Incident date
June 11, 2016
قباسين, Qabasin, Aleppo, SyriaBetween six and ten civilians died and dozens more were injured in alleged Russian airstrikes on Qabasin, according to local media. According to the Shaam News Network, “Activists said Russian warplanes targeted a popular market crowded with civilians in the city of Qabasin, north of Al Bab city in the eastern Aleppo countryside, leaving six
Incident date
June 11, 2016
كلجبرين, Kaljibrin, Aleppo, SyriaOne child died and other civilians were injured in an airstrike on Kaljibrin, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted as to whether this was the work of Russia or the Syrian regime. However, according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, the regime was responsible. They didn’t list any fatalities, but they
Incident date
June 11, 2016
حي الكلاسة, Al Kalassa (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaTwo civilians including one child were killed and other civilians were injured in an alleged Russian airstrike on Al Kalassa, according to local sources. LCCSY and Qasioun were among sources blaming Russia for the death of a child. According to Baladi, two civilians died and four were wounded – it also attributed the incident to Moscow. Other
Incident date
June 11, 2016
حور, Hor, Aleppo, SyriaOne girl died and many others were injured in an alleged Russian airstrike on Hor. The Shaam News Network blamed Russia, but provided no further details. According to Pressbshalmoon, a “little girl” died and “many others” were injured in a Russian raid. A number of other sources also said a child died, but didn’t identify the culprit.
Incident date
June 11, 2016
الحيدرية, Haydariya (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaBetween one and six civilians died in either an airstrike on artillery bombardment on Haydariya, according to local sources – though it was unclear from reports whether Russia or the Syrian regime was responsible. Reporting on the deaths of civilians in Aleppo from “Russian aircraft and Assad’s helicopters“, the Shaam News Network said that “shelling
Incident date
June 11, 2016
أورم الكبرى, Urma al Kubra, Aleppo, SyriaBetween three and eight non-combatants including two children, a woman and a member of the White Helmets died and dozens more were injured in raids on Orm al Kubra, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted as to whether this was the work of Russia or the Syrian regime. LCCSY reported that four civilians including
Incident date
June 11, 2016
عينجارة, Anjara, Aleppo, SyriaTwo children were killed in airstrikes on Anjara, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted and confused as to whether this was the work of Russia or the Syrian Regime. LCCSY initially reported that the strikes were Russian, killing two children and wounding other civilians when homes were targeted with cluster bombs. However,
Incident date
June 10, 2016
جعيدين, Jaideen, Raqqa, SyriaMultiple sources reported that one woman and three children were killed in an alleged Russian or Syrian regime airstrike on Jaideen. The Shaam News Network said that “Russian raids targeted the town of Jai’deen leading to the death of four martyrs – a woman and three of her children”. However, the Syrian Network for Human Rights
Incident date
June 10, 2016
عندان, Anadan, Aleppo, SyriaTwo civilians died and eight more were injured airstrikes on Anadan, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted as to whether Russia or the Syrian regime were responsible. The Shaam News Network reported that “Russian warplanes carried out several air strikes with cluster bombs” on Anadan, killing two civilians and wounding another eight
Incident date
June 10, 2016
حريتان, Hraytan, Aleppo, SyriaUp to four civilians including one woman and one child died in an airstrike on Hraytan, according to local sources – though it’s unclear form reports whether Russia or the Syrian regime were responsible. LCCSY, pointed towards Russia, saying that one civilian died as a result of “shelling by vacuum missiles and cluster bombs“. A later
Incident date
June 10, 2016
Castello Road, Aleppo, SyriaFour or five civilians died in an airstrike on Castello road, according to local sources – though it’s unclear rom reports whether Russia or the Syrian regime were responsible. A report by LCCSY said that five civilians died in an alleged Russian airstrike. But Almokhtasar, Syrianpc and LCCSY were among other sources who blamed the regime. RadioAlkul said that the regime carried
Incident date
June 9, 2016
حي الجزماتي, Al Jazmati (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaThree civilians including a child and a woman died and dozens more were injured when non-combatants’ homes were struck by airstrikes in the Al Jazamati neighborhood of Aleppo, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted or unclear as to whether this was the work of Russia or the Syrian regime. LCCSY blamed Russian strikes
Incident date
June 9, 2016
حي السكري, Sukkari (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaAccording to LCCSY and Alamwai, one child and an elderly man were killed in an alleged Russian airstrike on the Sukkari neighborhood in Aleppo.
