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AFRICOM for October 23, 2022 – October 23, 2022

Report Date

October 23, 2022

In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted an airstrike against al-Shabaab terrorists who were attacking Somali National Army forces near Buulobarde, Somalia, about 218 km north-northwest of Mogadishu, on Oct. 23, 2022.

The command’s initial assessment is that the strike killed two attacking al-Shabaab terrorists and that no civilians were injured or killed.

U.S. Africa Command takes great measures to prevent civilian casualties. Protecting civilians remains a vital part of the command’s operations to promote a more secure and stable Africa.

Al-Shabaab is the largest and most kinetically active al-Qaeda network in the world and has proved both its will and capability to attack U.S. forces and threaten U.S. security interests. U.S. Africa Command, alongside its partners, continues to take action to prevent this malicious terrorist group from planning and conducting attacks on civilians.

Somalia remains key to the security environment in East Africa. U.S. Africa Command’s forces will continue training, advising, and equipping partner forces to give them the tools that they need to degrade al-Shabaab.

U.S. Africa Command will continue to assess the results of the operation and will provide additional information as appropriate. Specific details about the units involved and assets used will not be released in order to ensure operations security.

U.S. Africa Command, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, with partners, counters malign actors and transnational threats, responds to crises, and strengthens security forces in order to advance U.S. national interests and promote regional security, stability and prosperity.

UK MoD for October 10, 2022 – October 10, 2022

Report Date

October 10, 2022


Monday 10 October – a Reaper engaged a Daesh terrorist in northern Syria


Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to conduct armed reconnaissance patrols against Daesh terrorists.  On Monday 10 October, a Reaper remotely piloted aircraft, armed with Hellfire missiles, tracked and, when it was safe to do so without posing a risk to civilians, successfully engaged one such terrorist who was on a motorcycle in northern Syria, near Hamman At Turkumen.

AFRICOM for October 1, 2022 – October 1, 2022

Report Date

October 1, 2022

In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted an airstrike against the al-Shabaab militant network in Somalia on Oct. 1, 2022. The strike occurred near Jilib, about 370 kilometers southwest of Mogadishu.

The command’s initial assessment is that the strike killed an al-Shabaab leader and that no civilians were injured or killed.

U.S. Africa Command takes great measures to prevent civilian casualties. Protecting innocent civilians remains a vital part of the command’s operations to promote a more secure and stable Africa.

Al-Shabaab is the largest and most kinetically active al-Qaeda network in the world and has proved both its will and capability to attack U.S. forces and threaten U.S. security interests. U.S. Africa Command, alongside its partners, continues to take action to prevent this malicious terrorist group from planning and conducting attacks on civilians.

Somalia remains key to the security environment in East Africa. U.S. Africa Command’s forces will continue training, advising, and equipping partner forces to give them the tools that they need to degrade al-Shabaab.

U.S. Africa Command will continue to assess the results of the operation and will provide additional information as appropriate. Specific details about the units involved and assets used will not be released in order to ensure operations security.

U.S. Africa Command, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, with partners, counters malign actors and transnational threats, responds to crises, and strengthens security forces in order to advance U.S. national interests and promote regional security, stability and prosperity.

