, deux autres Rafale de l’escadron de chasse 3/30 « Lorraine » ainsi qu’un avion ravitailleur C 135FR de l’armée de l’air se présentaient sur la piste pour effectuer une mission de reconnaissance armée dans la région nord-ouest de Mossoul.

Deux jours après leur arrivée dans le Golfe arabo-persique pour renforcer le dispositif aérien engagé dans l’opération Chammal, deux avions Rafale des escadrons de chasse 2/30 « Normandie-Niemen » et 1/7 « Provence » ont mené une patrouille de reconnaissance armée dans les régions ouest de Bagdad et de Mossoul le mardi 7 octobre.

En matinée, un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 (ATL2) avait également décollé pour une mission d’ISR (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) de plus de 12 heures dans la région de Mossoul.

Commandées par le chef d’état-major des armées (CEMA) à partir du centre de planification et de conduite des opérations (CPCO), ces missions sont placées sous le contrôle opérationnel de l’amiral commandant la zone océan Indien (ALINDIEN) et son état-major interarmées. Elles sont ensuite coordonnées par le centre opérationnel aérien1 américain d’Al Udeid, au Qatar, dans lequel plusieurs officiers français sont insérés. Le CAOC est chargé de la planification des vols de l’ensemble des moyens aériens engagés sur zone.

Ces missions visent à acquérir du renseignement sur les positions, les mouvements et les vulnérabilités du groupe terroriste Daech, tout en se tenant prêts à assurer des frappes en cas d’identification de cibles d’opportunité au sol.

Conformément à la volonté du Président de la République, les missions d’appui aérien et de reconnaissance ont été renforcées et se poursuivront pour soutenir les armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre Daech.

Report Date

October 8, 2014


Reports that two days after arriving in the Persian Gulf to reinforce the aerial device Chammal engaged in the operation, two Rafale fighter squadrons 2/30 “Normandie-Niemen” and 1/7 “Provence” conducted a patrol armed reconnaissance in the western regions of Baghdad and Mosul Tuesday, October 7.

Opération Chammal : Première mission de reconnaissance armée pour les Rafale arrivés en renfort

Ajouter aux favoris


Mise à jour : 08/10/2014 18:46

Deux jours après leur arrivée dans le Golfe arabo-persique pour renforcer le dispositif aérien engagé dans l’opération Chammal, deux avions Rafale des escadrons de chasse 2/30 « Normandie-Niemen » et 1/7 « Provence » ont mené une patrouille de reconnaissance armée dans les régions ouest de Bagdad et de Mossoul le mardi 7 octobre.

Cette mission d’environ 7h30 a nécessité quatre ravitaillements en vol depuis un KC10 de l’US Air Forces. Elle a notamment permis aux équipages d’effectuer un vol d’accoutumance aux procédures aéronautiques utilisées sur le théâtre irakien, en relation avec nos alliés.

Plus tôt dans la journée, deux autres Rafale de l’escadron de chasse 3/30 « Lorraine » ainsi qu’un avion ravitailleur C 135FR de l’armée de l’air se présentaient sur la piste pour effectuer une mission de reconnaissance armée dans la région nord-ouest de Mossoul.

Deux jours après leur arrivée dans le Golfe arabo-persique pour renforcer le dispositif aérien engagé dans l’opération Chammal, deux avions Rafale des escadrons de chasse 2/30 « Normandie-Niemen » et 1/7 « Provence » ont mené une patrouille de reconnaissance armée dans les régions ouest de Bagdad et de Mossoul le mardi 7 octobre.

En matinée, un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 (ATL2) avait également décollé pour une mission d’ISR (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) de plus de 12 heures dans la région de Mossoul.

Commandées par le chef d’état-major des armées (CEMA) à partir du centre de planification et de conduite des opérations (CPCO), ces missions sont placées sous le contrôle opérationnel de l’amiral commandant la zone océan Indien (ALINDIEN) et son état-major interarmées. Elles sont ensuite coordonnées par le centre opérationnel aérien1 américain d’Al Udeid, au Qatar, dans lequel plusieurs officiers français sont insérés. Le CAOC est chargé de la planification des vols de l’ensemble des moyens aériens engagés sur zone.

