Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident date

March 29, 2022

Incident Code



M03, Чугуївський район, M03, Chuhuiv district, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Two men were killed and five others, including a baby, were injured by a mine or unexploded ordinance on March 29, 2022 allegedly planted by Russian forces in Chuhuiv. The Kharkiv human rights group reported that two men were killed and five others, including a six month old baby, were injured when their cars hit


First published
March 29, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 men)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Planted explosives and unexploded ordnance (UXO)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Exact location (via Airwars)
View Incident

Incident date

March 28, 2022

Incident Code



Люботин, Liubotyn, Kharkiv, Ukraine

A man was killed and up to seven others, including two women, were injured in their homes by alleged Russian shelling and/or airstrikes on the town of Liubotyn on March 28, 2022. Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union reported that during a shelling of the town of Liubotyn one person was killed, seven others were injured,


First published
March 28, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 28, 2022

Incident Code



Національний аерокосмічний університет, National Aerospace University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

A man was injured while walking around the National Aerospace University in Kharkiv on March 28, 2022. Khai news posted on Telegram that during a shelling of the National Aerospace University, the arena building and DMS-3 were damaged (glass was damaged in some rooms) and a man who was walking near the buildings was injured.


First published
March 28, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Exact location (via Airwars)
View Incident

Incident date

March 27, 2022

Incident Code



на автодорозі між с. Шевелівка та с. Гусарівка, Highway between Shevelivka and Husarivka, Kharkiv, Ukraine

A family of three civilians, a woman, a man, and a 3-year-old child, were reported killed on March 27th, 2022 in the Izyum district of Kharkiv as the result of an alleged Russian shelling. The press service of the Kharkiv regional prosecutor’s office reported via Telegram that the family was found dead in a Honda


First published
March 27, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Artillery, Ground operation
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child1 woman1 man)
Causes of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions, Small arms and light weapons
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 27, 2022

Incident Code



с. Оскіл, Ізюмський район, Oskil, Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Seven civilians including two minors were reported killed and five, including a 4-year-old child, were reported injured after alleged Russian shelling of the village of Oskil of the Izyum district in Kharkiv on March 27th, 2022. A family of four, including a seven-year-old boy, were among those killed, after a rocket “hit one of the


First published
March 27, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 children)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 26, 2022

Incident Code



Барвінкове, Barvinkove, Kharkiv, Ukraine

At approximately 11am on March 26th 2022, Russian forces reportedly shelled the town of Barvinkove in the Izyum district of Kharkiv, resulting in the deaths of at least four Ukrainian soldiers and one civilian, as well as causing a fire in a secondary school. Multiple Ukrainian news sources, and a number of posts on Telegram


First published
March 26, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Suspected target
Ukrainian Military
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident

Incident date

March 25, 2022

Incident Code



Міська лікарня №1, City Hospital No.1, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On March 25th 2022 at approximately 7:45am, Russian forces reportedly shelled the Osnovyansk district of Kharkiv, Ukraine, killing between four and five civilians and injuring three more. The shelling involved artillery fire on residential buildings and a city clinic dispensing humanitarian aid, with some sources referring to it as medical aid, damaging civilian’s houses and


First published
March 25, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Humanitarian aid distribution
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
4 – 5
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Exact location (via Airwars)
View Incident

Incident date

March 25, 2022

Incident Code



Дергачі, Dergachi, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On the night of March 25th 2022, one civilian was killed and up to three injured following a Russian drone and shelling attack in Dergachi. Dergachi House of Culture, a local government building, a hospital, several private houses, and a gas line were damaged leaving part of the city without heating. All local sources reported


First published
March 25, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Artillery, Drone Strike
Civilian infrastructure
Gas facility, Healthcare facility
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 24, 2022

Incident Code



вул. Академіка Павлова, 120, “Нова Пошта”, “Nova Poshta,” 120 Akademika Pavlova Street, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On March 24th, Russian troops allegedly launched shells from the Black Sea, striking a residential area in Kharkiv, killing six people and wounding at least another 15. According to 24 Channel News, Russian forces fired upon a civilian area in which already exhausted civilians had gathered for humanitarian aid. Tweets from various users, including @eoin_mc_Sweeney


First published
March 24, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Naval bombardment
Civilian infrastructure
Humanitarian aid distribution
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Exact location (via Airwars)
View Incident


March 2022

Written by

Airwars Syria team

Since the beginning of Russia’s military intervention in Syria in 2015, Airwars has tracked, documented and preserved every local allegation of civilian harm resulting from Russian actions – over 4,000 individual incidents from 61,915 unique sources.