بالتنسيق مع الحكومة الفيدرالية الصومالية ، شنت القيادة الأمريكية لإفريقيا غارة جوية على مقاتلي شبكة الشباب اللارهابية في الصومال يوم 1 أكتوبر. ووقعت الضربة بالقرب من جيليب ، على بعد حوالي 370 ً كيلومترا جنوب غرب مقديشو. ُقتل أي مدنيين. ُصب أو ي التقدير الأولي للقيادة هو أن الغارة قتلت قياديا في حركة الشباب ولم ي تتخذ القيادة الأمريكية لإفريقيا تدابير كبيرة لمنع وقوع إصابات بين المدنيين. تظل حماية المدنيين الأبرياء ًا من عمليات القيادة لتعزيز لتعزيز الأمن والاستقرار إفريقيا. ً جزء في ا حيوي حركة الشباب هي أكبر شبكة تابعة للقاعدة وأكثرها ً نشاطا قتاليا في العالم وقد أثبتت إرادتها وقدرتها على ًا إلى مهاجمة القوات الأمريكية وتهديد المصالح الأمنية الأمريكية. تواصل القيادة الأمريكية لإفريقيا ، جنب جنب مع شركائها ، اتخاذ إجراءات لمنع هذه المجموعة الإرهابية الخبيثة من التخطيط لشن هجمات ضد المدنيين. يظل الصومال مفتاح البيئة الأمنية في شرق إفريقيا. ستواصل قوات القيادة الأمريكية لإفريقيا تدريب وتقديم المشورة وتجهيز القوات الشريكة لمنحهم الأدوات التي يحتاجونها لتقويض حركة الشباب. ستستمر القيادة الأمريكية لإفريقيا في تقييم نتائج العملية وستقدم معلومات إضافية حسب الاقتضاء. لن يتم الإفصاح عن تفاصيل محددة حول الوحدات المعنية والأصول المستخدمة من أجل ضمان أمن العمليات. ‐30‐  القيادة الأمريكية لأفريقيا ، ومقرها في شتوتغارت بألمانيا ، مع شركاء ، تقاوم الجهات الفاعلة الخبيثة والتهديدات العابرة للحدود وتستجيب للأزمات وتعزز قوات الأمن من أجل تعزيز المصالح الوطنية الأمريكية وتعزيز الأمن والاستقرار والازدهار الإقليمي

القيادة الأمريكية لأفريقيا ، ومقرها في شتوتغارت بألمانيا ، مع شركاء ، تقاوم الجهات الفاعلة الخبيثة والتهديدات العابرة للحدود وتستجيب للأزمات وتعزز قوات .الأمن من أجل تعزيز المصالح الوطنية للولايات المتحدة وتعزيز الأمن والاستقرار والازدهار الإقليمي

En coordination avec le Gouvernement fédéral de la Somalie, le Commandement des États-Unis pour l’Afrique a mené une frappe aérienne contre le réseau militant al-Shabaab en Somalie le 1er octobre. La frappe s’est produite près de Jilib, à environ 370 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Mogadiscio. L’évaluation initiale du commandement est que la frappe a tué un chef d’al-Shabaab et qu’aucun civil n’a été blessé ou tué. Le Commandement américain pour l’Afrique prend de grandes mesures pour éviter les pertes civiles. La protection des civils innocents reste un élément essentiel des opérations du commandement pour promouvoir une Afrique plus sûre et plus stable. Al-Shabaab est le réseau d’Al-Qaïda le plus vaste et le plus actif sur le plan cinétique au monde et a prouvé à la fois sa volonté et sa capacité à attaquer les forces américaines et à menacer les intérêts de sécurité des États-Unis. Le Commandement des États-Unis pour l’Afrique, aux côtés de ses partenaires, continue de prendre des mesures pour empêcher ce groupe terroriste malveillant de planifier et de mener des attaques contre des civils. La Somalie reste la clé de l’environnement sécuritaire en Afrique de l’Est. Les forces du Commandement américain pour l’Afrique continueront de former, de conseiller et d’équiper les forces partenaires pour leur donner les outils dont elles ont besoin pour dégrader al-Shabaab. Le Commandement des États-Unis pour l’Afrique continuera d’évaluer les résultats de l’opération et fournira des informations supplémentaires si nécessaire. Les détails spécifiques sur les unités impliquées et les actifs utilisés ne seront pas divulgués afin d’assurer la sécurité des opérations. -30- Le Commandement des États-Unis pour l’Afrique, dont le siège est à Stuttgart, en Allemagne, avec des partenaires, contrecarre les acteurs malveillants et les menaces transnationales, répond aux crises et renforce les forces de sécurité afin de faire progresser les intérêts nationaux des États-Unis et de promouvoir la sécurité, la stabilité et la prospérité régionales

AFRICOM for September 18, 2022 – September 18, 2022

Report Date

September 18, 2022

At the request of the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted an airstrike against al-Shabaab terrorists who were attacking Somali National Army forces near Buulobarde, Somalia, on Sept. 18, 2022.