Ces missions visent à acquérir du renseignement sur les positions, les mouvements et les vulnérabilités du groupe terroriste Daech, tout en se tenant prêts à assurer des frappes en cas d’identification de cibles d’opportunité au sol.

Conformément à la volonté du Président de la République, les missions d’appui aérien et de reconnaissance ont été renforcées et se poursuivront pour soutenir les armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre Daech.

Incident date

October 7, 2014

Incident Code



حمام, Hamam, Raqqa, Syria

A number of sources named Khalil Ibrahim Al a victim of a coalition strike on a village near Raqqah. Some of the sources mention another male [listed by Airwars as CS011] but it’s not clear if the incidents are linked. One of the sources claimed that both males were in fact ISIS members –


First published
October 7, 2014
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

October 7, 2014

Incident Code



سلوك, Suluk, Raqqa, Syria

A number of sources reported that a named civilian male as being killed in a coalition strike on Slouk near Ar Raqqah. The sources mention another male [CS010] but it’s not clear if the incidents are linked. One of the sources claims both males were ISIL members but the rest of the sources say they


First published
October 7, 2014
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

CENTCOM for October 6, 2014 – October 7, 2014

Report Date

October 7, 2014

October 7th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Monday and today, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct four airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, two airstrikes west of Al-Hasakah successfully struck multiple ISIL buildings, including an air observation building and staging areas.

Another airstrike northeast of Dayr az Zawr successfully struck an ISIL staging area and an IED production facility.

One airstrike south of Kobani destroyed three ISIL armed vehicles and damaged another; another strike southeast of Kobani destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle carrying anti-aircraft artillery.

Two airstrikes southwest of Kobani damaged an ISIL tank; another airstrike south of Kobani destroyed an ISIL unit.

One airstrike southwest of Rabiyah struck a small group of ISIL fighters. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force attack, fighter and bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft safely exited the strike areas.

In Iraq, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle firing on Peshmerga forces northeast of Sinjar.

One airstrike northeast of Sinjar destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles; another airstrike northeast of Sinjar destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle. A third airstrike northeast of Sinjar struck a small group of ISIL fighters.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force attack and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Belgium also participated in these airstrikes.

Report Date

October 7, 2014

Report Summary

  • 13 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq (267 – 270)
  • 9 in Syria (107 – 115)

Confirmed Actions

US, Belgium, Netherlands, Saudi_arabia, UAE

October 7th – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Monday and today, using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct four airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, two airstrikes west of Al-Hasakah successfully struck multiple ISIL buildings, including an air observation building and staging areas.

Another airstrike northeast of Dayr az Zawr successfully struck an ISIL staging area and an IED production facility.

One airstrike south of Kobani destroyed three ISIL armed vehicles and damaged another; another strike southeast of Kobani destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle carrying anti-aircraft artillery.

Two airstrikes southwest of Kobani damaged an ISIL tank; another airstrike south of Kobani destroyed an ISIL unit.

One airstrike southwest of Rabiyah struck a small group of ISIL fighters. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force attack, fighter and bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft safely exited the strike areas.

In Iraq, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle firing on Peshmerga forces northeast of Sinjar.

One airstrike northeast of Sinjar destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles; another airstrike northeast of Sinjar destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle. A third airstrike northeast of Sinjar struck a small group of ISIL fighters.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force attack and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Belgium also participated in these airstrikes.

Netherlands MoD for October 6, 2014 – October 7, 2014

Report Date

October 7, 2014


The Netherlands became the 5th international coalition member to carry out airstrikes in Iraq, reporting that its F-16s had dropped 3 bombs on ISIL forces fighting Peshmerga troops.