We have collected 11,181 names of civilians reported killed, and identified 1,383 family members killed in the same incidents. In total, our archive indicates that by March 2022, as many as 24,743 civilians had been locally-alleged killed by Russian actions in Syria, and another 43,124 injured. To date Russia has yet to publicly accept responsibility for the death of a single civilian during the campaign.

Russian and Syrian regime pilots often fly the same Russian airframes, use the same munitions and tactics, and also fly joint patrols. For this reason, local communities can find it extremely challenging to attribute civilian harm directly to one party or another.

In those events where only Russia is implicated Airwars believes the likely civilian fatality toll to be between 4,300 and 6,400. Between 10,000 and 17,100 further deaths are alleged from contested events – where Russia is only one of the belligerents blamed for an attack, primarily alongside the regime.

This briefing focuses on Russia’s engagement in Syria in order to help civil society, journalists, researchers and humanitarian practitioners understand patterns of civilian harm resulting from Russian actions, which can also help inform understanding of Moscow’s ongoing attacks in Ukraine. Airwars continues to document recorded civilian harm resulting from the actions of all other foreign belligerents in Syria – such as Turkish military engagement and US led coalition activities.

Our findings on Russia in Syria present aggregated results from our newly updated civilian harm archive. Each incident of civilian harm presents a unique data point but we encourage all those engaging with these findings to also review our open access archive, where each incident can be reviewed in its entirety: click here.

While we consider all events in our archive as active – meaning they will be updated as new information comes to light – the data presented here reflects can be considered up to date as of March 24th 2022.

More details on our methodology and casualty counting standards can be found here.

Scale of civilian harm

Russia first intervened directly in Syria in September 2015, five years into the country’s civil war, in support of the Syrian regime. In the first three years of the conflict, more than 45,000 airstrikes were declared by Russian forces. While the initial alliance between Russian and the Syrian regime declared they were targeting the Islamic State, the two actors have increasingly focused on clearing rebel-held areas – with the final rebel stronghold in Idlib appearing to be Russian’s primary target today.

Over the course of Russian involvement in the conflict, overall up to 24,743 civilians have been locally alleged killed by Russian actions; including those incidents with contested attribution to the Syrian regime. This includes up to 5,318 children, 2,953 women and 4,208 men where the gender and ages of victims are known.

Our data includes all allegations where one or more local sources pointed to Russian forces as being responsible for civilian casualties – including those events where additional sources blamed the Syrian regime (or in a small number of events, other actors such as the US-led Coalition or Turkey). In total these contested incidents account for 60% of the civilian fatalities linked to Moscow’s actions in Syria in our archive. Until Russia and the Syrian regime are transparent about their actions in Syria, it is highly likely that we will not be able to identify the specific perpetrator of each contested event. That said, the likelihood that civilians were harmed in such attacks is often high.

Each data point represents the number of alleged civilian fatalities in a single civilian harm incident.

Civilians have been reported killed by Russian forces in both large-scale civilian harm incidents and more consistently in smaller-scale harm events that are rarely covered by international media. Most civilian harm incidents involve allegations where between one and 10 civilians are reported killed, although several mass casualty incidents have also been attributed to Russian actions.

As widely documented by conflict monitors, civilian casualties are more likely to occur when actors target populated areas, especially when using explosive weapons with wide area effects. Airwars data shows that there are at least 299 civilian harm incidents in Syria where local sources have alleged that ‘vacuum’ missiles have been used by Russian forces: a particularly deadly explosive that can suck the oxygen from the air and cause a blast wave so massive it can destroy even reinforced infrastructure. These incidents account for up to 1,480 alleged civilian fatalities.