The command’s initial assessment is that the strike killed 27 al-Shabaab terrorists and that no civilians were injured.  U.S. forces are authorized to conduct strikes in defense of designated partner forces.  The defensive strikes allowed the Somali National Army and African Union Transition Mission in Somalia forces to regain the initiative and continue the operation to disrupt al-Shabaab in the Hiraan region of central Somalia. This operation is the largest combined Somali and ATMIS offensive operation in five years.

U.S. Africa Command take great measures to prevent civilian casualties. These efforts contrast with the indiscriminate attacks that al-Shabaab regularly conducts against the civilian population.

Violent extremist organizations like al-Shabaab present long-term threats to Somali, regional and U.S. interests. The U.S. will continue to support Somali and ATMIS partners in defeating al-Shabaab terrorists who threaten the peace and stability of Somalia.

À la demande du Gouvernement fédéral de la Somalie, le commandement américaine pour l’Afrique a mené une frappe aérienne contre des terroristes d’al-Shabaab qui attaquaient les forces de l’Armée nationale somaliennes près de Buulobarde, en Somalie, le 18 septembre. L’évaluation initiale du commandement est que la frappe aérienne a tué 27 terroristes d’alShabaab et qu’aucun civil n’a été blessé. Les forces américaines sont autorisées à effectuer des frappes aériennes pour défendre les forces des partenaires désignées. Les frappes aériennes défensives ont permis à l’Armée nationale somaliennes aux forces de la Mission de transition de l’Union africaine en somalie (Atmis) de regagner l’initiative et de poursuivre l’opération pour perturber Al-Shabaab dans la région d’Hiraan, dans le centre de la Somalie. Cette opération est la plus grande opération offensive conjointe somalienne et d’Atmis en cinq ans. Le commandement américaine pour l’Afrique prend de grandes mesures pour prévenir les victimes civiles. Ces efforts contrastent avec les attaques aveugles que l’al-Shabaab mène régulièrement contre la population civile.

استجابة لطلب من الحكومة الفيدرالية الصومالية ، أجرت القيادة األمريكية إلفريقيا غارة جوية ضد إرهابيي حركة الشباب الذين كانوا يهاجمون قوات الجيش الوطني الصومالي بالقرب من بوولوباردي في الصومال ، في 18 سبتمبر. التقييم األولي للقيادة هو أن الغارة الجوية قتلت 27 إرهابيًا من حركة الشباب وأنه لم يُصب أي مدنيين. القوات األمريكية مخولة بإجراء ضربات دفا ًعا عن القوات الشريكة المعينة. سمحت الغارات الدفاعية للجيش الوطني الصومالي ولقوات المهمة االنتقالية لالتحاد األفريقي في الصومال )أتميس( باستعادة المبادرة ومواصلة العملية لتعطيل الشباب في منطقة هييران في وسط الصومال. هذه العملية هي أكبر عملية هجومية صومالية مشتركة في الخمس سنوات االخيرة. تتخذ القيادة األمريكية تدابير عظيمة لمنع سقوط ضحايا من المدنيين. تتناقض هذه الجهود مع الهجمات العشوائية التي تشنها حركة الشباب االرهابية بانتظام ضد السكان المدنيين. تُمثل المنظمات المتطرفة العنيفة مثل حركة الشباب تهديدات طويلة األمد للمصالح الصومالية واإلقليمية واألمريكية. ستواصل الواليات المتحدة دعم شركائها الصوماليين ومن )أتميس( في هزيمة إرهابيي الشاباب الذين يهددون سالم واستقرار الصومال.

CENTCOM for August 24, 2022 – August 25, 2022

Report Date

August 25, 2022

Aug. 25, 2022

Release Number 20220825-04


TAMPA, Fla. – Over the past 24 hours, in response to yesterday’s rocket attacks on Mission Support Site Conoco and Mission Support Site Green Village in northeast Syria, CENTCOM forces struck at Iran-affiliated militants in the area with AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, AC-130 gunships, and M777 artillery, resulting in four enemy fighters killed and seven enemy rocket launchers destroyed.