October 7th 2014 – 2 Nederlandse F-16’s hebben vanmorgen voor het eerst wapens gebruikt in Irak tegen de terroristische organisatie ISIS. De jachtvliegers gooiden in totaal 3 bommen op bewapende ISIS-voertuigen die Peshmerga-strijders onder vuur namen in het noorden van het land. Bij de aanval zijn voertuigen vernietigd en mogelijk ook ISIS-strijders omgekomen.

De 8 jachtvliegtuigen, inclusief 2 reserve, die Nederland tegen ISIS inzet zijn sinds afgelopen vrijdag allemaal in hun operatiegebied. Zondag voerden F-16’s de eerste vluchten uit zonder wapens te gebruiken, dat gebeurde nu dus wel.

De F-16’s zijn niet alleen geschikt om ISIS-kampen en commandoposten te bombarderen, maar ook munitieopslagplaatsen, militair materieel zoals tanks en mortieropstellingen. Vanuit de lucht ondersteunen zij verder grondtroepen, in dit geval Iraakse troepen en Koerdische strijders, die tegen ISIS strijden.

Report Date

October 7, 2014


The Netherlands became the 5th international coalition member to carry out airstrikes in Iraq, reporting that its F-16s had dropped 3 bombs on ISIL forces fighting Peshmerga troops.

October 7th 2014 – 2 Nederlandse F-16’s hebben vanmorgen voor het eerst wapens gebruikt in Irak tegen de terroristische organisatie ISIS. De jachtvliegers gooiden in totaal 3 bommen op bewapende ISIS-voertuigen die Peshmerga-strijders onder vuur namen in het noorden van het land. Bij de aanval zijn voertuigen vernietigd en mogelijk ook ISIS-strijders omgekomen.

De 8 jachtvliegtuigen, inclusief 2 reserve, die Nederland tegen ISIS inzet zijn sinds afgelopen vrijdag allemaal in hun operatiegebied. Zondag voerden F-16’s de eerste vluchten uit zonder wapens te gebruiken, dat gebeurde nu dus wel.

De F-16’s zijn niet alleen geschikt om ISIS-kampen en commandoposten te bombarderen, maar ook munitieopslagplaatsen, militair materieel zoals tanks en mortieropstellingen. Vanuit de lucht ondersteunen zij verder grondtroepen, in dit geval Iraakse troepen en Koerdische strijders, die tegen ISIS strijden.

  • Archive image of a Netherlands F-16 released on October 7th 2014 - the first day of Dutch strikes in Iraq.
    Leeuwarden, 01 oktober 2014. De luchtmacht is vandaag vertrokken richting het nieuwe missiegebied. Deze nieuwe missie is gericht tegen het IS. FOTO:MCD/EVERT-JAN DANIELS

CENTCOM for October 5, 2014 – October 6, 2014

Report Date

October 6, 2014

October 6th – U.S. and partner nations’ military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Sunday and today using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct three airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used remotely piloted and rotary wing aircraft to conduct three airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, one strike destroyed an ISIL tank near Taqba Airfield west of Ar Raqqah.

One strike destroyed two ISIL fighting positions south of Kobani.

One strike southeast of Dayr az Zawr destroyed an ISIL tank.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, two strikes northeast of Fallujah struck two small ISIL units and destroyed two ISIL mortar placements and an ISIL bunker.

An airstrike west of Ramadi [British – but see below] damaged an ISIL-held building. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed remotely piloted and rotary wing aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Belgium and the United Kingdom participated in these airstrikes.

Report Date

October 6, 2014

Report Summary

  • 6 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (264 – 266)
  • 3 in Syria (104 – 106)

Confirmed Actions

US, Belgium, UK

October 6th – U.S. and partner nations’ military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Sunday and today using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct three airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used remotely piloted and rotary wing aircraft to conduct three airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, one strike destroyed an ISIL tank near Taqba Airfield west of Ar Raqqah.

One strike destroyed two ISIL fighting positions south of Kobani.

One strike southeast of Dayr az Zawr destroyed an ISIL tank.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, two strikes northeast of Fallujah struck two small ISIL units and destroyed two ISIL mortar placements and an ISIL bunker.

