Incident date
August 9, 2017
Etwiem, Nineveh, IraqAccording to multiple sources, member of Iraq’s parliament reported killed along with 3 of his family members followed an alleged Coalition strike. Abdul Rahman Ellewizi MP reported that his cousin was killed in a Coalition raid, also his wife, son and his daughter-in-law dead Hawas Al Gader also reported the deaths of Mr al-Nayef and his wife
Incident date
August 9, 2017
Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, SyriaOrient news and Smart news reported the death of as many as ten civilians and wounding of others in alleged Coalition airstrikes on Raqqa’s Tawasu’iya, Fardous, and Bedo neighbourhoods. Amnesty has since conducted field research in Raqqa and we understand that this figure might possibly be lower than first reported. There was, however, uncertainty over
Incident date
August 9, 2017
البجري, Al Barji and other areas, Raqqa, SyriaSummarising a 48 hour period, local sources said that 47 civilians were killed and 50 injured in alleged airstrikes on the city of Raqqa. Two of the eight sources specifically blamed the US-led Coalition for the civilian casualty incidents. Activists told Smart News that “the city had been hit by more than 43 airstrikes, in
Incident date
August 9, 2017
الرقة, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, SyriaEleven civilians were reported killed and “dozens” injured following alleged US-led Coalition attacks on the city of Raqqa – though these were general numbers for civilian casualties and there was the possibility that the figure could include other casualty events. Local sources described the event as an “aerial bombardment” in which the Coalition “launched raids
Incident date
August 9, 2017
شارع البريد, Al Bareed neighbourhood, Raqqa, SyriaMultiple local sources reported that four civilians were killed and five others wounded in alleged US-led Coalition airstrikes, in al Bareed neighbourhood, Raqqa. No additional details are presently known.
Incident date
August 9, 2017
بلدة الطيبة, Al Tayba, Deir Ezzor, SyriaTwo children were killed and many others wounded in strikes on al Tayba village, according to numerous local sources. At present it is unclear who was responsible for the incident; some sources have cited Russia and the regime, whilst others held the Coalition suspect. A Tweet by @palestinedam said that “the death of a child
Incident date
August 7, 2017
Road from Al Mayadin to Damascus, Homs, SyriaLocal sources reported the death of a young girl, Rawan Abdul Qader al-Wahid. She was said to be travelling between the cities of Mayadeen and Damascus when she died. At present the cause of death is unclear and sources are not attributing the event to airstrikes or to any specific actors.
Incident date
August 7, 2017
Hisham ibn Abdul Malik, Raqqa, SyriaTwenty two civilians including 15 women reportedly died and dozens wounded in alleged Coalition airstrikes behind al-Andalus bakery in the city of Al-Raqqa. There is – according to research done by Amnesty and Airwars – no precise location for the building. According to a tweet from @PalmyraRev1 it was mostly “women, children and the elderly”
Incident date
August 7, 2017
ﺍﻟﺪﺷﻴﺸﺔ, Al Dasheisha, Al Hassakah, SyriaMultiple local sources said that two people were killed in al Dasheisha village. The names of the dead were given as Khalil al-Khalaf al Hamoud and his wife. The name of the wife was not stated. It was alleged that the strike was carried out by the US-led coalition. The alliance itself publicly reported no
Incident date
August 7, 2017
الرقة, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, SyriaEighteen civilians were reported killed and thirty injured, according to local sources. It should be noted, however, that these are general numbers and may well encompass other casualty events on August 7th. Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently alleged that the US-led Coalition and the SDF militia were responsible for the attacks on neighbourhoods of Raqqa.
Incident date
August 7, 2017
مديرية الكهرب, Near the electricity directorate, Raqqa, SyriaTwo women from the same family, named as Ayesha Khaled Ibrahim Al Qaws and the wife of Ahmed Saghir Ibrahim Al Qaws, died in an alleged Coalition airstrike on Raqqa, according to multiple local sources. Palmyra Revolutionary Command Council informed Airwars that the women died in a strike on Raqqa’s Electricity Directorate.
Incident date
August 7, 2017
جميعة الأطباء, Jam’iyet al Atteba, Raqqa, SyriaTwo civilians were reported killed in alleged US-led Coalition strikes on Raqqa city. Sources stated that ‘artillery shelling’ was responsible. Airwars understands that only the Coalition has access to artillery at Raqqa. The Syrian Network for Human Rights gave moe details of the two medics slain: Dr Fouad Bashir al Ajili was born in 1955
Incident date
August 7, 2017
الحديقة البيضا, Al Hadika al Bayda, Raqqa, SyriaTwo civilians were reported killed in alleged Coalition strikes in the al Hadika al Baidaa area, Raqqa city. In a Facebook post by RBSS, the names of the victims were given as Abdul Wahab Al-Issa and his wife Nawal Al-Ibrahim Al-Ahmad. All sources point towards the Coalition carrying out an air or artillery strike. Airwars
Incident date
August 7, 2017
المستشفى الوطني, National hospital, Raqqa, SyriaReports claimed that ‘artillery shelling’ took place on At Watani hospital, Raqqa. The citizen journalist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently attributed the event to International Coalition Forces and the SDF, as did multiple other sources. According to a Facebook post from Al Hassaka Rasd the ambulance section of the hospital was “subjected to heavy
Incident date
August 7, 2017
al Wadi street, Raqqa, SyriaOne civilian, Mr. Abed Mahal al-Attiyah, was named as killed by a mortar shell which reportedly fell on his as he left evening prayers at al Hamza mosque, according to local media. Airwars understands that the SDF are using mortars in Raqqa, therefore they can’t be ruled out as the culprit. Additionally, a report by
Incident date
August 7, 2017
الرقة, central, Raqqa, SyriaOne civilian male was killed in an alleged Coalition artillery strikes on Raqqa. Multiple sources described Mr Amiro as as a “judo coach and referee and head of the Technical Committee in Al Raqqa”. Al hassaka rasd, Alraqqa ahlna, @AlHasakalhadth blamed artillery for his death. Airwars understands that only the Coalition is using artillery in
Incident date
August 7, 2017
الرقة, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, SyriaMultiple local sources reported that Baraa Abdullah al-Haddad and his son were killed in an “airstrike”. No further details are currently available.