Location of incidents referencing use of vacuum missiles during the Battle of Aleppo – 2016.

In the campaign to capture Aleppo in 2016, Russian forces were alleged to have used these weapons 23 times on the densely populated city, according to Airwars monitoring of hyperlocal sources.

While vacuum missiles are not banned under international law, their deliberate use on civilian neighbourhoods is prohibited. Russian forces have also been accused of using prohibited ‘cluster’ bombs – munitions that have a large and inaccurate blast radius, and are likely to cause significant harm beyond the intended target.

In 567 civilian harm incidents recorded in the Airwars archive, local sources reported that cluster munitions have been used – accounting for up to 3,640 civilian deaths, and 7,040 civilian injuries.

Civilian targets – attacks on residential neighbourhoods and civilian infrastructure

Within the first three months of Russian attacks in Syria in late 2015, Airwars found that local reports of civilian harm were already indicating a clear trend of systematic attacks on civilian neighbourhoods and vital infrastructure.

Local communities and civil society organisations, such as the Syrian Network for Human Rights, have continued to report on and document this major trend. On February 27th 2022, less than a week after Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, local activists described “massive destruction” on a marketplace in the town of Afes in Idlib province; up to two people were killed and another four injured in the action attributed both to Russian forces and the Syrian regime.

This is one of 204 unique incidents in the Airwars archive where Russian forces were locally blamed for civilian harm in an attack on a marketplace; in total these incidents account for up to 3,051 civilian fatalities.

While it is not unusual for belligerents monitored by Airwars to harm civilians in attacks which strike marketplaces, our data indicates that Russian forces are likely to do so at a far higher rate than most. Our monitoring of alleged civilian harm resulting from US-led Coalition actions in Syria, for example, finds that despite similarly intensive campaigns conducted predominantly by airstrikes, US-led Coalition actions led to claimed civilian harm events in marketplaces on forty occasions. Of those events, Airwars presently assesses that 23 incidents did likely result from Coalition bombings. The alliance itself has also publicly conceded civilian deaths and injuries in six of those marketplace attacks – a clear contrast with Moscow’s ongoing refusal to concede any harm from its seven-year campaign.

Russian forces in Syria, along with the Syrian regime, have also been accused of repeatedly attacking medical facilities, hospitals, and clinics throughout Syria with explosive munitions. Overall, our research identified 229 incidents where civilian harm reportedly occurred in medical facilities following alleged Russian and/or Syrian regime actions. In many incidents, local sources reported “total destruction” of facilities – without any possibility of reconstruction.

#حلبطيران النظام و روسيا يدمر مشفى بغداد في قرية عويجل بشكل كامل بعد قصفه بصاروخين ارتجاجيين وهو المشفى الثالث الذي يتم تدميره خلال يومين

— شدا الحرية (@tv_shada) November 15, 2016

Other civilian spaces have also been hit during Russia’s campaign; in at least 180 civilian harm incidents recorded by Airwars, fatalities and injuries occured in schools. Educational facilities have frequently been the site of reported Russian incidents, including universities, where at least two attacks struck campuses, including the University of Ebla. On January 21st 2018, one civilian was reported to have been killed when Russian “heavy aerial bombardment” struck the university. On the same day there were 15 additional raids on the area which further damaged the University buildings.

Local reporting also reveals at least 53 cases where civilians were reported killed by Russian strikes on factories and water sanitation stations. In 2016 alone, eight attacks on factories and twelve attacks on water stations were reported; most of these were part of a major regime-led campaign to gain control of Aleppo city. In one incident on September 23rd 2016, up to 250,000 people in eastern Aleppo were reported to have temporarily lost access to water completely, when an air raid on the neighbourhood of Bab al Nayrab hit a water pumping station.

As Russian forces and their Syrian regime allies have closed in on the final rebel-held enclave in Idlib, critical civilian infrastructure continues to come under attack. From September 2021 until January of this year, civilian harm incidents have been reported resulting from attacks on poultry farms at least twice a month. Overall, despite the lower tempo of the conflict in 2021, it was also the year that saw the most attacks on farming facilities.