An airstrike west of Ramadi [British – but see below] damaged an ISIL-held building. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed remotely piloted and rotary wing aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Belgium and the United Kingdom participated in these airstrikes.

Belgian MoD for October 5, 2014 – October 6, 2014

Report Date

October 6, 2014


Belgium became the 4th member of the international coalition to carry out strikes in Iraq, reporting a precision strike with F-16s against ISIL combatants who were threatening Iraqi troops.

Op zondag 5 oktober hebben de chef Defensie, de commandant van de Luchtcomponent en een delegatie van het kabinet van de Minister van Defensie een bezoek gebracht aan onze landgenoten die sinds 27 september werken in Jordanië. Zes F-16’s en een samengesteld detachement van een 120-tal militairen zijn gestationeerd op de Jordaanse luchtmachtbasis van Azraq. Van daaruit nemen ze deel aan de internationale actie tegen de terreurgroep Islamitische Staat (IS of DAESH).

Zoals tijdens de operaties boven Libië in 2011, reageerde Defensie ook nu weer bliksemsnel op de beslissing van de politieke wereld. Alle bezoekers waren ter plaatse onder de indruk van de manier waarop het detachement in een minimum van tijd een goedwerkende organisatie had uitgebouwd. In enkele dagen tijd waren ze klaar voor de dienst. Al op 1 oktober konden ze de eerste opdrachten boven Iraaks grondgebied uitvoeren.

Twee dagen later [October 3rd 2014] volgden de eerste gewapende verkenningsvluchten. De F-16’s toonden zich klaar om in te grijpen op vraag van het commandocentrum in Qatar. Op zondag 5 oktober, nota bene tijdens het bezoek van de generaals Van Caelenberge en Van de Voorde, werden de Belgische F-16’s een eerste keer opgeroepen voor een aanval op vijandelijke strijders die Iraakse veiligheidstroepen viseerden. Ze voerden de aanval succesvol uit met een precisiewapen, nadat ze eerst elk risico op schade aan onschuldige burgers of installaties volledig hadden uitgesloten.

Report Date

October 6, 2014


Belgium became the 4th member of the international coalition to carry out strikes in Iraq, reporting a precision strike with F-16s against ISIL combatants who were threatening Iraqi troops.

Op zondag 5 oktober hebben de chef Defensie, de commandant van de Luchtcomponent en een delegatie van het kabinet van de Minister van Defensie een bezoek gebracht aan onze landgenoten die sinds 27 september werken in Jordanië. Zes F-16’s en een samengesteld detachement van een 120-tal militairen zijn gestationeerd op de Jordaanse luchtmachtbasis van Azraq. Van daaruit nemen ze deel aan de internationale actie tegen de terreurgroep Islamitische Staat (IS of DAESH).

Zoals tijdens de operaties boven Libië in 2011, reageerde Defensie ook nu weer bliksemsnel op de beslissing van de politieke wereld. Alle bezoekers waren ter plaatse onder de indruk van de manier waarop het detachement in een minimum van tijd een goedwerkende organisatie had uitgebouwd. In enkele dagen tijd waren ze klaar voor de dienst. Al op 1 oktober konden ze de eerste opdrachten boven Iraaks grondgebied uitvoeren.

Twee dagen later [October 3rd 2014] volgden de eerste gewapende verkenningsvluchten. De F-16’s toonden zich klaar om in te grijpen op vraag van het commandocentrum in Qatar. Op zondag 5 oktober, nota bene tijdens het bezoek van de generaals Van Caelenberge en Van de Voorde, werden de Belgische F-16’s een eerste keer opgeroepen voor een aanval op vijandelijke strijders die Iraakse veiligheidstroepen viseerden. Ze voerden de aanval succesvol uit met een precisiewapen, nadat ze eerst elk risico op schade aan onschuldige burgers of installaties volledig hadden uitgesloten.