“We will respond appropriately and proportionally to attacks on our servicemembers,” said Michael “Erik” Kurilla, commander of US Central Command. “No group will strike at our troops with impunity. We will take all necessary measures to defend our people.”

CENTCOM for August 23, 2022 – August 23, 2022

Report Date

August 23, 2022

Statement Regarding Precision Strikes in Syria
Attributable to Colonel Joe Buccino, USCENTCOM Communication Director:

TAMPA, Fla. – “At President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces conducted precision airstrikes in Deir ez-Zor Syria today. These precision strikes are intended to defend and protect U.S. forces from attacks like the ones on August 15 against U.S. personnel by Iran-backed groups. The U.S. strikes targeted infrastructure facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

“Today’s strikes were necessary to protect and defend U.S. personnel. The United States took proportionate, deliberate action intended to limit the risk of escalation and minimize the risk of casualties.

“The President gave the direction for these strikes pursuant to his Article II authority to protect and defend U.S. personnel by disrupting or deterring attacks by Iran-backed groups.

“The United States does not seek conflict, but will continue to take necessary measures to protect and defend our people.

“U.S. forces remain in Syria to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS.”

CJTF–OIR for August 15, 2022 – August 15, 2022

Report Date

August 15, 2022

Aug. 15, 2022

Release No. 20220815-01


BAGHDAD-Operation Inherent Resolve forces, in coordination with our Maghaweir al-Thowra partners, responded to an attack by multiple unmanned aerial systems in the vicinity of Al-Tanf Garrison at approximately 6:30 a.m. Aug. 15, 2022.

Coalition Forces successfully engaged one UAS preventing its impact. A second UAS detonated within a MaT forces compound resulting in zero casualties or reported damage. The other attempted one-way UAS strikes were not successful.

Maj. Gen. John Brennan, the commander of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, condemned the hostile activity and called for an end to these harassing attacks.

“Such attacks put the lives of innocent Syrian civilians at risk and undermine the significant efforts by our Partner Forces to maintain the lasting defeat of ISIS,” Brennan said. “Coalition personnel retain the right to self-defense, and we will take appropriate measures to protect our forces.”

Report Date

August 15, 2022

Confirmed Actions


Aug. 15, 2022

Release No. 20220815-01


BAGHDAD-Operation Inherent Resolve forces, in coordination with our Maghaweir al-Thowra partners, responded to an attack by multiple unmanned aerial systems in the vicinity of Al-Tanf Garrison at approximately 6:30 a.m. Aug. 15, 2022.

Coalition Forces successfully engaged one UAS preventing its impact. A second UAS detonated within a MaT forces compound resulting in zero casualties or reported damage. The other attempted one-way UAS strikes were not successful.

Maj. Gen. John Brennan, the commander of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, condemned the hostile activity and called for an end to these harassing attacks.

“Such attacks put the lives of innocent Syrian civilians at risk and undermine the significant efforts by our Partner Forces to maintain the lasting defeat of ISIS,” Brennan said. “Coalition personnel retain the right to self-defense, and we will take appropriate measures to protect our forces.”

AFRICOM for August 14, 2022 – August 14, 2022

Report Date

August 14, 2022

In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted an airstrike against al-Shabaab terrorists that were actively attacking Somali National Army forces in a remote location near Teedaan, Somalia, on Aug. 14.

The command’s initial assessment is that the strikes killed 13 al-Shabaab terrorists and that no civilians were injured or killed. U.S. forces are authorized to conduct strikes in defense of designated partner forces.

The Federal Government of Somalia and U.S. Africa Command take great measures to prevent civilian casualties. These efforts contrast with the indiscriminate attacks that al-Shabaab regularly conducts against the civilian population.

The Federal Government of Somalia and the U.S. remain committed to fighting al-Shabaab to prevent the deaths of innocent civilians.

Violent extremist organizations like al-Shabaab present long-term threats to Somali, regional and U.S. interests.