Incident date
August 6, 2017
البوليل, Al Bouliyal, Deir Ezzor, SyriaOne civilian male died in an airstrike on al Boulial, however, there was uncertainty regarding the date of his death. On August 9th, Euphrates Post reported “a resident of the town of Al-Boulial, died of wounds he sustained as a result of airstrikes on the water crossing in the town several days ago.” Mohsen and
Incident date
August 6, 2017
الشرقاط, Al Shirkat, Salah Al Din, IraqAccording to Yaqein report, 170 people including both ISIS fighters and civilians were killed as a result of airstrikes carried out by the Iraqi Air Force and possibly the Coalition. Al Yaqein also reported that a large number of civilian houses had been hit in strikes on al-Shirkat. Alsumaria, citing a security source said that an
Incident date
August 6, 2017
شارع الوادي, Al Wadi street, Raqqa, SyriaOne male civilian died in an alleged Coalition artillery strike on Raqqa’s Al Wadi street, according to local media. Al hassaka Rasd, Al Raqqa Truth and other sources said he died in artillery shelling of Al Wadi street. Airwars understands that only the Coalition has access to artillery in Raqqa. In April 2019 the Coalition
Incident date
August 6, 2017
بلدة الكشكية, Kashkiyah, Deir Ezzor, SyriaOver one hundred child soldiers were killed in an alleged US-led Coalition strike on a training camp of the so-called Islamic State organisation, according to multiple sources. A report by Euphrates Post said, “The coalition warplanes attacked an [ISIS] camp in the town of al-Kashkiya in al-Sha’atiyat district, on the house of Rahim al Thalaj
Incident date
August 6, 2017
دوار البكرة, Al Mayadin, al Bakra roundabout, Deir Ezzor, SyriaOne civilian girl was reported killed after air strikes during the night, near Ali Bin Abi Taleb mosque in Deir Ezzor. At present there is a single allegation in a Smart report against the US-led Coalition, though this is contested in a Facebook post by Free Deir Ezzor which attributed the strikes to “Russian criminal
Incident date
August 6, 2017
الرقة, Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, SyriaOne civilian died in an air or artillery or mortar strike in Raqqa, according to local media – though it was unclear who was to blame. However, Sharqiya Voice, Al Hadath News Agency and Syrian Press Center said that Shihab al-Din Zidan al-Azzawi died as a result of mortar shelling. Airwars understands that the SDF
Incident date
August 5, 2017
الفدغمي, Al Fadaghmi, Al Hassakah, SyriaLocal media reported that alleged Coalition airstrikes caused widespread destruction of civilian homes and schools in al Fadaghmi village, though there was no information about civilian casualties. According to Arabyoum, “local sources said that Coalition raids caused the destruction of the majority of houses in the village of al-Fidghmi. They targeted it with high-explosive missiles
Incident date
August 5, 2017
Ar Raqqah, Raqqa, SyriaAn adult male civilian was reported killed by multiple local sources. The cause of death was somewhat conflicted. Seven of the eleven sources attribute the attack to a landmine, whilst others cited the use of artillery. Airwars understands that only the US-led Coalition have access to artillery in Raqqa. In a post from Ar Raqqa
Incident date
August 5, 2017
السفارنة, Al-Safarna, Raqqa, SyriaAt least five civilians including two children and a woman died in an alleged Coalition airstrike on Raqqa’s Al-Safarna neighbourhood, according to local media. According to Zamanalwasl, “five civilians from one family, including two children and a woman, were killed as a result of a bombardment by the international coalition forces targeting al-Safarna neighborhood east
Incident date
August 4, 2017
ﻗﺮﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﺤﻤﺎﺩﻱ , Al Hammadi, Al Hassakah, SyriaTwo named children died in an alleged Coalition airstrike on a school in the village of al Hammadi in the al Shadadi countryside, according to local media. Multiple sources reported that the Haddaj Sharqi school was struck by the Coalition, killing two children.
Incident date
August 4, 2017
شارع النور, Al Noor street, Raqqa, SyriaOne female civilian was named as killed in a “bombardment” on Al Noor street, according to Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently. In December 2018, the Coalition announced that it had classed the event as non credible due to a lack of available evidence of civilian harm: “Aug. 4, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via Airwars report.
Incident date
August 4, 2017
منطقة المنجم, Al Munjem area, Al Tabani, Deir Ezzor, SyriaMultiple local sources reported that a minimum of four people were killed in an air raid in al Tabani. One report from Smart totalled the number of victims at seven. The majority of sources asserted that the strikes were carried out by Russian forces, or as reported by Step news agency, ‘#russian-owned’ aircraft. According to
Incident date
August 4, 2017
منطقة جمعية المهندسين, Jamiat al Muhandissen area in Orme al Kubra, Aleppo, SyriaMultiple local sources reported the explosion of a car bomb in “the second village of engineers” killing members of Haiat Tahrir al Sham [formerly Al Qaeda/ Al Nusra] and up to four civilians, as well as wounding others. According to @Elghad , “The Syrian Observatory, based in Britain, said that a car bomb exploded near