UK MoD for October 5, 2014 – October 6, 2014

Report Date

October 6, 2014

Last night [October 5th 2014], 2 of our aircraft, flying in support of Iraqi security forces, successfully used Paveway IV precision-guided bombs to attack ISIL terrorists, fortified in a building near Ramadi, who were firing on Iraqi soldiers.

Report Date

October 6, 2014

Last night [October 5th 2014], 2 of our aircraft, flying in support of Iraqi security forces, successfully used Paveway IV precision-guided bombs to attack ISIL terrorists, fortified in a building near Ramadi, who were firing on Iraqi soldiers.

CENTCOM for October 4, 2014 – October 5, 2014

Report Date

October 5, 2014

October 5th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Saturday and today using fighter aircraft to conduct three airstrikes. Separately, in Iraq U.S. military forces used attack, bomber, fighter and helicopter aircraft to conduct six airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, one strike northwest of Al Mayadin destroyed an ISIL bulldozer, two ISIL tanks and destroyed another ISIL vehicle.

Two strikes northwest of Ar Raqqah struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed six ISIL firing positions.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, four strikes northeast of Fallujah struck two mortar teams, a large ISIL unit and two small ISIL units.

One strike southeast of Hit destroyed two ISIL Humvees.

One strike northeast of Sinjar destroyed an ISIL Humvee.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack, bomber, fighter and helicopter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

Report Date

October 5, 2014

Report Summary

  • 9 total strikes
  • 6 in Iraq (258 – 263)
  • 3 in Syria (101 – 103)

Confirmed Actions


October 5th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Saturday and today using fighter aircraft to conduct three airstrikes. Separately, in Iraq U.S. military forces used attack, bomber, fighter and helicopter aircraft to conduct six airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, one strike northwest of Al Mayadin destroyed an ISIL bulldozer, two ISIL tanks and destroyed another ISIL vehicle.

Two strikes northwest of Ar Raqqah struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed six ISIL firing positions.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, four strikes northeast of Fallujah struck two mortar teams, a large ISIL unit and two small ISIL units.

One strike southeast of Hit destroyed two ISIL Humvees.

One strike northeast of Sinjar destroyed an ISIL Humvee.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack, bomber, fighter and helicopter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

Netherlands MoD for October 4, 2014 – October 5, 2014

Report Date

October 5, 2014


Reports that its aircraft have begun missions over Iraq

Nederlandse F-16’s hebben zondag voor het eerst gevlogen boven het conflictgebied in Irak. De jachtvliegtuigen voerden 2 vluchten uit, steeds met 2 toestellen. Er zijn afgelopen week nog geen wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 29 september tot en met 5 oktober 2014.

Nederland zet 8 F-16’s in bij de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS. Daarvan zijn 2 toestellen reserve. Het complete F-16-detachement telt ongeveer 250 mannen en vrouwen. Daarnaast zendt Nederland tot 130 militairen uit om de Koerdische en Iraakse strijdkrachten te adviseren en te trainen.

Report Date

October 5, 2014


Reports that its aircraft have begun missions over Iraq

Nederlandse F-16’s hebben zondag voor het eerst gevlogen boven het conflictgebied in Irak. De jachtvliegtuigen voerden 2 vluchten uit, steeds met 2 toestellen. Er zijn afgelopen week nog geen wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 29 september tot en met 5 oktober 2014.

Nederland zet 8 F-16’s in bij de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS. Daarvan zijn 2 toestellen reserve. Het complete F-16-detachement telt ongeveer 250 mannen en vrouwen. Daarnaast zendt Nederland tot 130 militairen uit om de Koerdische en Iraakse strijdkrachten te adviseren en te trainen.

  • Dutch MoD graphic outlines anti-ISIS forces being sent to Middle East

CENTCOM for October 3, 2014 – October 4, 2014

Report Date

October 4, 2014

Oct. 4, 2014 – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Friday and today using a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, in Iraq U.S. military forces used attack, fighter and bomber aircraft today to conduct five airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, two strikes, south of Ayn al Arab destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier, an ISIL vehicle and struck a small ISIL unit.