“Oh God, by the size of the beauty of your paradise, show me the beauty of the next in my life and fulfil for me what I wish, and comfort my heart.” – Jude Yasser Shara’s, aged 21, last Facebook post minutes before artillery shelling killed her in Idlib City on September 7th 2021. Jude was reported to have recently gradauated from an undergraduate degree in Psychology and was he head of Al Seraj al Munir Kindergarten (Image shared via Idlib Media Centre).

Targeting humanitarian response

In 12 cases identified in our datasets, civilians were harmed in incidents where Russia was accused of targeting humanitarian response efforts – often in conjunction with the Syrian regime.

In four incidents, local sources reported civilian harm after attacks on food convoys. In the first of these cases, on November 25th 2015, eight civilians were reported killed, including a child, when Russian planes hit a series of trucks close to the Turkish border. Russia accepted responsibility for the attack, but did not accept responsibility for the civilian casualties – and denied that the trucks were part of a humanitarian convoy.

Potential implications of Russia’s actions in Syria for Ukraine

Airwars has actively monitored, assessed and preserved all community-reported civilian harm claims from Russian actions in Syria since September 2015 – resulting in a major public database that presently runs to 650,000 words.

Our detailed findings are clear. Civilian harm from Russia’s actions in Syria has been both extensive and continuous. Civilian neighbourhoods are routinely targeted by both air and artillery strikes, often with no suggestion of the presence of armed rebels. Marketplaces, hospitals, schools, critical infrastructure, and first responders, are also routinely struck. Indeed the frequency of such attacks compared to those of other actors in Syria, leads Airwars to conclude that Russia deliberately and routinely targets both civilians and civilian infrastructure, as part of a broader strategy to drive civilians from rebel-held areas.

Many of the profoundly concerning and potentially unlawful Russian actions in Syria – which Airwars and others have extensively documented – are now reportedly being witnessed at scale across Ukraine, with multiple towns and cities under direct attack. Indeed, with the addition of tens of thousands of Russian ground forces and weapon systems never deployed in Syria – such as guided missile strikes and MRLS salvoes – the potential exists for far greater civilian harm in Ukraine than that extensively documented for Syria.

Moscow’s extensive ongoing attacks on urban centres – where millions of Ukrainians remain trapped – is particularly concerning. According to United Nations monitors, the great majority of civilian deaths and injuries result from the use of wide area effect explosive weapons on urban areas. Upcoming UN-brokered talks in Geneva to restrict the urban use of such weapons offer a clear opportunity for other nations to distance themselves from Russia’s outrageous actions.

▲ Locals trying to rescue injured civilians from the rubble not long after aerial and missile bombardments in Douma and nearby locations around Damascus, reportedly killing between 42 and 70 civilians on Sepember 13th 2015. (Image via SNN)

Incident date

March 23, 2022

Incident Code



بلدتي معارة النعسان و كفرنوران, between Maaret Al Nassan and Kafar Nuran, Idlib, Syria

At least two civilians, farmers, were injured in alleged Russian or Syrian regime shelling between the towns of Maarat Al-Naasan and Kafr Nuran on March 23, 2022. The Syrian Civil Defense reported that two farmers were injured in artillery shelling by Syrian regime and Russian forces on agricultural fields between the towns of Maarat Al-Naasan and Kafr


First published
March 23, 2022
Last updated
March 30, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Syrian Regime
Suspected target
Al Qaeda/HTS
View Incident

Incident date

March 22, 2022

Incident Code



Лозова, Lozova, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On Tuesday March 22nd 2022, one civilian was reportedly killed and up to nine others injured by an alleged Russian missile strike in the city of Lozova, in the region of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine. Suspilne Kharkiv telegram channel monitored the accounts of injuries to civilians from two, to four, to finally eight. Most sources,


First published
March 22, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 21, 2022