Incident date
June 9, 2016
حريتان, Hraytan, Aleppo, SyriaTwo or three civilians including one child were killed in an airstrike on Hraytan, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted as to whether this was the work of Russia or the Syrian regime. The Syrian Network for Human Rights said that “suspected Russian warplanes” had fired missiles on the city, leading to
Incident date
June 8, 2016
حي المرجة, Marjah (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaUp to six civilians including two women and two children died and dozens more were injured in raids on the Marja neighborhood of Aleppo, according to local sources – though it is unclear whether Russia or the Syrian regime were responsible. The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported that four civilians including two women died
Incident date
June 8, 2016
كفر حمرة, Kafr Hamra, Aleppo, SyriaSeven civilians including two children died in airstrikes on Kafr Hamra, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted as to whether this was an attack by Russia or regime forces. LCCSY reported that Russian strikes had killed four civilians, with one “infant body” being dug out from the rubble – though a second
Incident date
June 8, 2016
حي الصالحين, Salheen (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaThree civilians including one woman died and six others were injured in an airstrike on Salheen, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted as to whether this was an attack by Russia or the Syrian regime. According to an initial report by LCCSY, three civilians including a woman were killed and several others injured in Russian
Incident date
June 8, 2016
حي الشعار, Al Bayan hospital, Al Shia'ar (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaBetween eight and 18 civilians died and dozens more were injured when strikes hit the Al Shia’ar neighborhood in Aleppo, including Al Bayan hospital – with doctors, patients and members of the White Helmets among the casualties. The incident looks to have been carried out by the Syrian regime – with the majority of the
Incident date
June 7, 2016
الموحسن, Muhassan, Deir Ezzor, SyriaFive civilians including two or three women and one child died in an alleged Russian airstrike on Muhassan, according to local sources. Deir Ezzor is Being Slaughtered Silently named two female victims and alleged “they were killed in Russian Raids”. Gulfeyes named two additional victims (though did not identify the warplanes responsible). Additionally, LCCSY reported on June 11th that
Incident date
June 7, 2016
دارة عزة, Darat Izza, Aleppo, SyriaThe Violations Documentation Center, reported one girl killed in an alleged Russian airstrikes on Darat Izza. All4Syria and A_siba also blamed Russia, though the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights did not identify the culprit.
Incident date
June 7, 2016
ياقد العدس, Yaqid al Adas, Aleppo, SyriaOne civilian was killed and several others injured when Russian warplanes struck Yaqid al Adas with cluster bombs, according to local sources. LCCSY, Syrianpc and Baladi were among sources blaming Russia. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that warplanes carried out raids on Yaqid al Adas, but did not provide any further details.
Incident date
June 7, 2016
مَعَرَّة النُّعْمَان, Maarat al Numan, Idlib, SyriaTwo civilians – a child and a woman – died in an airstrike on Maarat al Numan, according to local sources – though reports are conflicted as to whether this was the work of Russia or the Syrian regime. LCCSY said that one civilian died and several others were wounded in a suspected Russian strike.
Incident date
June 7, 2016
حريتان, Hraytan, Aleppo, SyriaLocal sources said that two civilians died in an airstrike on Hraytan – though reports are conflicted as to whether this was the work of Russia or the Syrian regime. The White Helmets published a video and image of them extinguishing a fire in a “civilian car” which they said had been caused by “helicopters
Incident date
June 7, 2016
ﺣﻠﺐ, Aleppo, SyriaSeveral civilians died in alleged Russian strikes on various locations across Aleppo during the second day of Ramadan, according to local sources. The Shaam News Network reported that Russian warplanes and regime helicopters “launched air raids using phosphorous and cluster bombs and explosive barrels on the cities of Huraytan and anadan and towns of Hayan
Incident date
June 6, 2016
ذيبان, Ziban, Deir Ezzor, SyriaOn June 8th, a single source, Deir Ezzor is Being Slaughtered Silently, reported that a civilian died from wounds sustained in an alleged Russian strike a few days previously. No further details are currently available.
Incident date
June 6, 2016
كفر حمرة, Kafr Hamra, Aleppo, SyriaFour civilians died in an airstrike on Kafr Hamra, according to local sources – though reports were conflicted as to whether Russia or the Syrian regime were to blame. The Shaam News Network, reported that 21 civilians died in Aleppo “in the first day of Ramadan in regime and Russian bombing“. It put the death
Incident date
June 6, 2016
كفر حلب, Kafr Halab, Aleppo, SyriaFive civilians died in an airstrike on Kafr Halab, according to local sources – though it was unclear from reports whether this was the work of Russia or the Syrian regime. The Shaam News Network, reported that 21 civilians died in Aleppo “in the first day of Ramadan in regime and Russian bombing“. It put
Incident date
June 6, 2016
دوار جسر الحج, Jisr al Haj roundabout (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaThe Shaam News Network, reported that 21 civilians died in Aleppo “in the first day of Ramadan in regime and Russian bombing“. It put the death toll in Jisr al Haj at three civilians – though it did not say whether the Syrian regime or Russia were responsible. Smart and Shahba Press also attributed the
Incident date
June 6, 2016
حي المرجة, Marjah (Aleppo), Aleppo, SyriaBetween two and four civilians died in an airstrike on the Marja neighborhood of Aleppo, according to local sources – though reports are conflicted as to whether this was the work of Russia or the regime. According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, “suspected Russian warplanes” killed four civilians when they fired missiles on the
Incident date
June 6, 2016
السخنة, As Sukhnah, Homs, SyriaFive children died in airstrikes on Asl Sukhnah, according to two local sources. The Shaam News Network reported that “warplanes believed to be Russian” struck civilians homes killing five individuals, most of them children in dawn raids. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Russian strikes killed five children, three of whom were siblings.