Two strikes east of Ayn al Arab destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL building, three artillery positions and struck a large ISIL unit.

Two strikes southeast of Dayr Az Zawr destroyed one ISIL tank and one ISIL vehicle.

One strike southwest of Ar Raqqah damaged Taqba Airfield.

One strike west of Ar Raqqah destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

One strike south of Al Hasakah destroyed an ISIL depot and logistics complex.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also participated in these strikes. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, two strikes northeast of Fallujah destroyed one ISIL vehicle and struck a small ISIL unit.

One strike south of Rabiyah struck a large ISIL unit.

One strike north of Hit destroyed two ISIL humvees.

One strike north of Ramadi destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack, bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

Report Date

October 4, 2014

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (253 – 257)
  • 9 in Syria (92 – 100)

Confirmed Actions

US, Jordan, Saudi_arabia, UAE

Oct. 4, 2014 – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Friday and today using a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, in Iraq U.S. military forces used attack, fighter and bomber aircraft today to conduct five airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, two strikes, south of Ayn al Arab destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier, an ISIL vehicle and struck a small ISIL unit.

Two strikes east of Ayn al Arab destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL building, three artillery positions and struck a large ISIL unit.

Two strikes southeast of Dayr Az Zawr destroyed one ISIL tank and one ISIL vehicle.

One strike southwest of Ar Raqqah damaged Taqba Airfield.

One strike west of Ar Raqqah destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

One strike south of Al Hasakah destroyed an ISIL depot and logistics complex.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also participated in these strikes. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, two strikes northeast of Fallujah destroyed one ISIL vehicle and struck a small ISIL unit.

One strike south of Rabiyah struck a large ISIL unit.

One strike north of Hit destroyed two ISIL humvees.

One strike north of Ramadi destroyed an ISIL armored personnel carrier.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed attack, bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

CENTCOM for October 2, 2014 – October 3, 2014

Report Date

October 3, 2014

October 3rd – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Thursday and today using a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack aircraft today to conduct three airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, one strike south of Al Hasakah destroyed an ISIL garrison, while one strike southeast of Dayr Az Zawr destroyed two ISIL tanks.

Two strikes north of Ar Raqqah struck two modular oil refineries and an ISIL training camp, while another strike northeast of Aleppo struck an ISIL occupied building.

One strike against an ISIL artillery piece west of Ar Raqqah was not successful. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also participated in the Syria strikes. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, one strike north of Sinjar destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles, while two strikes northeast of Fallujah struck ISIL fighters.

Report Date

October 3, 2014

Report Summary

  • 9 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (250 – 252)
  • 6 in Syria (86 – 91)

Confirmed Actions

US, Saudi_arabia, UAE

October 3rd – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Thursday and today using a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces used attack aircraft today to conduct three airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, one strike south of Al Hasakah destroyed an ISIL garrison, while one strike southeast of Dayr Az Zawr destroyed two ISIL tanks.

Two strikes north of Ar Raqqah struck two modular oil refineries and an ISIL training camp, while another strike northeast of Aleppo struck an ISIL occupied building.

One strike against an ISIL artillery piece west of Ar Raqqah was not successful. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also participated in the Syria strikes. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, one strike north of Sinjar destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles, while two strikes northeast of Fallujah struck ISIL fighters.

French MoD for October 2, 2014 – October 3, 2014

Report Date

October 3, 2014


Reports that on Thursday, October 2, two Rafale aircraft carried out a new mission over Iraq in the Mosul area in favor of the Iraqi armed forces in their fight against the terrorist group Daesh. This was the first night flight mission conducted by French planes since the launch of the Chammal operation.

Opération Chammal : première mission aérienne de nuit

Ajouter aux favoris


Mise à jour : 03/10/2014 19:29

Le jeudi 2 octobre, deux avions Rafale ont effectué une nouvelle mission au-dessus de l’Irak, dans la région de Mossoul, au profit des forces armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daech. Il s’agissait de la première mission aérienne de nuit réalisée par les avions français depuis le lancement de l’opération Chammal.


Au cours de cette mission d’environ 7 heures, les chasseurs ont été ravitaillés en vol par un C135-FR de l’armée de l’air et un KC10 de l’US Air Forces.

Les fonctions de désignation laser et de reconnaissance longue distance du Pod d’acquisition d’objectifs multifonction Damoclès, confèrent aux Rafale des capacités de tir à guidage laser et de reconnaissance tactique de jour comme de nuit.

Durant cette mission, les Rafale sont restés en contact permanent avec le centre opérationnel aérien américain d’Al Udeid, au Qatar, chargé de la coordination des moyens engagés sur zone.


Plus tôt dans la journée, un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2(ATL2) a effectué une mission d’ISR (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) d’une durée de 10h dans la région nord-ouest de Bagdad. Au cours de ces vols ISR, l’ATL2 acquiert du renseignement sur les positions, les mouvements et les vulnérabilités du groupe terroriste Daech. Les renseignements obtenus sont ensuitepartagés avec nos alliés présents dans la région.

Conformément à la décision du Président de la République, le dispositif de l’opération Chammalsera renforcé dans les jours à venir par trois Rafale, une frégate anti-aérienne et des officiers qui seront insérés dans les états-majors de nos alliés.


Ce renfort vise à densifier le soutien aérien apporté aux forces irakiennes, en termes de renseignement et reconnaissance armée. Il permettra également de disposer d’un moyen naval capable de participer, en coordination avec nos alliés, au contrôle aérien de l’ensemble des moyens présents sur zone.

Lancée le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un soutien aérien aux forces armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daech.

Sources : EMA

Report Date

October 3, 2014


Reports that on Thursday, October 2, two Rafale aircraft carried out a new mission over Iraq in the Mosul area in favor of the Iraqi armed forces in their fight against the terrorist group Daesh. This was the first night flight mission conducted by French planes since the launch of the Chammal operation.

Opération Chammal : première mission aérienne de nuit

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Mise à jour : 03/10/2014 19:29

Le jeudi 2 octobre, deux avions Rafale ont effectué une nouvelle mission au-dessus de l’Irak, dans la région de Mossoul, au profit des forces armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daech. Il s’agissait de la première mission aérienne de nuit réalisée par les avions français depuis le lancement de l’opération Chammal.


Au cours de cette mission d’environ 7 heures, les chasseurs ont été ravitaillés en vol par un C135-FR de l’armée de l’air et un KC10 de l’US Air Forces.

Les fonctions de désignation laser et de reconnaissance longue distance du Pod d’acquisition d’objectifs multifonction Damoclès, confèrent aux Rafale des capacités de tir à guidage laser et de reconnaissance tactique de jour comme de nuit.

Durant cette mission, les Rafale sont restés en contact permanent avec le centre opérationnel aérien américain d’Al Udeid, au Qatar, chargé de la coordination des moyens engagés sur zone.


Plus tôt dans la journée, un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2(ATL2) a effectué une mission d’ISR (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) d’une durée de 10h dans la région nord-ouest de Bagdad. Au cours de ces vols ISR, l’ATL2 acquiert du renseignement sur les positions, les mouvements et les vulnérabilités du groupe terroriste Daech. Les renseignements obtenus sont ensuitepartagés avec nos alliés présents dans la région.

Conformément à la décision du Président de la République, le dispositif de l’opération Chammalsera renforcé dans les jours à venir par trois Rafale, une frégate anti-aérienne et des officiers qui seront insérés dans les états-majors de nos alliés.


Ce renfort vise à densifier le soutien aérien apporté aux forces irakiennes, en termes de renseignement et reconnaissance armée. Il permettra également de disposer d’un moyen naval capable de participer, en coordination avec nos alliés, au contrôle aérien de l’ensemble des moyens présents sur zone.

Lancée le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un soutien aérien aux forces armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daech.

Sources : EMA

CENTCOM for October 1, 2014 – October 2, 2014

Report Date

October 2, 2014

October 2nd – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Wednesday and today using a mix of fighter, attack, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military and partner nation forces used a mix of fighter, attack, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft Wednesday and today to conduct seven airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, one strike near Kobani destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

Another strike in Syria, north of Sinjar Mountain, damaged an ISIL tank.

One airstrike west of Raqqah destroyed an ISIL tank, while one strike east of Aleppo struck multiple ISIL facilities.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Arab Emirates also participated in these strikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, one strike northwest of Baghdad destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles and two other ISIL vehicles.

Two strikes northwest of Mosul destroyed an ISIL Humvee and damaged two others, destroyed three armed vehicles and damaged another, damaged another vehicle and damaged an ISIL building.

One strike east of Fallujah destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Two strikes west of Ramadi damaged an ISIL building and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, while one strike northeast of Sinjar destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Kingdom also participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

Report Date

October 2, 2014

Report Summary

  • 11 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (243 – 249)
  • 4 in Syria (82 – 85)

Confirmed Actions


October 2nd – U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Wednesday and today using a mix of fighter, attack, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military and partner nation forces used a mix of fighter, attack, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft Wednesday and today to conduct seven airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, one strike near Kobani destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

Another strike in Syria, north of Sinjar Mountain, damaged an ISIL tank.

One airstrike west of Raqqah destroyed an ISIL tank, while one strike east of Aleppo struck multiple ISIL facilities.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Arab Emirates also participated in these strikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, one strike northwest of Baghdad destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles and two other ISIL vehicles.

Two strikes northwest of Mosul destroyed an ISIL Humvee and damaged two others, destroyed three armed vehicles and damaged another, damaged another vehicle and damaged an ISIL building.

One strike east of Fallujah destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Two strikes west of Ramadi damaged an ISIL building and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, while one strike northeast of Sinjar destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Kingdom also participated in these airstrikes. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

UK MoD for October 1, 2014 – October 2, 2014

Report Date

October 2, 2014

October 1st – Royal Air Force Tornados have conducted further operations in support of Kurdish ground forces engaged in combat with ISIL in north west Iraq. Overnight, 2 GR4s provided vital air support to Peshmerga forces advancing on an ISIL position, conducting a successful precision attack on an armed pick-up truck with a Paveway IV guided bomb.

Report Date

October 2, 2014

October 1st – Royal Air Force Tornados have conducted further operations in support of Kurdish ground forces engaged in combat with ISIL in north west Iraq. Overnight, 2 GR4s provided vital air support to Peshmerga forces advancing on an ISIL position, conducting a successful precision attack on an armed pick-up truck with a Paveway IV guided bomb.

CENTCOM for September 30, 2014 – October 1, 2014

Report Date

October 1, 2014

October 1st – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Tuesday and today using a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct three airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces and a partner nation used a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft Tuesday and today to conduct five airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, three strikes near Kobani destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle, an ISIL artillery piece, and an ISIL tank. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, three strikes northwest of Mosul destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles, destroyed an ISIL occupied building, and struck two ISIL fighting positions.

One strike in the vicinity of Haditha Dam destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle while another strike northwest of Baghdad destroyed two armed vehicles.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Kingdom also participated in the Iraq airstrikes.

Report Date

October 1, 2014

Report Summary

  • 8 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (238 – 242)
  • 3 in Syria (79 – 81)

Confirmed Actions


October 1st – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Tuesday and today using a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct three airstrikes. Separately, U.S. military forces and a partner nation used a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft Tuesday and today to conduct five airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq.

In Syria, three strikes near Kobani destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle, an ISIL artillery piece, and an ISIL tank. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, three strikes northwest of Mosul destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles, destroyed an ISIL occupied building, and struck two ISIL fighting positions.

One strike in the vicinity of Haditha Dam destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle while another strike northwest of Baghdad destroyed two armed vehicles.

To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the United Kingdom also participated in the Iraq airstrikes.