Incident Code



вул. Дружби Народів 263, 263 Druzhby Narodiv St, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Alleged Russian shelling in the Saltivka district of Kharkiv on the night of March 21st 2022 saw one man injured when a projectile hit the yard of a house. Civilians transported the man to hospital via civilian transport. This incident occurred on the third night of a spree of shelling incidents across Kharkiv. The Kharkiv


First published
March 21, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Nearby landmark
View Incident

Incident date

March 20, 2022

Incident Code



ХТЗ, KhTZ, Kharkiv, Ukraine

At least one civilian, a man, reportedly died as a result of the shelling of residential areas of KhTZ in Kharkiv on March 20th, 2022. According to the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, the civilian lived on the fifth floor of a five-story building and was allegedly killed when a projectile hit the building’s roof.


First published
March 20, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 20, 2022

Incident Code



Харків, Kharkiv, Ukraine

In the afternoon on March 20 2022, one civilian was reportedly injured by alleged Russian shelling of a green corridor being used by a humanitarian convoy in Kharkiv. According to local sources, small arms and artillery fire damaged a car moving along the humanitarian corridor and injured the driver. On the night of 19 March


First published
March 20, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Humanitarian evacuation
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 19, 2022

Incident Code



Індустріальний район, Industrial District, Kharkiv, Ukraine

At least five civilians, including a boy, an elderly woman, and a man, were reported killed in the Industrial District after alleged Russian night shelling of Kharkiv from March 19th to March 20th, 2022. The five civilians, identified as residents of the Industrial District by Kharkiv Today, were reported “killed by shelling” according to Vyacheslav


First published
March 20, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child1 woman1 man)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 20, 2022

Incident Code



Харьковская исправительная колония (№43), Kharkiv Correctional Colony (No. 43), Kharkiv, Ukraine

On March 20th, 2022, an alleged Russian artillery shelling hit a penitentiary building and neighboring residential buildings, killing one civilian inside the prison, in the town of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine. Sources unanimously account for one convict being hit by shrapnel in the lower back and died later in the hospital, with the Kharkiv Human


First published
March 20, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Nearby landmark
View Incident

Incident date

March 19, 2022

Incident Code



Ізюм, Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On March 19th, 2022 during a clash between Ukrainian and Russian forces, Russian shelling allegedly resulted in the death of five civilians, including a woman, in Izium. According to several news outlets, five local residents were killed in Izium. detailed the killing of five civilians, according to Oleg Synegubov, head of the Kharkov Military-Civilian


First published
March 19, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 woman)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 19, 2022

Incident Code



ХТЗ, KhTZ, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On the evening of Saturday March 19th 2022, shelling by alleged Russian forces hit the Industrial District of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine, killing two civilians including a 9-year-old child. Almost every source accounts for two civilians being killed, except for H_saltovka Telegram channel reporting five. However, every other source reported the victims as a 9-year-child


First published
March 19, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child1 man)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 18, 2022

Incident Code



Пісочин, Pisochyn, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On March 18 2022, one person was injured when 10 residential buildings in Pisochyn, Kharkiv were hit by suspected Russian shelling which also burnt a car and damaged several others, according to local sources. Oleg Chornobai, the Head of the Pisochyn community announced the incident via Facebook, also stating that one person was injured in


First published
March 18, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Power Station
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
View Incident

Incident date

March 18, 2022

Incident Code



північна Салтівка, Saltivka, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On March 18th 2022, alleged Russian bombardment struck the Saltivka area within Kharkiv. The initial reports described a Russian shell striking a residential building, killing one resident. A wide array of news organizations and social media users reported that Russian shells struck a residential building, killing an elderly man in his apartment. offered the


First published
March 18, 2022
Last updated
June 19, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 man)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

March 18, 2022

Incident Code



Харківський регіональний інститут державного управління, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On the morning of Friday March 18th 2022, a missile strike by alleged Russian shelling hit an educational building and two neighboring residential buildings, killing one civilian and injuring at least 11, in the town of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine. Sources unanimously account for one civilian being killed, with ACLED Dataset reporting that it was


First published
March 18, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Nearby landmark
View Incident

Incident date

March 17, 2022

Incident Code



Козача Лопань, Kozacha Lopan, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Between four and six civilians, including an elderly woman, were killed and at least two others, including a child, were wounded by alleged Russian or Ukrainian shelling of Kozacha Lopan in Kharkiv on March 17, 2022. The head of the Dergachev community Vyacheslav Zadorenko announced on Facebook that Russian forces used cluster bombs and “as


First published
March 17, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
4 – 6
(1 woman)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
Russian Military, Ukrainian Military
Exact location (via Airwars)
View Incident

Incident date

March 17, 2022

Incident Code



Мерефа, Merefa, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On March 17th, alleged Russian bombardment struck the village of Merefa, wounding up to 26 people and killing up to 23 others. Sources were conflicted as to whether those killed were members of the Ukrainian military or civilians. Susplilne Media described a Russian “artillery” attack upon Merefa. Twitter user @tincazzi posted pictures of the remains


First published
March 17, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
0 – 26
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Belligerents reported killed
Belligerents reported injured
View Incident

Incident date

March 17, 2022

Incident Code



Рынок Барабашова, Barabashovo market complex, Kharkiv, Ukraine

On March 17 2022, shortly before 14:00, a missile allegedly fired by a Russia BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher system hit Barabashovo market on Akademika Pavlova Street in Kharkiv, killing one rescue worker and injuring another rescue worker and a woman. One Telegram channel with a clear pro-Russian stance source accused the Ukrainian military of intentionally


First published
March 17, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Named victims
1 named
Nearby landmark
View Incident

Incident date

March 17, 2022

Incident Code



Золочів, Zolochiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Alleged Russian shelling attacks on the village of Zolochiv in Kharkiv killed a woman and wounded two others, including a child, on March 17, 2022. The village of Zolochiv endured heavy shelling, allegedly from Russian forces on March 17th. In the midst of the bombing, a 44 year old mother covered her four year daughter.


First published
March 17, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Gas facility, Power Station
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 woman)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

Incident date

March 16, 2022

Incident Code



проспект Тракторобудівників, 55 б, 55B Traktorobudivnykiv Avenue, Kharkiv, Ukraine

One civilian, a woman, was killed by alleged Russian shelling of Saltivka, Kharkiv on March 16 2022. Multiple sources posted a video of an explosion in Saltivka. A Bellingcat comment mentions that the explosion occurred next to an ice hockey rink, and next to a burning vehicle appears to be a fatality. Truexa News mentions


First published
March 16, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Single source claim
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 woman)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Exact location (via Airwars)
View Incident

Incident date

March 16, 2022

Incident Code



Новосалтівський будівельний ринок, Novosaltivsʹkyy Budivelʹnyy market, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Between two to three civilians were reportedly killed and at least five others, including three rescuers, were injured by alleged Russian shelling of a market on Heroiv Pratsi St in Kharkiv on March 16, 2022. Suspilne News reported that three people were killed and five people were injured when a fire caused by Russian shelling


First published
March 16, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
2 – 3
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Exact location (via Airwars)
View Incident

Incident date

March 16, 2022

Incident Code



школа №35, School №35, Kharkiv, Ukraine

One civilian was wounded by alleged Russian shelling of school no. 35 on Lymanskyi Lane in Kharkiv on March 16, 2022. reported that at 3am Russian shelling hit a three-story part of a school, destroying an area of 800 square meters and injuring one civilian. The same source reported that later the same day,


First published
March 16, 2022
Last updated
May 17, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian infrastructure
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Exact location (via Airwars)
View Incident

Incident date

March 16, 2022

Incident Code



معارة النعسان, Miznaz, Maarat Al-Naasan, Idlib, Syria

Mustafa Haidar, aged 11, was injured while grazing sheep, when a Russian or Syrian regime forces shell hit him on March 16th 2022, in the town of Miznaz, on the outskirts of Maarat al-Naasan, in the northeastern countryside of Idlib. The Syrian Civil Defense said that they inspected the site that was bombed and made


First published
March 16, 2022
Last updated
March 31, 2022
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
Russian Military
Named victims
1 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident